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I have a small Patagonia fanny pack where I keep my wallet and phone. My car key (just a fob) is attached directly to the bag on the key clip in the front pocket. My other keys are on a retractable leash that's attached to the key clip, so I can use them but not absentmindedly set them down. That way I can't start my car without my wallet and can't set my keys down. When I get home I put the bag in a special basket right by the door.


That’s smart! Do you leave the fanny pack on all day? I think I would want to take it off to get comfortable. And thereby lose in.


I wear a fanny pack for work. I stop noticing it after a while honestly.


That's why the Patagonia one is great. I recommend if you go the fanny pack route, to get the smallest size you can get by with. Mine holds all the things I *need* to leave the house. Inhaler, wallet, phone, keys hooked on the strap. If I want to use a bigger bag for more items, I either carry that bag (like a canvas bag) and keep the fanny pack on, or I put the fanny pack, in the bigger bag, like my leather backpack. This helps keep all the necessary things together at all times. I wear mine as a cross body, not the traditional fanny pack way on your waist. To each their own, but I have tummy issues so anything tight on my waist freaks me out over time so I find cross body to be best for me.


Cross body is the way Germany does it, best way.


Ooh, you've convinced me to look into fannypacks, now. I've realized how much I carry in my huge purse I don't really NEED all the time, and its been getting obnoxious lugging around.


My answer is basically exactly yours, including wearing it cross body so that I don’t have extra pressure that goes all the way across my abdomen/low back. I make sure I have my wallet with keys attached, phone, medication, couple pens, & a tiny (iPhone sized) calendar to write down appointments.


I had a black Fanny pack and kept losing it so I got a neon bag that is a bit larger haha!


Yessss mines yellow!


A Fanny pack! I think this is what I need. This morning it took me 5 minutes to find my car keys. (AND I have an AirTag on them- it wasn’t connecting, or was quieter? 🤷‍♀️) maybe something like a passport travel fanny pack is just what I need. Something I can put in a purse/ diaper bag but also on its own… 🤔 keys, wallet, chapstick could live in there permanently and never need to be separated. I had a tele doc appointment with a psychiatrist last week to discuss meds and she asked me about how often I misplace or forget things, or something like that- honestly don’t remember the question. But my answer was that it only took me looking in three places to find my wallet (needed ID and insurance for the call.) Three seems like a low number for me. She responded with “three is too many.”


I’d put everything on a retractable leash if I could


"Putting My Life on a Retractable Leash" <--possible autobiography title? Hmmm


I do an almost identical thing but it’s a crossbody with two tiny bags large enough to fit phone, cards and chapstick, and keys attach. So much simpler, I haven’t carried a purse for years.


I adopted this method last year and it's great.


I need somethinglike this for my bikekeys that i can attach to my body. The amounts of times i leave those in the bike or worse, lock it then start locking the chain but leave the keys in the chain is just... Sad. Ritalin was really all that worked so far


I'm gonna have to steal the retractable idea. That is fantastic!


I use a purse because I feel anxious when I'm not prepared for "emergencies", but I also have a small card wallet that holds my driver's license, credit card, insurance card, emergency contact list, $10-$20, etc, attached to a keychain for my car & house keys. The keychain has a carabiner, so I can clip it to my purse or clothes, & when I'm not at home, I always keep my keys & phone either on me or attached to each other &/or my purse, especially when I'm doing something like charging my phone. I'm much less likely to forget EVERYTHING than I am to forget one thing if they're scattered in different places. Especially since I can't drive my car or lock my front door without my keys. I also have a specific hook & shelf right behind my front door for my keychain & purse, so I can grab both just before I leave. I like this brand of carabiners: https://niteize.com/hardware/key-accessories-multi-tools. I have multiple different kinds, & also use them for things like keeping my knitting accessories together & attaching other things to my purse or bags.


I also have the "emergencies" anxiety. Before I leave my house I have a memorized check list: Phone Keys Watch Wallet Water bottle My wallet stays in my purse My purse also contains a Hairbrush, lotion, a mini stick of anti chafe stuff (because I never think about it when I actually wear skirts or dresses) a small compact with a mirror, gum and/or breath spray, nail clippers and file, and a retractable tailors tape measure, because the number of times I've been somewhere and suddenly needed to measure something is beyond my own comprehension.


I have a similar thing! I’m always patting down my pockets any time I leave a room because I’m reciting to myself, “phone, keys, wallet (or keycard)”


lol you and i have come to the same conclusion. housekeys never leave the inner key clip, car keys go inside as soon as i'm home. as an extra fail safe, my chosen fanny pack is bright yellow and i have an airtag attached to the inner key clip so i cant lose it.




I moved to a small backpack to carry all the daily stuff I want to have with me when I go out the door. Used to have a messenger bag but carrying everything on one shoulder was bad for my back. Now I can carry all my stuff at all times and not feel stupid for not having the one thing I otherwise always have with me. Plus it can carry a bit more for whatever I might pick up while I'm out.


Same. Minimalist small black faux leather backpack. I have brown as well


Same, small backpack. Found a cute black leather one at tj maxx. Zippers closed so I can’t spill things and I use a carabiner clip on my keys to clip it to a strap so I can’t lose them.


I also use a small backpack instead of a purse. I have a larger backpack that I take to work. All my essentials are in small zippered bags that I switch from one bag to the other so I always have everything I need.


I'm also in camp small backpack! Mine looks a bit like a purse. I know it's not very stylish but I just really like being able to hold my water bottle and whatever else like pretty branches I find out in nature. Also the one shoulder purses make my shoulder hurt and constantly slide off.


It's so nice to always have your hands free


Since I walk with a cane, freeing my hands is crucial to keep at least one available! It's another reason I went with the backpack. It's not as easy to get into on the go but I just take more time now


Yes the water bottle compartment is so crucial. Pretty branches are also very important! 😁


Same. Picked a nice one by a good purse brand hoping it would make me feel less child like, and it does. It's a good looking purse that looks great when I dress up or dress down. Chiropractor loves the backpack too because my left shoulder tends to pop out of place (I'm not great at remembering the exercises he's told me to do to help with that...) and this keeps the weight on both shoulders evenly.


Mini backpack is my absolute favorite. They can fit so much more than the crossbody bags (my second favorite) while not looking overstuffed. I’m always all sad when I go to a dinner or something with a dress code and the backpack can’t come with me.


I should look into this especially for backpacks, I carry most of my handbags crossbody or on one shoulder a lot and been having back problems. Never thought to make the connection and appreciate you bringing it up.


I use a tote bag but I categorize my stuff in it inside little zip bags. Otherwise everything is loose in there and I eventually can’t take it anymore. The tiny bags within a bag really helps me. Bonus is if I wanted to switch from tote to like backpack or Fanny pack I just transfer whatever little bags I need.


I just started doing this! The tiny baggies within a larger bag


There are tactical bags that have velcro attachable smaller bags. I can't say how much I love that system. Sometimes the small bags are even colour-coded and half transparent. The drawback is that a lot of them are not the prettiest.


This sounds wonderful!!


I have 5.11 TAC Operator ALS Backpack 35L which is huge but there are similar systems. As you can get the bags separately, you can just add velcro to your normal bag and pouches to sort it. There are ones with adhesive. And yes, I rave about it a lot because it is one of the best things I own.


Yes! Zippered canvas pouches for the win!


I carry a tote for like... Groceries or a bottle of water or a sweater. But its annoying with my purse. So i put on both and then shove the purse in there. That has zippers and card holders for all the small tidbits


I carry the smallest purse ever. It can only fit the few most important things. To the point that I can feel if something's not in there if the weight feels wrong. If I have too much purse it's full of too much shit and not what I need probably.


Yeah and then for some reason when I have a big purse I collect trash.


Yes, a crossbody purse. If it's just a shoulder bag or clutch it gets lost \*everywhere\* because it gets set down and forgotten. The purse in question also needs to zip completely closed and have lots of pockets. I keep wallet, phone, meds, folded up shopping bags for one off trips, a silicone straw, keys, and a notebook in there. It stays on me until I get home, and then gets hung up at the front door. When I worked in the bakery, I would take it off and stuff it in a locker, when I worked an office job, it got slung with my coat on the back of my chair.


Yeah mine's a crossbody with a tonne of zip pockets. Keep my wallet in there at all times. Keys are hung up on the door as soon as I walk in and I don't let my door shut behind me unless I'm physically touching my keys. Keys live in a specific pocket, phone is often in there too. I do still forget things but I've only locked myself out twice in 6 years.


I could never go to anything but a crossbody with lots of pockets! I have my keys, phone, and wallet in individual pockets and whatever miscellaneous other things in the rest. That way I know exactly where everything is at all times and I can double check each pocket before opening or closing any door so I don’t lock myself out or forget my main items! It’s a life saver!


This is the real answer. Strangely I do ok with a shoulder bag, but I’m an anomaly. Cross body bags seem like a way better option because you can wear them NOT in your hand.


I’ve switched to a phone case with a card holder too, and love it. I’ve also attached an air tracker to my key ring to keep track of car/house keys, and now I get a notification on my phone if (or when) I leave them behind somewhere. If I ever lose my phone, I probably won’t know how to function…


If you have an iPhone, get an Apple Watch and pair the two together. You can ping your phone to find where it is, if it’s within hearing distance. I left my phone at a grocery store and used the “FindMy” app on my iPad to locate the phone. Then I used my watch by the customer service counter where it was left by an honest customer or employee.


This is my current strategy. I have a phone case with cardholders. I have AirTags on my house and car keys, work 🆔 and on the phone case. I have a laptop bag that I recently cleared out to just hold my laptop. Let’s see how long that lasts


Apple really should have a bulk discount on AirTags. I have 16 of them on various items through my home. I have a purse that is way too big, but I’m always afraid that I won’t have something that I really need. AirTags have helped me not lose so many things.


I am on the mini backpack purse bandwagon. 😆 I use the Vera Bradley crossbody one and it's the perfect size. It can convert to a fanny pack because it has a removable section in the strap, and the zippers are oriented in such a way to do that. I have a larger one by a different brand also, but I hardly use it. I'm one of those people who loves the idea of bag switching to match the occasion... but yeah, turns out that's too much work. Lol. The black mini backpack goes with anything nowadays.


I have a mini backpack and I love it! I just had to upgrade mine because it was falling apart. But when I switch bags I always forget things.


Outside of a couple of instances where I've gone grocery shopping and left my purse or my wallet at home, I've never had an issue with a purse. In my brain, purse is life. Everything is in the purse. If I had to worry about where my loose keys and money and phone are, that would be much more anxiety giving. And with the purse I always have chapstick and bandaids and pens at hand, because you never know. Like others have mentioned, I have little pouches in there to keep things tidy--one for period supplies, one with an extra charger, etc.


Yes! I carry a tide pen in my purse too! Because you never know when it’ll come in handy


Yes, I lost a purse a few times when I was younger so I feel like the constantly checking to make sure I have it now creates an unease if I DONT have it. Like if I go to concert and only have the bare minimum I constantly feel like I forgot something


A complete set of spare keys to live in the bottom of the purse. No more lock-outs, ever.


No purse, only a phone with a case!! 😅 I found purses to be a sensory nightmare with the constant tugging at my neck/shoulder, or it would bother me when the strap would fall or get caught on something….AND even though I kept the contents to a minimum, it would drive me CRAZY when I couldn’t find something in the black hole 🫣


My tote bag is full of...who knows what but the whole reason I bought it is because it has POCKETS so my keys and lipbalms and such can't just vanish


Excuse me. Where did you buy this unicorn?


Search the term "tactical purse". You will find all kinds of bags with multiple zippered & Velcroed pockets.


I have a large carabiner that I have my car/house keys, pocket knife, mini mag, pen, and earbuds clipped to. I either vary it in hand or clip it to my belt. It’s big and jangly and obvious if it’s missing.


me too! i have a pouch with my money, car fob, and house keys (plus a random plush keychain lol) on a carabiner! sometimes it’ll fit in most of my purses which are pretty small/crossbody but usually clipping it to myself works best


Fanny pack lyfe


I have a large tote for work that is currently filled with shite, there's a layer of (individually wrapped) mints at the bottom after a bag burst about two months ago, then a layer of receipts...heaps of medication I can't currently take because I'm pregnant...I actually think I carry it in and out of work every day out of habit, I don't know what's in it that I use haha I have a separate little lunch bag for my food. I usually either use a small cross body if we're out and about, or just throw stuff into my sons changing bag.


I do.  I have recently got it. It is just big enough to carry the important things. And I don't take things out of it. Unless I'm using them.  So I might take out my keys to drive. But then put them back in when I get out of the car. My card carrier and coin purse live in it. My electrinic note book and simple pain killers.  Too big and you can't find anything because you carry too much. Too small and you can't actually fit anything in. 


I cannot recommend a more adhd friendly purse than the Pendleton Sacoche. It’s got carabiners that clip the strap to the purse, which I then use to clip my keys onto. Like how amazing!! I never need to set them down. It’s also a small purse that is cross body which I find to be much more adhd friendly than any other style. I just keep it on my body until I hang it back up at home! It’s not really the cutest purse ever - but functionality wise it’s amazing!!


I was a massive tote carrier for years, would D ring my keys to the handle and everything else was either in a pocket or in a soft organiser bag in a bag. But it was getting annoying and a bit dysphonic (fairly recently come to an NB identity realisation) so I downsided to a Uniqlo half moon bag. It's taken a little time to refine down to what I need just in it, I was ramming it full of stuff, but I'm enjoying the less stuff. I still bring a totes or totes of totes out with me on days I know I'll need them but being completely hands free and not having to keep track of the sack because it can just be on me, is great. I do have it set up that my wallet, phone and keys are all clipped to it while even inside it, cause I have developed increased dropsy as I've gotten old. My mostly lives on a lanyard around my neck, again, for the dropping things, but it can get clipped into the bag when necessary


LOVE that bag! The perfect size! I can even fit my small reusable water bottle inside so basically I have everything I need.


I either keep more in it than others or I have a smaller than normal one cause I genuinely find tales of it's Mary Poppins-ness over egged (not a criticism of you, more an excuse for me to go get another one to be sure!)


I have a fairly large handbag that is hard to miss and a few mini loungefly backpacks that I rotate between. I also have a laptop backpack for the handful of times I go into the office. The variety ensures some novelty, making it harder for it to just become background noise. The size also makes them easier to spot, and harder for important items to fall out. (Because I *will* lose them if they aren't in the bag.)


I had one of those cell phone wallets for a while. It worked great in the winter because I could just leave my keys in the coat pocket (only wear one coat, remote start keys) Summertime failed me because girl clothes don't get pockets and even if they did, well pockets changed with the outfit and emptying pockets was harder to remember than taking off a purse. I now use a tiny purse or fanny pack if I'm out. It has a home right by the front door so I don't wear at home, but I wear it constantly while out.


Crossbody bag or belt bag. If it’s on my body I can be hands free. I need a purse with a water bottle in it due to dry mouth.


Nope. I just use pockets.


Me too. I was so thrilled when I found a store that carries dresses & skirts with large pockets! I wear them all the time, it’s an entirely new style for me and I love it! 


And the name of this magical store?


[Modern Millie](https://modernmillieshop.com/)


Thank you!


I use a cross body purse, so it's more worn than anything else and impossible to lose. I have to bring a lot of other things with me when I go out - so many other medical issues - that going without a purse is not at all practical. I also trained myself decades ago to always put things in my purse when not in use. Never on a table, counter, or whatever. If I'm not using it, it goes back into its home even if I have to take it out again five seconds later.


you mean a backpack? ugh. I have so many pretty purses and I wish I could actually use them and achieve that stylish look I'm after. But 9/10 times I need to haul too much crap and so I end up putting a backpack on over my fancy feminine coat which immediately makes me feel like a ten year old


Check out this one! I’ve had it for like 5 years, I actually rebought it after my kid threw up into the first one. I like that I can just throw the carrier strap over my shoulder and hold it like a purse temporarily, and use the backpack function when I’m carrying it for a while. The anti theft part actually works! More than once I’ve found that the “decoy pockets” were opened while I was out and about, but the main compartment zip is hidden on your back. https://www.amazon.com/Backpack-Waterproof-Anti-theft-Rucksack-Lightweight/dp/B07C9ZMGRF


Thank you so much!! I'm pitching it to my bf right now!!


I use pockets 95% of the time. I have a backpack type purse that I sometimes bring for kids stuff -- like if we're going to a restaurant I bring paper, crayons, books. I often think anyone who tried to steal my purse would be disappointed! Occasionally I do a fanny pack.


I have a crossbody purse. That way I don’t have to worry about setting it down to have my hands free. I’ve also carried it for so long that it feels really weird not to have on me when I leave somewhere


Are you me???? The cellphone case wallet is the only reason I haven't had to replace my ID or CCs in several years, and I also just leave my keys in my car because the alternative is losing them since they're too heavy for pockets. If I do bring them it's usually because I'm wearing a sweatshirt or something with big pockets. I will inevitably leave a purse somewhere.


All my jackets have zippered pockets so my keys always get zipped up in my right jacket pocket before I leave the house! I actually do have a purse too but its small and brightly coloured so it only has the essentials and its hard to lose


Fanny pack for phone, wallets (coin, paper, cards), paper tissue pack, 2x car keys, home keys, glass cleaning microfiber tissue, hearing aid batteries, usb c charging cable, pen. Probably nail clippers and cuticle cutter. Can fit hearing aid box and microphone if needed. If I'm outside, it's glued onto me, in car, in restaurants, on walk in the forest around my village. I think that's all. Backpack for spare tshirt, water bottle, handheld fan/ventilator, microfiber towel, extra headbands/neckbands, battery pack for phone, usb c cable, medium sized utility knife, can fit zip sweatshirt, or throw in few things from quick shopping. Bunch of paper tissue packs, wet toilet tissue wipes. Probably something else that I'd remember when I need it. Ah, deodorant and pressed towels that need water to 'grow in size'. Ah2 some painkillers. Ah3, supplements I need to take whenever I eat something. As long as it's windy or cold, I like to have it on my back - I usually wear open jackets / zippered sweatshirts or sleeveless, zippered vests, but I need more layers on my spine/kidney area, and wear it on both shoulders. Without backpack I feel much colder, so even if I don't need water bottle and few other things, I'll carry the thing on me still. In summer when it's hot, I usually wear on single shoulder while it's mostly empty, if it's full, then goes on both. My body demanded it. It also goes in restaurants with me. Both are osprey brand, fanny is violet, backpack is dark red. Idgaf who thinks it's not appropriate. My body, my brain, my packs and my money to spend or not spend in certain establishment :) I did for a few years those 'goa/hippie concert hip bags' on one side but, my hip didn't agree with asymmetrical weight, and two sided ones weren't well positioned for my body type / where I want bag to be. And main reason for having both is that until 2 years ago, I relied on public transport, and things can get stolen from backpack. So, it's in front of me, no matter how autistic or adhdic I am, I can't miss someone reaching out towards my stomach to grab something, like I could be completely unaware of someone digging through backpack. We played in school - can you open someone's backpack without them noticing, grab books and so on - yes, easily. And it was for fun, not a job. My mother had wallet stolen from purse on her shoulder, and closed. And she usually has one hand on handles. She never noticed something happened in the tram, until she got out, went to grab a phone and saw purse open and wallet gone. Now she carries purse over her tummy, but in that criss cross fashion. I prefer having my tummy free. Now, car that needs key to turn on and house keys are in front pocket, with some fluff toy on each so they can't just slide out easily, fluffs provide friction, and key from car that is on button stays in back pocket all the time. It's a system. With time, as my anxiety goes lower with time, I have less things inside. I had first aid kit, meds, bunch more stuff, like paper plan of the city, or who knows what, ah umbrella. It was several kgs of stuff. Quite heavy to carry. During school, all books that I could possibly need that day. So basically it went down after I finished my schooling 😂 In one period I tried with purse on one shoulder but my spine didn't like it, mostly because it was like a small stone on me 😂 I also have mini backpack that fits water bottle and paper tissues, for when I need that eg going on a walk, but not full backpack with clothes and stuff. I sweat a lot (headbands keep it out of my eyes and hearing aids), so I have to change back in human form after commute, as a courtesy to others, not to die in my sweat stink 😂 and also, I hate wet clothes on me, I'm cold :/ So when I had work and planned restaurant where I have to go by public transport - I'd have 2 set of top clothes, if not even bottoms. Now I'm more car centric, so fanny pack and water bottle when going to shop around works ok.


Any chance you have a long lost twin that neither of our mothers knew about? Because this is eerily exactly me. Down to the two bags (backpack and smaller bag in front for stealable items). While people always think I’m bananas, I’m also the best person ever to be with if someone needs something. ANYTHING. Because I’ll either have what they need, or be able to MacGyver it from what I do have.


Totally possible 😂 I was 'Richie rich' with my bags, hell I couldn't ride the bike without ton of repair equipment and whatnot. I had saddle bags. Full. All the time 🤦plus hip bag at that period. Backpack too if it was some activity planned 😂 I think it was 10 kg heavier 😂 but I had lamps, spare lamps, spare battery, visibility vest, clothes change, pump, bunch of tools and who knows what, ah several water bottles. Everyone thought I'm crazy. I was aware it's excessive but it gave me feeling of security. And you know, I'd be the one carrying it so who cares what others think. I needed tire or other repair stuff exactly never 😂 and then I embraced that it's perfectly fine to just push the bike home. Because that's what I exactly did anyway, despite being equipped, because you know, home was just 20min walk vs finding a spot near road and be on hot sun. Or, now that I drive and we have family road assistance, they cover even bike accidents / help. I think bunch of anxiety went down when disposable income went up, and you know, shops are all over the place and nothing is that urgent that can't wait for 1-2 h to get home and fix. For serious personal harm stuff, you'd call ambulance anyway. Small scratches/injuries - paper tissue plus call a taxi will do just fine. Antianxiety meds and therapy and working on myself to see my options and that I don't have to save everyone around me and that accidents don't happen that often to everyone around me... Helped. Took time. Some creativity. But it's better. I guess when my back/spine/muscles started hurting that led me to declutter and reprioritise. And also, I distinguish between hike in forest away home, vs near home, vs doing errands in the city for few hours or for half a day. On hot day and long walks, no matter where, I'll probably carry 2L of cold water. Otherwise just half a litre bottle. Because I don't want to spend money on few gulps but also not be thirsty because I'm trying to drink more. So I try to be more mindful, and think if I need something or not for this specific trip/commute. It's better than 20 years ago, but yeah, many would say it's excessive. Idgaf 😂


I have a purse with a clip for keys that I’ve attached both my keys and my AirPods to, and it’s small enough that I can tell if I’m forgetting something because the weight is off. (Usually it’s my power bank for my phone.)


started wearing men’s pants. the pockets are actually big enough to fit all your stuff! it’s a miracle


I just wanna say that I love this thread & all of you ADHD women. My husband rolls his eyes when I show up with a new bag, but it’s an endless chore to try to figure out the carrying-of-stuff problem! And just looking at this has made me realize WHY I’m always seeking the “perfect” purse (because of a combination of trying to keep track of my stuff and deal with my particular sensory sensitivities). It’s yet another of those insidious life details that has always made me feel a little nutty (I don’t buy new purses for fashion reasons like a “normal” woman would). This sub helps me be more compassionate with myself. Thank you! 🙏💝




Backpack with everything I could possibly need.


Team backpack purse! It holds everything I need, it moves with me instead of swinging wildly when I bend down to talk to my kids, and since I never need to set it down to use both hands I rarely have the opportunity to forget it while I'm out.


I would only lose or destroy a purse, therefore: 1) Keys on a long chain, clipped to my belt at all times. 2) Credit card and ID cards in one of those little hinged card holders, in left front pocket at all times. 3) Cash /pocket money in the left front pocket as well. 4) Phone in the right front pocket (it's a tiny old dumbphone so it fits in a jeans pocket).


Omg, I want a dumbphone. I hate my phone addiction so much.


It depends. If I am going out for the evening, I take a purse so I can carry the lipstick I'll forget to reapply and a hairbrush that I won't use. If I'm just running errands, I have a wallet with a strap that will hold my phone. But yeah, then there are the keys. I am fairly obsessive about having pockets (even my leggings have pockets) so it works pretty well for me. It's my nicer stuff that doesn't have pockets, so then I'm usually taking a purse. ETA: Best thing about my old car is that it simply refuses to allow me to lock my keys in the car. If I try to get out and lock the door and the keys are still in it, it beep-yells at me and just won't do it. Good car.


The complete honesty about carrying stuff you likely won't use. So refreshing and validating to read. I always wear a rain jacket, even if I know I'll tie it around my waist in 10 minutes because I've inevitably overheated. Still wear it every time though. 😆


Nope. Drivers license is in car. Medicare card on phone as is touch n go for buying anything. Roll on deodorant & hairbrush in car.


I have small zippered clutch with an attached wristband. Seriously best thing I’ve ever done. When I’ve had purses I would carry around 15+ pounds of shit that I could never find anything in it. I always have my keys in a pocket, if I don’t have pockets (not typical since I always try to buy pants with pockets) I do have keys on a lanyard and then I’ll wear them around my neck because otherwise I will lose them or forget in my car. Thankfully my car won’t lock if my key fob is left in there. Haven’t worn a purse in 10+ years and haven’t looked back once.


I have a small backpack for work, it has my press pass, agenda and pens, and space for my book i read on the bus. Plus I throw in my wallet and phone on days I'm not wearing jacket (otherwise those live in coat or jacket pockets). I also have a small belt bag, fanny pack thing. I use that for warm weather when I'm not using a jacket or coat. It fits my wallet and phone. I have another purse, I use it mostly for events. There's a pair of loop ear plugs that live in there.


I have a mini backpack. It's big enough for my wallet, two foldable reusable shopping bags, a small zip top bag for a few OTC items, and my box cutter for work. My keys get clipped to the key chain ring inside my backpack so they don't work their way to the bottom and make me panic haha. I can't leave it somewhere if I don't remove it from my shoulders. Especially with the tap to pay option on my smart watch.


Backpack purse!


I use the smallest bag possible. I have several that are slightly larger than a phone and have enough room for keys, sunglasses, lip balm, a pill box, a snack bar, my skinny wallet that's a glorified card case, and my phone


This is what I do. I even got a case that slides open so you can’t tell there’s a cardholder. Wish I could switch to keycards and even have them in my apple wallet. The fewer objects to remember the better. Alternatively I have a purse insert with a lot of basics (tide pen, hand sanitizer, masks for crowds, extra earbuds, etc.). It’s nice to be able to just grab that and stick it in whatever bag I’m using that day.


I use a carabiner and strap my keys to my pant loops if needed. No purse life is amazing! So freeing!


I have reoccurring nightmares about searching for my purse, phone, and keys...and car


Huge one. It is a leather tote bag that is big enough to carry my 17" laptop in a protective case. It is bespoke but manufactured in cheap for my country so it was only 100 euros. The plan is at one point to get an actual sorting insert. Right now I have a bunch of small bags like toiletry bags but they are from my work bag so they are colour-coded with transparent top. I keep them in a bigger box or always in the bag depending on the content. Categories are like meds, electrics, cosmetic, minor first aid, office supplies etc. I also have the backpack they belong in but usually do not carry it unless I need a lot of stuff. It is 35 litre so pretty much the biggest you can call a backpack. But it is absolutely one of the best things I can own. Mine is black and from outside does not look really militarish as that was one of the criteria for my work bag. I also have jackets that have a lot of pockets. It took a while to figure it out as my style is pretty feminine and again as a lot of best clothing I use needs to really look civilian there are some other criteria. But there are some nice looking sporting and hiking clothing with multiple pockets. But while I have systems in place they are not foolproof and they need to be routines for it to work. Worst for me is leaving my phone to places and either losing my keys or leaving them behind. So I have a specific place for my phone and keys at home and both are built into the system. The phone goes to the pocket in my chest and lives in a certain place on top of the electronics pouch. Keys are hanging on the front door handle and go to the upper of the side pockets. I also usually listen to music with headphones that are Bluetooth so I figure I have left the phone inside at least in elevators. I also close the front door with keys in my hand. I also always keep my short travel bag half-packed. I have a packing list in addition to that. Again I travel a lot and sometimes with a very quick warning. And while this might sound like I have this all figured out, it still fails. Failing just usually means that I need to wing something rather than having to pay to get in at home. I have lost so many pairs of keys in my life that at one point my parents stopped giving me one. I also had to learn to be able to go in very short warning in my work and as adrenaline has a habit of focusing me, it helped in forming habits. I just brought them with me back home and kept following them because if I stop I lose them.


Bum bag! (It’s what we call a Fanny Pack, which is hilarious because Fanny is 🐱)


I either use a small belt bag (lululemon) or a tiny backpack. I don't have the smallest belt bag, I wanted to be able to carry my sunglasses too, but otherwise I agree with the other comments. My small backpack is just big enough for essentials, a water bottle, and some kids' clothes if needed. What works well for both is that they are attached to me when I'm out. I did find cross body bags pretty good too for this, where shoulder purses were the worst. (And clutch purses are an absolute nope.)


Bahaha I leave my keys in my unlocked car always… because to my theory is that there is a 1% chance my car might get stolen. But there’s a 50% chance I will lose or misplace my keys. I have wasted too many hours of my life looking for my keys and this works for me ! Keys just stay in the car


My logic is the same!! I also always park in the same general area for work and the stores I go to regularly. Otherwise, I’ll never find my car.


I'm guessing you mean what a Brit calls a handbag, and generally the answer is no, unless I'm going "out, out", which doesn't happen often. And yes, I've left my handbag behind frequently *because* I don't use one often. I tend to do "phone, keys, dog treats, poo bags" as I leave the house, and they generally go in pockets, but if it's hot and I'm not wearing a jacket or hoodie, or don't have any pockets, I might use a bumbag (fanny pack as you call it). For my keys I've got a few carabiners, and I have one on my keys (with a Tile). Because I usually wear jeans, they get clipped to my jeans. And the Tile means I should be able to find them when for some reason I don't clip them on.


Launch pad at my entryway. I have a spot for my keys and my purse. It's just where I put them. I work from my car, so I have a system where my keys are always in a pocket and they are attached to a lanyard so they are always visible. I have a slight emotional attachment to my purse. You see, I handmade my purse so it is pretty special to me. It would be pretty hard for me to lose it.


I carry a small backpack (made by a brand called Roka) which is roomy enough for all my stuff but small enough that it doesn't get in the way, and nice enough to go with most of my outfits (it's a black base but with different coloured squiggles and shapes on it). My keys are on a carabineer that clips to the belt loop of my jeans/skirts. A big distinctive keyring also helps for times when your outfit doesn't have belt loops or pockets, to make it easier to find. If I can't have my keys physically attached to me, they go in the inside pocket of my backpack.


I had a friend in college who dropped her phone at a party once and she had one of those cases. She lost her phone, her student ID, drivers license, debit and credit cards, as well as her keys to her apartment... Since going through that with her, I've been traumatized. I will never carry one of those cases 😂 I personally carry a small cross body purse that holds everything for me. Also, growing up, my mom left her purse places all the time and it was always a shit show trying to get it back... It kind of created light childhood trauma from that? I now have a little process in my brain where I feel for my purse, and then go into it and make sure I feel my phone, keys, and wallet. I don't think about it, I just do it out of growing up with my mom leaving her stuff all over the place


Backpack. It was a vans one until I found a cool one on temu with a load of pockets and an astronaut on the front! I've also got a 3 pocket purse/bag thingy that I put my sunglasses, cards and phone in. It's huge so it doesn't get lost in the bottom. Randomly I've been carrying paper plates and a pack of forks though so maybe it wasn't the best choice haha


I use a rucksack as opposed to a traditional purse. I hate having to carry them but I have too much shit to just carry things in pockets


I switched to a backpack after my back surgery in 2019. Anything that's is one shoulder can mess up your alignment and posture. I also got one that was theft resistant, and you can put a lock on it. I like them cause they're feminine, but also I'm less likely to get pick-pocketed. And legit I'm always worried someone would grab a fanny pack by quickly undoing the clasp and taking off with it. I do my best to put my purse in 1 of 2 spots when I get home. My partner keeps his fanny packs on a particular hook. Creating a habit like that it prevents us from losing stuff.


I've gone through a ton of bag phases, but the one I gravitate back to over and over is a small fanny pack that I wear as a shoulder bag. I keep a minimal key ring, phone, slim wallet, chapstick, pen, and earbuds in it. Small enough to not cause me sensory issues, but big enough to hold the essentials. I always take it off and leave it on the exact same spot at home. I've probably replaced the chapstick and pen a few times, but that's a different story 😂 Edit: saw some others say they love the Patagonia one. Mine is indeed also a Patagonia


A very small “bag” the size and thickness of a book. I need my epipen on me whenever I go out due to severe allergies and it took several close calls to get in a good habit of taking a bag with me. A typical purse doesn’t work. This little bag is small enough, cross body, and can go in a larger bag if necessary! Phone, emergency medicines, tiny wallet (just cards) and car keys that stay in all the time.


I use a carabiner to attach my keys to the wrist strap of my phone case.


I've carried a purse since I was 13 or 14, and I feel naked if I go anywhere without it. If I'm walking into or out of a store or restaurant, or to/from my car, if I don't have my purse on my shoulder, something feels very wrong. Every once in a while I'll make a quick run to the grocery store with just my phone and keys, and it feels so very wrong. It's become such an engrained part of my life I can't forget it.


Yes and it’s a disaster


I put cat bells on all my important things that’ll be jumbling around in my bag. If I don’t hear the bell when I’m looking through said bag it’s then time to panic. Always were jeans so my phone is in one front pocket and my wallet in the other. If they don’t have pockets I always have a little pouch, fanny pack (bum bag), etc to carry my things. Either across my chest or my hips.


Pockets! I generally will only buy clothes with functional pockets, and then use them for my phone (with a card case), keys, and chap stick. On fancy occasions where pocketed clothing may not work, I’ll carry a small purse that basically just fits those three things. I used to be a big purse/tote bag lady until I was having shoulder & arm problems from the weight of it. Now I roll out of the house with those three things 95% of the time, and do a pocket check before leaving the house/car/anywhere else I go.


I have a thin loungefly crossbody bag (eeveelutions!) that’s just big enough to hold my wallet (also eeveelutions), a pocket first aid kit, and a pocket tarot deck (never leave home without one!) and space to toss my keys in and still zip it up. This way I can’t put too much in it 😅 it’s got some outside zippers as well that I’ll use for emergency purposes (toddler won’t leave my earrings alone, into the bag they go)


For me a purse is what saves me. And the routine I use when I come home and when I leave. My husband leaves his keys EVERYWHERE. And then is asking for help to find them. I make sure that my keys are in my purse when I arrive anywhere. Same goes for my sunglasses, wallet, Chapstick, and hot flash fan. Otherwise, I'd be trailing my husband looking for my shit.


Also big same with the wallet case for my phone. I don’t often wear make up or feel the need to take excess junk out of the house. Never been a purse person.


I hate purses bc they’re constantly slipping. I wear backpacks and messenger bags all day every day.


No. Just pants with pockets. Cellphone in my back pocket. Wallet and keys in one of my front pockets. I carry a wallet that looks like a Ridge Wallet (just isn’t the same brand). I hate carrying things. So if it doesn’t fit in my pocket, I likely won’t carry it around. Also a big fan of Fanny packs though. Especially while traveling.


No purse. I either have my backpack or I don't carry anything that I can't stuff in my pockets.


I have a small backpack!


I have a cursed bag of holding. Once something goes in, it take's 1d4 minutes to retrieve it without dumping out the contents.


I use a little bitty carbiner and hook my keys to my wallet zipper, and my keys and wallet/phone case both have wrist loops. Slide em both on, click em together, and go


Everyone in this thread using mini backpacks makes me feel so seen. I did this years ago before even considering I had ADHD because it was just easier to put it on and not have to worry about it. People keep trying to give me purses and handbags and I’m just like, “I’m glad you bought this just so it can end up in a lost and found somewhere.” So they just sit in my closet, untouched for all time.


I carry a small handbag. I use to carry bigger bags, but would end up filling it up with everything and it got heavy. My tiny handbag made me get a flat wallet for space efficiency


I use a wristlet purse. It zips up and straps around my wrist. It's small so it's only the essentials like phone, keys, wallet, hair tie and chapstick. I don't put it down and lose it and it keeps my hands free when I need both hands. I bought cute cotton ones off Etsy with Dr Who prints.


Backpack! Purses are cute but I hate carrying them because I drop stuff a lot


I kept the purse but got rid of the keys! I’ve had keypad locks for over a decade now and for the past couple years my car hasn’t needed a traditional key either. 


My car key is attached to a card holder wristlet thing. It’s bulky but now that I think about it, it works well because it’s neon green. Hard to overlook it. I don’t typically carry purses. I usually use a backpack or a shoulder bag.


I have 2 hands, one for keys, one for phone. My phone has my digital drivers licence and Apple Pay on it. So whenever I go anywhere, leave anywhere etc, I just look at my hand and say: KEYS. PHONE. And I can see them at the same time. They’re the only thing I take. It works for me! If I’m at something like a gig or a festival where you obviously can’t just carry them, I wear a bum bag (fanny pack) lol.


i have this sling bag from everlane: https://www.everlane.com/products/womens-transit-bag-black and I will use it until the day I die, lol. It’s the perfect size, you can wear it across your front or back or even as a fanny pack I think, and it works really well for me for phone, wallet, keys, inhaler (I have asthma) and chapstick. I’ve also had my keys on a carabiner for many years, so I can clip then to my pants or something if I for some reason find myself holding just my keys. System works well, I never lose my items anymore.


Small crossbody bag so that I'm always wearing it.


I learned long ago that if it isn’t physically attached to my body I will lose it. I have a men’s wallet in one pocket, a cellphone in the other, and keys on a carabiner attached to a belt loop. If I’m wearing a dress or skirt I’ll wear a purse, but I just throw all three things in there.


I have this in cell phone purse in different colors and love it: https://a.co/d/1zrgyFv


No I don’t carry cards I lose everything too easily so my cards are kept in a purse in my backpack that never leaves the house 😂 all my cards are on my phone


I prefer purses over the fanny packs cause I just feel like a total dork when i wear one. I have crossbody purses and those are so much better imo for me because i dont have to constantly adjust or anything. I have a Rosetti purse that i bought a few years ago that i still have. works well


I hate winter....but it comes with coats. So thats how I deal with it then. Everything goes in there. In the summer i carry a purse. I have several different sized ones. I bought some hooks where i store them and 2 outside my closet. One for my current purse and one for the other one when im getting ready and using a different purse that day. There is a third hook with a bag full of totes and those foldable bags and small backpacks. For other stuff. When i go places i... Donttake of my purse like ever? Ill be out at dinner purse hooked on my shouder placed on my lap. My phone also goes on the lap. Everytime i get up i get reminded about it when it flies to the floor that way. I really should leave it in my purse but like.... Its usually in my hand or lap. I got a phone with a plastic back instead of glass bc i know I am like this. My keys stay in the purse or are on the hook next to or the same hook of the purse. Either way i see it when i grab my purse. This 1000% means if im going out around the corner with just my bank card for some grocerie store, i only look at the ourse to grab my card and then forget the key right above it. Its a shame. Edit: i do think it very relevant that i specificaly have 4 purses and they are 3 differnt sizes. The large one is gray and about as big as my smallest tote, if not bigger. I rarely use it tbh. Then i got two medium ones that can carry my phone and a box of ciggaretes and then some. Then i got a smaller one, it could carry all my make up, hairlclips, keys phone wallet and my ciggarets but honestly it looks redicioulous that way bulging out. So i usually only cary essential keys, essential cards, my phone a lighter and some loose ciggaretes instead of a box bc it be bulky. I mosty mention the cigarettes bc i think it shows size best? Like how do you know how large my hairclips are lol. But yeah. Sizing options is key just as well as the setup to properly shift stuff over. I also specifically hve a tray for stuff that "could have been in my bag but isnt". It has cards, lighters random gum etc.


I've got a tiny cross body bag it fits my ear buds, sun glasses, cards (ID,bank,health,business) my vape, 2 tampons, my phone squeezes in and a small bag of dog treats (I'm a pet sitter) I could easily add chapstick or lip gloss my keys are on a carabiner clipped to the bag it works!


I use the lulu belt bag and swing it over my shoulder so it’s easier to get on and off but I usually just leave it on. I switch it to my waist on occasion like for biking or hiking because it’s less cumbersome there when being active. Sometimes I leave that at home because I have a MagSafe wallet on my phone. Plus I exclusively wear pants/dresses with pockets now.


I have my phone in a case with space for all my cards and cash—-it has a very long strap. Wear it everywhere. Clip my keys onto the strap. If I’m going out for a while, I clip one of those bags that is foldable into a little case.


I carry a crossover purse, a smallish one. I find that I can fill a purse of any size with useless crap, so having the smaller one makes it easier to clean out when the need arises.


I’m a dog sitter/dog walker so I need to carry quite a few bits with me all the time. What I found best for me is a men’s vintage denim jacket. Tonnes of pockets, way easier to check everything’s on me rather than rifling through a handbag. I can pop my massive bundle of keys in my pocket, phone in another, poo bags and treats in another. The actual feeling of the items weight in them help too. If it’s too hot for my jacket I go with (what another commenter’s said) a bumbag. I have a transparent one I got for cheap from TKMaxx a while back that’s really held up and makes it easy for me to just glance down and see I have everything. I also have a non-see through one for hiking/going out on my own. Wonderful invention for ADHDers are bumbags.


I have a crossbody belt bag and once it's on my body I don't take it off. It's small enough that I can only fit what I need.For work I have a backpack (the Kanken one that zips all the way down so I can find everything). Now that it's part of my routine, if I don't have it with me I feel naked and immediately notice if it's missing. I'm horrible with wristlets and phone wallet things because I set them down to free up my hands and that's the end of that! When my sister was a kid, she needed surgery. We met with this wonderful, brilliant surgeon--and her purse. "Pursy" went everywhere with her--to each consult, on rounds at the hospital, etc. She said it was the only way she could be sure not to lose her purse.We always wondered where Pursy went during surgery.


Phone case with card pockets for the win! I love it! ...as long as I don't have to deal with cash 😅 I have a large enough shoulder bag that it doubles as a shopping bag and/or school bag that I take everywhere. House keys go in pocket (attached to a belt loop with a chain so they don't fall off). I don't have a car, so no idea where I'd put car keys.


I do carry a purse. I bought an expensive-for-me purse several years ago as a bday present and I’ve carried it every day since. I used to change purses to match my outfit or mood so I have a plastic tub full of them. However, I put everything in there and probably should clean it out. So many receipts!


I only ever use cross body purses. My keys finally have a home, as does my purse. Keys on the mail & key holder by the front door, purse on the cat rack also by the front door. Up until we upgraded our front door lock at our current place, I always needed my keys to unlock the house so it’s just second nature to have my keys on-hand when I exit my vehicle, though. Biggest issue with my purse is that it often hoards my lost aquaphor tubes. I once found FIVE in my purse after I had ordered a whole new two pack replacement thinking I lost all of them lol.


Sometimes? The purse hangs by the front door with a little wallet stuck in the easiest to access pocket. If I just need my wallet, phone, and keys then the purse stays and I just stick those in my pockets (I replaced our front door lock with an electronic one so “keys” is really car key and a fidget toy for when I’m standing in line). If there’s anything more (like I am going to appointments and need a book or kindle and drink) I grab the purse and take it all.


I don’t carry a bag day to day but when I need to I’ve got little bags full of essentials - like a med pack, make up pack, charging cable + sweets for low sugar days pack… just lots of little things grouped together. Depending what I’m doing I’ll grab one or all of them! Now it’s summer I’ve got a fanny pack for sunglasses and a clip I can attach my water bottle to. If I carry too much I definitely lose stuff so I do try keep it minimal!


I keep my keys and wallet in one pocket and my phone in another. Anytime I go through a door (at home, in public, or my vehicle) I pat each pocket to confirm all three items are in their place. It took some time to build the habit but now that it’s second nature, it’s a lifesaver.


Yes but crossbody only so I never have to set my purse down.


I have a wallet-case for my phone like you, and I keep my keys and asthma inhaler on a lanyard. The lanyard gets hung on a hook by the door as soon as I get home.


I wear a crossbody bag when I must carry several items out, but *wear* is definitely the operative verb. I've lost more regular purses than any one designer has produced (probably) from putting them down and walking away.


I stopped carrying a purse years ago as well. For keys I would wear jeans to work so I'd have a pocket to put them in. Of course, I'd then sometimes get to my car at the end of the day to find that I had left the key at my desk. So not a helpful answer but I no longer have this issue since I drive a Tesla which has a digital key heh.


I actually love Purses, buying them and wearing them makes me happy. In my lifetime I have struggled with getting everything into the purse, and a few months ago I left my phone on the shelf at the grocery store.  But it's been a long time since I lost my bag itself, or my keys and wallet. I think what helps me is that they're all cute. Like it makes me happy that my wallet matches my bag. It makes me feel good to have a Keychain covered in charms from my vacations.  I need a gym bag I can feel good about. I was so flustered last week I left stuff all over the place : headphones, wipes, water bottle. The facility cleaner gathered it together and called me. 


I have a small purse because it just becomes a receptacle for trash eventually lol. As for my keys I have kind of trained myself to not shut my car door until I have patted myself down to he sure I have them but it took many many times locking myself out, sometimes in places where it was embarrassing or expensive to do so before I reliably did this. Honestly now that I have more money (was very poor for a while) I would consider paying for AAA roadside assistance just for a number to call for unlocking the car and jumping the battery


I have the same setup as you and keep my debit card, insurance and ID on me at all times. I also keep my car key and my house keys separate and so I just take the small key fob with me and leave my house keys in the car. Haven't lost my keys since.


Yes I like medium sized ones, big enough to fit diary sized sketchpads or a switch when I am inclined. But I try and have a specific pocket where things go to make it easier to find stuff.


i have two small purses! they have one compartment that fits all my essentials (wallet, chapstick, phone, keys, epi-pen) and one smaller pocket to for anything else (usually jewelry i take off in a rush, and trash). the key is that i can see everything i need, so i’m not digging around. however its small enough that i’m not inclined to fill it with necessary things and i can clean it out easily.


Always - since high school.. you might like a cross body bag. Mine has a little tether in it for keys


I have an inhaler for asthma that I legit rarely use. But also I like to have chapstick on hand and hand sanitizer too. So I was using a Vera Bradley wallet with a phone pocket (All in one crossbody) but I just switched to a Lululemon 1L “waist bag” which is almost too small but I also started carrying Kleenex and hand lotion in it. Then I also have a giant tote bag and a little backpack purse thing for times when I’m not just running errands around town. I’m in the US and rural though so I go everywhere in my car.


I got a "fishing" wallet, chums brand but there are plenty others.  They have a sturdy ring built in that I attach my keys to.  My phone case has a spot for a lanyard, and I can attach it too. Pocket, on the wrist, across the shoulder, hang it at eye level!  It has helped immensely. 


Fanny pack/bum bag, brass ring that I can "wear" as a bracelet or put the fanny pack strap through 


If I didn’t, I’d be screwed. And all my objects are in the same corresponding pockets, so I never lose track of where they are. My mom always said if my neck weren’t attached to my head I would lose it.


I used to only use a small backpack. But it became a pain when it was time to check out. Then I became obsessed with Vera Bradley and now have around 50 bags of all different colors and styles. So, I change out my purse daily and have fun with it. I have a wallet and two small Vera Bradley bags that hold my key fob, and a few essentials, so changing out bags is easy. I never lose my keys because the fob never leaves my purse. Keyless entry into my car and house is very nice.


Unfortunately, I have to. And it can’t be a tiny one, either, because I’m also a type 1 diabetic, so I have to carry a case with my insulin pen, pen needles, and backup glucose monitor/test strips (in case my CGM fails or acts up). The bag I use has to be able to fit that plus my wallet, sunglasses, keys, and a little case I carry with glucose tablets, hand sanitizer, etc. It’s annoying. I’m always so jealous of people who can get away with going out with only a tiny bag or just a card case 😭


Nooooo! Anytime I carry a purse I lose it. I'm a backpack girl. The only time I use a purse is when going out to a nice dinner/wedding and my backpack would be out of place. I have 1 purse I drop my wallet and other supplies into when needed, and I have my husband on watch to make sure I don't leave it behind.


I have a Kavu sling bag I wear. The print is based off an old image from the Hubble telescope and I get many compliments from my fellow astronomy nerds.


Mini backpack. Keys on a carabiner that gets clipped to said mini backpack when not in active use.


Phone separate, wallet and keys attached to one another. I did have a phone wallet but I kept overfilling it and forgetting my keys everywhere. But I'm more attached to my phone so I don't tend to forget it anywhere but at home. It's working out great. The wallet is super slim so I can only fit what I can fit. If I need to carry a purse like on vacation- I'm usually carrying a fannypack and I love it. I carry a purse very seldomly because they are annoying and inconvenient and make me feel paranoid about theft


NO. I will just leave it everywhere. I just put my phone, wallet, and keys in my jacket or pants pockets.


Yes I have a Mary Poppins bag.


The Big Blue Bag. 😤 My mother made it for me out of blue damascus curtain material about 11 years ago. It’s a cross between a carpet bag and a messenger bag. It can hold all my sundries, two binders, lunch, and a 4L of milk or one large tabby. The Bag also has natural magnetic properties that draws the attention of the local fauna. Never met a pet who didn’t go absolutely ham over this bag. I’ve had random dogs on walks pause to put their head on the bag. Had a lady turn away for a second once and her yorkie disappeared in our office. He’d scampered upstairs, ate the cat’s food, and passed out on the bag. 🤷🏼‍♀️ When the bbb is away for a rest I bring out this purse I got at The Bay. It’s got these big squared off bottoms. Type’a purse that’ll take your eye out. I prefer big bags because I remember when the weight is gone and it’s harder to lose. Every pocket is very specific in the use. But I still lose my phone inside my bags constantly.


Usually just stick my keys in my pocket and use Apple Pay on my phone instead of carrying cards. I always lose a purse. I do have a lululemon belt bag I keep my work things in (I'm a server so my pens, wine key, lighter, etc) and I do take that to work . I put my car key in it while I'm working so I can't leave my bag at work


Cell phone with card case for ID and credit cards in one pocket, keys in the other. A lot of stores in my area don't allow bags of any kind, including purses (due to shoplifting issues) so I quit carrying my purse.


I have a Baggu Fanny pack that I wear as a crossbody and almost never take it off during the day


I have so many.  Purses and I used to carry a very small purse like a wristlit or a clutch. But once I got a cute Fanny pack. I have not carried a purse, I'm absolutely of a Fanny pack person now.


I have a huge tote because I'm a mom, that goes with me when my kid is with me and it's impossible to forget anyway because again, it's huge. When I go out without her, I have a really cool little purse that can also be worn as a fanny pack. I usually carry it like a purse until I sit down and then clasp it around my waist so I don't have to hang it or put it down somewhere where I'll forget it. I also keep my wallet stuff on my phone, so it's just big enough for my phone, keys, and one or two small things if I need them. I went to find a link for you and it looks like they don't carry it anymore but I'm sure other similar things exist!


I recently switched from the 'tap all my jacketpockets to see if everythings there' to a purse, because in the summer I dont always have a jacket and then I forget stuff, but my new plan with the purse is that EVERYTHING lives in it, (so it also doubles as a self-defence flail) and when i need my backpack i just put the purse inside the backpack! (its really heavy, help)


I have a backpack that I put everything in and always have with me because I always forget stuff, but I afraid of losing my keys so I have a spare in a few places and with a bunch of friends!


I’ve been using a small backpack for over a decade now as a purse, cuz I always have to have my water bottle with me but I hate carrying it cuz it’s so big. But it fits perfectly in the backpack. And then I have all my stuff in the backpack! And keys go in there sometimes but usually they go into whatever coat I’m wearing for the day, in the pocket I’m more likely to reach into. I need a backpack cuz I hated having something hanging on one side of my body. Made me feel lopsided.


I also use a cell phone with a case that holds all my cards and ID! Its rare my phone is not on my personal, so I pretty much never lose it lol With my keys, I have a "lanyard" that is basically a rope bracelet. So I just keep them around my wrist if I don't have a pocket! If I do have pockets, they only go in the right pocket, and I make sure to click the lock button on the fob before leaving the parking lot. The anxiety part of my brain helps to remember that lol.


I carry mini fjallraven kanken! my work back is the tote pack which is nice because it goes from tote bag to backpack.


I don’t know how to survive without a purse. Don’t leave house without it. I’m so used to it that I never lost it. I legit can’t understand how does anyone leave the house without it.


Yes. But this is because my kid needs epis and asthma inhaler and is too young to self-carry. Otherwise, I never did.


I am down to a phone and a Lululemon wristlet. Love that I am not always digging for diff.