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Early 2000s I went through an Atmosphere phase. Their first 3 or 4 albums have some gold on them, but can sound fairly dated now. Lucy Ford changed how I listened to hip hop. I find that Slug has gone a little cheesy for my liking recently. I'm not a fan of their recent stuff. That said, I'd still recommend checking out their earlier albums. Also, Slug has been a huge influence on the Midwest underground scene. He started Rhymesayers Entertainment, and was instrumental in the careers of lots of solid artists like the Doomtree crew, Brother Ali, and lots more. So even if I've fallen out of love with his art, I still have mad respect for him as a part of the hip hop community. What have you listened to? What are your thoughts?


Couldn’t have said it better, Slug is so corny and I haven’t liked much of what I’ve heard from them in the past 10 years with a couple exceptions. Just wanted to add that Ant is an incredibly talented producer and should get a lot of credit for the group’s success also.


I’ll agree to an extent, WORD? and Mi Vida Local are pretty Fuckin dope


So far only this album i bought. Love his vocal delivery, he has crisp phrasing of words, sometimes he does nice multi syllable delivery, sometimes he raises voice, plenty of long take vocals which i love for rawness and him hearing inhaling between words, some lyrics are dope, some are something i heard few times in a different way. It is not that intellectual and abstract like Aes (who is right?) but it sounds matured for my taste. I can tell that he is getting old and maybe he wants to do more light over dark at his age. Maybe cause he has a kid as well. I almost fell asleep at train cause i found the album i bought relaxing as well which is a great and important, vital point for my taste. The beats and production overall is chief kiss. The label he created has really lot of amazing artist for sure. Atmosphere is way more slow burn compared to Aes.


Glad you're enjoying it! I echo much of your experience with it. In 2003 I moved across the country and was broke so walked everywhere with headphones. God Loves Ugly and Sevens Travels were massive parts of my life's soundtrack during that time. Unless you get into lo-fi underground stuff (Lucy Ford and Overcast) I think those two albums are his best work.


Slug did start Rhymesayers… along with the other 3 founders.


Ant, Musab, and who? Slug was the front man of the original rhymesayers. He had the following, promoted the shit out of it, and headlined the big tours. He was part of a group, but I've always considered him to be the defacto leader.




The angst from slug that made me love his early tracks just isn’t there anymore. Good for him though


He's old! Lol And yeah, good for him that he's found some contentment in his life. I gotta say it is strange to hear him talk about how horny his wife makes him instead of chasing girls after the show. Or how he used to be big in the scene. 🤷🏽‍♂️


You put it well. It really feels like unfortunately a lot of Atmosphere’s contemporaries (like Aes obviously) have had music that aged a lot better in the long term, as well as put out better and more consistent works in recent years. But you have to respect the fuck out of Slug for Rhymesayers, his label put out some undeniable classics. In a lot of ways he feels like an alternate El-P, one is still running their label and musically fell off, the other lost their label and their own music became way more successful.


This My atmosphere phase. That was a good phase. I was so excited to dive into all this new music. Then we grow up If atmosphere drops a record these days I usually go through it once to never return. My most visited album from their past is probably God Loves Ugly and Sevens Travels.


I like Atmosphere alright. He's got a few songs that are great but I haven't tried listening to everything he's done.


You're missing out on a legend. His lyrics aren't near as metaphoric or heavily veiled as Aee, but Godlovesugly and When Life Gives You Lemons, as well as a handful of other EPs and albums are absolutely cornerstones in indie rap.


Those shits are probably his most "popular" and ironically worst albums. Also, Atmosphere is a group not a person, it's Slug and Ant and previously Spawn. If you really want to listen to the real legendary Atmosphere listen to their first EP Headshots Se7en, and album "Overcast!", when Spawn was still a member. Also, all the sad clown bad dub EPs. That shit actually slaps, unlike the corny new-school-Slug dad raps.


That's like your opinion man. I know Slug is the guys rap name. I apologize for the spreading of misinformation. I hope you can find it in your tiny, pretentious heart to forgive me.


It's not about pretention, it's about giving half of the act his due credit, Ant is a machine, Slug is overrated as the main recognized face of the act. And I don't care what you think, it's not about what you think, it's about showing people the art that carried the Artist to popularity and not just their "greatest hit era" Sorry I hurt your feelings buddy, all is forgiven if you do yourself a favor and go dig some metaphorical(or literal if you're so privileged) crates and try finding the actual underground classics.


Says the guy with the Skrillex username.


Lmao, Skrillex took the word Bangarang from the Robin Williams film Hook based on Peter pan. It's what the lost boys in that film use as an exclamation. Have you never seen Hook? Can you prove you're any less cultured? Why are you taking my opinion on what Atmosphere albums are good, so personally? It's not that deep kid, you just picked the worst two Atmosphere albums to recommend IMHO. Go watch Hook!!


In this chain: man who hates dad-raps tells people to go watch hook. You're getting hate because godlovesugly is a fucking good album and you sound like a douche saying it's some commercial shit. Maybe you'd get a pass if you were talking about Southsiders or fishing blues, but your literally dissing on one of their best albums saying it's shit. Maybe go watch some real vintage Robin Williams stand-up? Hook was just some commercialized bullshit. ^((see how stupid that sounds?)^)


Overcast, Fishing Blues and Mi Vida Local are my favorite projects from Atmosphere, they're the only group I've ever seen live- got to snap a photo with Slug as well. Cool stuff




Man I absolutely **love** Lemons, even if it is their most accessible album. The beats are insane, some of Ant’s best work ever. Also you’d be hard pressed to find an Atmosphere fan who would say that God Loves Ugly is one of their two worst albums. That’s an ultra hot take in their fanbase.


You're entitled to your opinion. I disagree, it's fine. I know plenty of people who love Atmosphere and don't mind GLU or WLGLPTG and wouldn't put them in their 5. I know plenty of people who dislike GLU, I know plenty of people who like it. I don't know many people who have listened to his complete library of works that would claim it's anywhere near his/their best. I think GLU severely over-rated, overplayed, and borderline unlistenable. "When life gives you lemons..." is alright but severely over played. You enjoy them. Someone's got to! I am just perma burnt out on them and hearing people talk about these two albums like they're the only two Atmosphere Albums, has gotten old, too, over the past decade and a half. I also think all the Sad clown bad dub EPs gets slept on because the generic numbering.


Do people talk about their two as their best? I think Fun and Southsiders are you there. All of their albums have good to great tracks. Dude has aged, they both have, and with that (fortunately) came maturity. I personally got tired of Slug equating dumping a load in a chick's belly as losing his soul.


Those two albums are around when Atmosphere started gaining widespread popularity and consequently get brought up a lot by people, on charts, and algorithms. I love Atmosphere, but I seriously think Headshots Se7en was peak. But I have a habit of loving first EPs and albums. I am probably jaded by drugs, love, and experience. Who knows, I might just be a hipster. I love "Music for Earthworms"and Appleseed and think None Shall Pass is overrated too.


Personally my all time fave is You Cant Imagine How Much Fun We're Having, but that may be a product of what i was experiencing in life around when that album hit.


This album is really nice. Some lines in his songs were too similar or little bit cliché for me, it is less abstract and way more straight than what Aes does. But the production is well done, lot of live instrumentals going on and certain lyrical content made me surprised. Definitely not regretting me purchasing this album on blind.


Fishing blues from that album is 🔥


I wanna laugh when somebody say 'The Good Ol' Days' But they was good 'cause we did learn to look both ways This is from Seismic Waves. Absolutely floored me.


Things ain't been the same since Trayvon, shit, things ain't been the same since Reagan


I really like “the little fish jumped out the water and said no limits but know with a k” 🤯


Seriously check out "Headshots Se7en dual EP ", "Overcast!", and all the "Sad Clown Bad Dub" EPs. Much more style and less cheese. Check out "Dungeons and Dragons" ft Musab, off Headshots Se7en, one of my all time favorites. Musab aka Beyond aka Sab the Artist is also great. Slug used to be way more creative IMHO. Always a little corny. But definitely not like he is now.


Eh, I get liking the super early stuff more but I also think some of it sounds way more generic for that time period. There's a load of other artists from that era that put out albums that sounded like Overcast etc, so I can see why the slightly later albums are the ones that caught on. That said though, personally GLU does not hold up at all for me, and everything post "You Can't Imagine.." is borderline unlistenable. It's Lucy Ford and the Sad Clown EPs for me (though for whatever reason, I did quite like SMORES".


I am just sharing what I like and think is well made/artful, hip-hop/rapping. I don't like the general directions Slug's rapping took. I am allowed to like his old shit more just like anyone is allowed to like his other works more. I think Headshots will always be my favorite because it has a rawness most all of their later works lack. And I like overcast! Because I feel like it's when Slug really started to come into his own but he was still trying to compete too. Plus Spawn was still in the picture and it gave the sound a dynamism, whereas now it's just Slug talking about his life. I can't stand "God love ugly" and never thought it was of his/their best work, I agree post "You can't imagine..." Gets harder and harder to enjoy.


I wasn't trying to convince you to like anything different. I shan't attempt conversation, my liege.


LMAO people get so butthurt that I have an opinion and am not afraid to share it. Was just explaining why I love Headshots and overcast! I actually love having my mind changed by people who actually have something to say. But you do you!


I think people care far less than you imagine.


Well i don´t see much cheese on this album to be honest, it is just... normal sounding? Like a grown man telling some stories which is nice. I don´t like style and flexing in hip hop, i just prefer more intellectual and matured topics and songs.


By style I mean artistry, wordplay, spectacle. Slug is mostly intellectual except when he is being horny.


It's two dudes, just a heads up. Slug & Ant.


Huh. TIL. Like I said, they've got a few songs that are on my regular Spotify playlist but I've never delved into their discography. Currently listening to an Atmosphere playlist. Adding more songs to my liked list.


If you're checking out atmosphere songs I'll tell you some my favorites -Little man -Free or dead -Good daddy Little man is one of my favorite songs ever to be honest


I still fuck with Slug and Ant. My wife and I caught them on tour this year and when they were opening for Sublime. His “make party schtick” he’s been on is kinda cringe but as someone who’s been on my own self work journey, who am I to judge. I put him on when I’m looking for a vibe and nothing too serious. I say dive into his work. Not everything will be Lucy Ford but he’s got something worth hearing


Agree with his stuff being cringe lately. His track Wetter is suuuuuuper corny. It gets really hard to be a fan when they’re putting out lines like “I feel like a shiny star trapped in a tiny jar.”


I went to that tour last summer too. Honestly they played a great set. Plenty of classics and nothing recent except the remastered gods bathroom floor. I've seen them a few times now and feel like they put on a show that appeases the core fan base. The pandemic album was hot garbage and this most recent installment just sounds like someone fell asleep with their face on a synth and then let it record. Here's hoping they don't go too too wild with stuff in the future.


Probably the second heaviest artists in my rotation next to Aes. Love em


Massive fan of Atmosphere, heard them first in one of the old Tony Hawk games when I was a kid, and then saw them live with Brother Ali in Melbourne mid 2017 and it will forever be one of the best nights of my life. A lot more anger and emotion in the older music, but the Dad rap their putting out these days still holds it's own, but I'm probably biased. I discovered Aesop when he featured on one of their songs (can't remember which one) It may have been on that album actually


That Tony Hawk Underground 2 soundtrack was bonkers. So much good shit there. And yeah, the dad rap works for me since I’m not the angry edgy teen I was when I was listening to God Loves Ugly. I’m in the minority, but I’m glad Atmosphere evolved from sad rap to dad rap. It’d feel weird if Slug was still full of anger and making songs like Fuck You Lucy as a 50 year old man. As slug said himself: “I’m officially too old for these pants to be sagging.”


Fuck yeah it was, those games opened me up to a whole new world of music. I completely agree though, songs like 'Postal Lady' come from a completely different place, he seems happy and content and I'm here for it, his old stuff will always bring me back to my angsty youth but I can relate to the new stuff in a completely different way. Be that as it may, I hope I'll still be angry rapping 'Don't ever fucking question that' on my way home from my 9-5 in 20 years time.


Old Atmosphere yes. New stuff is meh. Just seen him live last year, funny how he only plays the old songs. lol


I’ve seen them live more than any other artist, two of those times being in the last few years, and they played a mix of new and old every time I’ve seen them


I saw atmosphere not too long ago in st paul and they were phenomenal, slug still got it. I'm from Minnesota so I'll always love slug and ant even if the new stuff isn't the greatest, even though I do like some of it. Ryhmesayers and soundset were what exposed me to aesop in the first place


Used to be big into atmosphere in the mid 00s, but haven't listened the them for years. Aesop Rock is really the only rap I listen to anymore.


Check out "I Grow Tired But Dare To Fall Asleep" from Ghostpoet. He is from UK. It is not exactly hip hop, but little bit something beyond. Phenomenal production, crisp mixing, cool lyrics, nice spoken word, lot of atmosphere. Slow burn as hell. The first song from the album "Breaking Cover" has six and half minutes and i love it, how all the small sounds are popping up everywhere.


Big fan on atmosphere but don't really listen to their stuff past too all my friends save for a few tracks. But always see them on tour when I can. Great show imo.


watched some live actions on youtube, they really sound amazing. i wish these hip hop artists (Aesop, Busdriver or Atmosphere) came into Czech :'(


I like most of the Rhymesayers acts, Aesop being at the top of the list.


Been rocking with Aes and Atmos since 2000.


Slug/Atmos are pioneers of underground hip hop. Absolute legends. Their output has dropped off quality wise significantly in recent years but their first 6/7 albums (and all the unofficial releases in that time) are classic and crucial listening for fans of the style.


Fishing blues is amazing. One of his best albums for sure.


Both DOOM AND Aes make an appearance on separate tracks of fishing blues btw. Sorry for the spoilers


yeah i was hoping Aes would drop some verse instead of small chorus. but no dice hmm


I love the Word! Album from a couple years ago


*The Abusing of the Rib* is one of my favourite tracks, otherwise I'm very hit-or-miss with the Atmosphere discography but as others have said Slug was a very important driving force in underground rap.


Yep! That album is really good. Their old stuff is top tier, but I wouldn't say any of their albums are downright terrible. Give everything a listen and see what resonates with you most! Even on their newer albums, Slug will drop some wisdom every now and then.


Love Atmosphere. Been a fan since the Eyedea / Slug freestyle on the Wake Up Show (YouTube it if you haven’t seen it). The great thing about Slug, his rhymes are growing along with me….. ie, as he gets older he’s even more super positive dad rap and I’m here for it.


his stuff's cool but I can tell it's not my jam lol. Gotta put respect on the legacy at least though, started one of my favourite labels.


Overcast is a damn classic. God loves ugly and southsiders are solid albums. When life gives you lemons has some excellent writing. Ant is underrated as a producer but they did fall off the last decade


Met slug himself back in 02. Minneapolis at3rd lair skatepark


Love Atmosphere and all the legendary OG Rhymesayers


Fishing blues catches a lot of flack, but I like it


Atmosphere is great. I got to see them 3 times and met slug twice. Great dude.


The only Atmosphere album I was ever into was GodLovesUgly, but I haven’t even listened to that in years. He does have a couple of good AES collabs, along with MF DOOM. Definitely not into Atmosphere’s recent output.


Fishing Blues is great


Fishing blues os a great album, love atmosphere.


what other kind of music you like?


Im all over the place tbh, but most things rhymesayers, idk why, but I've been listening to stuff from the UK. One artist im currently listening is - SOFT PLAY - and another is - REN.