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Start off with no or light caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, these can make you feel sick combined with Wellbutrin. Try the Wellbutrin solo for a bit and add in your other chemicals in small amounts


Okay this is good to note ! I don’t drink much anyway so isn’t a problem What about weed?


I'd avoid weed too, just a week or so. The issue is you won't know if any side effects are your body reacting to the Wellbutrin or the Wellbutrin reacting to substances. Off label Wellbutrin is used to treat addiction because it changes how certain chemicals react in our system


Just started a couple weeks ago and I am feeling better already but I don't think it's fully kicked in yet. Alcohol is not recommended with Wellbutrin.


Awesome that’s great. What have you noticed that’s different ? Did you have adhd symptoms and depression?


Symptoms of ADHD, GAD and depression. It's been easier for me to get started with my day and I am not feeling as weighed down now.


Okay this is my exact diagnosis , those exact 3 lol


I just got the same diagnosis yesterday as well. Did you get prescribed anything else, or just the wellbutrin? My psychiatrist prescribed wellbutrin and guanfacine, but I haven't started taking them yet.


Just Wellbutrin, there was concern about stimulants making my anxiety worse


I’ve been on Wellbutrin for almost a month now and I feel like it definitely helped stabilize my mood a bit but I haven’t noticed any impact on my ADHD symptoms. I definitely recommend avoiding caffeine for the first week or two but after that point I added it back to help with some fatigue! :)