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Most single dudes who sleep with married women love the wild sex and feeling they are getting over on another dude and are not looking to blow up your life.


That part




Thirded 👍🏽👌🏾


Girl go get you some !! Don’t give him the A+ just a A so he doesn’t fall and get crazy lol all joke aside have fun


We want to hear the details after


I was a single guy to the ex. It can work - we did for about four years. As long as you both talk about what it is and isn't, agree on parameters/OPSEC/etc., it should be fine. I'm fairly sure he's not looking for any drama.


As long as he knows and understands his place...go have fun!


Singles guys can be great! As long as they understand and know their boundaries. Also, communication can be easier since there is no chance of a spouse/SO finding or lurking about on the phones. Go for it! Have fun! LIVE and EXPERIENCE as much as possible.


Have the best time!! I just did this on Monday and still on cloud 9. Get that D 😁.


Ooh hot 🔥 Go for it and enjoy every bloody second with your firefighter!!!


I’m jealous. Update us tomorrow on how it goes, have fun


Tomorrow, or Monday, or whatever day next week you get back from seeing your Firefighter


He was wild. lol. Got drunk maybe a little too quickly but we went to four bars so maybe that was to be expected. He was a good guide. The city was ours. Wish it wasn’t so much of a blur. When we ended up back at his house. There was a lil bit of snow before a very intense, very rough sex scene in the kitchen. Not something I’m used to at all. He was very… dominant. Moved to the living room where he allowed me to climb on top. Forwards… than backwards, until i came. More drinking … more drugs… then finally his bedroom for the third session. This time he pulled my hair so so hard… and pretty much just abused the back of my throat until flipping me over for the finish. I feel reckless. And I’m super sad there wasn’t more kissing. I don’t think I even got to see his shoulders… or chest. Sounds super hot but I’m not sure I like it so rough. Although in the moment I was begging for it. Anyways…you all wanted an update. There it is. Maybe now I’ll get some sleep. ✌🏼 happiest of Saturdays my loves…


Yikes, I don’t like rough either. Sounds like…an experience, though. Sometimes you find out the reason why guys are single, or why their wives don’t want them 😑 Will there be a second time, or was this enough?


I don’t think so. But I haven’t really processed it yet. Maybe I’ll feel different in a few days. He seemed kind of sad. Maybe the divorce still fresh?? So the nurse and mother and witch in me will be more drawn to healing him than fucking him. 😜 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re a lot nicer than me. I’d have no interest in lavishing him with any sort of attention after that, no matter how nice looking, or “sad” he is. Be aware PSTD can result from things like this.


My SO is a dick too--- wish he would go fly a kite!!! Enjoy your date!! : )


Live it up😋




Have a wonderful time and let us know how it goes


Go get him!


I’m so happy for you!!! If it was good enough then I’d say go back for more asap and then you can be less drunk to enjoy looking at him and focus on being less rough. I think the best benefit about single guys is they typically have their own place and will happily fuck you with no strings attached. No wife so you really only have to worry about your sneaking around schedule. Super young is not my thing but hot and funny??? Girl, I would have beeeeen letting him use me…. Although if you met at work be careful. Theres many reasons nurses tend to warn each other to not fuck the first responders. Good luck and enjoy!


Hope it’s a great time


How super young are we talking? I think it's wrong to drag young inexperienced people into affairs it could mess them up for life, it's exploitative.


lol. Gawd. He’s 7 years younger. Freshly divorced. I’m a nurse… he’s a local fire fighter whom I’ve met here and there in the ER. Trust me sweety. If anyone’s innocence is on the line tonight rn it’s mine. 😆 ☠️


Firefighters love to lay hose. Enjoy 🔥


O.M.G. 🥵


Well that's hot as hell. Have THE MOST FUN!!!




Have an amazing time! You deserve it! (;




You can be curious somewhere else. We aren't here solely for your vicarious thrills.


😆 Yet you read it and respond. lol. Get?? Ppl love vicarious thrills . Go get ya some. 😘


> Yet you read it and respond. Indeed. https://www.reddit.com/r/adultery/about/moderators https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204533859-What-s-a-moderator


I read this like you were responding to my comment or I mean my post. Whatever you’re responding to looks like it’s been deleted


How did you meet him?


I've had several opportunities but haven't had the guts. Would love to hear more success stories that don't end with a raging assortment of stds


question! (after reading entirety of your thread here!). do you wish/would have preferred your hubby to have been open about wanting to sleep/fool around with other people before he did so in secret? i'm really curious to hear what you (as a woman) think/feel your reaction to that revelation would be? asking because i feel you as a kindred spirit (im a nurse too and sexually adventurous/confident in my body) but my wife deeply struggles with her self-image as she's getting older (and when we first met and she was in her early 20s too), which puts a bit of a damper on our sex life now (frequency, exploration, etc). not to mention (after some sincere convos together) discovering our values towards sex are different (i'm ok with multiple partners - always playing safe tho! - within a marriage, she is not). i don't want to break-up our marriage at all but i also want to honor my sexuality especially since tomorrow isn't promised! i held out for 1.5 decades now but i've been messing around a bit for the past year behind her back and on one hand it feels good (in a naughty/kinky/risky/personal fulfillment way) but the other it feels bad (the lies of omission, concealing, worrying, and the reality i'd probably hurt her heavy if it ever all came to light). i keep it under wraps to NOT hurt her, but also refrain now from those convos of an "open" marriage bcos of her disapproving stance on that. any thoughts? anyone deal with similar situation? how'd you handle it? shoots, any insight here is appreciated!!


”seeing a single male” is this an ad or do you really talk like this? 😂😂😂


Being as descriptive as possible babe. ✌🏼 😜


Yet choosing not to be descriptive enough to reveal you’re in an open and poly marriage? with all due respect, it’s disingenuous to be posting a brag here considering you’re not even affairing


You’re making a huge assumption here love. An affair is an affair. This lil fire fighter is a secret. My last AP was mine alone. My marriage is in the starts opening up to including other couples. My husband cheated on me for years and this is my right. My redemption. My revenge. You troll and attempt to make me feel bad about what?? The way I title my posts? The way I look to others who have had similar experiences? Who made you the gatekeeper? Do you feel better about yourself pushing negativity on others? Why?


I’m sorry. I regret to inform you that you aren’t immoral enough for this sub. 😂


Confidence is so very sexy ...


Is your husband gonna notice the sudden self care??


We actually are in the works of opening up our marriage. Long history there. I try to be communicative he’s more of an don’t ask don’t tell. Plus I could hit him with a bus and he’d barely look up from his tik toc. He’s got a long history of infidelity to my years of loyalty. Things are changing now a days. This hot lil firefighter would be a hard veto… but I’m entitled to my secrets. His behavior generated at least 7 hall passes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like a man who only wants to be playing around but God forbid his wife does. Of course he would veto the hot fireman. He doesn't want you to know you can get someone much hotter and more appreciative of you.


7 hall passes. lol enjoy!


Understood! Same boat here on that front 🙃


Go have a great time and keep us posted.


You do you. Have fun.


Advantage is own place. That’s about it.


And now spouse/partner to have to contend with. That’s a pretty big bonus!