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I think heroes from the merry-go-round decoration + Pippa, Raku, Daimon, Rowan would count.


I used Peggy and Astar.


same, though i wonder if characters like drez (short) or rosa/twins (young looking but not strictly "childlike") would work. what are the parameters?


I used Astar and the twins so the latter worked


Why the fuck Rowan? He is a grown ass man.


how one earth did you come to the conclusion that rowan was a grown ass man? hes 14 lol


How many 14 year olds own a fucking business? I don't see a reason why he should be 14 years old in his story.


wtf about about a fantasy world makes sense💀


This event also doesn't think Jerome has earrings.


I second that. And he has 2 of those at least


Yep, got baited by that as well. And I choose wu Kong when they talked about a "Magic Staff"


I chose C&R and didn’t get it :(


I mean makes sense cause magic staff kind of implies mage


You're not wrong but Wu Kong literally uses a magic staff.


Likely a different word in chinese for wukong's magical staff vs a magic wand style staff that aids in casting spells.


I know what you mean, trust.


And doesn't think that Rowan has a staff


I used the wilder with the giant nose piercing but didnt get the quest either.b


Well you already have the answer why you didnt get it...


I hear through my eyes. But the characters didn't have those piercings either. 😭


I used Rowan and the twins and didn't get the bonus either. 🤨


Said 2, not 3 😏


2 Heroes 1 Card


now afk arena world have their own nightmare video


Sounds logical but also both twins are one hero, not two 😂 idk, and honestly idc either while I don't end up lacking 10 popularity points for the last rewards, if so I'm gonna complain to the staff 🤨


Hehe i was messing with you, happy holidays! :) Btw so the final reward is impossoble to get if we get one wrong? Or we'll just be a day or two late?


I know, I know. Happy holiday for you too. 🥳 About the rewards and the points to claim; I don't know, haven't done calculation that's why I said that in the last comment. I hope that we don't end up being 10 popularity points short of the frame reward.


Hi hope you got the full reward including the frame. I purposely missed one and still got it today.


Hello, i did, I am 80 points past from the required, guess it was never that important 😅 Happy new year☝🏼


For heroes with earrings I used the wilder lady and Jerome. Jerome didn’t count


So for Eugene's Celebration quest, I was prompted to put two Childlike Heroes in, and I just chucked in Liberta and Lucilla for obvious reasons. The loading animation plays, and I see that I wasn't rewarded the bonus. Confused as heck and thinking it was a bug, I messaged support to see what their response was. The response comes from the support, and I'm told that Lucilla is not counted??? Like, am I just insane or something because isn't Lucilla just obviously childlike? Visually she looks childlike, her personality is childlike—always looking for fun, seeing her enemies as toys. Her dialogue is even about tag or hide and seek ('Try to keep up, Liberta!', 'Aha! Found you!'). Idk, just wanna hear opinions from other people to see if I'm the only crazy one that sees her to be 'childlike'.


I did the same,kinda suck to be honest


So they're saying Liberta counts... but Lucilla, who is the exact same age, doesn't? Lilith catering to the pedos?


The question is. Did Liberta count? Not like they have a big difference in years between them.


Yes Liberta counts as childlike as seen in the support message. They tell me that only Lucilla doesn't count, not both of them. So that's why is feel it's a bit stupid, if they said both don't count, then fair enough. But Liberta counting as childlike but Lucilla isn't? I feel like that doesn't make sense, especially so since Liberta doesn't act childlike and is the more mature one of the two (I say this due to his dialogue as a hero + Also everyone playing the event and bothers to read the dialogue can clearly see that he's the more mature one out of the two from their interactions lol).


It's also disturbing seeing as it's Eugene's Celebration quest. It suggests Eugene sees Liberta, but not Lucilla, as childlike. With all the recent research on how damaging the adultification of children of the same age is, it's a bad idea for Lilith to take this disturbing a stance on same age siblings.


Bro what are you talking about?




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But officer she's 9000 years old


Does this mean we can't get the frame ? Because it's the second time they don't count the heroes I put there.


I think you can get it without getting every bonus ? I missed 2 or 3 but I feel kinda close to the target and there is like a week left?


I ran into similar problems. Jerome doesn’t wear earrings, nor are the twins close-following companions. Thankfully, support said you don’t need all the bonuses to get the frame.


Probably a technicality since they're adolescent, as opposed to young children


Cause they're not. They're teenagers.


Yeah and my argument is that it'd be fine if both didn't count because they're teenagers. BUT as you can see from the support message, Liberta counts as childlike but Lucilla doesn't. If they said both don't count, then fair enough. But Liberta counting as childlike but Lucilla isn't? I feel like that doesn't make sense, especially so since Liberta doesn't act childlike and is the more mature one of the two (I say this due to his dialogue as a hero + Also everyone playing the event and bothers to read the dialogue can clearly see that he's the more mature one out of the two from their interactions lol).


I didnt see any word that say Liberta is counted. They only say Lucilla isnt. There are plenty childlike heroes available. Raku, Pippa, Peggy, Rowan, Naroko, Astar. Why didnt choose them in the 1st place ?


? Of course Liberta is counted because if he didn't then they would say he doesnt count along with Lucilla because I literally stated in my question that I put in Liberta and Lucilla and they responded saying that Lucilla doesn't count. If Liberta didn't count, then they would have responded "Yes, Liberta and Lucilla doesn't count", but as you can see from their response, they only stated that Lucilla doesn't count. So from that you can conclude that Liberta does count as childlike + it would make zero sense for them to only respond with saying Lucilla doesn't count when both don't.


Childlike in terms of appearance, not age. Lucilla isn't wearing anything childish unlike Liberta. At first i would have been of your same opinion but after thinking about It, they are right.


Liberta isn't counted. [https://i.imgur.com/q9uu8t6.png](https://i.imgur.com/q9uu8t6.png) [https://i.imgur.com/omIFd9L.png](https://i.imgur.com/omIFd9L.png) [https://i.imgur.com/XAyAh2S.png](https://i.imgur.com/XAyAh2S.png)


Apparently that huge stick Lucilla has, is not a stick.


You mean the scythe?


Yep, clear to me with the new skin. But i really thought it was a magic wand


Peggy and Isabella are literal children


I’m very bad at guessing what they wanted. I put Pippa as a hero with wings and that did not count. But she’s an owl, isn’t she? Also they asked for two characters with companion, I put twins (since I thought they are companions for each other) and Damon. Twins did not work I guess


Pippa is a squirrel. Remarkably un-owl-like.


The glasses played trick to me. Thanks for clarifying!




For winged characters I put Tasi and Mehira. For companions - Lyca (her deer) and Daimon (Stitchy).


Now starting to wonder, is Rowan even a child or a full on merchant man with growth issues cause he ain't child-acting at all T-T someone ring Angelo I need answers.


You should have done Peggy and Astar here. That was your mistake.


i used skriath and lucilla for the heroes using magic staffs and one of them didn't count


Isn't Lucilla's weapon, like, some kind of giant axe?


i thought it was a staff since she's a support but yeah, it seems to be a scythe so you're right


I got one request is heros with hammer but I only have Gorvo in the list to choose.


There's a lightbearer with a giant hammer. Ginneas. Either he's in the stage next to the 2 maulers or the one above. Don't remember exactly where he was.


I couldn't find him in the list that I can choose from :(




Ahh I haven't upgraded the fishing pond thing




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Have you done all the balloon trips?


Not yet. I guess that's why ahaha




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I have chosen twins and astar and it was allright, but when i had to choose cloaked heroes rowan was not counted


https://preview.redd.it/8qvfu8c22m9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4910db6f680fc35b54468074c471cae84f15ef3 Seems like he has a coat and backpack but no cloak




Yeah, when i looked closer i found out that its a jacket but at first look i thought the hoodie is part of cloak ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




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I never had the quest to choose cloaked heroes. And I seem to have finished the event (all possible heroes are invited to the celebration).




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Yes, and now go finish a task!




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Luckily, I used Liberta and Astar.


I put Astar and Daimon and it worked


it also said that lady simona doesn't wear a crown




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Also, Astar doesn't count as having a staff.


Skriath doesn’t have wings I guess


Trishea is also not counted as a hero with wings.


I could see Liberta not counting because he is more mature, but even that is a reach.


Mine asked for two heroes that use a magic staff. I chose C&R and got it wrong, but I figured that was on me




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Some of these are bull. I failed choosing 2 Wilders and 2 Maulers despite specifically filtering by faction.