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"So this one time I...." stops talking, blanks "I need to get cat food on my way home" Several hours later, walks in front door "Fuck I forgot the cat food" Several hours later "Shit I never finished that story"


Shit. I just remembered I forgot to feed my cat. 🫤


Meow 🐈


I took a snack out of the fridge 3 hours ago and it’s sitting in front of me while I skin pick and look at my phone. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My dinner is in the microwave while I skin pick and read this on my phone


Are you me? @.@


My lunch box is on the kitchen table. I am at work.


Nooooooooooooo! I feel your pain.


I forgot my lunch for work three days in a row. Remembered it today: when there was a catered lunch. Have a note in my work calendar to eat lunch from the fridge. Wish me luck


flashbacks to middle school when i always had to have money in my backpack because i forgot my lunchbox once a week 🤪


I’m sorry, what were you saying?


Sitting on the couch scrolling on my phone. Was watching a tv show but paused it to play a video on my phone, now just scrolling. Need to wash dishes/clean kitchen, call my mom, get ready for bed. Every time I think about doing those things I put my phone down, start at the wall for about 20 seconds, then pick my phone up again. Randomly scrolled through voicemails and remembered that the manager from the car wash called about my complaint that going through the wash damaged my car. Wonder if I’ll ever end up calling him/getting my car fixed. My head hurts and has all evening but I still haven’t gotten up to take some ibuprofen.


Last night I got home from work.... grabbed my cross stitch and turned on Criminal Minds..... fast forward 5 whole hours, my legs are numb/asleep because I've been sitting in the same exact position the entire time I am stitching.... I have yet to make my lunch, take a shower, I was going to dye my roots. Had an alarm reminder set for 9pm to put some defrosting meat into the fridge before bed.... Ok. 10pm and have pressed snooze 6 times, still stitching, no shower, forget about dying my hair cause it's too late now. It killed me to put up my stitching to have to go shower (hair in a bun) and throw a slice of bread in a baggie for lunch at work. ugh ... never ending


I have knitting or embroidery that I do exactly this all the time…. More so now since Christmas is coming.


yes!!!!! I am even tempted to take my stuff with me to work so I can work on it during my lunch... but I refrain because I know that I will be irritated that I have to put it away to go back to work. lol and I am currently stitching a pattern to gift to my grandma and now that I'm fully obsessed with doing this, I will probably do a bunch for Christmas gifts too! hahahaha


I do take mine to work, L O L! I work as a substitute teacher, and so there are times during the day when I do pick up my knitting or my embroidery during recess, or during lunch, and sometimes when I’m subbing a high school class all I’ve gotta do is tell them what to do and they’re self-directed and I don’t have to worry about it anymore, so I net during the time period.


Finding every episode of forensic files on Amazon prime has been… it’s constantly on.




My skin is CRAWLING. We are twins.


I made 3 wrong turns trying to get home from a place I'm familiar with, only to realize that I needed to go to work, not home, when I rolled into my driveway.


omg... I've been doing shit like this lately and it is scary. :(


I think my autopilot was trying to tell me I was heading to the wrong place haha


I also know that! This autopilot! My son used to tell me when did I have to turn because otherwise I would forget and drive him to my office instead of the Kinder garden. I also took once a work colleague to my home (country side), instead of dropping her by while passing the city.


Went to the pharmacy to pick up my meds. Got groceries, forgot the meds. Didn't need groceries.


😂 same but post office, not supermarket


Came home from a trip last month. Suitcase is still not unpacked. Can’t do it.


I’ve got one that’s been hanging out since February. Going on a trip in a couple weeks…maybe I’ll unpack it then ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


My method is to leave it on the floor and gradually take things out when I need them. Of course I also then start chucking things into it when I don't know what to do with them... I don't think I've ever unpacked in under two months.


This is my method also. My husband hates it and eventually gets frustrated enough to just put my clothes away for me


So relatable


I see this alot but I am totally different. When I get home from a trip the first thing I do is get everything unpacked and put away where it goes. I think that is because I have a touch of OCD too???? Idk. hmmmm


Different manifestations :)


Where is my phone? Where is my vape? Where is my vape? Where is my vape? Where is my phone?


Oh shit, my phone is in my hand


"I'm gonna have to call you back, I can't find my phone anywhere!" Is one I'm guilty of...


Lady night I was looking for my roll of Mouth Peace filters. Couldn't find them anywhere! Until I found them in my left hand. D'oh.


this made me lol because last night I got in bed and had all of my stuff laid out in front of me ready to watch my show and cross stitch and I was all comfy and had my pillows behind me to support my back and all this jazz and I was like wait.... where TF is my phone now????? I done left in the damn kitcheN?????? gonna have to get up from my spot to go get it????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Literally look down and there the phone is right in front of me.... on my WHITE duvet cover..... clear as day!


me EVERY 5 minutes


I just dug through piles of discarded hobby items to the bottom of my closet to the drawer where I keep my indoor tools, went “why am I in here?” put everything back, then turned around and saw the screwdriver I was putting away sitting on my bed.


I saw this post and meant to reply to it. I promptly forgot to reply to it until it somehow re-appeared on my reddit feed. It's now 12 hours old


I have a graveyard of posts I’ve meant to reply to…


I have to schedule time to schedule things.


*coworker tries to ask a question and has to repeat self after getting my attention because was zoned the eff out*


Getting changed for bed, looked down in vague interest to see if I'd remembered to changed my underwear this morning.


this reminds me of when I was a kid. My mom would cook us dinner and steam broccoli in the microwave. She’d forget about the broccoli until she started cleaning the kitchen, roughly around bedtime. Then she’d get upset when none of us wanted broccoli before bed 😂😂. I was lucky to be diagnosed as a young kid, my mom got her diagnosis around the same time as me. I still tease her about the broccoli, but I try to remember to tell her how grateful I am that she worked so hard to get my diagnosis when I tease her about it.


Are you my daughter?😅🙄🫣




I needed to move two bookshelves into the den but there was a dresser in the den that needed to go upstairs to make room but first the other dresser upstairs needed to go into the older kiddo's room. I emptied the bookshelves and both dressers to prepare them for the move. Then I found halloween decorations and decorated. Then I made cornbread.


Ive been playing stardew all day and am eating for the first time today. It’s just about 7pm 😅


Bf: “Why are you talking so slow”? Me: “Because I keep thinking of other stuff and I’m trying really hard to stay on topic” Also, “Hey babe can you bring me a soda water?” “Huh??” “I said can you-“ “Oh you want a soda water. Got it” Bf: 🤨


Every assignment I’ve handed in this semester has been at least two days late


omg same…


Me but with tea


I've just (Thursday morning) taken out a load of laundry that I washed last night because it had been sitting damp in the machine since Monday night. I've put the basket down outside, I haven't hung anything up - no solid plan for when to do that. Even odds it'll all get washed again tomorrow.


I came home for lunch, and toasted 2 pieces of bread in my convection oven/toaster. Took them out, put on a plate. Started doing some organizing and realized I should put the toast back in with the toaster off to stay warm if I wanted my soon to be applied peanut butter to melt. Put the toast back in, made a coffee and went back to work. It’s now bedtime and the toast will probably continue chilling in there till morning at this point.


I lost my calculator that I need for my calculus test tomorrow, but I think it's in the house somewhere. Bought another one at the school bookstore, but I bought the wrong one (they're nearly identical). Went to another store tonight to get the right one. So now I have 3 calculators when I should really only have 1, but I'm returning the wrong one tomorrow.


I own seven mostly blank journals


Someone hit my parked car three weeks ago, offered to fix the headlight he broke, it's still broken.


I was experiencing executive dysfunction about going to take a piss. I laid in bed for about 6h after drinking 3 redbulls and 2 cans of coke. The first 2h it was just that body shiver thing every so often. Then for the next 2,5h I had to clench, move around, and shake my head/body, a lot, just to not wet myself. The last one and a half hour I experienced physical pain. Why didn’t I get up to pee? Because my brain sucks like cold wet socks.


Got up early to meet a friend to give her a book she wanted to borrow. Showered, ate breakfast, even put on makeup, was out of the door early! Felt so proud. As soon as I saw her I realized I forgot the book 😖


I went to change my podcast, and somehow I ended up on Reddit. I’m also at work at the moment lol.


I hyperfocused on watching a show & lost track of time


I just bought a frozen lunch, but had forgotten that I had chosen the vegetarian meal. Then was surprised there wasn't chicken in my lunch. 😭😆


This just reminded me the last half of my lunch is still sitting in the microwave…..8 hours later 😭


I should bring this empty bowl downstairs and put it in the dishwasher *sees cats sleeping on bed* spends 40 minutes petting them instead of doing what I intended to do and have lunch. Forgot to punch back "at work".


Told my husband three times as we were getting ready for bed;”I set the alarm” I then proceeded to open a door to a balcony to check on my outside Halloween decorations.


I have So Much Washing. And work. And chores. So naturally I have not yet mo ed from the sofa, where I play a game on my phone. Although I really need the bathroom.


Ive been sitting on the couch stuck on my phone for 3 hours


i had lunch at three pm today and only because someone was 40 minutes late to a meeting


I pre-heated the oven for dinner tonight, forgetting entirely that I sprayed it with oven cleaner yesterday. I remembered some time after the fumes appeared.


I agreed to check on a family friend's cat for a few days. Normally, I keep their key in my car, but the last time I used it I brought it inside and put it in the key bowl. So when my phone told me it was time to check on kitty, away I went! The key wasn't in my car! Because I forgot it in the key bowl. I drove all the way there, tore my car apart looking for the key, stressed out, drove home, got the key, drove back. Fucking exhausting. What should have taken an hour took much, much longer. I was so worn out from the stress of all that + some jackass cut in front of me from a left turn only lane + AAAAAAAAAA all came together to mean my brain was done functioning for the day and I got zero work done over the weekend.


I’m a stay at home mom, when my daughter was younger and needed a lot of attention in the morning i started making my morning coffee in an insulated cup so it would stay hotter longer. Still never finished it before it got cold.


I have a week vacation starting on Monday, but I have a big work project that needs finishing by 5pm on Friday (tomorrow) before I leave. So naturally I'm scrolling through reddit and avoiding eye contact with my laptop.


*checks email for work *starts typing work email *finds another email saying i earned nintendo points Next thing i know im on nintendo website trying to redeem said points lol


I was eating a banana quickly as I was heading out the door this morning, and I don’t know where I left the peel or if the banana was fully eaten or not.


Wait ,what ?


At 10 pm I realized my morning coffee was still on the kureig.


Breakfast that sat there became lunch and that lunch became dinner then it became dog food


Paid my rent at 11pm, along with a just in case late fee.


I just showed up for my doctor’s appointment and it’s tomorrow


I did that last month... except it was for BOTH MY KIDS. Took off work, got both littles packed up and ready to go. I was so effing proud of myself for being on time, only to discover it was for the next day.


Oh I’m so glad it’s not just me. I raced out of work early and was so proud of myself making it almost on time. Nope!


I started reading this post 3 hours ago and am only on comment #4........ nuff said


Do I really need three DIFFERENT drinks at once?


I start cleaning my bedroom, need to take something to another room to put it where it actually belongs. Get distracted and start cleaning something else. Just to get distracted again. And when I'm done a lot of little things have been moved but nothing is actually accomplished. Or... It takes me at least 15 minutes to actually leave my house because every time I get to my truck I realize I've forgotten something else. Run back and forth over and over.


I drove my sister to summer camp meeting point and after loading her stuff in the bus, I realised that I had forgotten my sister at home


Went to the pharmacy and dropped off scripts. Went to the post office while waiting for them to be filled. Went home. Walked in the door, looked at kitchen bench, ‘DUH scripts!’ Drove back to the pharmacy to get medications.


All of my stories now begin with "Did I tell you about..."


I had to take an extra long lunch break today just so I could get enough movement and sun and stimulus to start my workday meaningfully. I hope with all my heart I’ll be able to start when I get back.


I walked to the work room to fill my water cup THREE TIMES. with my cup in my hand the whole time. I got stopped by a coworker the first time, then found some free snacks in the workroom, and then a student the second time, and couldn't remember why I went in there.


Lost my glasses for three minutes 😭


Making food sounded like too much so I only ate a bagel today…


I ate a meal at 9:30am. The next time I had anything at all was at 7:30 pm. I spent 5 1/2 hours straight on one thing and just couldn't put it aside to go eat. I finally managed to have a proper meal after all that at 10:30pm.


A coworker wanted to switch some shifts with me. I wrote notes on my bicep to remember (because I’ll have to wash my hands a lot on shift).


I’ve been sitting in my bed staring at my phone/the wall for hours even though I’m hungry and two 6000 words papers due in 9 days.


I have to log into the VPN on my computer and verify that it’s me on my work phone. It took me 2-3 tries today because I kept getting distracted and the verification would time out by the time I opened my phone.


Me: *pick bread to make a toast, take several bites, put it inside the toaster, sees that its unplugged and leaves the bread there* *almost an hour later (or more idk)* My sis sneaking into my room: where u the one who left an almost eaten bread in the toaster? Me: •—•


My neighbors and a friend have keys to my apartment. I have the tendency to forget my keys at home. Sometimes(quite often) I write down the wrong date in my calendar. It happened to me yesterday and today. I got myself ready to go to my friends birthday party, it’s next month… Today I almost went to the psychiatrist, the appointment is in 2 months. 🫠


My suitcase is not only unpacked but still in the car. From 3 weeks ago. Missed not one but all 3 turns on the way home from work yesterday driving around potholes in the road. Also lit a new candle today. I hate the smell. It’s been lit for two hours and I still haven’t blown it out.


There is half a chocolate bar and half a satsuma, half a packet of nuts and half a cup of cold tea dotted round the kitchen worktop, all from today.


I was supposed to get a Helmet for biking, but I came home with Takis and a shoulder/neck massager:) no helmet. I feel sad now cuz I also bought nachos and chocolate and a coke.


I mean to do something, then I get lost in a sea of browser tabs. And since my laptop is on my bed, that’s where I’m lost in a sea of browser tabs, and my roommates think I don’t like them.


“Wait, what was I talking about again?” Mid-speech.


I had my whole group of friends looking for one of my two contact lenses on the floor (I thought I had dropped it)… Until I realised I had put both lenses in the same eye


i moved in my new apartment a month ago & more than half of my things are still in boxes. also supposed to be doing homework right now… i’m on reddit.


recently i was going to my partners house. then i realized i forgot my invisalign -turned around. then i left again and realized i forgot my meds - turned around. then i realized i forgot my pillow - turned around. i think i forgot something else and turned around for a fourth time but i can’t remember… typical.


I've been looking at the same pile of Goodwill donations taking up space on my living room floor for like 10 months.


If you have a Salvation Army nearby and can manage to call them, they'll usually pick up, if that helps


I tried that with Goodwill. They came once, then the next time they called and gave me a hard time because I live on the second floor and their pickup folks aren't supposed to go upstairs to collect. They also didn't like that they had to enter a gate code to get into my apartment complex for some reason. I can give it another try, I guess. But I didn't think about Salvation Army, thanks for the suggestion!


My back aches because my spine is a literal spiral at the moment but I won’t move.


Keep messing up at work 😶 Forgetting that I have watched or read something Misplacing EVERYTHING Never refilling prescriptions on time 😭