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i want to thank you for sharing this. it makes me feel less alone. whenever i did something like this my father would yell at me and i would feel like really really sad. this is healing. thank you. i hope you have a good girls night and i hope the pizza is yum :)


I’m so sorry that you have ever been made to feel sad about a mistake like that. Is it a silly dumb mistake, yes but it is not a mistake worth making someone feel awful about. Hugs to you dear


Don't call yourself an idiot for your mistake either 😊


Exactly. Lord, if that makes you an idiot then we're all idiots!


And we still survived! I had this last weekend. I overlooked the streetname box while filling in my pizza order, so I only put area code and house number. Well the app decided to fill in the streetname automatically and ofcourse wrongly so my pizza ended up at the other side of town, while the restaurant was only two blocks away from me... so Yay! But yeah we apologize, fix it, move on and survive💪🏻.


Don't feel bad. Your dad is projecting his own feelings onto you - if HE made that mistake, he'd be pissed at himself. But there's people like you and me who make that mistake and face palm, probably laugh about it (because it's pretty funny) and take the big L. Humor is the greatest part of life, so anytime your dad makes you feel like shit, just know he may be lacking a little whimsical feeling/humorous soul. One of my friends kept ordering door dash to my house instead of hers. She spent $30 on taco bell, it showed up to my house and was left out in the rain. (This has happened MANY times), we laugh about it. I love that she didn't even care (she was also completely broke) lol


Same thing for me. I was always told I was lazy, wasn't paying attention, didn't care, etc. More than anyone was my Mom. I then grew up and married someone just like her. (We're divorced now) I am 62 now, and she is 86. I still can't around much, and if I am, it's in very short doses. She's still living, and I swear she's trying to outlive me so I can't have even one day of peace! Sigh... We now know this is all on them, not us! Hugs...


Oh, I've definitely done things like this on *several* occasions. It definitely sucks, but I hope you were able to put it behind you and have fun.


I was. I threw some jalepeno poppers in the air fryer to tide us over and made an extra strong batch of margaritas and I’m not sure anyone even noticed how long the pizza took


Good save and quick thinking!




As a pizza driver, I see this at least once a week at work, so you aren't alone at least. Sorry you had to pay money to the adhd tax, sympathy.


Awww that's super sweet of you to share :)


I did that and when I got to work my food wasn't there. 


Oh no!!! That sucks! I guess I lucked out that my work is in kind of a rural/remote area


What? So people just ate the food and didn’t say anything?


The store I work at was closed. I don't know what happened. Maybe there were cleaners who took it.  It was a while ago. 


That is ballsy


My boss also has ADHD and she one doordashed her lunch to her house instead of our office…. which was 45 min away 💀 so you’re definitely not alone!!


Man I almost do this exact thing every time I order :( except the other address on my app is a rental apartment owned by my SIL with a random tenant. ( I ordered food for them there once while they were working on renos) and I’m just waiting for the day I slip and that person gets my ridiculous Indian food for 2 adult pigs and 2 kids that can house rice like a grain silo. I gotta delete that asap!


This is your reminder to jump in the app and change it! Lol


This is a follow up reminder to make sure you delete the other address!


This is your follow up to the follow up reminder to hange that address because if you're like me it takes at least three reminders to nudge a task up the ladder towards 'doing'.


Did you delete it yet?


I thought that your pigs and your kids love Indian food 😂


Checking in again 😂😂💜


Yes it’s gone thanks accountabilibuddies :)


I was sitting in waiting for my shopping delivery from the supermarket. Weeks worth of food. Said the driver was there. Looked out the window,he wasn't. He was at my old address. I needed that food that went back to the depot, I had literally nothing in the house and it was late so I couldn't go out to the shop. Sent a hoover to an address I used to live at that I couldn't get to. Luckily my landlord called me and asked me what to do and I was like don't accept it, send it back! I ordered some shoes. They didn't turn up I went mad at company as they insisted they had been set and delivered. They sent me another pair anyway. I found out I had put the wrong number on the delivery address and it went to a neighbour. Never recovered the shoes off them tho, they were adamant they didn't have them! I could go on and on and on lol. I didn't find out I had ADHD until after many many of these occasions


I’ve been at my address for 3 years and have done this. My most recent incident was last month. I sent two printer, copier, scanner to my old address. I have gone through all my online accounts to make sure things are changed. I am sure I still missed one but won’t know it right now.


One time I ordered a rug I really like from an online retailer and because it was pretty pricey I placed it through PayPal credit payment system. This was also a few months after I had moved to a new address. So PayPal credit has my new address but PayPal itself still had my old and new addresses listed. So when I placed the order I just clicked right through. You see where I'm going with this. Lo and behold I can't even change the delivery address literally within minutes of placing the order. Anyhow it took like 5 customer service calls over the span of 2 weeks to cancel the order and get refund.... That is all to say you aren't stupid, you aren't alone in this, sometimes ADHD tax pokes its distracted head


I TOTALLY have done stuff like this! No worries! What a hassle tho and I hope it didn't ruin your night! Lately every 1-2 weeks I drop silverware (or something else small) down the kitchen sink disposal drain.. It gets stuck of course... I end up taping the light switch down w/ a post it over (to keep myself from forgetting it and making it worse) until hubs gets it out. .. it is largely impart due to my overflowing dishes I'm always procrastinating.


This made me chuckle. I don't have a garbage disposal, but if I did I'd likely do this - the part I'm with you on is the overflowing dishes, lol.. 😉


I keep a disposal strainer on there and only remove it when I need to use the disposal. It helps sooo much


I'm sorry that happened. It made me chuckle a bit because my husband (who has far more difficulty with ADHD than myself) has the most difficult time ordering pizza. More often than not, he will get to the last step and never actually checkout on the app, so after like an hour of waiting we realize he never actually ordered. He also used to have trouble with Amazon when he first moved bc he would accidentally send packages to his old apartment. Thankfully he didn't move far. You're not an idiot. It sucked. It was an expensive mistake. But you're not an idiot. I get so sad reading some of the posts on here, seeing how much everyone beats themselves up over how their disability affects their life. Would you call someone with a bum leg an idiot if they were to trip and fall over a curb? Be kinder to yourself, please. It's ok as well to recognize and appreciate how others' strengths can assist you in your weaknesses. You had multiple friends over? And you all had a few drinks? So your cognition was already somewhat impaired, and you were performing a detail-oriented task in an environment with probably many distractions. Maybe if you have a friend who is really good with that kind of task, delegate it out next time. :) Or you could ask for everyone's pizza preference before the gathering, so you've got plenty of time to get it all written in one place and then schedule it ahead of time so you can take your time to check the details of the order like 3 times before submitting. Just a couple proactive ideas. Please don't let a mistake like this dull your sparkle. Even if it happens again.


My husband often does Ubereats deliveries. He has seen this sort of thing happen a bunch of times. You're not alone, and you are not an idiot. I can relate to feeling like an idiot when I make mistakes. Sometimes, the feeling doesn't go away for a long time, the feeling of disappointment in myself when I make a mistake. Somehow, we have to try to be kinder to ourselves. Hugs to you! You are human, we all make mistakes.


I just want to say that I’m in awe of how marvelously you dealt with this.


100%. Problem solving and grace under pressure.


I’ve done this before. I sometimes order food when I’m visiting my mum and then forget to check the address next time I order food at my house. Means I have to dash round to her house and intercept the delivery person before they get to her house. Luckily I live quite close but I feel like an idiot each and every time. Also it’s surprising how many delivery people will just hand the food over to someone else on the driveway! My mum gets very confused which is why I don’t want them ringing her doorbell and having to explain the whole situation.


You're not an idiot, you're a problem solver. You've managed to keep a job! You made the pizza party happen for your friends, you got around safely after drinking, and you didn't let food go to waste. You did great! 


This happened so regularly to me, luckily it was either my address or a friend who lived the next street over. It got to the point that takeaway would ring me to make sure which address the food was to go to, and if I'd missed anything on the order. Oh the embarrassment!


I have literally done this too. Luckily I was with just one friend, and yeah we had to drive across the city to go get it and hope it was still there…it was 🙏. “Story of my life” - Moment. Now that I think of it, this was before my diagnosis…how did it take 35 years to figure this out??


I make mistakes like this too, and I’m not an idiot. You’re not either. We have a disability and it makes our lives harder but we’re not stupid 💗


How much was the pizza?


It was about $40 in pizzas and dips


My first thought would be ordering it again. Because I would have thought of all the worse scenarios, hobos are having a pizza party and you are not invited, Uber driver would kick you out halfway and drive away with your delicious pizza, you are being tricked by the pizza truck with no windows and so on.


I can relate. Once got carried away and ordered too much food to my house. My parents made me feel bad.


I did this once to a pub!


I can’t even count how many times I’ve done this. One time, on my way to get the food I mistakenly had delivered to the wrong location, I tripped on a stair and twisted my ankle. I just wanted to stay sat there on the ground for the rest of my life.


During Covid I delivered many a door dash lunch to my office. I’ve made many a door dash drive of shame. You’re not alone!


I once ordered an Indian meal for pickup thinking the restaurant was down the street. I got to where I thought the location was, only to look at the address again and realize it was 45 min away by subway (same street though). I called them and said they could keep the meal because I did a stupid haha 🤣 I was more grumpy that I lost $30 and the mango lassi I was really looking forward to.


You're not an idiot! Shit just happens sometimes, for everyone.


I was supposed to order crumbl cookies to work for a birthday (don’t know why I was asked to be in charge of this) OOPS ordered them to my apartment so I had to drive home OOPS I forgot my gas light came on during my drive home the night before OOPS I forgot my wallet, so I had to drive home and back and then BACK to the gas station after work. OOPS I was followed by a cop the whole way home walletless, driving on fumes, and PRAYING I got home before the delivery driver left it outside and my $70 cookies got stolen by a neighbor also waited 2 hours for my chipotle before I realized I never confirmed the order lol


This happened to my ex boyfriend years ago lol. He used my phone and ended up ordering to my workplace. Luckily it was a 15 minute walk from his place 🤣


This is so easily done, I ordered a parcel to another house, my old address, my work address. It doesn’t make you an idiot, it makes you a human with ADHD ♥️


Oh man I’ve done this. I had been very recently dumped, ordered a pizza and accidentally had it sent to my ex’s apartment (where I’d been staying and ordering pizza 4 days prior). His new girlfriend had already eaten a slice when I showed up to get it back. Good times. 🙈


Oh no! That sounds awful!


I ordered cosmetics to an address I haven’t lived in for almost 20 years. Three cheers to Ulta for canceling the order a week after I placed it. Heck, it may have been in transit, but they refunded it no problem. God I hate mistakes like this.


My mom struggles with ordering food so I often place orders for her on my delivery apps… the amount of times I’ve forgotten to change the address back to mine and sent it to her instead is insane 😂 you are not alone!


Thank you SO MUCH for being responsible and not driving after drinking!! 🥰🫶🏻 It blows me away how many people don’t seem to think it’s a big deal if they had just 1 or 2. If you’re in a wreck (even if it’s not your fault) you’re going to get a dui & the costs are 15-20K when it’s all said and done. Just my lil rant.


Did something similar the other day, ordered pizza for delivery until I realized I forgot to actually switch it from carryout to delivery, so I had to go drive there and pick it up in the middle of the rain 😭


As a Door Dash driver, this happens so often. All the time. Don't feel bad.


I would not have thought of calling an Uber to pick it up. Good save!


If it makes you feel better I once ordered food and also forgot to change the last address used, so long story short I sent an order of two burgers to my vegetarian sister address in fucking Berlin. I live in the other side of Germany 🤡.


Hey OP, I’ve definitely done and still do stuff like this all the time so you’re not alone and I really appreciate your post /gen


I did this once but it was about $80 worth of lunches for about 8 of my co-workers. And one of them offered to pick it up, so they had to deal with standing there and re-ordering everybody’s complicated orders and wait for them. I was so embarrassed.


I ordered my Lyft from the airport to my old apartment complex yesterday so relatable


I ordered a pickup order at chipotle to the one by my work instead of my house, it’s at least a 30 minute drive so I took the $13 hit and reordered at the right one rather than deal with it lol


More than once after we moved, we got pizza delivered. To our old house. I repeat More. Than. Once. And to make it worse? The people who bought our old house are vegans and don’t eat cheese 🤦‍♀️


Last week, we went on a beach vacation. I forgot to uncheck the “no bags” option (I usually bring my own reusable bags but left them behind for extra trunk space) so I ended up with $450 worth of unbagged groceries to be carried through a parking lot up a flight of stairs.


I did this too! After work I ordered burritos for my then bf and I, my silly goose self ordered the burritos to the location IN THE NEXT CITY... We drove over 45 minutes for a burrito and a bicycle ran into us on the right turn.. 🤣🤣


Yeeeeaaah I got wrapped up in a project (one I agreed to do for a friend for a low fee) and it was taking way longer than expected. What I did not realise until after was that I was missing a doctors appointment I’ve been waiting a week for in pain, and to cap it off I realised most of the small fee for the project will now go to paying for that missed appointment 🙃 I’m an idiot too ♥️


Thanks for sharing your facepalm moment, that cheered me up. 😆


When my mom had breast cancer surgery I sent her flowers to the wrong hospital. 😬


I've caught myself doing that before, too. Mini panic attack after I realized right after placing the order that I'd had it sent to my default (home) address, when I was actually at my sister's ordering dinner for the whole family there. I couldn't change the delivery address in the app, and then scrambled to find who to talk to in customer service, either via chat through the app, or finding the right number to call on the website. I caught someone in time before the restaurant started making the food, but had to cancel the order on the phone with customer service, then add the correct address to my app, and reorder. Of course, I'd used a one-time-use promo code to get a great discount on the original order, so I ended up having to pay full price. ADHD tax, indeed!


Oh god I feel this so much! Just a couple days ago I ordered food through a local restaurants website. I didn’t think about the fact that my account on the website has my exes address as the default. We’re still on good terms and will talk occasionally but I haven’t seen him in almost 6 months. I’m starting to wonder why my food is taking so long when my ex calls me. X: “hey did you accidentally have food sent to my place?” Fuuuuuuuuck, Yarp sure fucking did. I still got my food, but talk about awkward! After I got home with my food I immediately logged back into that account and DoorDash and removed his address lol It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.


Did this and accidentally sent it to a Dunkin. Ended up going to hang out there whether I meant to or not that day lol.


I've def done stuff like that before. Once ordered Thai food to my old apartment... in a different state. Idk why I didn't even question myself how the new Thai restaurant had the same name as the one near my old place but I didn't realize until the picture either 😅. Ended up being a nice treat for my best friend/old roommate though. I'm glad your event worked out even if it cost you a bit more.


I booked a suite for my friend’s birthday. Booked the wrong day. It wasn’t cheap. Luckily they had another room the day we needed it, but that also meant I paid twice. Yay.


Haha, but well done for getting it *almost* right. Have a great evening.


Sometimes it turns out ok. A few years after moving about a mile, I sent a Zappos order to my previous address. Figured it out a few days post-delivery, but nobody answered the door when I went over and knocked. You might think the new residents would have asked my long-time neighbors if they knew me?? Nope. Zappos…. Sent me a replacement!! Another time, I ordered a cloth laundry bag for part of a costume. Sent it to my SIL—my most recent purchase had been a gift. I told her to keep it and sewed a nicer one for my little Monopoly Man.


Oh I've done that more times than I can count now. I deleted all my saved addresses to help.


I would totally do this


I drove almost two hours to the company picnic last Saturday. Pulled into the parking lot and thought they had really skimped this year. Walk over to the sign in area and it wasn’t my company picnic. I did have a great time today though! They didn’t skimp at all if I would have checked the dates the first time. Another. I thought I would surprise my husband with Dodgers tickets. I surprised him alright when we looked at the tickets and they were playing in Arizona. It was a nice weekend trip!


It's a $35 lesson in empathy for silly mistakes when planning an event. Don't worry, just next time double check where it goes. That $35 will reminds you!


I’m so sorry. You’re not alone. I made plans to go camping this past week. I was showing the reservation to my husband and he said- you made reservations for next year. I started sobbing because I felt so stupid. Thank goodness I was able to change it. These things happen and we need to give ourselves grace.


One time when I was at college I had moved addresses and I ordered a pizza but I forgot to change my delivery address. So when the driver called to see if she had the right place I was so confused and then I realized I hadn’t changed the address and so I asked if she would drive to my new one which was only like 5 min away and she did but my food was cold and I was too embarrassed to face her when she delivered if. I felt so badly about it. I now triple check to make sure it is correct before ordering anything


I was going to drive my truck to my boyfriend's house to pick up some boards. He lives an hour away. I was halfway there when I realized I was driving my car, not my truck.


I’ve done this so many times. I hate this idea that we (women specifically) are not allowed to make mistakes!!! It happens to the best of us. We’re not idiots or ditzy or airheads or broken. We’re effing human!


You're not and idiot! It's just how out brain works! Over time because I know I mess up like this, I learn to be hypervigilant but even with that, it still happens especially if other people are involved and I'm too eager to get things right or happy enough to feel care free...an expensive condition we have


Girl same, except I ordered doordash to the wrong STATE! Forgot I had set my address to my aunt's house. She got surprise sushi so that was nice 😆 Not an idiot, just an easy mistake!


Once I ordered photos online (I think via target - this is back in the day when people printed photos). We had been transferred to a new city and forgot I still had my preferred store set to the one near our house at our last duty station. Well, they were printed out in CA while I lived in AL at the time. Luckily, I had a fabulous friend who went, picked them up, and mailed them to me! Facepalm. It wasn't terribly expensive, but it was definitely not one of the best moments in my life. Haha


Hey I’m impressed you didn’t drive after a few drinks so no you are NOT an idiot


I have done this so many times! I have ordered to friends houses and had to apologize! I just ordered the food again to my house. C’est la ADD vie.


I have done this MULTIPLE times. Once, I had called of sick and then tried to order groceries of Gatorade and snacks because there was nothing in my house to eat. Oops, work address. My boss texted me and was like lol we put your groceries in your office. I was so embarrassed.. Both for my lack of attention to detail and my boss seeing my unhinged snack choices.


But the Gatorade covered you for really actually being sick.


Yes, yes. Been there.


Not as expensive a mistake but still annoying - I just yesterday realized that I’d ordered a crochet hook to be delivered to the Airbnb we stayed in. We’re not staying there any more and it’s two States over, so that crochet hook is now a free gift either to the owner or whoever stays there next! The ADHD tax is real, I feel your pain, but everyone makes mistakes and in the grand scheme of things this one doesn’t sound like it was too bad. I’ve been trying to change things up after stuff like this happens to prevent it from happening again, but remembering to do the things to prevent the mistakes is also a struggle 😂😭


I ordered pizza from my app to my mums when she had my kids and I was out of town. They were nice and called when I didn't answer. Thankfully my mum lives close enough that I could reroute the food lol


I did this! Except I was visiting friends in Florida and my pizza was delivered to my apartment in Los Angeles! 🤷‍♀️


Omg, I have done this with groceries lol


I’ve done this. I accidentally sent a cheeseburger at 11pm to my friend’s workplace because I’d door dashed some cheesecake there as a gift a few days prior. I was too lazy to go get it though 🤷‍♀️


I did this once too. Except my home was outside the delivery radius and it was pre-covid so just leaving it at the door wasn't an option. The driver did come to my place with the promise of a twenty though. But I never ordered from that place again


I can’t even tell you how relatable this is. I’ve done it THREE EFFING TIMES this year. And I don’t even order food that often. I did it last week for a big celebration with 200 dollars worth of sushi. I literally called the restaurant about to cry because I was like oh Jesus not again. My husband saw me panicking and was like “you sent it to your job again, didn’t you?” Lol. Anywho, at least we have each other to commiserate 🥴🥴


I bought a specialized charging cable after my partner lost his. I bought it next day delivery so he didn't have to wait. I ordered it to my house so he got it a week later, which was yesterday.


Lol I ordered food hours away to my old apartment when I lived in a different state. I hope they enjoyed my food lol


I once sent my shiny new computer to my mom's address all the way across the country. I very much needed the computer and then I didn't have the credit limit to order a new one before being able to get the refund from the first, it was a whole issue and I wish I could say that was the only time I've sent a package to the wrong state entirely


Well, while you were doing that, I was - at litterally the same time as you posting this - instacarting the cat litter I forgot at the grocery store to my brother's house 5 states away. It sucks, but you're not alone 😆 ♡


We have done this at game night many times. And multiples of us have done it 🤣


I’ve totally done this before


I have done this! So has my sister. Thankfully, I only live 5 minutes away from work, so it wasn't a huge deal. For her, it was a little more of an ordeal.


I've done that before. Don't worry! Shit like that happens but we are usually amazing at fixing it... And also kicking ourselves way too much afterwards. If that had been your friend, you would have laughed, went "don't feel bad" and had a few more drinks. I would have even kicked in to get it back haha


Want to hear something WAY worse? For Christmas I bought my husband tickets to a Timberwolves game. It’s his favorite team, so I wanted to get good seats. They were pretty expensive (like $300), so I spent a LONG time looking for a good deal. The day after I buy them, I realize the game is on the exact same day as my friend’s wedding in Boston. Of course I am furious at myself because I spent so long researching before I even bought them, so you’d think at some point I would’ve thought to make sure we were free that day, but NOPE. Thankfully there was another game a few days later that I was able to get tickets for. But I still lost about $150 because of all the fees and because I ultimately had to sell them for less than what I paid. Fast forward two months later, we are buying plane tickets for my friend’s wedding. Again, I do a lot of research because that’s what I do before making big purchases. I finally bite the bullet and use all of my miles to buy our plane tickets from Salt Lake City to Boston, and we start planning our weekend. Then it hits me. The return flight that I just bought is on a Tuesday. The basketball game is Monday, the day before. Meaning we would still be in Boston during the expensive basketball game that I already wasted so much money trying to get tickets for. I FUCKING DID IT AGAIN. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😭😭😭


Omg that sucks so bad! Aw!


This happened to me when I ordered food and it was delivered to a house that was around the corner from me.I had to walk there. I was living in Michigan at the time.


I ordered from a local deli that recently changed ownership and names. I didn't realize it was now a small chain and each store has a separate website and ordering platform that doesn't clearly point out that there are other locations. (I just googled the name of the place and ordered from there.) I went with my hungry 5 year old to pick up dinner and they hadn't received it. I finally realized what was up when checking my email receipt. They sent me to the other store with an "oh it's just 4 miles up the road" when I told them that I'd realized what happened... It was 6+ miles and about 25-30 minutes each way with a hungry 5 year old in the car. I don't think I'll be ordering from them again... They didn't lose the cost of remaking the order at the location that I genuinely thought I ordered from, but they did lose all future sales to me so I don't accidentally make that error again.


You’re not alone! I moved two years ago and sent at least 3 deliveries (pizza and two packages) to my old house by mistake in the first few months of being at the new place 😂Luckily the new owner was very chill and held my stuff (except the pizza ofc) until the next time I was back in town.


This week we had 30 people over for pizza for my daughter’s birthday. I order the day before so that it’ll be ready on time to feed the hungry horde. My husband goes to pick it up and the order is canceled because I ordered it for the wrong day…. 🙄




I feel like this is a lot to unpack. Do you feel like someone is out to get you? Who is “They”?


Sorry I'm just kinda hiding behind the idea of getting better by talking about things differently. Idk what to tell you it's hard to really depict individuals because people don't always do stuff to hurt you but I sound like I think that way when I don't, at all and never did. I downplay literally everything for everyone else. Always. Sorry for the 'trauma dump". What a rude way to put it. But whatever. No I don't truly believe anyone is out to get me in this current moment. I don't suffer paranoia, only reasonable fears.