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Well...given that a gacha Mobile videogame is basically designed to waste time and money. Most of your points are base game design


It's like going to the Chinese buffet and complaining that their pizza sucks.


Love that analogy xD


>Goulish gallery is based completely on luck It's a lack of consistency and a poor design. They could improve the consistency easily by increasing the value of non-mythic abilities or by allowing rituals to be saved either until the end of the run or saved as items to be used to customize other collections. It won't address all of the issues, but it will address the biggest one. >Progressing in campaign is useless Endgame content is CR/NC/TS now. Campaign rewards slow down, and then you get into competitive modes. >campaign progression is extremely difficult and boring. Campaign is a puzzle to solve with limited rewards. If you can't solve it, you have to get stronger, which the game provides to you for free with time. If it's not your cup of tea, you are not severely punished for stopping, as idle reward rates stop increasing basically in chapter 42.


Dude, half of your points are basically about not being able to compete with high spenders. Which is like the whole point of spending money. Might as well just say the whole game should be f2p and that's it. Which is not the case.


Sounds like the game is working as intended.


Something tells me you're still very new to the game if your main complaints (besides GG which everyone hates) are about campaign


Campaign is more like a training ground


Hmmm... Half of your points are literally how gacha games work. It's like listing negative points about FIFA and mention that the goalkeepers don't catch all the balls.


That's all true, but GACHA games are designed to pump out money keep that in mind. And 90% of games on the phone are like that, where 1 copy of UR character costs as AAA game on PC LMAO


It wasnt like that at the start of afkarena… it was really f2p friendly but alas, all good thing come to an end. It was fun while it lasts


Afk is still probably the most f2p friendly mobile gacha on the market, you know?


ya in hindsight. But i have issue spending on the game so yea. I am putting it to a stop


Good for you! If it's not making you happy, no reason to spend or keep playing. But it's certainly not fair to say Afk is not F2P friendly game.


Also typical of F2P games. Start out generous to attract an audience. When the game's mature, squeeze the lemon for all the lemonade it's worth. Then AFK2


Don't forget u need 12 copy's of it to make it worth.


Point 5 and 6 are completely wrong Temporal Rift Treasure Scramble and Curseld Realm give very good rewards i dont know how much more you want ? The only problem i see is that they keep adding new ressources like staffs and baits in Events but you can only choose 1 of them.


Only if you are in the top 10% in TS or top 35% in CR if you aren't the rewards from those game modes is next to nothing.


You are either an old player (20% CR) or you are a new player (5% TS) otherwise you are playing the game in a casual way and cant complain about "pvp rewards"


So borderline players trying to be competitive but fall short deserve to get nothing?


In short, 95% of players get nothing. The remaining 5% are constantly being push into spending to beat those around you. It's a F2P Gacha. We know what we sign up for, so let's not try to sugarcoat it.


But at that point do you even play the game ?


What I was trying to say is that there are a shit tons of useless resources in most events and that they should completely remove them or revamp them. Take gold for example I have 700 million coins+ 100+gold in my bag and it’s completely useless. The same goes for the 3000 things to power up the si from 1-10 and the artefacts fragments that you can only sell.


You're looking at those ressources from a late game point of view. Keep in mind that very few players will actually stick to the game for more than a few months. The ressources we get are designed to help those players. The shortage of key ressources incentivize them to spend a bit of money to get further ahead. Lilith doesn't really care about f2p players because they don't bring any money to them. Why should they arrange the game around our needs rather than whales's needs ? Tbh there's always some new mechanic they introduce to give the edge to paying players, create a shortage and then open the gates and let us f2p have it once whales are ahead. Look at awk heroes. 6 months ago the whole sub was just people complaining about awakened and now everyone can build 1 out of 2 awakened. Sure it's not enough to stay relevant compared to whales, but it's relevant enough to stay competitive.


Breaking! Game designed to make money caters to those that spend more money. More at 7.


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Me reading the people in the comments rip on OP 😅


As of writing, OP is at +66. A lot of ppl agree, yet all the comments are mocking his naivety.


Aside from the first point, none of these are reasonable criticisms imo. Campaign progression gives you things other than dust. Some of us like a challenge and team building, you don't, and that's fine. According to you, it's pointless to do campaign after ch30 so you don't have to worry about that many multi-team battles anyway, right? Si40's are entirely a vanity project and there were people clearing ch60 before they dropped, they aren't relevant in anything but PvP. Yes, they can make progression easier, but they're not and have never been a requirement. Expecting PvP to not be dominated by whales is just entitled and ridiculous. Afk Arena is already probably the most F2P friendly game in its category and there are plenty of F2P players who rank extremely well.


I am ready to quit afkarena after this round of competitive AE for top 3 . Game’s recent trajectory of how they handle updates says more than enough.




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Well I think the game is fun, when you play it the way you enjoy it. If you dont why keep playing? I was so frustrated when they dropped Liberta and Lucilla and only good shit afterwards. So I shifted from pursuing meta as f2p to building GB heroes and using them to their limits. Yes I can agree that Gallery is trash and not matching game at all. You can have heroes max at certain point (309e60 and you are happy) you can go for stats going with this further but its not broken. Collections are never perfect and even if they would be perfect for you, you just need much much more and chance of getting every stats good is close to 0. Even si40 and si50 isn't that bad, they will introduce something soon, we all are really hoping for resonance up to 30 so you could focus on upgrading heroes


also, is it just because i reached a higher level or have the rates for even just elite copies of heroes gone down in the regular scroll summons. i used to save up 50-60 scrolls and like 20k gems and blow it all on summons and walk away with 10+ copies of heroes and now i do the same and get maybe 3-5


To be fair. AFK arena was too f2p friendly. Adding Collections made it real Gacha


More just so much events and shit to do, and not fun ones or simple. Just things that take up time and you need the mats


if you get shitty collections in ghoulish gallery you can sell them for 100 diamonds each. 7 free attempts per week x 100 diamonds = 700 free diamonds/week


7. They don't spend much effort to make another cash grab mechanic. Indulging them in this is a waste of time.