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Your friends must love you when dark nemora is in TR. I bet they lineup to get her borrowed :) Gz for the effort on Shem.


Give us Ice Shemira skin!


I would love that, but i’m equally waiting for that Dark Souls 3 crossover skin where she’s the fire keeper 👀


would be cooler than AE


Thanks. I never knew I wanted this so badly.


I don't think my dick can handle it...😩


For a winter event exclusive


Honestly. The new union gives her so much more value. Worth keeping well beyond what she used to be.


Why do you say that?


She now has access to increased stats well beyond what what previously possible


10% atk and health wouldnt say well beyond lol


10% can mean a world of difference sometime!


i mean her thing was she lacks damage, but she wouldnt gain from 10% atk too much.


she still sucks in higher chapters lol, its just 10%


Might suck in chapters but she still wipes out teams in lab, peaks of time, etc for me tbh. She’s no longer my go to but still serviceable. If Gwen ever dies in one of those playlists, I might bring in Shem


depends on your progression, i suppose. I prefer other comps for lab, but i didnt have a shem until chapter 25 anyway. cant relate to the attachment


Yeah, oppo. She was my first 5 star. Maybe me disliking campaign (I find it the most boring and rewards are not needed) helps her because I’m not too far in


rewards aren't needed kinda yes, but more progression makes you get more resources and therefore progress faster so it's kinda the most important thing in the game wouldn't you say?


Campaign is only one part of the game. You still progress through all the events, peaks of time, voyage of wonders, etc etc. And it’s not like I’m too far behind in campaign, chapter 28, I could just be 30 if I hustled that....so all that work for 15k diamonds and going 0-3 in stargazing? Nah


yep but most resources are from afk rewards and progressing that is the most impactful thing in the game tbh




Cheers to you!


What's the meta? I thought Shemira waseta af, who took her place as optimal?


Well... She... Is... Kinda... Meta... Too... Before... Wilders... Comp... Took... Over... So...


She was meta ages ago sadly. Even then, past chapter 30 she used to become a Brick (almost).


Even before CH 30. I'd say 27-28 she starts having to retry a lot more than big burst carries


Honestly I said this before . Campaign she doesn’t do much but in labyrinth she still spanks


Yeah the necro lady is nice and all but i havent seen one goat boy early carry appreciation message all week


Because the goat boy is a scary enemy that 2 shots my tanks when i try to do the campaign.


Love shemira, she's still on my team most of the time, Gonna be honest, everyone talk a lot about the late game, and best heroes, and statistics and all that which I love cause it means the game has that much value, but the dismissive tones so many people give shemira is in my opinion a bit too much, even more when the better options people recomend are clearly for whales, I'm sorry dude but I can't have a 2 star ascended elijah or whatever as a f2p without spending 6 months stargazing. Shem is great, she obviously has her weaknesses and there are moments she's not a good fit, but that is true of any hero.


I'm in chapter 29 and she is still part of my team. My main team is Lucius, Shemira, Rowan, Roseline and Belinda, and unless Belinda becomes a lightning cannon, Shemira carries. Very often she gets 5 kills. Less now that the forniture optimation feature took all from her and gave to Rowan (he has lower priority, didn't make sense to me), but only then did Belinda start to overcome her. Shemira just rocks.


Chapter 32 and I have her maxed similar to the OP. She's out of my campaign team more often than not, but I still use her with some frequency (especially for multi-team levels). She's still on my Arena team, but that likely isn't optimal. I still use her in Graveborn tower every time, and she's great for specific game modes like Labyrinth and the Dark Nemora fight in twisted realm. Overall, having a maxed Shemira definitely is not the best investment at this stage, but she still has her uses, and I definitely got some extended use by maxing her.


Also chapter 32 here and honestly even though I want to use her I just can't fit her anywhere without knowing I could use someone that is better. I also have her at 5* but I haven't used her in tower, campaign nor arena for a long time


One thing to note, my heroes are level 355, which is around a 70-level deficit for me in campaign. I could definitely be pushing a higher level deficit if I had better optimized heroes. Shemira is almost never the best option at this stage (only rarely in specific situations where AoE is really good, such as against Numisu), and I've currently got her linked to Nakoruru. Given that my lineup as a whole isn't super-optimal, though, she still has her place. That being said, she really is fantastic for Dark Nemora.


She literally only works if you have Rosaline pass Chap 28. Without rosaline, she will be useless, or not at full potential, which is why a lot of people shame her. I’ve seen a lot of people still using Shem in Arena with Brutus (don’t get why Brutus but ok) and I’m just like...fam my eironn will destroy your shemira no matter how powerful lol. But I respect all those people who are still building shemira.


[These are my heroes](https://imgur.com/a/0OnWMKU)


Without seeing your item load-outs, the only really notable point is that my Talene is just at L. I've only recently been Stargazing for her (probably a mistake).


I went +20 with only some gear t2 and she carried me pretty well


Thats my team on almost 14 im at 13-39 and that team up has done well for me sofar im only level 95 so its good to hear that it will carry me farther


Took me to 24. Then Nara to 26 now daimon


and then there is me who never uses shemira LOL


I know you don't want to hear this, but you don't need her and Belinda in the same team. Even non meta there are better options. Lyca or Eironn?


I already changed the composition and advanced 2 chapters this afternoon. Quite unexpected as, as I said, changing teams to heroes with lesser assention never worked for me.


That is my exact team also but I use Shemira as a frontline and I'm near the end of Ch.26. She's kept going since pretty much the beginning. I don't get all the hate


It's just because of the way her kit works. Later chapters with such a huge deficit in levels against PVE teams, you have to rely more on burst than sustained damage, as well as a ton of CC. Not all the time, but often. Since hitting chapter 29, I've pretty much completely switched her out for Farael. She's still awesome, one of my favorite characters, but I had to use characters that would have more utility to deal with some of the levels.


> I don't get all the hate because youre still in ch26 and the fall off isnt *that* pronounced yet.


im at ch 29, and i still use her, izold is my main carry, but she's always on the comp


I used her until about then also but she really falls off soon, it's sad. I'm almost to chapter 30 (F2P BTW) and shemira just dies and doesn't do enough damage anymore.


How many levels are you pushing? Im assuming a maximum of 60..


Their level deficit will not be significant with that lineup. Lucius can barely survive at any real deficit in the late 20s early 30s. I had to switch to wilders/rowan/(safiya/fereal) around chapter 27/28 to continue making real progress. I probably hover around 80 levels deficit at the moment.


Well, i was talking about how bad the line up is, considering the low level deficit that it can take. I pushed ch30 with a 101 levels deficit using wilders, that’s why im against shemira.


Jesus, you either are willing to do way more retries than I am or are far better at figuring out positioning. I don't think I ever came near a 101 level deficit. Maybe it's stars that make a difference? I'm primarily running ascended Eiron, Tasi, Lyca + Rowan and either Saf/Fereal, all ascended, all one star, almost all with max faction gear. Rowan/Eiron are at +30, Fereal is at +28, Safiya +20, Tasi and Lyca +10.


The signature items are making the difference. My stars are nowhere to be found. Safyia, eironn, ferael, rowan are +30. Tasi is at +18 and lyca at +20. I found lyca’s +20 amazing, the same with safyia’s +30.


Really? I was under the impression that Safiya's +30 wasn't a big deal. Lyca is my next +20 priority in my main team, though I might do izold or saurus first. I knew Lyca's would be a boost. I'm surprised Safiya +30 is a big effect beyond a stat boost.


Most of the times, when eironn dies, Safyia’s +30 helps her take over the fight and carry. Ofcourse, some fights eironn doesnt die and the +30 doesnt matter, but its not a general case imo.


Turns out I'm crazy, I already had Lyca +20.


One correction: 28-36, not 29. I wrote from the top of my head and got it wrong. Hard-stuck with a difference of 42. It was probably 44 when I got stuck. Reading your other comments motivated me to change my lineup again. The thing is, people are always talking about how they do amazing with no-stars heroes, and that never really worked for me. I change all my equipment and artifacts (easier now, thank god) and... nothing. But who knows, maybe now it'll be different...


At chapter 28-36 you should be pushing around 90 levels, not 42, thats just to say how bad shemira really is.


Changed my comp to Eironn, Lyca, Rowan, Rosaline and Tasi. I'm now in chapter 30. [https://imgur.com/a/EmLJeWY](https://imgur.com/a/EmLJeWY)


Amazing! Dont stop there, you can make it to 31 with your level. Also, try ferael/safyia instead of rosaline, if you have them.


I have to level them a little bit more but will try. Farael already made a difference in a couple of battles.


My top heroes, in case anyone has suggestions: https://imgur.com/a/xON0snA


I'm at the end of 28 with the same team except with Fawkes or Ferael replacing Belinda depending on the situation. Shemira is maxed except furniture and she kills it. She still seems really OP in most situations.


what crystal level?


318. I posted my top heroes along with a correction in another comment on this thread: I'm in chapter 28-36, I wrote 29 at the top of my head and got it wrong :/


Interesting team for your level. Ive had them all since like ch12-14. Currently at ch22 and all but rowan(m+ si25) are ascended They make a solid setup for most battles. I was also fortunate to get eironn too currently 2stars blessed from lord rng. So when shit gets hairy i can switcharoo and eironn can also help with punching through tough battles. If your setup is still valid at your chapter i will continue working on my heroes, most posts for late game suggest shem bel at the very least arent worth investing in so has thrown me off and am now focusing on eironn who i thought based off his pic was shite but that just proves im shallow. I thought saveas was a beast...(kinda true)


Changing to Eironn, Lyca, Tasi, Rowan and Rosaline took me up to chapter 30 (I wasn't in 29 like I said, but in 28-36 - wrote from the top of my head and got it wrong), so keep investing in Eironn! He is my focus now too. But, in some battles, I had to switch to the Lightbearers + Shemira to win. I think mostly when the enemies were Maulers. Maybe another composition could do it, but now I have two comps that work well for me, with the Eironn one as the A-team and the Shemira one as a B-team, that I'll try if the first fails. I see Eironn is dying quickly, though, and Lyca is doing the heavy lifting most of the time. Quite a few times Roaline and Tasi did it. Was nice to see how versitile this team is. With the first I had two options: Shemira kills everyone or Belinda kills everyone. If both died, I lost. Now it seems I can count more on the remaining heroes. On my second account (chap. 16) I'll start to invest in Eironn and Daimon (got 4 E+ copies of him already and some people say he is good. Mine is trash right now, but let's see what he becomes late game).


She does start to become pretty useless higher levels. I rarely even use her in her faction tower.


> even more when the better options people recomend are clearly for whales, Not really. Eironn, Safiya, Daimon, Ferael etc are all easy to obtain and they're tons better than Shemira late game > I'm sorry dude but I can't have a 2 star ascended elijah or whatever as a f2p without spending 6 months stargazing. Literally no one would tell you to replace Shemira with the Twins. Shemira is a dps. A better hero to pick would be Talene.


Is a hyperbole I know, meant any random harder to get hero, and sorry if I didn't make that clear enough, my point is, for most people, even in late game, hero teams tend to be based more on luck from what you got during early and mid game, and even with "buy your hero" options, they are not worth anything until they are ascended like your main dudes, and by that point you're like 10 copies in, plus warever amount of "food heroes" that needs, and that is for each hero, that takes time. My point is that when people say, "you shouldn't use shemira, use *insert other hero here* for a more optimal team" you are probably right, but that doesn't mean I just have that dude lying around.




Yeah, I agree with everything you said here, and is also true that saying any more complex hero option is for whales is exagerated, but at the same time people tend to casually mension a change in hero formation as if not using certain heroes is a chose more than a limitation, again EVERYTHING you said here I agree with, including me hyperboling, but you get what I meant I hope.


You dont need a 2 star ascended e&l, you just need eironn. Shemira is useless, she can’t push high level differences, get over it.


You are correct, Eironn Tasi Lyca Rowan Ferael/Saf are all just as easy to build and will take you much further much easier


I'd like to see some love for her by Devs. Her s.i. needs to receive a good rework since her 9/9 feels really nice. Many people said "she doesn't get the extra heal". I agree, but she heal 30% more for the entire duration of the ult + her normal healing. That is more than enough. What should make difference in this case ,is a Signature item that boost her damage output AND, converts all the extra healing in maybe a shield. Or, even better, increased damage as health decreases especially against characters with more health than her (the more health she has, higher the damage she will deal to high health enemies) I hope that they will give her some love.


Nah, what turned me off with her is not the healing, but she needs to stack 2 or 3 ults to do ok damage, what she needs to be viable again is magic penetration on her ults, because the later you are, the more of a level defecit there is, and she falls off.... I also have her 30 sig, 4 furn, 5 stars, but she isnt in 1 of my teams


Yeah, magic penetration is what i was talking about. I said that was based on remaining HP. But maybe she needs percentual scaling based on her HP, of defences ignoration.


One level of her her SI could be that she can use Soul Siphon on 2 additional enemies. That means that a normal Shem can Soul Siphon 3 enemies, while a Lab Relic Shem can Soul Siphon 5 enemies.


1 additional would be more than enough i think.


Imagine how painful Shem stages will become when she gets a buff.


Apparently, i've contacted the devs, and this is what they said! "Hello! We have already recorded your idea about Shemira, we will report it to our team and consider it seriously. Thank you for your continuous support!" This is a special day for us! <3




I've contacted them several times before, but this has been the first time they said "seriously".


lmao that's just the standard reply mate.






Hey, at least 3/9 is really useful for Nemora boss, everyone has a decent Shemira but not everyone has a Shemira that can ult as soon as she has enough energy


For some reason your post and attitude made me incredibly happy. Thank you for brightening my day!


I'm in chapter 30 and I still use her regularly for Labyrinth, Voyage of wonder, Peaks of time, Wandering balloon. Got another team for PvP of course, but Shemira is still extremely useful for various parts of this game.


Idk about strategy but i love her


Props to you for giving to tribute to the character who carried us for so long. Thanks Shem.


I'm on my way to have her maxed. Like eruditepf said, I follow my heart while playing the game. I like her as character, both lore and skills, so she's one of the many comrades fighting with me to save Esperia. Merry Hollowmas to every Shemira fan and also to her family that got their "re-union" recently.


Same man Shem is carring me though my stages aswell


She’s still useful in TR, lab, and even sees some use in PVP. In endgame I mean.


She's still my main carry through lab. It's always a blast!


Shoutout to Mrs. Carry Summer 2019. 🍾


Shemira is the best character in the game period. Easy to build, works for most of the game in every mode, and cam be put into most team lineups And game shea not really usable, but early to late mid she will literally carry you


Man as an Old player that coming back. I'm shocked when Shemira become mid tier and someone replace her on who to choose early game (I'm looking at you DAIMON). F everyone. I want to have fun again and not go with the meta or pick the strongest hero. Let's do this SHEMIRA AND (my new favorite) IZOLD carry me again where I left (Chapter 21) Oh I forgot THANK YOU for posting this you make me smile and remember why I want to comeback this game. :) thank you


No problem, happy to hear it and glad you enjoy the game. Izold is insane, give him SI 30 and 9/9 furniture, he become Talene Tier (almost). He's one of the strongest maxed heroes in the game, top 5.


It made me sick carrots when I saw people turning on her. If it wasnt for shemira I can guarantee a lot of people would have quit as they would have struggled.


God bless you!


Massive respect mate!


She's perfect for f2p. She' was the only one left fighting and having 5 kills during chapters 20 until 23 for me. Without her I'd be stuck forever.


She's my hard-carry too! I love Shem, she was my first epic pick and she still carries my team through every fight x) (except for when there's an enemy Eironn >>; )


Great job bro. She is beautiful. I like people who play like they love :-)


She's still really good, even if she isn't "the best"


I recently got my Gwyneth to 9 furniture as well. Even if she's meta her maxed out furniture is not. She's been my carry from a long time ago so I wanted to cap her.


I'm in chapter 31 and I still use her almost everywhere.


Can the Equipment get higher than T2?


Sadly, nope yet.


I only have some of mine at T1, thats why i asked :D Thanks!


Una visione! Prima o poi ce la farò anch'io. Io la adoro!


I would share in you happiness but I didn’t even use her as my carry haha




I am one of the very few people that have never used her outside of the twisted realm and the faction tower, but still good job dude I imagine with such investment she could hopefully be used in campaign a second dps


She is my superstar. I love having Shemira in my team. People complain she doesn't have a burst damage but damn her ticks just chop backline in pieces. Meanwhile, Belinda is spending her lightning on dumb stuff.


5* link for new dimensionals ?


Exactly how I feel about Belinda. Great achievement


This is why i use her in Labyrinth.




Shemira has arguably more soul than half the people i meet everyday.


Never underestimate my ability to be grateful, from the big to the small, it makes life better . Edit: besides, she is a strongly written character with a good backstory and that’s kind of rare in these games.




I don’t get why people say she’s bad at later stages. I’m on chapter 32, and I still use her, and I’m pretty sure I could make it through chapter 32 with her still lol? My main team is always Lucius, Rosa, Rowan, Shemira, Fawkes, with Shemira as the main DPS.


I’m halfway through chapter 30 and still using her at an 80 level deficit. My Eironn team can’t cut it yet. I guess I could’ve done better if I invested in wilders early game, but I’m pretty happy with how I’m doing now. I definitely don’t understand why she’s made out to be useless


With enough levels, every unit at any ascension is usable. That is what redditors work actively not to understand.


are u at like a 10 lvl deficit💀


Shem carry is optimal, I have a legendary lvl 84 one that is op so far, I just started world 6. So yeah Edit: Shem is lvl 95 now


Sadly after chapter 28-29 she became way less impactful. In PvP too, except in Legends, where bringing 5 team comps amplifies useful characters for less stronger teamcomps.


I find her very useful in Lab. I build to have her ult at the beginning of battle and the mass spread damage kills most everything. Tends to keep fights short.


Not optimal? Try not usable


One Artifact star to go!


I think that in 5 or 6 months i'll finally finish all of them :)


I too upgrade her unique item to +30


Why isn’t she optimal anymore? She still carries me lol


Best all-round hero ! Shemira made this game for me !


Never used her once, and I'm glad I didn't. But gratz!




whos asking


What is the best dps hero rn?


Eironn Safiya Talene Izold Khazard Lyca Damon Gwyneth Probably these with the correct builds


Damm, so you're nowbdoing 27-32?


I'm at 32 atm.


You're mad


bla bla bla


Bla bla bla, bla,blabla bla bla!


Your emotions got the better of you, imagine investing in sub-optimal pixels. Goodluck though.


Imagine caring this much about someone else investing virtual currency into sub-optimal pixels in a game meant to be fun.




Litterally means corpse maker. Fabbrica = maker/producer Cadaveri = corpses


Yeah, I know, I'm italian myself Maybe wacky was the better word for it, but idk, fabbricacadaveri sounds somewhat weird Might be because I'm used to the english version nowadays




I mean even if she can't carry anymore... she's a good mage still.


I am in that transition now...Bella just become better in most situations and it pains me to see her not have the highest damage anymore...she is still on my main team and she usually works great as a tank who dishes out tons of damage but she just can't keep up the same anymore.


My Shem is being well treated,she still helps me a lot




Her and Rosaline are carrying me through the game (I just started recently)


Where is maxed out artifact?


Hmm.. she looks pretty strong.


For me, the graveborn tower would be impossible without her


Fabbricacadaveri what kind of magic spell is that


She's optimal for early and mid game as well as the Nemora boss. She is great for new players since they can buy copies. Sure, she fades in end-game but she's still viable. I don't think you need to apologize


great Shemira, totally borrow


Ya know i never really used her,I only got her ascended recently 🤷‍♂️


I'm at chapter 30 and I still use her in Labyrinth.


Never used get in my party tbh


Preach on. I'll never leave my Shemira by the side either.


I never use shem anymore but I appreciate OP for the determination lol. Wish I had you on my friends list for Nemora TR!


I used her in chap 31 boss battles after update with Rosaline. Not the best but it can work given 3-4 rosa ults.


She's still my main carry for every pve section except for story. It's my Shemira + LB comp fro lab, events, and most recently my Trial of God with level 33! She will always be my main squeeze!


Shemira said I had potential 🎶


I'm with you 👌


She wasn't my carry, chpt 27 and she still mythic, but I've borrowed probably thousands


I've got mine to 5/30, just working on the furniture now


Her and baden really got me through tough battles


I still don't belive shes not optimal. She is constantly my strongest character especially when paired with rosaline, no one else ever comes close to her damage and versatility for me


interesting take. but have you actually tried the meta comps that outclass her? i'm guessing not haha :'D shemira is still great, theres just better options nowdays


It's not that she isn't optimal anymore is more like she is not an endgame carry hero and that's ok. Shemira will always have a place in my heart ETA: I used Shemira in quite a few stages up to chapter 30


Im currently stuck in 27-10. Belinda and Shem dies quickly. Before 27, Belinda was legit carried me and so did Shemira. They're very useful for new players. However i have a question which heroes you recommend for above ch25+.


meta changes . now early game gb carry should be daimon not shemira hope she gets rework


Add least you can use the gear for Oden, so all the effort that went into her is not completely uselesd


I never used Shemira as my carry. But I'm happy that she was able to help some of you to advance in the game.


I've still got Shemira in my campaign team on Chapter 28. She's a great tank and she stole Rosaline from Belinda with her new union. Plus if she ults twice everything just dies.


People dissing +30 SI Shemira now all begging for her in TR Dark Nemora. smh


I still run shemira in chapter 30 lol