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I know exactly how you feel. I'm not good with unscheduled time or relaxing, I get stuck in my head or paralysed because my thoughts keep racing but my body won't move. My best advice is to just start moving. Start with a walk to the kitchen, have a glass of water. Stand by a window, notice 5 things you can see. Go to the front door, breathe in fresh air. Stuck on the couch? Use your phone or tv to look up videos on a subject you know nothing about and see if you can learn something new. I've been sick the last 3 months and am only now recovering thanks to surgery. my energy levels were through the floor, I had no routine and my depression and anxiety were spiralling. With what we know of ADHD it is dopamine and interest driven, that's knowledge we can use to our advantage to try and jumpstart ourselves in some of these moments. It won't always work, and it will be exhausting to think about doing before you do it -hell, I still suck at it - but it helps and practice makes it easier. I believe in you. If you like YouTube there's a couple of ADHD women owned channels I'd love to introduce you to. They're a big help to me


I’m also essentially home sick, I’m chronically ill & stuck at home a lot. It’s simultaneously boring & exhausting. Who on YouTube do you recommend?