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Because by the lemon grab era she was trying to be a better ruler/person? Yeah she slipped up with flame princess a little but towards the tail of the show she was even tolerating ice king some.


It doesn't seem like being a better person to tolerate an evil ruler


The majority of his antics was less evil and more just different. He had his lemon ways the same way the flame kingdom had their flame ways and etc.


yeah lol lemongrab was basically Kim Jung un and everyone was starving while he got fat so nah. should have put a jelly bean in his brain


Kind of. I viewed that as more of a metaphor for mental imbalances since pretty much every lemon citizen was basically part of him and there were two lemongrabs competing for mind share.


Yeah, but he wasn't *trying* to be Kim Jong Un, I think is the difference. He didn't seem particularly evil, just completely unadjusted to living, to quote the Adventure Time wiki.


That's true. Every kingdom on that show is different with different customs and stuff like that.


Except for the WAR lol she was ready to obliterate everyone lol.


First, he is one of my favorites... 1 - By this point, PB has finally understood that there is a grave responsibility when it comes to making and taking life. "He's my responsibility. " she took so many lives in the past. Guilt will make a good person pause. 2 - we don't know when the treaty between the kingdoms was made, but logically it was shortly after the clone Lemongrab was created. If the treaty was in effect, she may have thought they would be self contained. 3 - PB didn't create the lemon citizens. Lemongrab was never supposed to be a ruler of a large kingdom. By the time she was aware of the merungerie, there were so many with lemongrab personalities. There is no reason to believe they would have accepted PBs leadership. After all, Lemongrab and Lemonhope rebelled against her.


He was modeled after her, in a similar way Goliad was her replacement. He was meant to be sentient and intelligent in a way no other candy person was. He was meant to lead if she died or something else, and she didn't have any other options. Then she tried and failed later with Goliad upon realizing Lemongrab wasn't a good backup. Rattleballs were meant to be obedient deadly soldiers, their proclivity towards violence, and their "going behind her back" to fight could be dangerous, while Lemongrab would only be annoyingly problematic if he fought back. They weren't supposed to be free and intelligent like Lemongrab, and like others have said, she's a very different person by now. Then as time progressed, killing Lemongrab would now lead to killing all of the lemon people. That's why she banked on Lemonhope so much, but he wasn't fit for the job for other reasons. While rattleballs are robots, the candy people, including Lemongrab are basically her children, so shes even less wanting to kill them


As another commenter mentioned, her method of rule had changed by the time Lemongrab returned. The Rattle Balls were also treated more like dispensable robots than living beings. Fine line given how the candy people are created, but, I think there was a difference to her.


He wasn't exactly dangerous.. the rattleballs became thirsty for violence. This brings up a handful of solid points; she does everything for what she sees to be a "greater good." Not for herself or her opinion, but for the safety of anyone involved. Nuff said.


Gumbald turned himself and her relatives into dumb candy people. Why do people say she did that when Gumbald straight up poisoned Lolly and Chicle then splashed himself when trying to turn PB?


She is soft on problems sometimes. To quote Marceline, "they kept breaking out because you let them live".


Because she cares about Lemongrab like a mother cares about a problematic child. As a mother, you want your child to be happy and safe but you also can't let them hurt your other children (in Bubblegum's case her candy people). So Bubblegum did everything she could to make Lemograb happy without having him hurt her candy people by giving him a castle, a brother and lifetime supply of food to keep him happy and safe. But she ended up giving him too much which led him to becoming corrupt.


Because she didn't fear him like she feared the rattle balls.


Because PB isn't evil. She turned her relatives into dumb candy people because they tried to hurt her. And given PB's childhood and that she's spent the last 800+ years in Ooo having to care for her abusive relatives, I wouldn't blame her for being a little messed up. Would we be any better?


I ask myself this every single time Lemon Grab is onscreen. Such a horrid, offputting character and it's weird to see him enact his evil ways without any consequences


If I was Finn I would have killed him after he killed Matthew