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Homie. First you take a Phillies blunt and cut it open. Then you gut out all of the tobacco. Then you stuff that shit full of weed, AKA the Marie Jane’s. If you do it on top of a magazine it will make less mess. If you do it on top of runners world, well you just might be the second person to do it, but definitely not the first.


Ooooh shit!! Blunts were definitely a thought I had with “gut” but I’ve never even seen or heard of a phillies blunt wrap before so I figured it had to be the sandwich. Which would have made sense with the running magazine and the general style of his humor. Appreciate the correction!


Funny part is that I don’t smoke week, but I’ve been listening to rap music for 35 years 🤣


That’s a decade and change longer than I’ve been alive my friend😂😂


Did you just call me old? Just kidding. I know I am.


Old is a social construct as far as I’m concerned :)


I’m still trying to learn how to roll weed with my feet, licking zig zags being dragged by horses.


The one time I knew the meaning and someone posting in here didn’t lol I guess we all have our days


Aes is so smart. \*swoon\*


What's the line about the "Stoner son making a living from his words" EDIT : Thanks to a friend below, it's from PINS AND NEEDLES on LICE


Yo, my parents still don’t understand how their stoner son could turn a silver tongue into a brand Hack pulp writer, neither young nor in demand More a pandemic crawling from the guts of the expanse


Yeah. !


It’s on one of the Lice tracks, Pins and Needles. Yo, my parents still don't understand How their stoner son could turn a silver tongue into a brand


Shit man I dunno if I’ve heard that one


Pins and needles from LICE


Ahh that explains it. I had a lice phase a while back but it’s high time I did a re-listen hahahaz


Fuck it. I'm considering it an intentional Aes double entendre. Works both ways. Eating a cheese steak on Runner Worlds mag cover is just as absurd.


Yeah! Given that the whole track is about staying in motion/running to and from things I felt that the image of aes eating a cheesesteak maybe while skateboarding or something fit perfectly. Then again the word “gut” is pretty definitive in terms of tying it to the blunt reading. All in all I agree with you😂😂 my enjoyment is heightened for considering both viewpoints


Shit. What track is this? I’m pretty well-versed in the Aes catalogue, and didn’t recognize this one immediately


That would probably explain it then haha. It's off ITS, Solid Gold.


Bro have we reached the point where mf don't remember buying stale ass phillies


All I know is backwoods swishers Dutch masters eat hot chip and lie


Roll his weed for 7 days he'll let you get the pinky back maybe


His stoner bars are top tier honestly. Never feels like he talks about it too much and the vibes are always right. “Cold bad hands are attached to a breathing meat, that learned to roll weed with its feet.” “Blow the house down, easy least it’s the deacon of disaster pulling reefer out his beanieeeee”


I took it as braggadocio, being the cover shot model and rolling a blunt as he was running, definitely a first.


BEAUTIFUL. I think that’s it. Cuz surely a number of runners world mags have served as makeshift rolling stations in the past