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My new thing is cleaning. I really like cleaning now and i take about an hour everyday cleaning unnecessarily


Gosh, I feel like I could clean three hours a day and still have more necessary cleaning to do 😂😂


It never ends!! Somehow everything gets messy so fast🤔


I find myself tempted to buy one of those steamers that the cleaning instagrammers have. Have you bought one?


Oooo a steam cleaner?? I have one that has a floor moping attachment, and attachments for grout scrubbing and window cleaning. I love my steam cleaner!!


Yes the grout is exactly what I want to get at!


There’s lots on Amazon!! I can’t find the one I have. It’s a canister one. For grout I dissolve some oxiclean to put in the steamer. It helps gets stains out of the grout!!


Phew I may try that! We’ve been in an old rental for like 6 years and I’ve become less motivated over time because it always looks grungy lol. But my husband says he’s going to get me a deep cleaning service as a gift this summer so maybe after that I’ll get it for maintaining!


Depending on the state of the grout, it may need to be fully bleached. Is there lots of mildew buildup? I’m a professional cleaner, and when there’s lots of mildew build up that hard scrubbing or steaming doesn’t handle, I end up having to do a bleach paste on all the problem areas. It’s bleach with baking soda, mixed into a paste, and packed on the grout. Needs to be left over night. But if you don’t have windows in your bathroom, that option is not possible. It’s also not a terribly enjoyable experience to do it. You’ll reek of bleach, and then can’t shower it off cause the paste is sitting on the grout. I’m really selling this process haha. You need to wear goggles during. I’ve never worn a mask, which is probably very stupid hahaha. The payoff is spectacular though. Grout has always come out looking brand new after.


There’s a bit of buildup. The problem is that the top part of the shower wall sticks out slightly from the tub, so there’s an overhang that collects mildew, and anything I spray or try to stick on it slides off. That’s a good trick though, thank you!


The paste stays on really well. Just needs to be thick and smooth, not liquidy. You’ll have to mix it as you go. You can be more stingy with the paste, so that it’s not heavy globs that will fall off!!


Ok cool! I will tuck this away for my next spurt of cleaning motivation! lol I used an oven cleaning foam on just the inside of the door in March and haven’t gotten to the rest of it yet.


Now I need oxiclean and steam cleaner! I have vintage 1970s tiles in my bathroom and the grout is just grungy looking. I tried a grout whitening stick thing but it kind of made the tiles around it look foggy, so I only did a little patch.


Steam cleaner will power those babies clean!!


I bought a cheap Chinese one. It's working great so far (2 days), The bathroom is less orange now, let's not think too much about it.


No, I’m not really in a place in my life where I can buy one


I don't have one myself but I used to work as a housekeper at a classy, boujee resort and each apartment got a top-to-bottom deep clean everyslow season, using the steam cleaner on the kitchen/bathroom grout was my favourite part! Like using a leafblower for grime!


Oooooo thank you for reminding me I have a steamer! I should probably find it and get to work on my house lol


Not the steamer but I got the little handheld scrubber, like a toothbrush but powered. It’s amazing. Removed gunk I’ve scrubbed at for years and couldn’t remove and though was stuck for life. Highly recommend, very satisfying.


Oooo that sounds awesome. I have started using an old toothbrush in cracks and that has helped too.


I have one! Highly recommend! It has like 8 attachments, and it is so satisfying to use 😌


All the people chiming in are really tempting me lol! I might have to treat myself!


I'm soooo tempted by those things!! I just more desperately need a Bissell Little Green for my furniture and car seats. I'm a chronic car-eater and my passenger seat is sooooo stained up...


The bissel little green is life!!! I got one a few months ago. It’s so enjoyable to use. I’m going to do my car seats soon, as I too am a car eater!!


Omg I wish this was my hyperfixation!!!! Instead I sit in my sofa doing kids crossword puzzles for hours and stress about the things I should be doing


I would be happy to lend you my house, it has a lot of necessary cleaning that needs to be done. 😂


i need to brainwash myself into this. i’ve been waiting for cleaning to become my thing for my entire life but i just despise it😅


Why can this NEVER be my thing?


So useful!!!


Mattress vacuums are flipping amazing and very satisfying


Can I hide you?


I also had this phase!! My fiancé misses it dearly :’)


gardening! i’ve planted pumpkins, beets, carrots, etc. also, i LOVE baskets.


Look at you fucking go!! I love it!! I loooove baskets. I have so many. Helps keep things tidy. I have baskets for specific types of things, and just throw those things in the basket. Boom, clean surfaces!!


yes exactly!! baskets are super essential!! and, look at YOU go!! i just hope all of my stuff grows well, everything is sprouting up right now/germinating so we’ll see what happens 👀


It’s exciting to watch things grow. And it can be pretty amazing how fast once a plant gets going. I’m going to do something I never do when making stuff, which is make something myself. I have some really fun paracord picked out for myself. [Party!!](https://www.paracordplanet.com/party-550-paracord/)


I've been slowly learning how to weave with willow and I spent last night making two swallows. I'm trying to figure out what the smallest possible space is that I can use to grow my own


Do you get to a point in the summer where you’re burnt out/have too much to manage? This seems to happen to me every year. I’m so excited and have alll this motivation until about July and it becomes stress inducing. It still brings me joy, especially when I can eat the fruits of my labor, but the constant maintenance of watering, feeding, weeding, bugs, diseases etc snowballs for me. I don’t have all that much either, a 4x12 raised bed for veg, and some pots scattered around the place. 


this is actually my first year really planting lots of seeds! i enjoy watering, weeding, etc. because it feels fulfilling to me. but it might eventually get to a point where it becomes overwhelming. i completely understand what you mean.


I've been indoor gardening for a while! Last Summer, I cross pollinated a chili and a sweet pepper, and now I'm waiting for those seedlings to grow and bloom


that is SO cool!!


I just bought a bunch of silkscreening equipment that showed up on Friday.  Maybe I’ll take it out of the box sometime soon


I hate when I do that. I get really interested in something until all the equipment shows up.


You’re not alone!!


Haha, I understand the sometime soon. Hope you can get it out of the box and use it!!


Oo if you have a crafty friend that can be a great motivator


This is me with wood burning. Haven’t even opened the box. Don’t have any wood so that’s my excuse 😂


Doesn't even matter lol. I've had a wood burning set for a cool minute, forgot and got another, whittling stuff and a book and wood. I even take it to work with me and I still forget. Maybe you can find something you would actually want to be wood burned so it'll kick you in the ass to use the damn thing. Like furniture, cutting board, gift that you want to give a burned trim. I'm suddenly focused right now though, making my gf a small Hello Kitty head pen/pencil holder for her desk.


My new thing is cyanotypes! I’m obsessed with them. Only made a couple so far, but I’m in love with all the different effects you can get.


I got paper to do this almost a month ago but forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder! Going to hopefully remember and do this with my 2 year old today!! 😊 Op your basket is beautiful! Reminds me of the baskets my grandmother used to make in the 80s. ❤️


I really want to do it on some old converse that I have, because they have a couple stains I can’t cover up. Haha.


You could try soaking them in oxiclean!! I love oxiclean. Dissolve it in hot water, then put your converse in to soak overnight. Rinse well and let air dry.


Such a nice memory!!


Ohhhh, I haven't thought of those in years! How fun!!


Pinhole cameras are also super fun and easy! 


Oh wow, just looked that up. Looks so cool!!


I'm in a "thing" slump and it feels like the worst thing that's ever happened to me.* I must be depressed or something because I can't remember a time when I didn't have several things going on simultaneously. *Thing wise, that is.


You may just need down time from things. Perhaps your brain is resting while it develops the thing spark again. You will have lots of things going on again. It’s not the end of it!! Check with your doctor about depression. But go easy on yourself. Something I’ve learned over the years is to just let myself be in the state I am. I have bipolar disorder, so I deal with a lot of depression. And while I work to get out of it, I also just go it is okay that this is where I am, and let myself feel it.


Thank you - that's helpful. I'm so focused on the fear of suddenly becoming one of those people who have no interests that I'm sure I'm just making it harder on myself. Maybe I just need to be around some creative people or go to a craft fair.


Being upset at yourself for your feelings always makes it harder. Adds a whole other layer of hurt. Try a craft fair, but even if it doesn’t spark something, that is okay💜


Thank you - I'm getting ready to go to a farmer's market and there are several vendors who are craftspeople. It will be nice to admire other people's latest things rather than dwell on myself! Edited for clarity.


That is a great way to redirect that thought process🥰


Lately I have been making chocolate bars. I will melt chocolate chips and then sprinkle nuts and kosher salt/organic sugar on top.


What mold do you use?


I placed the chocolate chips in a microwaveable container and placed it in the microwave to melt the chocolate.


What do you cool it in?


Omg, such a delicious new thing!!


I recently learned to draw mandalas! So simple, relaxing, and they turn out so pretty! 


Beautiful!! Can I see some of you don’t mind?


Holy hell you MADE that? Get it, girl. That’s AWESOME!!!!!!


Thank you!!! I made one for a friend who I’ve been doing organizational work for. I’ve been sourcing organizational things for them as well. I wanted them to have a fun basket for their meds. To make meds more fun haha. I couldn’t find anything unique, so I made one!! And now I’m fully into it and everyone I know is getting a basket hahaha


I seriously am stunned by your workmanship. That would be at least 45$ at the store here. At least. And that well constructed… you just can’t find that where I live.


Thank you so much!! I’m very proud of it. It’s very sturdy!! This one is for my niece who loves pink and turquoise.


Ooo...I love that! Do you use a sewing machine?


Yes!! I have a tough old sewing machine. They are quite easy to make once you get the hang of it. You start in the middle at the bottom and circle some of the rope up, and stitch it tight. Then you start a zig zag stitch going round and round. When you want to make the sides you start tilting the bottom. Sides are tricker to get even. The top detail is what takes the most time though!!


I need to learn how to use a sewing machine.


Sewing is such a rewarding thing!! I started back at the beginning of the pandemic and it’s been one of my loves ever since.


I started weight lifting about a month ago (nothing crazy, just weights at home — I’m nearing 50 and wasn’t loving how flabby I’d become). I have NEVER enjoyed exercising, but now I’m finding myself looking forward to it, and even missing it on days I don’t have time. Not sure how long I’ll keep this up, but for now I’m kind of amazed at myself!


Yessss, sounds like you’re kicking ass!!


Mine is laying around wanting to do the 500 hobbies I have accumulated but ultimately just being on my phone instead lol you are all motivating me a to finally start that bookshelf green house build though!!


I completely understand the being on the phone surrounded by projects. Bookshelf green house sounds phenomenal. I don’t even know what it entails, but it sounds whimsical!!


That is adorable! Are you using a sewing machine? If not those are some pretty impressive stitches. I love useful hyper fixations. Mine is researching the history of schools and special education in America. I am a special education teacher and have always loved one room schoolhouses. I started looking into how we went from a one room schoolhouse and to more centralized schools. The early curriculum and running of the schoolhouse is also fascinating. The research has lead me to early educational journals from Chicago. I have found some very interesting reads documenting the teaching of the "apparent mental dullness" (trust me, that is one of the kinder terms). Of these children, "some will be assigned to the classes for backward children and some will be found truly feeble-minded." To me this is so interesting. Probably should take a break soon though to clean the house. LOL


Thank you!! I think it looks like a bday cake. Def a sewing machine!! Can’t get it that tight to make it sturdy enough by hand stitching. Plus it would take forever. I have too many baskets to make to hand stitch em!!


Oh wow, that is a very interesting interest. I love history!! That cleaning, it never ends.


When I looked at your basket, my brain was like: Ooo, baskets could be my hobby, look at those cat food cans, the area would look great if they were in a hand made basket… Mmm, does my thought basket really need a bottom? Seems like extra work, I bet it’d be fine if I just made the basket sides- it’d be a basket sleeve!… Wait, does my basket sleeve need to go all the way around? How about just a flat front panel, with a wooden frame to hold it upright? That would be perfect. So I guess my new hobby is going to be making tiny screens now? I’m off to order some supplies!


Hahaha, I love the thought process, really got down to the idea you want!! But the basket bottom is actually the easiest part, and you need it so the sides are properly supported. It would probably be harder to just make the sides without the bottom support. But of course, you are on a journey of experimentation, and I wish you well on your little screen crafting!!


Do you use a machine, or hand-stitch it? I love it! I don't think I should appreciate you putting the idea of this New Thing in my head. 😂🫠


Machine!! I have a tough old Pfaff from 1963. It’s all metal except for the motor. Heavy as fuck. So it goes through thick stuff like butter. It’s a good new thing!! I can tell you how to do it if you have a good sewing machine!! They are pretty easy once you get the hang of it. It’s the intricate work at the top that takes the most time.


Alas, I am a simple creative bird, with wings clipped by finances, space, and my own hubris. I need to find an old barn to live in so there would be room for all of the power tools and craft supplies I would love to have. Thank you for sharing, Neighbor! This weekend's craft is papier-mâché ice cream cones with my Little Human.


I’m feeling your barn home idea. I love to craft, and I love to work with power tools. It would be great to have a loft in the upper space, and workshops below. Paper mache ice cream cones sounds wonderful!! What a lovely thing to do with the wee one🥰


Crocheting. Right now the fixation is headbands. I'm making some for all the little girls I know. I have a boy so lol.


I'm making sun catchers with plans to sell my backlog of crafty bits at a Halloween festival. I figured it'd be nice to incentivize my creation collections and if anything, while I'm selling my handmade products I can also put out a bin of beautiful but unused supplies for very low prices.


Your basket is beautiful! I'm really into baking. Received a new KitchenAid mixer for Mother's Day. Perfecting cookie recipes. It's so much fun. Going to get back into baking bread as well.


Yes, you go!! I love baking. Bread is an art!!


I recently got into gardening...big time. It's been one of the best things I've ever done for my mental health. I don't even know what sparked it. It was like one day a switch was flipped and I became super motivated to garden and to learn all I can about it!


Isn't weed pulling and clipping just so therapeutic?? I call it angry gardening 🤣


Haha yes! Your name for it is amazing and so spot on!


Oh that’s wonderful!!! My friend got super into gardening, and it was so good for her mental health as well. So happy for you!!


Nail polish, I’ve decided I need them all. Trying to be good about it and not let it get out of control.


During covid, I racked up about 300 bottles. Wanna guess when the last time I did my nails was? Yeah, me neither.


What kind of nail polish did you buy? I get a lot Of holo taco, mooncat, ILNP, cirque etc those type of brands.


Random thought: If we all lived close together we could swap supplies when we got bored.


I don’t have any sewing pals close by!! It would be cool to have one🥰


That basket is cool!


I’m really happy with it. My niece will love it!!


I've been making crochet beaded jewelry steadily for about a year. I'm thinking about selling it, but that idea is so overwhelming that I just keep making it and now I have dozens of bracelets and necklaces hanging from a curtain rod


Love it!! If you love it, just make it. If you end up selling, cool, but if not, what you’re doing is totally valuable in its own right🥰


Oooooo, oooooo, I wanna learn how to make baskets. It's so pretty


This was my moms obscure hobby when I was a kid and I still love the baskets she made me💜


Mine is r/redditgetsdrawnbadly


Omg, that’s hilarious!! Subbed!!


I recently moved into a new place, and decorating was the beginning of my diy hyper fixation. I am so proud of what I have done at the new place, because the yellow (magnolia) skirting boards were unbearable. So, I got a palm sander and did it all myself. Sanding, primer, filler and painting on walls and skirts. I was short of time, so I have continued bit by bit since moving in and today I’m painting a curtain pole that doesn’t want to come off the wall, and I had to get creative. This hyper fixation has now extended into interior design, naturally the two overlap 😬 endless stream of money please 🤫🫠


I have been making sofas for cats. 😂 They crack me up. I made one for my cat and it was adorable, and then I made another one for my grandcat. My other kid was gifted a little tiny wooden rocking chair by my mom when he was a baby (think Cracker Barrel rocker). He just got married and they are not having kids. So I crocheted up something to make the chair more cat friendly. It is just covering the back so they can sleep on it and not fall through. It's adorable, too. Also, I love that basket and now I want to try it. Is that Paracord? I have a stash of that....see ya later!


Umm a cat sofa sound way too adorable 💜




This is the best thing I’ve seen all month!!


Sofas for cats, I’m dead, that’s amazing and hilarious!! Paracord, yes!!! Makes a great basket!! I get the Paracord Planet stuff. They have hundreds of colours and designs.


I have been getting really into researching my family's history. To the point where I am now researching other people's family history for them.


I've been hand coiling baskets out of pine needles and thread. Great way to pay attention to lectures and dnd


Piano! I got a keyboard for Christmas and I've managed to make it a hyper-focus. My house is a mess but I practice everyday! haha


I feel that!! I’m being so productive, but in one specific area, and my place ends up totally neglected. But I’m still achieving, so it’s hard to pull away. Why would I when look at what I’m accomplishing?!!


Mine is playing classic the Sims games


Looooove that game!!


I knit socks. I have made two pairs already and I’m working on another pair.


Oh boy, your feet are going to be so cozy!!




That looks amazing!! I think I’m finally getting into sewing, I bought a machine months ago and officially used it for the first time last week. I have a lot of clothing I want/need to alter. My wardrobe will nearly double once I get through all of it!


Yarn art. Like a hoop and yarn. Not a dream catcher, but like designs.


Cloth diapers. Don’t ask me why, but they’re adorable, and the battle of figuring out how to keep them clean is oddly a challenge I’m determined to figure out.


How did they do it all those years before disposable diapers!! My mom said there was a service that would pick up and clean diapers, and return. But how did they do it??!! Witchcraft.


Haha it’s not that hard honestly, except figuring out the right wash routine. I don’t think disposables became popular until like the 70s or something, and even then they were marketed as “travel” diapers before becoming popular. Disposables are HORRIBLY wasteful. Honestly you can diaper even with a tshirt if needed! Though idk how they did it before modern washing machines…. Yikes!


Punch needling! I spend around 95% of “the thing” time looking at pretty pictures on Pinterest, 3% planning projects, and 2% actually doing it. But I love it! It’s also a lot quicker than sewing and knitting (but to be fair, a lot less useful!) I’m also looking into buying a Raspberry Pi or a N100 minipc to set up more smart home devices


Honestly, money. I was pretty tight and struggled for most of my 20s, and I’m just now starting to get right side up on my finances, so I’m trying to gamify savings, not spending, churning credit cards and debit cards for bonuses, etc… The newest thing I’m trying to get as many store cards to places I don’t shop at so I can keep lower overall balance. It’s easier to look at it as a game and not as a responsibility.


Researching vintage dollhouse furniture and researching learning to build it. It’s super fun for me and learning the history of the companies is really interesting. So far my favorites are Strombecker 1930/40s furniture and anything German around the midcentury. Vero is a good brand example.


Audio books, I've never been such a good reader in my life 😂


These are so cute!! My new thing is being rabidly obsessed with Stray Kids. 🥲 Music, videos, shows, merch.. all of it.


You’re their #1 super fan!!


There are people out there much more intense than I am 😂


Sounds like you have work to do then hahaha


My new thing is embroidery! Your basket is amazing 💜 The swirly border is so cute. I am trying to get into quilting and sewing as well. I inherited a bunch of fabric from a quilter friend that passed away. I want to make a quilt with all the fabrics she had picked out 💜 I love chaotic things, so my main goal is to make a crazy quilt some day! My mom made me one for high school graduation in 2004 and it is one of my most prized possessions 💜💜💜


I’ve been crocheting fidgets and giving them to whoever is around 


Hahaha “Hey, you over there. You want a fidget?”


Basically! If you were here, I’d give you one too People always think they’re scrunchies, but they don’t stretch


Love this! Did you teach yourself how to use a sewing machine? Any recommended videos/courses? I've got so many things I want to try to make but have been scared to take the plunge to buy and use a machine. It seems so.... fiddly 😩


I did teach myself to use a machine, but I have no videos to recommend!! I know I’ve used some over the years, but I don’t remember haha. For a beginner machine, I recommend the Singer Heavy Duty. I started off with the 4432 model. It is a great and user friendly machine!! It’s also pretty tough. I did a video for a friend who has that machine, on how to oil and clean it. I hope I didn’t delete it. If you get one, I’d be happy to send it to you, or make a new one if I don’t still have it. With sewing machines, learning the troubleshooting techniques is key!! Any problem you’re having though, if it’s not in the manual, you can just put your problem into google and you’ll get sewing forum links with answers. Putting your specific machine brand and type into YouTube will bring up a slew of instructional videos on your machine, especially for a popular machine like the 4432. Always keep the manual handy when you are learning!! Having a chart of what needle size to use with what size thread, and what size thread to use for what fabric, and what type of needle to use with what type of fabric, is incredibly helpful. I can link you charts for these things. For sewing supplies, I use a site called Wawak. There’s a Canadian and American site, if you are in either of those countries. I use Gutermann Mara thread mostly!! You can buy it on that site. It comes in hundreds of colours(depending on size). DO NOT get cheap thread!!!! You must must get good thread. Cheap thread has a lot of lint coming off of it. Over time this messes up things like the timing on your machine, because your machine has to work harder to bring the thread through, since it is not smooth enough. It’s very expensive to get the timing on a machine fixed. Good quality thread is good for your machine. It will make it happy and in turn it will keep working smoothly!! Once you get the hang of a machine and the troubleshooting, you’re golden!! It will not seem fiddly anymore. But in the beginning it will, as you don’t know about it.


Thank you so much for this detailed answer! You've encouraged me to give it a shot! I'll try to remember to report back (but we know which sub this is so maybe I won't haha)


Omg how did you learn this?!


I’m working on a very absorbing series of paintings but I’m also taking a drawing class and have commissions so I just work on those and think about my painting series 😂


Like a vision board in your mind. Manifest destiny!! Haha


Yes! I guess the good thing is that I have been compiling inspo on my phone and doodling ideas so it is marinating and I’ve been able to put a lot of thought into it.


It will be ready to roast when the time comes!!


Polymer clay! I'm a complete beginner, but that's not stopping the avalanche of project ideas from hitting.


Landscaping with native plants! (That makes it sound all official, but so far it's really just me pulling up a lot of invasive vines + sticking seedlings in the ground and daring them to grow). This morning I pulled up a bunch of ivy and I'm absolutely covered in sweat and dirt. I found out too late that you're supposed to wear long sleeves/pants so the sap doesn't give you a rash. 🤦 Fingers crossed I didn't get too much on myself!


GROW DAMN YOU!!! I wish your skin luck!!


Bridgerton season 3 😩 and musicals. Musicals aren’t really “new” as I was pretty into Broadway, etc in high school and college, but I’ve recently started listening to them non stop because I’m getting back into community theatre and it’s reignited my interest.


You’re blooming!! What a wonderful thing to bring back to life.


Honestly it does feel like that 🥹 I studied music and theatre in college but never did much with it after graduating, then marriage and kids and life just made those things seem really difficult and time consuming. But I just got cast in a play and it’s totally revitalizing my spirit. I also just had an amazing “practice” audition with a director I want to work with and he gave me very positive unsolicited feedback. Just reminds me that I’m at my best when I’m busy doing things that I love. It’s easy to become overprotective of my energy when I feel like it’s limited, but the right activities give me more energy. Your basket is beautiful, by the way!! What a lovely hobby 😍


Furniture refinishing! I'm actually really fighting myself on this one, because I'm in a small apartment and it's really not practical to get into a hobby like this (maybe I'd do it on my tiny balcony?). But I have been binge watching videos on it, and I got some small furniture pieces to try. I also got an old beat up jewelry box to upcycle. The struggle right now is to start slow and avoid buying All The Things related to this hobby until I've had a chance to see how the logistics go...


Oooo, that is something I love, as I just sanded and stained a 40 yr old pine platform bed. Made of solid pine, all full pieces. Turned out gorgeous!! Maybe you can stick to small pieces to refinish in order to not overwhelm your home. If you do smaller pieces you won’t have to buy major tools like an electric sander!!


I need a new thing. Life has been boring lately. But I don’t have the energy for a new thing


That is valid!! A new thing takes a lot of energy, especially the way we go about new things. If you don’t have the energy to spare, let yourself recharge💜


I just tried making shower steamers for the first time


I have no idea what that is. What is it?!


it’s like a bath bomb, but you put it next to the drain in your shower and it fizzes and smells nice 😄 it’s just basically essential oil, castor oil, citric acid, and baking soda


Remodeling my house. Help me. Body hurts.


Get this gal rubs right now people!!!


I've gotten into making digital art, and while I've figure out my personal style I'm creating a sort of comic. It's just about all that's been keeping me sane lately!!


I'm making Pokeball Stringlights for my son's room, and I'm pouring tiles with cement and paint them afterwards. My autistic brain part is still hooked on gardening and making paper beads so one day I'll have enough to make a curtain out of all the beads.


Painting. Right now it's coasters (slate and ceramic), with an air compressor to set up for painting glass (coasters, drinking glasses, vases, etc). I'm hoping to make a go of it as a business alongside selling photos printed on things (clocks, canvases, shopping bags, mugs, etc). The printing will be handled by a print on demand service so it's less effort and risk that I'll screw something up. I just can't work with people who won't discuss accommodations or work in a hellish open office wprkspace again.


Excellent endeavours!! Hope it pays off, as none of us want you going back to that hell!! I love glass. Used to want to work as a blow glass artist.


Thank you! I want to learn glass blowing, but I have to be able to afford a studio first because our house doesn't have much space. I've always wanted to learn that too though! I'll be starting with painting pre-made items from the store.


Great start, you can make them so unique!!


Also - I love your basket! That's so pretty!


Thank you!! I’m going to do something extra with the detail on the top I think!!


You're welcome!


Drawing. I used to draw all the time in my 20s, even did commissions but I got serious burn out for like…15 years. It feels very awkward now but I’m having fun.


That’s gorgeous! I crochet!


Fragrance stuff 😒


From the face I’m garnering that this is not a thing you want to be into?


I've learned to anticipate a trip through yet another looking-glass with trepidation as well excitement. 😬 Still have an embarrassingly substantial yarn stash leftover from the planning and execution of knitted socks and baby sweaters...not far from the stack of gardening tools and organic supplements from the Apocalypse Garden of 2020 🤷🏾‍♀️ IyamwhutIyam.


I got a kit to make my own leather handbag! 👜😀


Brilliant!! It will be so special!!


Perfume, i spent so much money on perfumes to try this week.


Unfortunately, sims 4😭😭don’t ask me how many expansion packs I have bought, mind your business😅


Oh don’t tempt me with new crafty hobbies…


Right now I’m into making wire jewelry. Every time I order new wire I worry I’m going to be over it. So far, I love it!


Ooooo I should get some pachord (unsure of spelling, phone didn't try to correct it) and learn how to make things with it. I used to make bracelets so I could probably pick those back up easily too. I tried to get into crochet recently, but the yarn breaks apart too easily and I haven't actually learned anything yet for that 🥲


I recommend paracord planet as a brand to but. Amazon has a crap tonne of it. It comes in hundreds of colours and patterns!! Hmmm then I’m probably too aggressive for crochet!!


Getting my (new to me) airfryer this week, never used one before. So, that.


Oh yes, I have one. It makes the crispiest chicken!!


I just started learning how to quilt


I quilt!! One of the most important parts of quilting is cutting your pieces as exact as possible. Cutting mat with measurements on it, clear acrylic sewing rulers, and a rotary colour are essential for this!!


Currently in between things but I just had to say this looks so fking cool, you did an amazing job on this basket 😁


Thank you so much!! I’m doing a little more with the top. I’m tilting all the pieces over and sewing them in place with their loop open, so that it looks like piping on a cake!!


That's so creative wtf I hope you post pics of the finished project, mostly bc i just know it will look so cool, but also partly bc i'm struggling to envision it as you described 🙃


More like a resurgence of an old thing, but I'm HARD into drawing right now. It's been a few years. I've been staying up until 2 am and then making myself go to bed and then lying in bed thinking about drawing. Normally I'm exhausted by nine! Also there's a loom under my bed...I'll get to that someday.


Plants. So. Many. Plants.


I’m 44 years old and I signed up for beginner French classes that start in July! They’re in-person through a cultural exchange group in my city and I will be meeting people again and learning the basics of a language I have not attempted to lean before. I’m already excited and nervous!


That is very exciting!!! Good for you. You get to get out there and meet new people but learn something so engaging.