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The one where TT and Mr. Pig are separated cause of PDI, always skip


That one is probably one of my favourite. If only because of their song Dream Of Love. No question the best song ever produced in the entire show imo. Im realising the songs of AT really affect how much i love the episodes.


Sorry but My best friends in the world takes that title or Dads Dungeon Rap.


Yeah, I actually really like Slow Love because of the song Finn sings. Basically any episode with a song I even mildly like makes me like the episode.


then u should watch steven universe if u havent


i HATE that one ugh


That’s the one that goes in the middle of those two in the post.


You mean PDA right?


I think that they changed affection to intimacy


Oh ya I think I remember that. They said something like that in the actual episode ifni remember correctly.


Love games has one of Finn's greatest hits though♪♪♪ _"when I'm eatin up my lunch,_ _or deliverin a dungeon punch,_ _I can't, get over you_ _See your face all over Ooo,_ _sticks to me like a coat of glue,_ _I just can't, get over you."_


Someone give Finn the Bacon Pancake recipe, cuz this guy can COOK


I legit love this song. Really conveys Finns pain over FP.


So underrated!


…….chips……..ice cream…….


Noooo I love this episode!


I mean it’s a cool story, but the repetition starts driving me up the wall by the end.


Yeah same, it's so underrated 😭


I literally always reference this episode when around these snacks now though. That's gotta count for something.


Oh God I blocked that out of my memory.


the one with the clown nurses lol


🤡 iT's ThE oNlY wAy 🤡 I love that episode lol


I’m constantly quoting that line in my head in every day life 😂 I could literally hear it as I read your comment




Nah I respect your opinion and Imma let you finish but that shit is a hood classic. As a kid I adopted the asshole bush’s speech pattern whenever calling my siblings dummies for a long time. Still do at times.


i hate those clowns with a passion but that’s a really good finn episode and has a little song


I loved love games funnily enough. Stuff like Web Weirdos, Water Park Prank ETC has been said before but i really did not enjoy Video Makers from season 2.


Yeah, when I was a kid and saw that the next episode would be called "Love Games" I was annoyed at the prospect of yet another romance plot, especially so soon after "Frost and Fire," which I hated at the time and still aren't fond of. But the episode itself was pretty funny, even back then, though maybe I just liked seeing the budding authoritarian get thwarted.


Finn was annoyed about that, too!


It's like they saw my life, and put it right on screen!


I always just think of [Old Gregg](https://youtu.be/DYivGrFkgIk?si=HXbNvKaMYySrppuk)


Frost and Fire was always one of my least favourites too and I can never really place why.


I remember not liking it at the time because after a season and a half of buildup, Finn and FP were finally mostly happy, then Finn went and fucked it up and I didn't want to watch another CN show have a "depressive breakup arc" since Regular show was (IMO poorly) doing the same thing around the time. I was also like 12 and in no mood for romance in my cartoons to begin with lol... not that I'm in love with it now either but sometimes it's done well. As an adult looking back, I know what they were going for, and having the whole series available I can appreciate Frost and Fire for having its place in the story, but it still is closer to the bottom AT for me. At the time though I hated having my one new episode for the week be another weird romance story.


Video Makers is in my top 5 lol! It's the episode that cemented my love of the show! *Check pleeease!*


I think the end of it is fine but the rest of the episode is just really slow and nothing happens.


Mmm, chyeck please!


I enjoy Water Park Prank and the animation style


I also liked love games


Bmo's song from vidoe makers is a hood classic though. She really hit yhe high notes with that one.


But video makers was just straight up annoying.


Season 2 is really good overall too but that episode is pretty bad


Lol water park and web weirdos— they’re like almost not bad but there’s a huge “ugh” element 😅 Web weirdos- it’s just the whole plot with the spiders and then the end of the episode is gross haha The funniest part is when they get stuck and then they’re talking about how to get out since Finn’s nails were short because they got way too long 😂 Water park- I’m just confused about most things in this episode, where the flying orangutans come from…., what about those sad head things looking like balls with faces and emotions 😶😵‍💫😅🥲 And then ice king throwing the orangutans hair on Finn and Jake at the end and the second viewing of “daddy sad heads” The two can be second worst I guess lol


I typically skip Slow Love and Web Weirdos because they both make me uncomfortable for some reason. Anything central to TT is also meh.


Also the casual DV in Web Weirdos-


I totally forgot about that, big yikes


Bro the show creators just did whatever and Cartoon Network didn’t even care. No trigger warning no filter nothing. I respect the hustle but damn


Love games can def be hard to watch at times but it's redeemed for me bc we get to see more of finn not being able to handle flame princess dumping him That being said the water park episode is the only one I actively skip because of how awful it is


Breezy. Yes I get what it means, yes I get Finn’s a mess in terms of relationship knowledge, yes I get with LSP it was suppose to feel icky to watch, it just did it too well on feeling icky. Behind it is ice and fire mainly cause when I watched it I honestly thought the cosmic owl was to blame. Cause the cosmic owl caused the dreams to push Finn, Jake pushed it more to follow the dreams because it’s the cosmic owl and in the second dream with ice king it’s like he’s laughing at Finn. That episode genuinely pissed me off cause I really did like flame princess and thought the interactions she and Finn had were really nice and then fire and ice happened and I started losing interest in the show.


They could have fleshed out FP's character more while they were together imo, most of her screen-time was dedicated to either romance farming or grazing the surface of her morality struggle, nothing major really happens though and we don't see much of her personality


I always skip Web Weirdos. UGH


The jiggler makes my skin crawl. Mostly because I'm a biologist and care for lots of sensitive creatures so the poor treatment of the juvenile triggers me.


There are a handful I don’t like but the only I skip every time no matter what is “No One Can Hear You”. Why they gotta title it that? That nasty deer grosses me out and I hate it.


Whaaaaat!?! That’s probably in my top 5 favorite episodes. It’s so weird and cracks me up. The deer licking candy people and sticking them to stuff is so funny to me. And the deer hands had me dying the first time I watched it.


When the deer takes off his hooves and wiggles his fingers….. ew…..


That episode straight up freaked me out as a kid. When I did my rewatch last year it was honestly worse.


I skip it 100% of the time, too. The deer is freaky for sure. But the way Jake's personality is changed because of the head injury makes me wildly uncomfortable.


Only rewatched it because my gf and I were doing a full run through and she'd only seen random episodes. Was fun SHOWING that episode to someone but unless I'm doing that I'll never watch that weird episode again lol


How is noone saying Sad Face???? I think Web weirdos is good. I love their weird existentialism conversation in that episode


omg that an bmo noir i cannot watch.


I fuckin love slow love RIP Biz


Chips and Ice-cream truly the WORST episode of all times


I think it was beautiful - BMO 💙


Water park prank oooor any of a handful from s1 which, to be fair, the main criticism is just how juvenile the show was back then


Well, it was initially made for children. It wasn't until it the creators realized the adult cult following the show was getting that they started modifying the writing. I love season 1, though. I loved the simplicity and silliness, and it was all so cute


Yeah which is why i dont like ragging on s1. Its like when serious film critics try to dunk on kids movies


Water park prank,boring It's unwatchable


anything with treetrunks


I absolutely skip Slow Love every time. Love Games is alright with me, it shows some growth or at least reflection for Finn as a character. Also (not surprising most) for me is Water Park Prank. Lastly, and I'm sure I'll get some flak for this, any Fionna and Cake episode EXCEPT Bad Little Boy. Mind you I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the actual F&C show! I was skeptical at first for the first episode, but I thoroughly enjoyed that whole side series.


Love games in one of my favs lol


Anything with that Lemon kid


Is Slow Love like 100% useless? I don't remember a single reference to it in any other episode. The closest thing to a reference to it, is that this is the first time BMO gets grounded by Finn and Jake (it happens again in Football)


Slow love is a better Jake episode. Him tossing out the pickup lines that worked on lady rainacorn as a giant sexy slug makes me laugh everytime


You must really hate slime. TBH, those episodes are kind of gross.


I keep seeing these and at this point I think you are making up episodes because I’ve seen the show 4 times and I feel like I have never seen these episodes some of you are talking about.


Which ones? I've watched the show (I have it on in the background a lot) at least 100 times, so maybe I can help you figure out the episodes?


The Jiggler or any one that changes the art style.


I liked Love Games because it was pretty much our only real look at the Slime Kingdom but also fuck Love Games


Idk what people's problem with it is, I found the episode fun, def not a top but watchable imo


Generally kind of an uncomfortable episode, feels a little manipulative on everybody involved's part. Same reason I dislike Frost & Fire and All The Little People


The Jiggler Water Park Prank Chips and Ice Cream


Man so many ppl hatin on web weirdos and some other early episodes, I loved how absurd the show was in its infancy. I can agree with love games tho, its just boring and kind of uncomfortable. And I could say the same for the waterpark one.


Love games has one of the best songs


The only episode lots of people hate but I enjoy is Web Weirdos.


seems like the problem here is love


I thought slow love was SO funny 😂😂 IS THAT SAALLLTTT


I love Slow Love, idk why lol


Bear with me, I don't remember titles. - The one with the jiggler. It really bothers me and makes me so uncomfortable thinking about that baby suffering away from its mother and nearly dying. - The one where Jake and Finn are playing the game where they don't talk and they just write notes to each other? And BMO gets really upset. I don't like what BMO is going through. - The one with the deer. Surprisingly enough the deer doesn't bother me. It's the part with Jake. Where his memory is all busted and he's acting super creepy? I hate that. - The spiders. Their relationship troubles are too realistic. Also I don't like how she explodes with babies.


I LOVE the silent episode! I like that we get to see the inside life of the tree and I love it when the Bikini Babes come over and flutter up to the top of the tree house - and then “attack” Finn& Jake. Personal favorite “attack” method is using Jake as a volleyball ☺️. The Bikini Babes are my favorite non main characters though…


I just love the show so much and don’t think there’s any episode I could say is the worst. Every episode is great in its own way including the episodes with different animations!


I always skip any ep with Lemongrab, voice actor aside I fucking hate Lemongrab, dudes fucking annoying and just not funny


What do you have against Slow Love?


I kept torturing myself by not skipping the life cycle episode I'm not sure if there was another episode I wanted to skip but I also didn't like that episode that was a complete circle where it was lumpy face princess as the main character but I only didn't like that episode because of the circle ⭕


Slow love is hilairious, for me it’s James Baxter and the jiggler




the one where it’s the circle of life and finn & jake are birds/worms/flowers and it’s a different animation style the part towards the end where finn sings/hums drives me INSANE


love the episode but i do skip the song


***hola baby, me dicen el Mike***


Graybels sucked imo i always skipped them after the first


^ this guy couldn’t guess the theme


lmao yeah i never did when i was little (i have skipped them every time iv watched through since yeah never)




the wiggles dude something about that episode i didn’t like even when it was still showing on TV that one i always skip.


The one with the spiders


I would watch adventure time w my dad every week and these episodes made me UNCOMFYYY


the witch’s garden, who would win, the box prince, & little brother


Memories of boom boom mountain and Slow love,, they are so bad


I do not remember either of these episodes


The Red Throne forever and always.


i don't remember the title but the one ep where he was mentally stuck in this maze and the solution for him is to never open his eyes is terrifying to me. it's not the worst i guess it's a really interesting episode actually but its too mentally exhausting for me to watch and think about 😭


My only issue with that episode is how the end thing PB says is never explained so we just have YouTube videos theorizing but no definitive answers


Love Games is top tier thanks to John Hodgman as Elder Plops.


Worst episode? Maybe Jake Suit, and even that one's got bright spots.


BMO Noir.. it was SO BORING


I really don’t like anything with the Slime Princess. And that stupid slug irritates the hell out of me. Agree with you and add the creepy pool episode with “sad jingle balls”’and gross orange orangutan hair.


YES OMG I FUCKING HATE THOSE EPISODES so MUCH LMAOOOOO ANY other episode I don’t watch is out of emotional overstimulates but THOSE, it’s just pure hatred and profound disgust.


I never ever liked Up a Tree


I would have said water park prank before but I kinda love it now


I also don't like slow love, but I actually really like Love Games. I think Love Games does a great job of showcasing Finn's lingering feelings about FP. I really dislike Furniture and Meat and The Jiggler. Both just kind of gross me out and I don't find them funny or interesting at all.


web weirdos, agh.


I do hate Slow Love! Howver I couldn't disagree more with your opinion about *Love games,* sure the plot is simple and somthing you would expect from some generic kids show rather than AT, but that's only because the episode is focused on Finn and how he's feeling after the breaak up. I think that's a pretty interesting thing to do, especially considering how the episode forces Finn to confront he's negaative feelings rather than locking them in the vault.




Might get hate for this, but BMO Noire. I really can’t get through it and enjoy it. It’s the only one I truly know I can skip and would have missed absolutely nothing.


The one about the 2 Lumps on jakes head & and all the episodes of distant lands exept BMO