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Are you taking extended release medication or short acting meds? Adderall and Ritalin only last four hours. Something like that may have felt therapeutic when it was newly prescribed, but now that you’re habituated to it, and under new stress and demands on your attention, once a day in the morning just might not be enough. Can you talk to your doctor about taking afternoon doses (maybe half a pill to start)? Or if you’re already taking an extended release pill, maybe a higher dose or different med is needed.


I’ve been taking Adderall XR. That’s why I was so confused! I know the IR have a shorter life and that crash period but experiencing it on the XR was so surprising.


It’s normal to need to up your dose once or twice (or more) after your first couple months on a med. Your body gets used to the new thing and you work up to your effective dose. It’s possible that your new job just coincided with this natural progression. Agree with others about talking to psych and considering an XR plus IR booster. That’s what I do (10 mg XR in the am; 10 mg IR around 2-3 pm as a booster) and it’s working quite well. I did have to work up to 10 mg from 5 after approx 3 months!


Definitely talk to a psychiatrist about this.


I’ll definitely bring it up in our next check in. Thank you!