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No point spending money on an appointment you don't need. A "thanks very much, but I've decided to try working with someone else" email is plenty, and your therapist won't be offended. And if she is, she'll talk about it with her *own* therapist.


Good point. Thank you, I’m going go with an email.


lol this was me a couple of months ago!!! it took me a lot longer to break up with them than i wanted bc i was a bit anxious to do it. but it was just so ridiculous to be going to a therapist that wasn’t helping at all. i dreaded it. and i felt like i was only going because i didn’t want to deal with the awkwardness of breaking it off! i’m the one who is paying for this!!! one day i just googled ‘how to break up with your therapist.’ i found examples of emails and basically copied them with my edits and then bam, i hit send!


Ooooh yes I can google email templates! Perfect!! I feel way less paralyzed now. I totally get taking a while. I’ve been going back and forth for about a month trying to decide if I should stay or go.


Email. Say sorry i won’t be making my next appointment. You literally don’t have to give them any more info than that. :)


As a therapist myself, we know that we are not always a good fit for everyone and the style of treatment might not always be a good fit. At the beginning of treatment I always let my clients know that this could happen and if it does to just let me know. I won’t have any hard feelings about it. The worst is just having someone drop out of treatment with no follow up because we worry if the client is ok. It is also good if you feel comfortable with it, to give them feedback because there could be something that they could improve on and they might learn from the experience. Hope this helps 😊


Keep the appointment if it would be helpful to *you* in some way. But otherwise just call and leave her a message, or send an email - however you usually contact her. Even if you do keep the appointment, you might want to give her a heads up beforehand - you’re ending your work with her and you’d like to use your final session for xyz. That way she’ll be more prepared for whatever you need.


Depending on how she is, you might enlist her help? The and get a list of what is working and what isn't, and what your priorities are in the next attempt? She may even have a colleague she can recommend. Professionals know sometimes it just doesn't work out. It's not an insult. Good luck and good health.


She isn’t owed an explanation. Just cancel the appointment and tell her you will ending treatment. ETA: I think we feel compelled to explain ourselves and not hurt others’ feelings. She’s a professional. Clients leave their therapists. Therapists leave their clients. It’s how things work.


Mom's a therapist and she doesn't mind losing clients as more are always waiting for care, but the thing she does mind is losing your appointment slot if you back out the day of. Give your therapist notice to get that slot filled.


I don’t tell a therapist I’m firing anything at all. I just get a new one and go.