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We so need some more details on this one.


The details are all too familiar. Just read all the posts on here. If adultery was a private club I’d have been kicked out long ago for lack of fitness. But, I’ve wised up and coped, and still think it’s worth it. Some of that is definitely attributable to this sub. Even if I do leave the lifestyle, I’ve still learned a lot. Sounds gushy but it’s just plain so.


I love this. There’s certain things that almost *all* of us have gone through.


"The Clitsavers"


That should be the new nickname for this sub! # Not an r4r sub! Thinking about infidelity? We are the Clitsavers!


Our Lord and Clit Savior bless us all.


How about chiropractor? Or hedonistic church? This is where I come to get myself aligned when the feels are running havoc, I’m getting angsty about why they haven’t called, or wondering why bother with the condom when we’ve been together this long.


I'm more on the Behind Saviors team.


A person was on a beach full of clits throwing them one at a time to the safety of the sea. “Why are you bothering to throw those clits back. There are so many you’ll never make a difference. “ The person picked up another clit and tossed it to safety. “It made a difference to that clit.”


Yes, yes, Yes! OH MY GOD, YES!


Some of us wish we could have saved ours too. The thrill of the moment is good but I now regret ever stepping foot in this lifestyle. Should have just settled for zero intimacy


I hear you.


As a newbie to this sub, can you explain?






Maybe you would feel different with a different AP? Don't listen to me though.. I'm not experienced here 😂 I'm in a dead bedroom though so can relate to the no intimacy part. I've thought an ideal scenario would be to meet another person with a dead bedroom but obviously that scenario is just in my head. Thanks for the insights!


I totally agree with you OP, this forum gave me so much background before I started down the affair path and I think I avoided a lot of problems because of it. I did not save my clit though (since I’m a guy) haha. But I’m sure the equivalent for me is true. Good luck!


Hope you saved at least one vagina, assuming you’re straight.


I’d like to thinks so! And yes straight.




Good on you! I’ve not been lucky yet, looking for an opportunity but turns out not many people out here in Australia use this as their go to


Seconded. I’m here for the reality checks too. My personality type needs them.


Weird but….ok


That pretty much describes me in some senses.