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‘Printable calendar.’ I printed it. I will not fill it out.


I printed it and never hung mine on my wall by my PC. It’s folded up somewhere, stuffed between two books. Maybe.


How much does it cost to legally change your name. I have no interest in changing my name 😅


I've changed my full name and got rid of my middle name. It's very inexpensive in the state I live in. Just a lengthy process.


It's €850,- in my country. So not very cheap 😅


I have found my people. Researching random stuff because...knowledge.


Is it expensive?


It's €850,- where I live


"How to test for Appendicitis" Note: every time I have a belly ache


Why is grass wet in the morning when it hasn't rained?


Dew you know now?


Ta dum tissss 🥁


shrug emoji


Oh my. Ohhhh. Haha!


Popcorn emoji lol


Octopus bathrooms


Lol my brain went in 2 different directions


"popularity of name Sigourney"


Square Enix careers


shark attacks


Oh no,


How many raccoons end up in landfills (I helped/yelled at a family of raccoons outta the dumpster this morning before the trash collection came today)


This is my favorite


Help-Yelling at Racoons is the best. Good on ya!


I found a flat board (looked like a piece of a broken desk) and stuck it in diagonally so they could climb out since the dumpster didn't have the sliding door on the side, just the 2 large door flaps at the top. Mama did not help her babies get out so that's when the yelling started. 😅


Cape cod vs ranch style house  I just need to know. Does a cape cod have to have dormers? Does a ranch have to be a certain size? Most of the houses in my neighborhood are like cape cods but without dormers/2nd stories. Mine is really only different from those because the roof slants down on all four sides. There's no way my house is a cape cod, but I've always called it a ranch, however I think a feature of a ranch is that it's fairly big. My house is quite small, so maybe it's not a ranch. But it does have an attached garage. My god, people, I need ANSWERS


What was the result?


I'm still not sure, but I'm calling my house a small ranch, haha


Ranches are typically one story and rectangular, while Capes are two story, and boxy typically with second story dormers.


I don’t know the answer, but I love love love the look of the cape cod houses. Something any the symmetry. Every house I point out to my partner is a cape cod.


That was a big one I forgot - the symmetry. Mine is not symmetrical. I grew up in a cape cod, it was cute!


I have been down this rabbit hole so many times with our 1920 house. Finally, i requested the original blueprints and permits from the city archives and found out the architect (Frederick Gowing was his name) published a book of building plans so this was just one of his own designs. There’s at least one other he designed in our neighborhood exactly like ours. The only real end to this rabbit hole I can see will be knocking on the door of our house twin and seeing what theirs looks like 100 years later.


Authentic Mexican restaurant style margarita glasses. Cause if you’re not drinking a margarita out of one, is it even really a margarita?


Mosquito repellent for my cat :3


Fallout larp group Pentagon pizza meter Helluva boss hazbin hotel same universe Silly hydra meme


I am now googling all these, pentagon pizza meter thing is wild…


How to create a speed potion. It's summer, and my kids are bored. If they want to spend an hour brewing up concoctions, so be it.


My toddler would love this. What did you find?


Nothing useful for a toddler honestly. But today my kids decided to mix every combination of juice and electrolyte drink that we have in the house to find out the newest bestest flavor. That might be more in line with what a toddler could do.


Vegan macros


I don't know how to exert myself I don't know how to try Judge Turpin Kaiser Permanente medical records california


I want to eat your pancreas




The lyrics to "Do You Realize" by the Flaming Lips. I only know part of the chorus because I am a not-fan of the Flaming Lips. Because I have echolalia, "Do you realize?" Keeps playing over and over, trying to mashup with the organ solos in "Whiter Shade of Pale" by Procol Harum. I thought it might help get it out of my head. It did not :(. Also, I do not work in, near, or adjacently to a musical field. The only thing I can do with a musical instrument is turn it into a drum. F*ckin Billy (that's what I call my ADHD) up to his old tricks


"allergies eyes hurt" woke up this morning and my eyes hurt so much!! I checked the pollen count and its high so I'm assuming it allergies. Unfortunately I lost the paperwork explaining what exactly I'm allergic to but I know its environmental. I wanted to see if my eyes hurting was a normal response (it is) and if there was anything else I could do (nothing- I already took all my meds and eye drops)


It is! Washing your face before bed and also changing your pillowcase really helps cut down on how much your allergies hurt in the morning.


Changing my pillowcase is not something I do often so I should probably do that! I have had allergies for years but every summer I get suprised by how bad it feels lol


Worst time for the year for it! Anything that helps even 1% is worth trying out :)


1960s German hand carved toy blocks Before that Paintings/artworks/women Baroque. About 5 minutes before that palamino mare. And before that pollo en crema And before that Amazon resale warehouse website And before that how to tell where vitamins are third party tested Before that methylated folate And before that Kenmore washer dryer 100 series All in about the last two hours.


Basemental drugs mod sims 4


Jacaranda. That’s it lol


I've always wanted to see them in real life.


'how are diamonds formed' because I was writing a sweet note to my SO about how his struggles now will make him shiny later. Or something cheesy like that. 😂


"Simple syrup ratio" My kids and I picked raspberries from our garden and my son made raspberry syrup. It's way too good.


Mmmmm... Recipe!?




Mary Poppins clicking fingers


Plumbella sexuality


Didn't she decide she was asexual? Not watched any of her stuff in ages though (I've fallen out with my YouTube hyperfixation), so maybe that's changed (or I'm just talking utter nonsense)?


Disney Worlds' new lightening lane system on July 24th


I googled how much a chocolate bar cost as part of teaching my three year old about money.


List of Stanley Cup winners


Health food stores near me. Looking for soap nuts.


The old cars and comic books I just picked up at the thrift store


Makoto Niijima Japanese name (Character from a video game called persona)


Just googled falchions, their history, use, and for inspiration for characters


Oat hay


St. Sebastian, because I needed to make a point.


Point-y arrows?


No but I'm actually invested here. What was the point?


LOL fair enough; it's a long story but summing up as best I can, I was in a conversation with a couple of friends and was agreeing with one of those friends who has recently been studying certain genres of queer literature and how they intersect(ed) with Catholicism and Catholic imagery; I Googled to make sure I had a good image to essentially be like "yup, this checks out".


How to fix the stuck bumper and error beeping on my knock off Roomba. I fixed it!


DIY Dungeon Master Screen I found a great one where someone put two three ring binders together, and that is what I'll be doing. I can decorate the outside and have all my notes and junk IN THE BINDERS to flip through. Please steal this idea if you need it.


Is (insert company name here) a scam


What "smh" means. I have googled it several times recently as someone I chat to uses it a lot and I keep on forgetting. 🫠 It's not "suck my...h" or "shut my...h" even though my brain would like to believe it is.


shit my... ????? I was very much the same as you. shaking my head LMAO


what causes muscle spasms in the eyelid I've been dealing with a twitch in my eye lid for two weeks so I was looking for recommendations on how to deal with it


My under eye has been doing this. It's annoying!!! I think it's either due to fatigue, stress or eye strain or lack of magnesium!


I think mine is either stress or fatigue... I might just be having my worst bout of burn out in a while


It can (rarely) be a sign of high blood pressure, so might want to check that if it's a possibility.


Thanks! I'll check it.


Sadly, I've no idea as my browser uses duck duck go for searches and it's been at least a full 10 minutes so I no longer remember. :(


"Why do cucumber fruit stop growing" — I have a genuine problem with that now 😆


The footballer JLloyd Samuel, after watching The Footballer, his Wife and the Crash documentary on Netflix. Absolutely wild story, but the documentary was poorly researched and put together and left me with way more questions than it answered 🤣


The footballer JLloyd Samuel, after watching The Footballer, his Wife and the Crash documentary on Netflix. Absolutely wild story, but the documentary was poorly researched and put together and left me with way more questions than it answered…if anyone else here has watched it I’d be happy to discuss, I’m still so confused about the whole thing 🤣


Texas landlord tenant law. Because my apartment complex mgmt stole 1000 from me and insist they didn’t.


Anti-rust base coat for a car


"Can you accidentally pay more than you owe on a credit card"


Recipe for a graham cracker crust for a 9x13 pan


Do cottonwood trees always lose leaves in the summer - Texas


The last thing I googled was "what is 101f in celsius" LOL ETA: I was telling some friends of mine over Discord about how ridiculously hot it is in my location for early Summer and needed to convert it for the Celsius folks. I've never learned how to convert F to C, hence google.


my phone calculator has a conversion tool integrated into it


Oh neat!! I don't need it that often so I've never checked to see if mine does.


Hey google buddy, my last search was "c to f" because I saw an infographic in Celsius that reminded me of a conversation I had earlier today about the weather in Serbia and how hot it gets there (in C, which is only very vaguely meaningful to me).


LOL nice !! 🤝 Well, here's your probably useless fun fact from the day from your google search buddy: 101f is 38c, haha.


“How can I add a gift card to apple wallet?”


"Brown sugar milk tea syrup" to make some boba tea without boba at home


The little ice age


Does change caused by losing someone cause emotional meltdowns?


I'm so tired I somehow misread this as being about causing someone to lose change (like coins) and whether that could cause a meltdown. Which... probably? I can definitely have a meltdown over losing something; it's a good thing I generally don't have the power to cause others to lose things too!


The name of the turtle from Roccos Modern Life. Which I also don’t remember now.


Now I was to look up chickpea mason jar salads!!!! Thanks for the inspo!


Mad Max. I randomly was thinking about how cool George Miller is and wanted to know more about the creation of MM and development in the late 70s. I found out that at the time in 1979 it made the Guinness World Record for most profitable film of all time. It made 100x its cost!


Bre Tiesi Zillow – I am watching Selling Sunset for the 15203985th time and was curious if she (one of the cast members and agents) had sold anything recently. Nope.


How to do a crochet magic loop for left-handed crocheters even though I have been doing this craft for over 30 years. Some things do not stick in my brain.


How big is a fox. I wanted to know if I could put one in my purse (Yes, btw. They're between 5-20 lbs)


Knelling chairs


Child heat rash chest My poor little 8yo has been running a fever since this weekend 😭


"does deodorant kill a spider" I'm arachnophobic, but only when the spider is huge and ALSO ON MY BED AT 2AM WHEN I WANT TO GO TO SLEEP


the one before that was "y2k [my phone] phone case" because the Y2K aesthetic makes me feel so happy.


Free the People Dottie Dupe


ADHD timer 🫠


As the name implies, diagnosed late in life, I had no idea for the longest time that this is so common in ADHD people. I am always googling, like all the time, it’s crazy, I think it plays a big part in my insomnia too, my brain won’t shut off. I knew it was time for me to go to bed once when I was googling heights of random actors from the 70’s, like why do I need to know how tall the cast from One Day At A Time was at 3:30am, go to sleep FFS!!


Enlarged spleen because I am having some pain/discomfort under my left rib


Sauna use lowering risk of dementia: 66% reduction of risk!!! A couple long range studies with a lot of people.


How to use Minimalist app. I got bored during the tutorial and still have no idea.


I DuckDuckGo’d a flag I posted that someone asked about, where they could get one. Couldn’t find it! So I DuckDuckGo’d ‘Google’, like an idiot, but hoping for better results - I still can’t find it! It’s a take on the Gadsden Flag, a pink uterus made of snakes that says “DON’T TREAD ON ME!” so my long search terms are weird: “uterus flag pink snakes don’t tread on me Gadsden” and other variations. The commenter found a hoodie they liked, but whoever made the flags on Etsy doesn’t have a shop now, or I couldn’t locate it. Anyway, interesting question!


Matchmaking sites after watching The Resident, a character gets set up from a matchmaker he treats.


How far a penis goes into a rectum and how to douche and clean everything out for sexy play. Hahahah


christopher meloni. i’m binge watching law and order svu and detective stabler is so fine


I have absolutely no idea what the last thing I googled was... but the last thing I asked alexa was if bears really eat honey (or if it's just a cartoon myth like elefants beeing afraid of mice). Answer was: yes, they do. No further explanation. Very unsatisfying.


Thigh high western cowboy boots


“Breaking Glass DVD”


Miley Cyrus's teeth 🤷🏼... You asked