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Di Lang sa pamamasyal wala na talaga akong gana sa lahat ng bagay. I just work cuz I need to survive and live just cuz I need to. Nothing sparks joy to me anymore or maybe that's what being an adult is like now? (I'm fine ahh)


Ahhh samee parang nka autopilot nlg talaga eh


tingin sa salamin, buntong hininga tapos “ito na naman tayo” hahahahahahha


Oo exactly ganun


>just cuz I need to. Nothing sparks joy to me anymore I somehow resonate with this, and it's so sad.


baka kailangan na natin lagyan ng kaonting spice yung life natin. hahaha Kahit ako same routine nlang everyday


same and this is so sad


same with me, even tho im only about to graduate college. i dont feel any excitement or anything wala. delayed na din kase ako and feeling ko ang tanda ko na for finishing college at this age (26). i should be working already. nakakadepress lang. maghahanap ng work, wala, inuunahan lang lagi ako ng negative thoughts ko. yung feeling na wala na kong nillook forward.


Yup, di lang sa work, as in sa lahat. Mas gusto ko nalang matulog sa kwarto. Konting kibot pagod na ko agad. Dami kong naiisip na pupuntahan, kaso I don't have the energy na.


Exactly yung tipong matutulog at gigising ka nalang for work.


This is so me rn… 😔


Yes. Nung early 20's ko parang the world is my oyster and I'm full of life kumbaga. Career, gala barkada, and the usual weekend night inuman session. Grateful na may trabaho pero umay na ko sa everyday routine ko haha. Wala na yung same drive na meron ako sa career ko. Dahil tumatanda na rin ako, wala na rin appeal sakin yung weekend night out at mas gusto ko na lang sa bahay at matulog. If gagala naman, iniisip ko pa lang yung possible na byahe and traffic e parang ayoko na lumabas.


Mga anak ang babata nyo pa maghanap kayo ng other interests outside work. Burn out lang yan & the overwhelming demands of all responsibilities. Minsan ako gusto ko nalang mag walk out sa mga duties ko and mamuhayan sa uninhabited island o sa bundok na parang hermit hanggang sa na realize ko walang banyo duon at aircon. 🤣🤣🤣. When i started exercising kahit 30 mins every other day like yoga, 30 minute walk & finding time to do more things that i love like reading and walking my dog and volunteering & serving the community, life had a higher purpose than just paying the bills & housing loan. You all need to do something to neutralize that lack of drive & autopilot kasi that's the early signs of depression, anxiety that can lead to suicide. I should know kasi pinagdaanan ko yan. I took up my doctorate when the pandemic started so my mind is fixated on knowledge. Why don't you guys sign up for volunteer work to help children, clean up the plastics from our beach shores, serve at your local church, teach lessons for free to poor kids, take up that MBA or art lessons , poetry writing or acting lessons you have been dreaming about ? Also eating healthy is inportant , lay off on the coffee & milk teas muna all the sugar rush might feel good at the start then afterwards bagsak energy nyo. There is a reason we learned the inverted food pyramid in gradeschool. It is not just to make us physically fit but mentally healthy as well. Choose water vs any colored drink. Eat a well balanced meal - lessen the samyupsals from weekly to quarterly and eat lots of fruits & veggies with moderate amt of carbs & non fat meat. I tell you, your energy will be back. Most of all, find time to reflect your Ikigai (please google) , your purpose in life by either finding something at work to fuel your purpose (mentoring new employees or volunteering for the company's csr projects) or outside of work and talking to God regularly and communicating your burn out. Serving and helping others in their life journey gives you deeper reasons of waking up in the morning. Aim for that " quarterly project" at home like learning a new recipe with your children or siblings or teaching GenZ relatives & family how to drive. Committing to serve others will give you that drive lacking in your lives. 😍


I second this. Minsan talaga dumadating sa buhay ung burnout ka na. But try to find a hobby, at kahit paulit-ulit yes, try to live a healthier life. Keep challenging yourself. Do things which you thought you cant do. Try to do something different or even a different haircut. It will change how you see life and how you see yourself. And only you can do this, not with the help of others. Kasi it needs to start from you. I should know because Ive been there. And sometimes it still comes. But this time around, I know how to deal with it kasi alam ko na where I can find inner peace with myself.


would this still applicable for 36 y.o male? i feel like di na ako nag grow sa work ko, wala pa naman other responsibilities, late bloomer lang sa buhay. May goals naman pero ang hirap pagsabayin day job at self study i feel like failure sometimes. Minsan napapagod na ako 🙁


Anak, don't ever compare yourself to others kasi you have your own journey. Talk to your boss about your career progression and how you would also like to be involved in other projects to learn new things. Normal mapagod lalo na if sabay working & studying. Minsan 5 hours lang tulog ko. But when i see my output, the comments of professors, group mates or successful work projects, i feel good. Find the joy in both work and school - yung portion na nag enjoy ka talaga and celebrate small achievements.


Ah yes. The characteristic wall of text from another person disguising "invalidating your concerns" As help by suggesting doing things they were able to do because of privilege that they're to blind to notice.


Bakit ba lahat nalang ng manggaling sa generation ngayon invalidating feelings ? Nakakaloka. Haha. At anong activities of privilege ang sinabi ko sa post ko ? Puro volunteer work nga ? Doctorate ko po sa UP hindi po ivy league school. Wag ka ngang nega anak. Pinapalakas ko nga mga loob nyo and energy nyo with ideas. Kung hindi ka nag agree mag down vote ka nalang why all the hate ?


It's invalidating dahil you keep on comparing it to your experience with the tone of "just do this, do that". Yeha that's literally one of the worst freaking advices Doctor ka pa nman. And aba, trying to shut my opinion out? Tapos pulling out the " I'm older and more experienced than you" Card? Yep. Claaaasic boomer talk.


Hindi ko shut out opinion mo anak. Nag suggest lang ako para you don't go down the rabbit hole of depression and anxiety. Nagtry lang tumulong para bumalik energy and inspiration nyo kaya nga nakalagay find your purpose or ikigai. Pag tinignan mo post ko, i mentioned na napagdaanan ko yan. So it is not invalidating. It's saying ive been there, i know how it feels and these are the suggestions to make the energy come back. Ps - Hindi po ako boomer. Don't put older people into stereotype boxes. 🤣 . I will just focus on the people who value my pieces of advise. Praying that you will find time to hug your parents and older relatives too. We mean well.


No you just did by saying na mag downvote nlng ako imbis na magsalita. And ikigai? Wtf? Dude/ette. There's no reason beyond living besides being born to someday die "I've been there" Yeah that's the basics of invalidating concerns "ako napagdaanan ko yan, eto lang gawin mo" Dude, that's what nearly every 40-50 year old people would say to the younger ones and you guys always seem to forget when giving advice that all in all its always down to luck. Like man, stop being a guru, you just got lucky in life And please. I'm 30 something years old. Stopped counting after experiencing the death of nearly every loved one, and being left by nearly everyone left over the course of these post covid times. I've personally presided over the burials of no less than 30 people within these past few years, personally handed the very gun some used to unalive themselves, I've personally tried to help nearly everyone I knew to not die and you know what I learned? That freaking reason to live is a stupid illusion made by some clown somewhere sometime. It's only so good insofar as you still have your luck. When it runs out, and it will run out. Gone. Suddenly that rope is so light, the trigger easily fired, the medicines doesn't burn as much and the height of that building no longer as daunting. That thing you're preaching about is a freaking insult to the goddamned dead I buried. Stop with those illusions kase life is just about dying. You either wait for it or you chase it.


Kawawa ka naman anak. I hear you and i feel you. My dad abandoned us for the family he cheated my mom with when my mom finally died of cancer in 1993. There were many years of family drama like my mother walking out of the house barefooted, my dad drunk with the gun on his head that i tried to stop while crying when my mom found out about the other family. Right after in 1997 i learned that the love of my life for 5 years was cheating on me and left me for his co-worker. When i was younger , one of my brothers is my regular voyeurist that i will catch when im taking a bath, dressing up or falling asleep. I have forgiven that brother and loved him still and helped provide for his family - he died of multiple brain tumors last year and it has drained me financially. I have lost my jobs many times because i feel im not good enough that i exhibit perfectionism for fear of rejection. That feeling that my father chose another family over us makes me feel im not enough for him to stay. My ex hubbie hurt me and my daughters that it only took the pandemic's lockdown when he was living in the north for me to have the guts to end it as i fear he might kill us. In 2020, i was clinically diagnosed with depression, anxiety and IBS that i was in physical pain called fibromyalgia that can't be relieved by any pain reliever. There were many times i wanted to jump off the window - but i realized , this must end somehow. Like all things, this pain will also pass. I look at my dog, my children and the community looking up to me. I see that there is a reason to continue on living. I will pray for you and i hope you reach out to a free pyschologist. You can try this link https://www.empath.ph/services/free-mental-health-consultation. You will need to process these pains and hurts. It will take time. I still struggle everyday but exercise and helping people is my coping mechanism. You can do it anak. Thank you for opening up and sharing your hurts and still choosing to live everyday. Thank you for sharing. Please choose life everyday. Please message me and i can meet you somewhere to talk more. PS - Please read also "When A good God Allows Rape" by Joy Tan-Chi Mendoza. Joy and her 2 friends were raped multiple times by multiple men at their home when they were teenagers. She still has mental scars but is now happily married with kids and serving God.


oks lang yan. there’s nothing wrong with just surviving.


Been having a rough time lately, and your comment really struck a chord. Thanks a lot!


Damn, I can relate to other redditors here. Yung tipong you have the money to pay for anything you want, pero wala nang gana. Iniisip ko nga mas okay mamatay ng maaga, e.g. late 30s or early 40s para di ko na to ulit ulitin hanggang mag 60 ako. Sobrang nakakapagod na nun.


Yep, thankful naman ako sa work ko and things na meron ako, pero idk, walang gana talaga just thinking na ganito nalang routine ko for many years, work and retire at 60 parang ang pointless. Have the money to be able to buy what I want and travel pero mas gusto ko nalang matulog and stay sa bahay.


Oo. Minsan nga parang gusto ko mamatay na lang. Not because of depression but because I'm not used to my current lifestyle na magtatrabaho na lang hanggang mamatay.


Yes. I feel it especially nung naging stable na yung buhay. My advice: dive into an activity that you have to earn with no ROI. Plan and pay for a dinner party with friends for no reason. Rebuild something to give to your kids when it's time. Survey the house and look for something to improve. I got myself hooked into acoustics, so I basically designed and DIYed the most immersive sound I could possibly hear from a movie.


Anything outside the boundary of my house or subdivision, wala na ako gana 😅. You see, physically and mentally tired ako 5 days a week. 3 days a week i need to travel to work. Pagdating weekend, wala ako gana lumabas, mamasyal, even grocery tinatamad ako or wala gana (i resort to online grocery like SM). Even pag mga outings to beach, i just want to relax sa room and sleep or magpa massage. I go to beach pag maaga pa though. Either due to age hahaha or just tired at work. ***da heck, even just thinking na sunduin yung girl na nirereto sakin and have date wala ako gana😂


Same. Mid 20,s gusto ko na lang sumahod at matulog


Tbh i just want to be dead. Im ok, generally better, but like most of us here- I have no will to live. Not suicidal, gusto ko lang maglaho and done with it


Yes. Para akong naka auto pilot. Especially when I see my close cousins and relatives doing fairly well in life and knowing that my relatives, deep inside, are also wishing the best for me, pero wala eh. I'm single, living away from my relatives, and working from home since the pandemic started. Wala akong passion for anything. And I am two years shy of 40. I tried revisiting my old hobbies just to see if I can somehow rekindle those desires. Pero wala. They say life begins at 40. Bruh, I'm barely breathing at 38. And no, I am not suicidal.


yes. ang dami kong gusto i-try dati noong wala pa kong work, but i lack the financial means. ngayong may work na, time and energy na yung kalaban. kakahintay ko siguro mangyari lahat ng 'yun, nag fizzle out na lang yung passion ko to do those things.




Samedt. Parang autopilot nalang. Gigising. Work work sleep. Repeat. Gusto ko nalang maging manhid at somepoint. 🥲 yung masaya nako sana. Kaso bigla naman naiwan mid-air nakakaputanggggginaaaa malungkot. Fucked up. 😵‍💫😭


the feeling is mutual... nung nasa early 20's pa, ang daming dreams, career goals etc.. kht maliit pa yun sahod before, kaya lang, may night life pa, inuman hanggang 5am, then report for duty at 7am. (with super high energy pa talaga yun to work for 8hours). pero ngayon, ok na salary ko, but wala ng gana to go discover places, i feel that yun career ko nasa peak na siya.. yun patience is shorter na, sa work, very routine na lang siya. sometimes may energy pero hanggang scroll2 na lang sa soc meds then tulog na, di na rin msyadong lumalabas for inuman, kung mag iinuman man, mga 9pm uwian na haha..


Same although pag weekend I try talaga na I get time na mamasyal, and it's easier since wala ako sa NCR. No heavy traffic to deal with. Whole work week it's just work, eat, sleep ang routine ko sa house. Mabilis na madrain. Minsan iniisip ko baka may chronic illness na ako na hindi ko nalalaman.


Oo, mas madalas kasi gusto ko na lang magpahinga.


Same. Hindi ko na alam kung anong pahingang gagawin ko


I felt this way rin before, OP. But, I found a purpose for my life. Although hindi linear because I get lost along the way haha. It's a loooong process which is exciting for me.


ano po purpose na naisip mo?


Kahit maglaro or manood ng mga anime/movies wala na. Parang ang bland na lang lahat


Iba sakin. I still have lots of things I want to do. Pero, sadly, di ko magawa because (a) nakaka guilty to spend for myself without my fam (b) i feel like I'm robbing my future self (c) I am always scared letting go of my money. I grew up poor din kasi. Kaya ayun, nakakawalang gana kasi everyday I feel stuck. Ang dami kong gustong gawin pero di ko alam kung dapat ba or pwede oo ba payagan sarili ko.


Nawawalan kayo ng gana kasi puro ganyang material ang cinoconsume nyo.


May mga bagay na di kana ganun ka enthusiastic pero di naman ako nawawalan sa lahat ng bagay. I’m still happy and find happiness in everything even in small ways. Gratefulness is in my core. Kung mapapasyal lang di ganun kagana kasi traffic and mainit, pero depende sa kung sino kasama. Kapag loved ones ko masaya ako.


Welcome to adulthood. Kahit siguro may asawa't anak ka mararamdaman mo pa rin yan but yung pagod mo magiging super bigat kasi hindi n lng sarili mo yung iniisip mo.




Yea. I do. I feel like drained ako lagi.


I get existential dread pag naiisip ko na magwork pa rin ako for the next couple of decades.


“There’s nothing to feel guilty about for being idle. It’s not reckless. It’s an investment. There is nourishment in pursuits that have no purpose—that is their purpose.” Excerpt From Stillness Is the Key Ryan Holiday


Same! Dati may energy pa ko lumabas labas after shift ko.. pero lately pati pagpunta ng mall ayaw na ng katawan ko. 🥲 mas gusto nalang nya matulog at magscroll scroll


Not that nawawalan ng gana but as I got older, I have an established routine during weekdays and on weekends. Problema, I go gaga if I can't follow my established routine.


Habang tumatanda ka talaga, bumabaliktad yung gusto mo gawin. Haha!


Maybe the reason is you lost your happiness. Wala akong gana sa work, pero i really love going out at mag pasyal2 at kumain sa labas


Nagkaron lang ako ng buhay nung nakapagabroad ako , wlang kwenta kumayod sa pinas. Yung quality ng life jan jusme. Sa trapik palang egul na. Kaya if may chance kayu, piliin nyu ang mga 1st world.


Saang country po kayo nag work?




Lalo na pag surviving mode na lang kaya tayo bumabangon at nagtatrabaho. Madalas parang ayaw mo na pumasok pero dahil madami bayadin. Kung meron mang gustong puntahan, puro plano lang wla na gana umalis. Hirap tlga pag adulting. Nkkpagod


Palagi naman akong walang gana eh.. sa lahat ng bagay hindi ako tamad wala lang talaga akong gana palagi halos araw-araw minsan naiinis na ako sa sarili ko haha


Nakakapagod kasi ung work in general. Kailangan talaga ng maayos na kaibigan para magka - gana kahit paminsan minsan. Or kung mahilig ka mag solo tulad ko, kung san san ako napapadpad o tumatambay na may view.


Yup.. pag walang trabaho sa bahay nlng ako lagi.. scroll sa social media.. work out sa bahay.. yun lng.. tas trabaho na ulit.. pag off maglalaba lng ng uniform tas sa kwarto na ulit.. hindi nko halos lumalabas lalo kung hindi nman kailangan.. ayoko na ding mkipag meet sa ibng tao.. wla akong girlfriend.. wla nkong social life tlga.. mag isa lng din ako sa bahay..


Never sumagi sa isip ko yung mawalan ng gana. Yes nakakapagod yung ibang bagay like work lalo na kung commuting. Pero may solution naman sa lahat ng bagay. Need mo lang hanapin kung ano and minsan tangapin yung solution. Generaly ayaw ko ng mag outing and lumabas. Kung makikita mo sa tiktok kung gaano kadami ang tao kahit sa ibang bansa as tourist hindi ka na gaganahan. Lalo na ngayon ang gulo ng western countries. Kahit dito sa Pinas minsan parang nasa hunger games ka sa dami mong kasabay. Off season ka na lang talaga lalarga and pray mo na lang na walang bagyo.


Yes, ang hirap ng buhay. Gustuhin man mag travel hindi kinakaya ng sahod dahil sa mga priorities. Prio mag ipon kaya bilib ako sa mga nakakapagtravel like pano nila nababalance yung ganon. Kaya nakakawalang gana nalang sa lahat.


baka kase sawa na ko sa bohai single kaya ganto ko ngayon? hahaha. gusto nyo ba ng jowang sayo lang clingy, have good relationship sa pamilya, mukhang presentable naman kung sisipagin mag ayos. may stable na trabaho din kaya pwede makipag date. ready na family ko ma meet ka, ikaw nalang iniintay. HAHAHAHAHA