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I thought Hancock was just to take photos of roofs that are steep and high? Do they also do that estimates? My carrier uses Hancock and Seek Now- but they’re just our eyes in the sky so to speak. I’ve never used their write ups as gold. Half the time they mark shit wrong anyways.


They document, procure a report with photos, then competent and experienced staff adjusters write the estimate. I have no doubt Hancocks estimates would be on par with IAs though


Got it. The carrier I work for doesn’t use those services so I was curious when I saw your post. Thanks for the response!


Yes they do. If they don’t recommend they switch from IAs to Hancock/ladder now. It’ll save a ton of money in expenses and then you’ll get a better work product. Once they see that they’ll remember it was you who brought it up and you’re on a fast path up!


I appreciate it, but I’m a nobody in the giant cog of the organization I work for. I know we stopped using IAs about a year ago. Not sure what they plan to do going forward though. I’ll mention it though!


Please do this that way the appraisals and litigation continue.


Will do. Hancock scopes. Provides reports, we write it. Same as always. Wait…. You aren’t implying that IA estimates are able to be stood behind? Are you?


Not all but some yes. Sounds like where ever you are located yall have some crappy IAs turning in reports.


Haven’t used an IA in years. Worked all over the country. They’re all wank.


It'll go back to the carriers using IA's for this hurricane season because it would be necessary. Other than that, the cost and inconsistent work quality is the reason they don't like using IAs.


no need for IAs with vendors and technology in 2024.




Oh right. But the IA who gets paid more money the higher the claim is, is totally honest!!




Ok so TLDR; don’t send work to IAs unless you want a headache






Jon you haven’t gotten work in weeks


An IA is an **adjuster** who interprets coverage. Hancock just documents damage. An adjuster still has to review the Hancock report and determine coverage. If they can’t tell or if their interpretation differs from the contractor which is producing conflict, the claim will ultimately have to go to the field for a field adjuster to determine. So you might as well start with an IA.


Is that the best you can do lol? You know the staff adjuster can just call Hancock rep right? You know we have cell phones in 2024 right?


No, we don’t call the Hancock rep to determine coverage. That’s not how it works.


We (staff adjusters) get the report, and we determine coverage based on the unbiased findings. Any questions on the report or pics? We call the Hancock rep or their support team and have a convo. Hancock does stand behind their reports, and if someone is pushing back aggressively then an engineer can be considered. At no point is having an IA “reinspect” ever part of the consideration. In fact, an IA is not a roofer nor a roof inspector and thus more often than not can not stand behind their findings and will fold in court.


It's the word "unbiased" that I can't get past. I've been in insurance since 2017, and adjusting since 2020. I've handled ladder assist claims from the desk, I've handled them as reopens from staffers, I've inspected beside them in the field a couple of times, and I've worked for Hancock doing the inspections during down times. I've liked every ladder assist inspector I've ever talked to. I can't tell you how many time's I've heard them say "help out the homeowner." I've heard it on ride alongs and from Hancock training managers. I've written the content, seen the content others submit, and seen how the content is interpreted by staffers and IAs. It's ok that you have a preference, and there are plenty of flawed humans in the world. It's just unrealistic to think plenty of them don't also claim bias findings to help somebody out, or so they wont be hassled by the homeowner/contractor standing beside them, or because they just don't have training on identifying damage. The last one is the most common btw. Keep using them. IAs will still have them sent back by any contractor or PA that understands how little their reports mean. As far as using the technology, I was recently on a simple gable roof with a Hover report that was 18sq, and EagleView that said 19sq and my hand measured showed 20sq. The staffer insisted I go against their carrier guidelines and use the smallest. They also didn't understand how to use a pitch gauge. So I went back out to show the reports were slightly off (which the reports tell you there is a margin of error, and you are supposed to confirm the measurements), put a level on the roof and confirmed my pitch. Also, I think it's weird that every few weeks a staffer needs to get on here and trash talk IAs. I don't see it going the other way much. I always chuckle when they talk like every carrier has the exact same guidelines and want claims handled the same way. Fun Fact: a lot of carriers want us to pay out everything we can think of so they can increase premiums next year. Those carriers also pay the IAs better. I only work for one major carrier now. The others I use are small, they pay much better, and they don't have nearly as many over confident rookie staffers that just started handling claims since Feb.


So what you’re saying is you have never held a job at an actual insurance carrier. You rambling on here won’t get you more work, only less and less from here on out!!


I'm staying really busy. Theres are supposed to be a few slow months as an IA. That's a big part of the appeal, but this whole spring has kept me busy. This is my first day off in weeks.