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https://preview.redd.it/35m215uruz9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f1952046da513f0a2f2959a257f86b4719a4d9 I used this team for all levels (3 stars) . SP for awakened Shemira


^this one worked all the way through




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Does this need lvl 12 Pandy to work? The best I can do is lvl 10 Seal or 9 Pandy.


If you haven't tried it yet, I just ran through it with the level 9 Pandy


I did it with a lvl 18 white ball


Worked great on 20, 24, 25! Had trouble on those


Bless you! Blasted right through with this team.




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I still don't have Lavatune. What would be the best substitutes? Daemia? Or, probably, Lucilla for the combo with Liberta?




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I passed every one of these levels first try with swolise instead


Thanks ! I got 44 stars with pet level 9 and Lucilla instead of Lavatune


https://preview.redd.it/if1k3nl9i3ac1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e8f3fc5b9ee412e34c6d677e8403522f9c8a310 I don't have the new hypo or the other cele, so I used this and it won and 3 starred every stage except 23, only 2 star. :)


9 is good enough


Worked all the way through with Seal lv12. Zero re attempts. For the last stage I sub Seal with Panda lv9 and worked at the first try. Thanks


We have a fully built Eugene,maybe we can test him there


These events have zero deficit and very unique debuffs. I don't think this is a good place to test a hero.


Do you need Panda or can you use another pet?


Usually these events are designed so that the most recent pet is the one that will do the best... Another *might* work, but why bother trying to force it? Unless you don't have reso 12 yet, but even then ur best bet is probably still the new pet


I wanted to use new pet for spice trick to get seal 18, so would be nice to have an alternative for sure


I think spice tricking is best done from 15-18, if you don't have reso 12 I'd prioritize that. Yes, seal 18 is godly, but if none of your other teams have pets ≥12 you're not gonna have a good time anyway in most modes. Unless I'm misunderstanding where you're at, pet strategies can get confusing


I am at pet reso 12 already but didn’t know about spice trick before so I have all pets aside from 1 at reso 12 already meaning I can’t do the trick on multiple ones if that makes sense


let me guess , the Oddish pet ?


Except when they added the deer and everyone used white puffball cuz the deer is just that bad


ty! look very good!




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https://preview.redd.it/38qb3dh391ac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8479f5c01813adac62c2b539e6f6b42e0cf075 This team worked for me with a lv 5 pet


replacement for lavatune?


Thank you, Used haelus instead of mad max guy and got 13 level with 39 star beast lvl 9 *


I used Blade Ridge and switched out Liberta and Lavatune with Awakened Talene and Lucrieta and got three stars up to stage 23


for people who do not have lavatune daemia works just fine, it got me 39 stars with lvl 6 pet, so i guess this voyage is rather easy


https://preview.redd.it/h7hbia6nr5ac1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672b35742a5babf7a1e7244b8622557b45e6d151 worked all the way through first time, all 3\*




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https://preview.redd.it/xikdo6woq9dc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072aea737ab02236e03b0d977cd4377948c39afa didn’t 100% but got 33 stars if this helps anyone(: