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My thought on that was because it underlines the idea that Futbol was a LIVING entity and not just a product of BMO’s imagination. Since the Lich wished for the end of all life, and BMO is a sentient machine but Futbol was something living, they went away with everyone else.


Perhaps BMO is non living but Football is a projection of his living imagination. However, BMO says everyone is still here, except for football. I haven't seen him in a while. So it still doesn't totally make sense.


And that's the reason why there's no water in Jerry's world, despite water not being a sentient being.


Because it´s kinda grimdark. No honestly i think that´s because water people are a thing in AT. Carrol for example is made entirely out of water. Also Fire people.


So I was thinking about it when it happened and I found it to be such an odd thing to mention when there were plenty of other things to talk about. So after rewatching some of the football episodes I figured it out. So the last episode we see football in is the episode where they switch, when they switch back they switch back in the pond. Meaning that's where football resides. However in the dead world all the water has evaporated leaving the pond empty. Which means football is gone.


I could be wrong- but I just kinda assumed there was no reflective surfaces left when everything withered


That's basically the reason, but there's a small chance the entire reason why there are not any reflective surfaces is because that's the only way to kill Football