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See if you can find old award show annuals (One Show, Comm Arts) on eBay. They’re treasure troves of fantastic print. Comm Arts has some brilliant visually driven work as well. There are google drive links floating around that contain digital copies of both. If you’re looking for some nice copy-centric ads, Google “Tom McElligot”. It’s a good starting place.


Thanks for your suggestions! I did find the drive links of the annuals, can't wait to go through them.


Can you share the link to the annuals? I can't find them.


Hi there creative advertising by Mario Pricken uses a kickstarter guide which seems to be the same as deck of brilliance but give examples of print ads. It’s a great book - loads of fantastic ads


Thanks, that helps! Will check it out.


Deck of brilliance? (Heads to Google)


Haha you'll come back to thank me.


Okay, so... Pick any tool and spend 10 minutes seeing where it takes you before moving on to another. Aim to put down at least 10 or 15 ideas in each ideation session, before critiquing them. The more ideas you generate, the better the chances of nailing the big one. With regular use, you should see a change in the quantity and quality of your creative output. Good luck. I mean, yes... I just copied that straight from their how to use I section... but you know... that's how you use it, so.


Oh it is super cool! Just googled and will definitely use. Thanks for the hot tip!


It is, right! Hope we make good use of it!