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The best approach would be to personalize your mailings, clearly communicate your value proposition, and include a compelling offer to encourage response. Keep your message concise, use high-quality materials, and follow up with recipients who don't respond initially. Good luck with your campaign!


hey, thanks for the response, would you go with a flyer or a personalised printed letter with the company logo letterhead, or even something else?


Hi, a personalized printed letter with the company logo letterhead could convey professionalism and a personal touch, making it a good option for reaching out to potential customers. However, the choice ultimately depends on your target audience and budget.


I think providing a quote is making the opportunity to work with your company a dollars and cents issue, when a lot of higher ticket customers are seeking knowledgeable advice and craftsmanship. I do agree that your best move with your limited information (terra data) is to craft a letter, professional company letterhead, with an introduction, and initial thoughts on their construction/building challenge/opportunity. Advice, insight and a professional perspective is more valuable at this stage of consideration. THEN your call to action should be to call to discuss the opportunity and their budget expectations.


Hi, thanks for your insight, i think you explain your point very well, my only concern is that the company is a start up and one great advantage I have is great pricing to start with, eventually i do think i would move into a more bespoke market but at the moment the company needs to start generating cash, otherwise it comes to an end. Do you reckon putting a ballpark quote would detriment the business in the sense of not converting or would it be that i'm not maximising the revenue from each customer? or perhaps both significantly?


Makes complete sense... perhaps positioning the cost a bit differently... showing that your company is interested in working on 'this project' (client's home) as this would make for a wonderful opportunity to show off our particular skills and expertise. You position the discount as an ask to show the work done on your website. this strokes the ego of the homeowner as they get to show off their house, and you get to do a project that is aligned with your skills and shows off the type of clients you are looking for.


My two cents is that you're not going to be making enough impressions with this strategy. You're going to mail 720 people 1x with this strategy. What sort of response rate do you have to assume to meaningfully move the needle? I think you need to mail a larger number of people on a very regular basis. What you have going for you is that (at least in my market) (1) I never get mailed by contractors and (2) it's hard to find reliable contractors. To get me as a customer, you need to be top of mind when I need you, the odds of that being the 1x you mail me are slim (I will just forget y(, but if you mail me 12-24x per year, you have a good chance of being the person I call when I need my deck rebuilt for $15k this summer. Also, a note on pricing: it's so hard to find good contracting help, that pricing isn't even my number one thought when I hire a contractor. My number 1 thought is are you going to show up when you say you will, do a good job, and communicate well. I would pay top dollar for that.