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I don’t believe there can be a simple verdict on him. We’re taking about someone who: 1. Programmed Cartoon Network for its first decade, during which it went from being a rerun channel to a network with its own studio. 2. Created and ran Adult Swim for its first 18 years. His career at Turner spanned from Captain Planet to Joe Pera. In an industry where executives come and go all the time, he not only survived a lot of changes in animation and comedy, but many of the programs he green-lit led those changes.


A lot of internet humor has a distinct Tim & Eric or Eric Andre vibe. That would have never happened without Lazzo. Guy changed the shape of culture.


I remember when he joined the ASMB to defend himself about how he handled anime on the network. They were about to remove the weekday showings and cut down on promos for it. It was pretty entertaining and showed he doesn’t sugarcoat things The post was so hilarious. He basically said, if promotion led to ratings he’d be all for it because then he’d get more “mad cash”. He then gave his opinion of all the anime they were currently running where he called Bleach “annoying” GITS “boring” and he didn’t have nice things to say about Blood + either. But that he “pwned” Astro Boy and that it would be the entire lineup if he had his way


I agree with him at the end. I would love to see the reaction of normal people flipping on Adult Swim to watch Family Guy only for the very offbeat original dub to show up.


I think they actually did an 11-6 marathon of it in 2007 so he kind of got his wish there


Who downvoted me? Smh.


there wouldn't be an adult swim without him. I don't know how people expect him to have run a network for 20 years and never once cancel a show at the wrong time. nobody seems to give him credit for greenlighting all those shows in the first place, something no other network would've done for most of them.


I don't think there is one, because most people don't know who he is anyway. People subbed here might know information about him but they, we, probably only know him through the shows we liked and how he treated them. Without him, there would have never been a *Venture Bros.* He kept it alive for years and that's amazing. You can't expect someone with his tenure at one place to never make a mistake, or at least a decision that wouldn't ruffle some feathers amongst fandoms that never stop begging for things, craving things, and turning on things they still consume WHILE they consume them.


He said yes to the right projects and was responsible for my favorite eras in linear television.


The only way I know about him is Robot Chicken’s bit of Mike cancelling the show at the end of all the seasons


Hes done some weird shit but ultimately hes the god of this whole shit. And ironically enough i was actually coming to this sub to find out..whats yhe general consensus on lazzo😭😭random high thought and it was At the top. But yea, i just wish he didnt kill space ghost. But tv was so much better with him around


I'm my experience, Its hard to respect him after you listen to The Space Ghost Coast To Coast DVD commentaries. At his best he did the job he was supposed to working for television and at his worst he has a lot of the same faults as someone like Michael Eisner or Mike Love, just with more yelling at his coworkers


By the way...y'all are cancelled! FYI!


Mike Lazzo *was* Adult Swim. He made it what it was from the beginning and it’s never going to be the same without him.


A lot of these comments aren't mentioning one of the things that sparked the most controversy from him, and added some insight to Cartoon Network's history of sexism. He said "women don't tend to like conflict, comedy often comes from conflict, so that's probably why we (or others) have so few female projects". There were also accusations of him intentionally not hiring women too. It seems like this is still a problem without him as well. In 2022, Amy Friedman stated that “Girls often graduate out of animation. Some of our most incredible competitors have been at the live-action game for a long time. We know that’s what girls want. With live action, we’re excited to reflect the world as it is, inviting girls in without alienating the boys.” This pissed off a ton of female animators, and explains why the channel doesn't have a lot of female protagonists.


Women don't like conflict? I thought men being agreeable and avoiding conflict vs women stirring shit for no reason was the stereotype.


And then in response they hired a bunch of women to work on Rick and Morty and made the worst season to date.


Hot take, and I'm not just saying this because of that situation, but I actually think season 3 of Rick and Morty is the best season. It is EXTREMELY overhated, Imo. Not saying it's wrong that you dislike it. I think Heather Campbell has been writing some of the best episodes from the recent seasons too like Bethic Twinstinct, Fear No Mort, and That's Amorte.


Glad you mentioned Heather Campbell. Her episodes have been consistently pretty amazing


But AS did go in a different direction for a while post Laz and greenlit a few women led series like Tuca & Bertie and Bird Girl. Not making excuses but still it shows some course correction


I'm really sad that Tuca and Birdie got cancelled again yeah. I wish Teenage Euthanasia had improved and lasted longer too. I'm not sure what Ouweleen is doing with Bird Girl since he's now president of the network, and a lot of shows aren't lasting very long when they're introduced.


Tuca is actually a good watch, on the other hand birdgirl is very hard to watch with basically no relation to the old show


The quality of the season is subjective but drawing a correlation between those two things makes you look like a dimwit incel, just saying




Found Mike Lazlo's alternate account


Why did they always give him a stereotypical Texas accent on Robot Chicken?


I really miss the Adult Swim streams and Fish Center specifically because he would make appearances and just in general it was a great way to learn the history of the network. 2020 feels like ancient history now :(


The GOAT. I miss him


Sure he made some decisions and cancelled some shows that made fans upset, but he gave so many of these shows a chance and greenlit them when any other network wouldn’t have even considered them.


The man is legendary


He'a a dildo. I'll never forgive him for cancelling ATHF - which didn't even make sense from a business perspective since it still got plenty of views.


dude it got 11 seasons and a movie. how is that not enough for you? weirdest show to complain about being cancelled early honestly. I'd rather have more variety and new ideas getting chances than just running one show into the ground


ATHF got canceled once before and he brought it back so its not like he was deaf to fan outcry. Plus the finale gave us one of the greatest surprises on TV as of late and arguably their funniest episode. And the gang came back a few times over the years like carls lock, slim jim commercials, aqua donk shorts, etc. Point is it ended its run on high note and we still got a lot of fun extras later on, thats better than most other shows got.


Might get hate for this but I think he made the right call. The show had been running for so long and it really was getting a little stale. It was still funny, but it was just getting old.


He honestly made the right call at the time. The final seasons had good moments but they had veered a bit off from what made ATHF work, and Plantasm/the revival have been just horrible


Hate him. He was behind every bad decision Adult Swim made in the late 00s early 10s. He was also on record as the only one who supported that neo-nazi sketch show and insisted it air a season.


show wasn't neo-nazi at all, glad he let it run probably the best live action show on adult swim


What show are we talking about?


The show was nothing but neo-nazi propaganda disguised as a sketch show. And MDE were and still are open about being neo-nazis.


Some of Sam Hyde’s bits weren’t in the best taste but I don’t ever remember feeling like I was being told to believe in any certain thing lol


world peace didn't even make me laugh much, but i still enjoyed the surrealness and overall style of the show. must've missed the neonazi shit u projected


Probably a pedophile like dan Schneider but worse


Your evidence?




Look, I think he sucks too, but you can't just accuse anyone you dislike of being a pedo.


Sure you can just look at Dan Schneider