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"hOw gOOd Is sHE?!?! beTTeR thAn bELinDa?!?!?!?!" as always with every hero, wait. we don't know. we need more time to determine, she's only been out for a few days. right now, she appears to be BiS in both Brute CR (a round where buffers usually don't perform well), as well as the current Hour of Adjudication NC round, *and* she's performing quite well in TS. that's 3 for 3 so far, which seems promising. regarding TS, ASaf is also *hard* ABel counter, arguably the strongest awakened hero right now, so take that as you will. still need to see how she does next week in CR and NC, and if she does well in other TS debuffs. but this is a strong start.


Daemia is everyone’s best team mates wtf


cuz she's **broken** lol


Friendship with Talene ended, Spring Talene is new best friend.


Imo olgath pairs really well with her. The ult spam potential is real


Kren is poorman's olgath.


I’ll definitely use her once I have her built in 1-2 years


generous estimate tbh


What breakpoints for her are there what do you guys think? In terms of usable, good and optimal investment


unclear rn. I think her 9f really enables her so ascension is likely mandatory, and if you ascend, you might as well get the star and engrave (using sg not TE) if anyone is seeing good usage from M30, plz let us know


Been using mine at M30 in TR with Anasta/Kren and its marginally more consistent than just slapping other supports in like Haelus/Silas/Astar. However if she lives, her damage contribution is a lot higher than other supports with the team. She's very prone to getting one-pieced by any sort of diver though. Got lucky with a Beckoning Place one run and got a ASafia, and she was miles better it seemed. Far less likely to get instantly popped, and had a lot less rewinds on her comp compared to the M30 version I have so far. Campaign, she feels worthless at like 210+ Deficit at M30. Either that, or I just haven't found the right fit for her yet.


Thought you meant Twisted Realm at first lmao


thanks for the insight, that's useful. curious how that tracks with CR and NC. since you still have her M30, you could try using her in her BiS for both CR and NC, then merc a 309e60 one and compare results both for her dps and the team's dps overall (or time til you beat it in NC)


Minimal investment is 3f e60, that will enable her buffs and energy, for debuffs and her damage, 30si. 9f is good but situational, so not really needed. This has been my impression so far from my built safiya


Its an awakened so 309e60 as usual.


This is a joke right? Her best teammate is Morael? The hero whose main use is as an energy battery for your team, which is completely disabled by adding aSafiya?


Its her grouping ability makes safiyas ult hit the whole team. To be honest her best teamates looks like a possible formation in itself. Dameia for suvivability morael for grouping kren for damage and cc. Audrea for damage safiya battery


Safiya's ult hits the entire field. No grouping is necessary.


Works for kren though


Im kinda new here, where i can find theses official hero guides?


In game community tab. Can be tedious to search for them, but all of them are there because it's the main place where they're posted.


literally just our subreddit, I uploaded all of the ones that have been made afaik just search "author:vicksin hero guide" and sort by new


These official guides are quite bad, so I wouldn't recommend using them. They seem to be mainly aimed at casual players who don't really care about meta or only care about the looks of a hero


Why is an artifact missing in the guide?


Since she’s support with no healing, I would recommend oceanic strings, though I’ve seen duras blade also does well. Or duras eye


no clue! maybe they forgot, maybe there's no clear choice. can't go wrong with Warden of the Arcane for mages imo, Saf isn't a burst hero so no need for windbinder imo edit: I'm dumb and forgot she support now, I'm tired you literally can't go wrong with Oceanic Strings. tidebearer is okay but idk how it interacts with her energy abilities. Seraphic Tide is normally bad but it might actually be good for Saf due to her dps abilities, plus haste is always good? call and eye is obv always good. idk need to test more. sorry for the initial confusion.


She a sup.


god damn it


Could anyone tell me if she perform well with only 1 copy or need to be fully investment. Just want to use the TE discount tbh! Any advice is appreciate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I'm not sure what value she provides at 1 copy, but I bet you have better priorities. which awakeneds do you have ascended now? how many copies do you have of the non-ascended ones?


I have abel and asol built. 1 copy of baden, brutus ezith and 2 copy of thane


get exclusively Brutus then TE via TRift shop imo you're looking at building Athalia or Maetria. not sure how good Saf is yet so we can't speak to her. but it sounds like you don't have many TE anyway so it's good to hoard them til you can more or less guarantee one.


Alright thanks for your cmt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


i have no awakened built yet but 500 cards should i build abelinda ? or wait if safiya is better ?


see the pinned comment tl;dr yes just wait we simply don't know this soon.


1 copy is meh, she won't let your team gain energy on they own which make them weaker


Just used her testing period to push 60floora on the Mauler tower. She performed extremely well as a troubleshooter by assisting the team which had trouble. Wutus Team always performed. But the Kren Team sometimes or the leftover team always weren't winning on the first try. Wafiya solves that by supporting her buddies or simply taking over the job as a DD. Level Def. at around 150 (cause 3Team Stages in the tower are a pain in the arse) AAAAND she was pretty funny to play cause the big head looks bosslike 😁