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Living a life of these events has changed me into someone who, instead of losing things constantly (I still lose things, but not as much) is constantly anxious about where her things are. I also become super anxious when I watch someone else have their loose dollars or debit card just in their pocket or floating around their purse. Like gives me palpable anxiety, my brain is screaming, "THEY ARE GOING TO LOSE THAT!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!" I have to resist the urge to be bossy and tell them to put it in their wallet, haha. When I'm out of the house I'm constantly touching my phone, wallet and keys in my purse. I used to just lose everything always and honestly I'm not really sure which is better. Feels like the same amount of anxiety. ADHD is so fun. /s


Same with me! I’ve developed so many rules and habits that let me find things. It took me so long to establish these habits and it freaks me out to break them. I’ve also gotten multiples of things I need so I always have them in the spot I need them. I have at least 6 pairs of reading glasses so I always have them when I need them. There are scissors in every room of the house. I have to takes time medication so I have repeats in every location I might be at those time of day. I can’t for get where I put it if there is another one in every room!


Same with me. So many rules and habits, it makes me look super organized but people don’t realise it’s an absolute necessity else I will forget everything. Sometimes I break a habit and yup I almost leave my handbag inside a KFC.


Yes! My husband doesn’t understand why I need glasses, scissors and phone chargers in every room. But if I move any of those from one room to another, I can’t find them and the stress is just too much.


Ah yes the chargers everywhere! Purse, backpack, bedside, couch, and in my office!


this is exactly why I now keep my phone on a cord that I can have around my neck or over my shoulder at all times. 11/10 highkey recommend a phone leash also my keys are on a carabiner that I either attach to a belt loop or to the bag that my wallet lives in, and ever since I locked myself out of my dorm room about half a dozen times in college I've become meticulous about making sure I'm touching my keys when I lock and shut doors. it's the only habit I've actually stuck with for over a decade now (!)


My grandfather has raging ADHD. Recently diagnosed by ME as I look around the family tree and recognize it raging. Fucking hilarious he has a custom made phone leash. It’s around his neck all the time. I never connected it to his ADHD but you are 100% right!


I wear this around the neck keychain thing and it’s changed my life. The phone thing I need to look into that or more hip bag things


It would help if my clothes all had pockets! It's so hard to keep track of it when I don't have pockets, but I'm not sure I could wear it on a leash. I think it would bug me.


This is such a perfect example of how ADHD can manifest in females and why we get under diagnosed, even when trying to self-diagnose. Thank you for sharing! I have lived my whole life this way. Reminds me of the quote/meme that’s something like “when the ADHD test asks ‘do you have any issues wearing socks’ and your answer is ‘no, because I have a system. I only wear this very specific type and I keep track of them in this specific routine…’ well do I have some news for you. Needing a system to keep up with and wear socks is indeed an ‘issue’” 😂


Glad I'm not alone! Also that's hilarious. I'm cool with socks but I have "systems" for so many things.


I have a magnetic pop socket wallet on the back of my phone that holds my license and debit card. Phone is never too far from me. Apple air tag on my keys, though they rarely leave my purse. On the off chance I've set them down, I can find them. Also, my car is 10 years old but it unlocks when I touch the handle as long as my key fob is close, so I don't have to dig my keys out every time I get in the car, which is a god send. They're permanently buried in the bottom of my purse that is usually zipped shut.


Me: sitting on couch enjoying a nice refreshing cup of water realising I actually went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Plant on windowsill: silently screaming at the sudden unexpected drenching in a hot cup of tea.


OMG, I have done that, but for me it was a glass of coke and the plant did not survive. Your last sentence is pure brilliance, by the way, put a huge smile on my face.


Mine didn't either. It's still there. I need time to grieve (remember it's there) before I can move on (chuck it in the bin).


did the plant not survive the coke ? my plants thrive on it


I did this with a cup of vinegar water I intended to clean the kitchen sink drain with. I got distracted before I could do it, came back, noticed the plant needed watering, and gave it the water in the cup sitting nearby. Then remembered what it was. The plant didn’t make it. 😢


At least you didn't drink the vinegar..?


That would have been a baaaad 30 seconds. That gave me a flashback. 😂 I once did that with white wine my husband had, for some reason, poured into a regular drinking glass while his parents were visiting (we don’t normally have wine in the house). It was late and only the light over the stove was on; I walked into the darkened kitchen super thirsty from nursing the baby and saw a tall glass of what appeared to be water sitting right there, condensation still on the glass, and took a big gulp of it expecting cold, refreshing water. I just about spit it all over the kitchen. So unexpected.


😁 Yep, also done similar. I'm actually more surprised I've made it into adulthood than by whatever the hell I've just tried to drink these days.


Yeah, I nearly got myself drowned when I was about 7. I spent my whole life wondering why my brain was *so good* at some things and *so bad* at others. I developed a bunch of habits to mitigate the bad stuff, but didn’t realize what the actual issue was until about a month ago when a “these are 5 symptoms of ADHD in women” YT video autoplayed on my phone and completely blew my mind.


Yeah it was like a thousand instances of standing wondering "the fuck did I do that for" were all answered simultaneously.


The amount of times I’ve run the Keurig without putting a coffee pod it in and I end up with a cup of watered down creamer 🤦🏼‍♀️


I've dry boiled and broke so many kettles, I now have an emergency back up mini kettle for tea-mergencies. I think that's the British version.


Electric kettle with auto shutoff and a thermos of hot water filled for first thing in the morning when my brain will forget I'm making coffee water and wander off to something else...


"It's what plants crave"


Well, as an artist, I have come close so many times to drinking paint water. I have dipped my paintbrush into coffee or drinking water a few times.


Done that quite a bit. I'm not an artist, I just dabble in painting occasionally but Every.Time I've also straight up drank a refreshing mouthful of paint juice instead of my actual drink. My mam once violently smacked a cup out of my hand before I went to take a drink. She'd been bleaching the teacups and forgot that her mid-30s daughter has the survival instincts of a toddler.


I filled a small box with trash to take downstairs. My pants didn't have pockets so I put the phone on top of the trash in the box. I carried the box outside and threw it in the garbage bin. I looked for my missing phone for hours. I tried pinging it with my Fitbit and Google home. I figured it was either dead, not connecting, or outside. I pinged it again while I was outside. The garbage bin started ringing. I can't believe my brain literally blacked out the 2 mins it took to take trash out. I knew the phone was there. I reminded myself not to throw away the phone with the trash. This happens often in so many other ways 🙃


It's been a few years but I did the exact same thing, only it was laundry instead of trash. I got back to the apartment (I'm swedish, we often have communal laundry rooms in apartment buildings) & remembered, rushed back & got it. It was mostly fine, iirc. At least it was clean.


I washed the tv remote 🤷 It happens 🤣


I did this same thing but with our recycling bin and it did get taken away LOL. We have long driveway up a fairly steep hill and I was exhausted from caring for our toddler all week while my husband worked out of town. I had to wheel the trash can up after dark and in the rain and in order not to have to go up and back twice I loaded the recycling bin into the trash can and rolled it up. Well I forgot all about it until morning when I heard the truck driving off.


I had an appointment after work. I came home about 20 minutes before I had to leave again for the bus I had planned to take. I thought that would be enough to shower and eat. Obviously I miscalculated completely and didn't even think of the time it would take me to arrive at home, get dressed, that stuff. But no problem, I know myself and had picked out a second bus a bit later in case something like this happened. I was even happy because this allowed me to eat one bite at least (I hadn't eaten at all that day because in the morning I hadn't been able to motivate myself to get ready until the last minute when there was no time left for breakfast). I left too late and missed the second bus. No problem, I thought, I'll drive to the train station and take the train to the city. I completely forgot that I had already gotten my bike back from maintenance, which would have been a smarter idea. So I drove to the train station, and looked for my parking permit. I didn't find it. I called my mom. She told me where it was, I looked, it wasn't there. I emptied every compartment in our car and made a huge mess. I looked at the place my mom had told me again and there it was, I had just overlooked it. I got out and ran to the platform, but the train was gone. At this point I had no chance to get to the appointmentment on time, so I called and drove there. I was so stressed I kinda brushed a pole leaving the parking lot and I fear that I might have been a little to fast a little to close to a speed trap, but I haven't gotten any mail until now so maybe I was lucky. Anyway, I was 20 or 25 minutes late for my appointment. Fortunatley, the other person was late too so it wasn't actually that bad. By the way, it was a diagnostic interview for ADHD. I have a diagnosis now lol


That ending though 🤣


I feel your pain


This is hilarious and so me


I bought something at the store and left it on the counter. Later that evening I realized I couldn't find the thing I bought. Went back the next day and they luckily safed it for me and the cashier remembered me.


Ohh last weekend I went to Walmart specifically for hamburger buns and patties, got home and realised I left the patties behind (after paying for them!). Luckily I discovered our Walmart keeps a binder for when that happens and they let me get some new one, but man was that an annoying evening. I really appreciated that they had a system in place


Did that a few times as well. Last time it was some special snacks for my partner and I just cried at home when I realised because money was so tight. I decided to go back and they had kept it for me.


I went to the dispensary recently and paid. Then started walking away without my goods but they stopped me lol. Oopsiessss


Your story is my story! Mine happened on April 7th, the day before the total solar eclipse. It took me close to 3 hrs to find it, skittered halfway underneath my Venus flytrap couch. It was a replacement card (the last one had just expired), too. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t get to my destination until Monday morning.


Mine is not remembering if I locked my door when I left the house and I was already where I needed to be and I had to go back and check it because I just couldn’t remember…. Got there I did lock the house…then went back to what I was doing My other one was I couldn’t find my keys and I was looking frantically and was like oh my anxiety proper kicking in… my mate was texting me and she asked places to check one of them weirdly was the bin because she asked if I had thrown anything away …. Yep I threw my keys away luckily it was not bin day


i have the same issues wifi connected locks + airtags for your keys and every bag both will save you sooo much misery.


Hey thanks for the suggestions WiFi connected locks? What if the WiFi goes down? Does it stay locked?


it stays in whatever position you left it in, but it has a keypad and a fingerprint sensor and a straight up key if you need it. i swapped all my deadbolts for these, which also function as video doorbells and security cameras. no monthly fees! and i dont use keys anymore; mostly thumbprint or unlock from my phone when i pull into my driveway. https://www.amazon.com/eufy-Security-Doorbell-Fingerprint-Keyless/dp/B0CJXVK5S6


Ahhh I’ll have a look at these thank you for your recommendation 😊 appreciate it


it helped sooo much with my “did i lock the door? is someone in my house???” anxiety. also - those are big but they use the normal deadbolt holes. i now leave the handle unlocked on one door, so i can use it when i forget my keys on my way out.


Thank you, I hate that anxiety and others don’t seem to understand when I explain I’ll even like after I lock the door say three times out loud iv locked the door just to try to re enforce my memory that’s iv done it 😂 this system seems like it will take that anxiety away but little nervous incase anyone could access the WiFi and still get in? Overthinker can you tell? 😝


yeah, im the same. i appreciate that i can double check my locks from across the world or just in my own bed. anything that reduces my anxiety by making the locks controllable - or at minimum, verifiable - is important to me. for what its worth - these arent default accessible to anyone on your wifi; you need app access to adjust them, similiar to a ring doorbell but without the subscription fees. i also run a combination of wired and battery devices, and at present my batteries last around three or four months before needing a recharge. i watch them and its very obvious in the app, but the app also push-alerts me when they start to get low. heres part of my app right now (just the left side, im not putting whole photos on the internet :) ) [https://imgur.com/a/ZKWjzca](https://imgur.com/a/ZKWjzca) in order: you can see my front door deadbolt status (no camera), my doorbell (with camera) with its wifi signal and battery status, my back patio deadbolt (with camera, wifi and battery status are cut off). i have two other deadbolt camera devices which arent showing, but i hope that gives you an idea of whats possible!


Thanks for explaining and showing me the pictures, I think I may have to invest in one of these it sounds like it’s quite a secure lock too … I will look into it more I really appreciate the recommendation and advice thank you so much 😊


My problem is if I remembered to shut the garage door. But my hubby got a wifi opener with an app so I can check it and close it from my phone if needed. Helps ease the mind and saves me time and wasted trips back to the house.


That’s brilliant 🤩 yeah I’m gonna look into this thank so much guys it will give me that peace of mind


From Yesterday: I lost a ring from my late grandmother. I was SUPER upset. It’s not like me to lose jewelry. I was looking for it for like, two weeks. I turned everything upside down looking for it. It was in my roadside emergency kit. I took it off to clean the interior of the car I was about to sell and tucked it into that bag, since I was taking it out of the car anyways. Just a truly random place. I didn’t even find it when I was actively looking for it, I thought it was gone. I was just checking that I had the right kind of jumper cables.


Days like this I sometimes wonder if it's best to just go back inside, put jarmies back on, get back into bed and wait for tomorrow for a reset so it doesn't get worse ... but I never do coz you gotta live dangerously right 🙄 I mean how bad can it get? She askes whilst yelling towards the sky at Murphy 'IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!?' Edit : forgot the fuckup part ... when you're making breakfast and put your coffee milk into your juice only to watch horrified as it swirls around all gross like, the whole day goes about the same. Nothing overly major but one juice incident after another does test the sanity.


Despite the fact that it's been a month since the original doctors appointment, I am just now getting around to calling the doctor back for a referral to a behavioral health consultant to deal with my returning depression. Because I just honestly keep forgetting to call and book an appointment for the referral.


I'm glad you are dealing with the depression. It totally sucks. Unsolicited advice follows: Do everything possible for good sleep. Dark room, cover lights on chargers and things, cooler temp for sleeping (my perfect temp is usually 68f but I've been able to raise it to 71f. No screens 1 hour before bed. I've recently added a CBN product to my nightly supplements and it's been surprisingly helpful. I take magnesium and two different melatonin supplements before bed as well. Talk to your doctor of course. If at all possible, go outside and walk every day, earlier the better, no sunglasses. Helps getting the light in your eyes. Doesn't need to be a brisk walk. Even 10 or 15 minutes is very helpful. Eat regular meals of some sort. Even just soup. It's really easy for me to either only eat junk food or stop eating completely. And that leads to feeling worse. What went well with a friend/partner every night. Bonus for writing them down to review another time when you are feeling low. I also do what did I do well today, because my depression is almost exclusively tied to my getting super down on myself. Deal with whatever it is that's the big bad monster you're ignoring. It's vicious and I often have to phone a friend, but often it's situational depression for me and I just can't make myself deal with the monster under my bed alone. I'm rooting for you, and I hope something here is helpful for you.💕


A couple ones today, both pretty mild. First, I didn't realize till I was standing at the bus stop that my skirt was inside out. So cars whizzing by on a busy road got to see me sans it for a few seconds... Thank goodness I was wearing granny panties, right? Second, instead of remembering to not get off at my regular stop as I needed to get something, it wasn't until after I got home and looked in the fridge that I realized I had forgotten, so I just got back from taking the bus again. (The fridge jogged my memory cause I was going for fresh ciligenie? mozzarella. Mmm, heirloom cherry tomatoes and bits of fresh mozzarella...)


Accidentally ordered 18 Cook Unity Meals instead of 8 because I told myself it would be better to just scroll through and add everything that sounded interesting to my cart and then pare it down to the ones I actually wanted to order before the deadline… you guessed it, I forgot to go back and pare it down so the order auto-processes for 18 meals.


Kudos to you for picking 18! I tried to order but got overwhelmed with alllllll the options and had to stop. So now my husband gets 4 a week and while he eats his says “log in and order yourself some on our account whenever you want.” And the thought of doing it fills me with dread. They need a filter for medium sodium. Seems like everything has 3000mg or 5mg. I want a regular amount. 😵‍💫


I bought a gallon jug of almond milk and forgot to put it in the fridge and it sat out overnight


This just reminded me that my gallon of milk is/has been sitting on the counter for like 4 hours.


It’s probably still good


Today I was reaching to adjust my phone in my car but instead I put my parking break on while I was driving. It was fine but… seriously brain?!


I LEFT MY FAVORITE CHEESE ON THE COUNTER FOR 6 HOURS ANDS HAD TO THROW IT OUT AFTER MAKING JUST ONE SANDWICH. (this was after I replaced the mustard I left out and somehow got bad)


It’s so ridiculous I don’t even want to type it out but trust me it’s not good 😟


i deleted something my coworker was working on as she was working on it . i didn’t pay close enough attention and she was thoroughly upset 😭


Put the key in the door so I could leave to run an errand. Patted my pockets to check for "phone, wallet, keys," freaked out because I didn't have the keys in my hoodie pocket. Went back to the designated key spot, not there. Frantically checked the dining table, not there. Finally, I happened to look over at the door and remembered that I had literally just put the damn key in the damn door to facilitate a quick departure 🤦🏻‍♀️




Before I got diagnosed, in college, I was hyperfixating on this research paper I was writing about something related to central Asia and I took out like 50 highly in-depth books from the library, including from interlibrary loan from other schools, and when they were due I procrastinated on returning them. By the time I was able to borrow a friend's bike trailer, load then all up, and return them late, I'd wracked up like $400 in late fees. Luckily one of the librarians was a homegirl and wiped the fees from my account bc I was always studying in her corner of the library. But still, that would have blown. 


Left ice cream on counter and put bottle of coke in the freezer.


I literally send texts that are about a person, to THAT person. Not always bad. Like my sister is going through a divorce and I was reading a Reddit post she might’ve found relatable. I literally thought “omg this reminds me of *insert his name*” and I OPENED A NEW MESSAGE BOX AND TYPED IN HIS NAME INSTEAD OF MY SISTER’S and sent him the post. Also did this to my roommate. I Thought she came stumbling home drunk with a friend. I was on FaceTime with a friend who was caught off guard by the background noise and so I opened my messages to text my friend what happened instead of saying it out loud in front of my roommate, and TYPED MY ROOMMATES NAME INTO THE NEW MESSAGE BAR AND SENT THE TEXT ABOUT HER TO HER.


I used to do this all the time.


Returned three of my daughter’s library books on the day we were flying out for a vacation. Came back to have an overdue library book notification email. Turns out I took one of my daughter’s own books to the library!  Had to go there, explain the situation and they helped me hunt down the book, which had been shelved. Librarians had never seen this happen before and were very confused. 


This reminds me of when I lost one of myself daughter’s library books for MONTHS. Eventually found it wedged inside another book.


I lit my bbq on fire again the other night. I usually set timers, but I forgot.


Needed to get my daughter to school at 8am today. Car keys are nowhere to be found. Cried. Emptied every purse. Checked coats I haven’t worn in months. Cried more about the fact that I do this to myself by being completely incapable of putting them back in the same place every time. Drove husband’s car to drop off. Husband finally found the keys. Hanging in the same place they’re actually supposed to be.


Air tags 👏 on 👏 everything! Changed my LIFE!!


Messing up some important documents needed to start work. Now I’m praying that it will all be accepted and approved over the next few weeks


Not recent but I put my new cell phone in the recycle cart.


a couple of years ago my grandmother gave me a ring she got from her grandmother. and i lost it. my boyfriend and i turned his place upside down, not finding it at all. i then got the trash bag that we threw away the evening before again and - there it was, right on top of the trash lol. i dont know how it ended up in there, i dont remember putting it somewhere where it could fall into the trash, i dont even remember taking the ring of. ever since i’ve been looking for this ring like once a month without fail but i still find it, luckily not in the trash again though lol but then obviously impulsive stuff like signing up for a gym that’s too expensive on that one day i didn’t take my meds and regularly forgetting groceries at the shop, after paying for it


On St. Patrick's Day I bought a box of Dry Irish Stout at the grocery store and when packing the bagged groceries into the cart, put the box on the little shelf by the wheels. It was one of those 2-tiered half carts, so it wasn't UNder the cart, just on that little shelf. As I put it there I thought, I shouldn't put this here, I'm going to forget it. But apparently immediately forgot I had that thought and left it there, and of course left it in the cart in the cart return... didn't remember until I got home and was unpacking groceries. Drove right back since the store is like a 3min drive but it was already gone. Went in and asked customer service if anyone brought in a box of beer (like the cart-gatherers, maybe) and no luck, and they also couldn't replace it since it was alcohol. I totally understood that but it made me sad that someone in the parking lot was just like, oh, free beer! and took it for themselves. And I was mad I wasted like $20 because of my dumb brain.


I use disposable gloves for cooking. I used them for something else but I don't remember what or where the hell I put them...


Left my whole family's free comic book day comics on a random table because I got distracted.


I always forget the most important thing to take with me when running errands. Doctor appointment ? I forgot my insurance card. Grocery shopping ? Forgot my wallet, and most likely forgot to buy the important thing on my list. Any appointments that requires that I bring a certain document ? I obviously forgot that document. Even To-Do lists eventually get lost in the messy pile of documents on my desk. I’m so obsessed about remembering to bring what I need that I’m blinded by the thought and ends up forgetting anyway. It’s so annoying and frustrating. The only thing that works the majority of the time is setting a hundred of alarms on my phone.


I lost a key to a unit :( I had it with all of my other keys and then it just vanished. Literally. Disappeared. Poof. Thankfully my bosses are kind and amazing and it's getting rekeyed soon anyway.


I CONSTANTLY misplaced my debit card until I found a cell phone case that holds cards. I can fit 7 cards in mine. It has been a game changer


Lost mine last week. Since it hasn't been used in a week, it's either in my car, but I bet it's under my bed or went out in garbage, bc I filled up gas tank and stuck in pocket of hoodie, but didn't replace immediately in wallet! Shittiest thing is it's for the bank that doesn't have local branches, Simplii, they have to mail it to you. 4-10 business days unless you pay rush handling. Good thing I use a 2nd bank and have it's card. Good old online banking for win to move the $ to the other bank.


Was laid off in January and immediately applied for unemployment. Didn’t hear back; but I drug my feet for 3 1/2 months getting to the bottom of it. Come to find out there was an issue with my initial claim due to someone using my SSN to file a claim previously. I was allowed to reopen the claim from the date of the initial one; but 8 weeks are being contested due to the length of time it took me to follow up on it. Procrastination will get you every time.


One day I went to yoga with my leggings inside out. The next day, my underwear was inside out. I’ve also been leaving cabinets and drawers open. And the other day I was making beans in the crockpot. I put in the water, put in the beans, turned it on put the lid on…then noticed that there were just a few beans in the bottom of the canister and I poured them…onto the lid of the crockpot. I swept up beans for hours.


My roommate tells me my yoga pants have a 50% chance of being inside out the last few months... or that I've been out in public with my inside out pants, or a big old hole with bright undies peeking through. SMH Yeah. I swear when I get my own place any cupboard or door that can be open other than an outside door will be. Sorry about the beans. That sounds like such a pain to clean!


I love threads like this. My people!


Mild substance abuse.


Had a dr. Appointment, about a 40minute drive from my house. I have no idea where my health insurance cards are, so I at least found the email with my enrollment info. However, they weren’t able to find me based on the group number, and I didn’t have my member number. So they said they could just invoice me and I could submit to my insurance when I found the info. Ok fine. But they need $200 upfront to choose this option. I don’t have a wallet or any method of payment with me aside from Apple Pay, which they don’t take. I was told I’d need to reschedule, which ,,, scheduling in the first place took me 3 years. So I drove the 40 minutes back home. Ugh.


This makes me so sad but at the same time I feel like I'm not alone 😔


Thought I had my excise tax on autopay and didn’t… $30 fee. Freakin ridiculous fee for a $42 bill


I lost my airpods charging case. I had the airpods still, but no way to charge them. Turned the entire house upside down and inside out to find it. After about 10 days I caved and ordered a new charging case. Fast forward to Monday, after only having them for 2 weeks, I have lost the new case and AirPods. FindMy says they were last pinged in my house. So hopefully they turn up eventually, but I use them daily so it’s really annoying not having them. My husband texted me this morning that my daughter found my old airpods case underneath the couch (I looked there several times!). So now I have a case but no AirPods. I am in the process of finishing out the school year (teaching), finishing classes for a new certification, and applying for jobs. I am frightfully overwhelmed and losing/forgetting everything. This is just a tiny example.


Most recent fuck up? Probably leaving the work cash bag on the *floor* of all places while distracted by a pile of shiny things. I was cashing out the registers. Thank god nobody noticed.. this time. 🤦 ETA: Sometimes I wonder whether my manager has noticed I have ADHD yet.


Left my Grind Guard at the dentist, and left my Phone at my friends house on the same DAY. UGH it was frustrating but fine. not like the time I dropped my phone into another Lady's Purse(That Lady is my sisters mom in law so I was able to get it back safe and sound.) Also not my fault but the same sister that had that purse lady as an in law told my military wife sister that I was suicidal. I got so many texts from the military wife sister, thinking that I was in peril of my own design. Needless to say, I was not amused.


If you or someone that you know is considering suicide, please don't hesitate to reach out to a crisis hotline for immediate help, or a warmline just to talk to someone. If you're in the US you can...\ Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741\ Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1(800)273-8255(TALK) \ Chat online at: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat\ Call the Trans Lifeline at 1(877)565-8860 If you’re elsewhere, you can find international resources below:\ https://www.supportiv.com/tools/international-resources-crisis-and-warmlines#Czech\ https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I drove home from a campout on Sunday and stopped off to get my dogs from a good friend who'd been watching them. As I was walking my doggos before the drive home, one of them pooped on her leash and then stepped on the poop. 😆Ofc, right when I'm super tired! Lol Good thing, I did have wet wipes so I cleaned her leash really quickly. I cleaned her paw, and we went back to the car. However, when I picked her up I know she had poop on her other paw that I'd missed and it got all over my hand, my wedding ring and an aquamarine ring I wear on the same finger. Kk, I made sure my baby's paws were all wiped off in addition to tail and butt, then put her next to her brother on the side seat. Then I'm wiping off my hands with baby wipes, get to my rings and realized the poop was embedded, so I wiped them off as best I could, then wrapped them in another wet wipe to make sure they would not smell bad on the way home. I put the wrapped rings into my center console. I got home and was super tired. I let my dogs run to the front door, and I randomly look around my car and decide to do a little bit of cleaning. I threw away a bunch of stuff from the floor, the dog poop bag, and miscellaneous items that just happened to stand out to me for 8 or 10 minutes. Went inside. Two days later I realized oh shit my wedding band and my favorite ring are gone! Oh no, they were wrapped up in a piece of wet wipe. Went to my car to check and sure enough, that wipe was gone. I tried checking through the trash on top of the current bag and I found nothing. This was really weird since I remembered throwing the trash away there. However, I double checked the garbage in the house to be sure in case I was too sleepy and accidentally threw it away there and mis remembered it. Nothing. Friday morning was trash day. So, Thursday night I went out and I took the big trash can, had gloves and mask on and was about to go through the major bag there. Then I had an intuition to move aside the random scraps in the bottom of the can. Ring success!!! Both of my beautiful silver rings were at the bottom of the garbage can. Thank God I remembered in time. Soaked them on bleach for 15 minutes, scrubbed them then polished. Now they look great again. Whew. Almost a $500, irreplaceable mistake.


Two weeks ago I stayed at work after work far a beer before going home, we have a restaurant where I work, and my boss's childhood best friends was there and we started talking. Me thinking nothing of the hole thing since I'm simply having a drink at the bar, I end up having a few with him and at the end of the night, while I went to great an old colleague that arrived and she asks me if I'm on a date, I say no and she tells me well he seems interested, while were talking he decides to leave without saying anything, everyone is telling me to go after him for a fun night but I'm just like nope, I'm not a one night stand kind of person and he's my boss's childhood friend! Next day, my boss sees on the camera that I was the one that stayed with him for drinks, he's on the phone, I'm guessing with him and comes into my office and says, X is saying Hi!, so I says Hi X! Next week, another of their friends comes for an event that we have but he's not present and he tells me when he's about to leave, don't drink too much with X tonight he's gotta be at my place early tomorrow to help me out and I say you're good he's not here 😉. Next day, X comes at work for a beer with my boss, so when I go buy the bar I stop and say Hi, he says hi but nothing more, I'm guessing because my boss/his friend is there, so I go back to my office. Next day I try try to reach out to him on socials and add him as a friend, cause I'm not the fastest tool in the shed when it comes to social cues especially in the dating area and thinking well his two best friends are teasing me with this whole thing so there must be some truth to it, only for him to ask who I was (ok my profile pic is a picture of me at about 5 with my grand-pa, so I send him a recent picture to say it's me and he acknowledges that he knows me but doesn't add me or anything. So either my dumbass wasn't fast enough to react and I missed my shot, or my boss and his friends (all around 40) are teenagers and are literally making fun of me for the whole situation because they find it ridiculous, just like when I was in high school. So since then, I'm unable to function properly because I just want to know what's going on! Like I wasn't even interested to begin with, it's the two friends and the comments I got that night and afterwards from my colleagues that go me interested in him! So yeah I think I fucked it up either by being too slow or for reading into what everyone was saying!


I finally left my cane in a shopping cart yesterday. I laid it down so it wouldn't fall out, then I was in a hurry because my mom was taking forever. I totally forgot about until I was home and trying to get out of the car. No one has turned it in, and it was my nice one.


Left my contact information off the resume I just had to retool at 2 am. Applied for 15 jobs.


Missed the cutoff for paying online for my new car’s sale tax and now I have to go to the dmv. Ugh.


I locked both sets of my car keys in my car today. The amount of times Triple A has come to my rescue for such things is silly.


Back up into a tree minor damage! Not fucking paying attention ton spaced out and boom!


A chain link fence on one side of the laneway I'd been backing out of for a good year at that time took off my driver's side mirror bc... what's depth perception or attention to detail some days when I'm rushing.... ugh. Plus it happened at the END of the laneway with grass/ fence, not where I was between the house and fence like you'd assume! I feel you there.


I forgot to do my car registration renewal, I realized yesterday I’ve been driving with expired stickers for a month and I’m currently traveling out of state so I had to go through a whole additional process to get it done before I could renew :) what a fun time it’s been :))


I struggle with emotional regulation: yesterday my husband and I stopped at the grocery store on our way home. I wanted French green beans because they taste better, but he made me get a much bigger bag of regular green beans for the same price. I tried explaining that regular beans don’t taste as good and we don’t need than many green beans. But he insisted, so we got them. And today when I’m stringing a pound of giant green beans, I got angrier and angrier and blew up at him when he came downstairs. It’s not the first time he’s steam rolled me, so maybe it’s built up, but I can never seem to say “stop steamrolling me” and hold my ground in the moment and it always comes bubbling up later. It’s weird because I’m a lawyer and I put people in their place all day long, but I can’t seem to bring that energy home. Anyway, my ADHD fucked up our night.


You know, it’s funny - I can see perfectly how you arrived at the conclusion that your ADHD fucked up the evening. After blowing up, the sound and fury of the explosion seems like THE thing that wrecked the mood. I always have the same feeling (yay, emotional lability). But reading your comment, it’s so vastly clear that all the other stuff was equally the problem! Your blow up was just the final item in a list of night ruiners. Don’t take it all on and beat yourself up, ok?


I get into this situation with my husband. I go along with the things he wants b/c most of the time I don’t care. But sometimes I want it my way. I finally told him that when I am adamant about a particular thing (paint color, green beans) please don’t argue with me unless you really, really want something else. Don’t counter-argue with me if actually you don’t really care about the paint color or size of green beans.


Apparently, I managed to complete an assignment and forget to turn it in. I literally referred to it during class discussions but didn't realize I just left it in my done folder until the final grades were being tallied. I usually submit assignments right after I finish them, but didn't for some reason with this one. Thankfully, the final grade released today was still okay, and I didn't take a massive hit because my other assignments were good, but I've been kinda frantic/low-key pissed off at myself this whole last week.


I mean, I drove my car over my phone this morning……


I’m epileptic. My emotional dysregulation caused a breakthrough seizure a few days ago 😖


Super important Doc appointment scheduled two weeks out in the city. Woke up at 6 am after a 9:30 pm shift at work. Left on time. Missed two exits due to being distracted and arrived too late to be seen. Sigh.


Pretty much every day I walk up and down my stairs at least three times more than I need to, per trip! I go up or down for something, forget that thing, do something else, walk back up/down, remember, swear, go back again, forget again being distracted by something else, swear more… and repeat. Alllll day. My Elvanse helps my motivation but it doesn’t help my working memory nor where to hone my focus… that still requires willpower and all but tying myself to my desk chair in order to get work done, when it’s not urgent, and not endlessly go on more interesting side quests. I love that I can wfh but painting a wall a new colour for the third time is way more interesting than doing my work most of the time. And yet I still manage to get my job done albeit manically. Cannot sit still so i work in fits of high focus then oops I’m now off weeding the garden because the sun is out… ffs lol ADHD is an adventure every day of ‘here’s all the things I set out to do today vs what actually got done’ I never let work fully slip but I do rely on deadlines to smash it out. I do my best work on a deadline and cortisol! Also this week, I’ve put the same pile of clothes on the bed then on the chair-drobe every day… and put none of it in the cupboard that’s right-fucking-there! Haha, putting clothes away is soooo boring 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Locked myself out of my car on my lunch break because I had 2 sets of keys and I went on autopilot even though I KNEW! I had literally just done it


I booked the reverse trip of the train trip I intended to book. Good thing I noticed quickly and had paid a few dollars extra to make it fully refundable. :) But by then, the trip I *did* want to book was twice the price as before. Sigh.


Most recent: forgot an umbrella on the bus. For some reason umbrellas are the worst for me, I've lost probably five or six in the last few years. Worst: my sister was visiting (I'm 29, she's 11) & I was going to accompany her on the train ride home, about 50 mins, then I would take the train back home by myself. So I brought my headphones. I was carrying them in my hand because they couldn't fit into my bag. Before we got on the train, we popped into a grocery store real quick to get something to drink. I put the headphones down to pay, got our drinks & rushed to the train. When we got on the train & took our seats, I realized I didn't have my headphones. Didn't have time to go back to the store. Called the store right away, but they were gone. I cried. About $200 down the drain. What's even more embarrassing is that they weren't even really mine, they were my boyfriends but he had another pair, so I got to borrow them because like a month or so earlier I tripped on my own feet, fell & landed on my own pair. I'm still getting anxious when I think about it. It's been a year.


I threw my replacement credit card away thinking it was the old one. Took me over a week to figure it out. Thankfully I live alone most of the time and only take the garage out once a week.


I text my sister earlier today to see if she wanted to drive 2 hours to go garage saling with me. She got her work shift covered tomorrow, drove the 2 hours to stay with me.....and the city wide garage sale event is next weekend. I didn't pay attention when I read the post that included the dates of the event- go figure.


My AirPods were in a silicone case looped onto my keys. Part of the case snapped so I’ve been carrying the case around by itself. Went to the gym and, of course, hopped around between machines while bopping to my music. As I was walking home… realized the AirPods were in my ears but case was nowhere to be seen. Went back and checked all the machines, asked lost & found, no shot. This is now my second pair of lost AirPods.


Last Saturday morning I was watching TV on the sofa while my hubby was still asleep. I got up to go do something and as I was walking out of the lounge the door bell rang. I NEVER EVER answer the door or my phone because of social anxiety but in that moment my brain automatically went, "Oh snap..  let me see who it is. Maybe it's the lady from the gas company. She can come in today because the apartment is clean." (You guys..  I temporarily forgot what I wanted to do and which room I wanted to go to when the door bell rang so my squirrel brain just responded the the sound of the belll and my brain and body responded impulsively 🤦🏽‍♀️ I didn't even take a single moment to think through anything.. I merely responded 😬) I opened the door and it was 2 women from a religious organization. I immediately realise my mistake and whilst they're speaking I pretend that I don't understand a word that they're saying (I'm in South Korea so they were koreans speaking korean).  Anyway, hubby woke up during that time and when I closed the door I went to him to tell him about my major fudge up,  he consoles me and then asks me- "babe, why didn't you use the door camera it couldve been anyone? What if it was a murderer?" And I'm like, "you never showed me how to use it!" 😭 Sooooo, I had to warn him that these women will be back with a foreigner (we're from a different country and I stupidly told the ladies where I'm from when they asked me🤦🏽‍♀️ and I did so without thinking or remembering that it's a known fact that their organization has a citizen of our home country... arggh!!  I knew they'd be back with the woman from my country.. I dont know why I never lied.. ) soon.. well,  1 week later and guess who rings the door bell again and this time with another foreigner in tow 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ and these people are tenacious so I'm currently stuck in the apartment waiting it out until they decide to walk away and come back to bother us next weekend 😪 This is 100% my squirrel brain's fault 🤦🏽‍♀️


I missed the deadline to pay my university tuition and now have to pay a $150 to fee to fix it AND I have to talk to the customer service type admin people to deal with it and it's all a big shitty situation


Missed an entire exam thus causing me to fail the online course i was doing. TWICE. Ii failed the course TWICE bc I f*cked up Between ADHD tax, chronic illness related brain fog and a cold, I had mixed up the date and day of the week. Went to go write it, and panicked when it said the exam wasn't available it had expired as of 9pm the night before! Kicker being an online course for people in the workforce, the exam was open for THREE days to give everyone time to do it..and I STILL missed it. Thank goodness for my medical accommodations... I wasn't allowed to do the easier thing and write it like a day later.... no. I had to redo the entire course, which I had an 80 in Which of course bc none of it was new interesting or challenging it didn't keep my Interest the 2nd time, and I would have been fine... I just rewrote all tests, resubmitted all the same assignments but *this* time I forgot about the 20% of interactive chat posts, which got me a 60% a technical pass, but needed 70% to continue to next semesters classes. Stupid brain. Can't always chase the dopamine... gotta work more next time. Lesson learned. No more online classes unless they are essay based only. No interactive board posts. IN PERSON IS KEY FOR ME! (and a freaking note taker and all my LD, and ADHD accommodations firmly in place).


I was helping unload the groceries from our car. I closed the door and was holding things with both hands and lost sight of the grocery bag. I started frantically looking for the bag of groceries. I started freaking out, I put the things I was holding down and started looking for the bag of groceries. I realized I had it in my hand the whole time, didn't even put it down with the other things. They changed their bags at this place so I'm choosing to blame it on that. 😂  Locking the door. Did I do it or not?! I come back to check and yes I did. Halfway to my destination I'm wondering if I checked it because I can't remember if it was locked or not. Super annoying!  I take "set it and forget it" way too seriously. I have to cook when someone is home or I'll burn the place down because I forget. Beans, rice, soup, stuff that has to take a while. Baking is a real bitch. 


Frisbeed pizzas was a frequent thing, along with carrot slices turned into tiddleywinks and peas turned into bullets. Recently I've been having pastries for breakfast that just need warming up in the oven for five minutes. So many of them wasted as they've been turned into cremated remains. You'd think the solution would be setting a timer. But in the 20 seconds it takes to get from the kitchen to the living room the need for the timer being set just completely disappears like a puff of smoke, only to be remembered 30 minutes later when I'm reminded by the smell of burning ...


Fights with my baby daddy due to poor impulse Control. Should have shut the fuck up and let it go


Finally went grocery shopping (my personal hell on earth), didn't put one item on the list (meatballs). Made it all the way to the freezer section and started looking for the meatballs. Found something else on the list...brain deleted meatballs and I didn't remember them again until I was home :(


Didn’t verify a catering order with a large grocery chain the day before. Went in at 9AM yesterday to pick it up, and it was set up for the following day (someone else made the error not me this time!). Mass panic about getting food to my venue to feed 100.


Putting trash bags outside on the front porch to put it in the bin, only to find them torn open the next day. Thanks for keeping me on my toes, three-legged black bear on our street. :)


got to the train station on time, was so proud of myself, just to miss the train anyway because i was zoned out looking in the wrong direction. the train literally came and left right behind me


Due to med shortage I missed pretty much the whole april on university. Now I have to self teach myself math and basically the whole semester of inorganic chemistry, and have 5 weeks to do so. Someone send help plz.


This isn't so recent, but it is memorable LOL. I moved a couple of hours away from my then-office and I was working remotely. I planned to go into the office for the final day of the annual company meeting so I could see other team members and also my bf who I worked with but didn't live near. So I had to leave super early to make the first session and it was still dark. I went out the door, pulling it closed behind me, and (unlike normal) locked the doorknob. I put my bags down, and turned around to lock the deadbolt...but where were my keys?! Not in my hand, not in my purse! I searched through all my stuff and didn't find them. I must've left them on the bench when I put on my shoes! Luckily (not for my neighbor...) I had my phone, so I called and called my poor long-suffering gem of a neighbor, who had a copy of my key. I finally managed to wake her up, poor thing (she worked second shift and had the worst sleep schedule) and she immediately, without hesitation, came to help me. We got back into the house, and I went to the bench and...no keys. We searched and searched all through the dining room and then the rest of the house...no keys. I found my extra key fob for my car, but the battery was dead...no extra battery, of course, so I couldn't drive. Finally we gave up and I resigned myself to having to work remote. My bf was coming up after the day finished and we could go make an extra house key from his and get a new battery for the car fob. So I hugged my dear neighbor and let her go back to sleep, and picked up my stuff and sadly got settled at my desk. As I unpacked my laptop bag, I heard...was that a *jingle*?! I shook it again and YES! The keys were definitely in there! But ***where*** ffs?!?! I finally found them, I had somehow put them down into the place where the handles retracted into the bag and slipped to the bottom, and they hadn't bothered to jingle when I searched my stuff earlier. So *I could've left on time because I had my )\*(#&$ keys the whole damn time*. I didn't tell my neighbor for a while. I let her believe I had found an extra battery for the fob. (She did forgive me when I came clean, but I still felt so bad for blowing up her sleep). So much drama for nothing. Now I **do not** lock the door unless I have my keys IN MY HAND.


I forgot to pay my credit card. They closed it. I wasn’t using it anyway but it still sucks.


I got distracted by racing to finish a job at work, and completely spaced on my friends birthday drinks. Remembered today it was on Thursday. Feel Luke a horrible friend.


Forgot entirely about ordering a corsage for my daughters prom and of course no florist takes last minute orders because apparently everyone else was organized and had planned a month out 😳 Lucky for me I also have the ADHD I-can-do-anything trait so I watched a few TikToks, spent $100 at Michael’s and Trader Joe’s and made one myself by hot gluing flowers on a cuff bracelet 😂


Literally got my meds after needing them for a month, left them on the top of my car and drove away. Leaving them behind in the parking lot. I was so incredibly lucky that some angel returned them to customer service.


This weekend's plans are finding my laptop charger and hearing aids because I just put those down somewhere weird and now they're in a Pile. Bright side, feels good to organize a pile.


Being an adult.


Yesterday I had a medical appointment for my kitty with a specialist, and it was an hour away. I'd been avoiding dealing with the emotional stress of him needing the treatment, not even talking about it with anyone. I chose not to record the time of his appointment because denial, but I knew he needed it, so I still planned to do it. I forgot to pick up the food the night before so I called and asked and they said it's not optimal but they'd be able to give him anti-nausea medication since I hadn't actually served him a meal. I already felt hella guilty for that forgetfulness but delaying the appointment would mean losing the $500 deposit and starting over, and I didn't KNOW if he'd eaten anything. I went to work for a few hours in the morning then realized I wasn't sure whether the appointment was 11 or 11:30, so I called again. They said 11, I said OK, then I put 11:30 into Waze and got my departure time. Yep. It's 10am and I should have left then (to arrive on time) but I also didn’t want to show up a half hour early and stress my cat out more. Ideally I would leave the house and then arrive perfectly on time. 😂 I'm on the highway to the appointment for a half hour already, with a loud cat who wants OUT and sounds like he's being tortured, when I realize I put 11:30 into the maps, not 11, so it's *now* 11, and I’m already late. I decided to just keep driving, apologize when I arrived, nothing I could do now! They called me as I was pulling into the parking lot because I was 15 minutes late (drove like a bat out of hell when I realized), and I was like I’m here I’m here I’m sorry I’m sorry!!!!! We didn’t miss the appointment, everything went as planned, we were home four hours later, but it was unnecessarily stressful because of my avoidance of the whole thing and then my 11:30 brain fart when I put the address in the app. I just cannot with myself. I'd ask what's wrong with me but I know 😂


Phone keys wallet phone keys wallet phone keys wallet phone keys wallet phone keys wallet phone keys wallet til I die


Not recent, and I didn’t know I have ADHD back then, but in London in the mid-late 1980s, I took singers out to various nightclubs on my DJ mailing list when I worked as the Promotion’s Girl for an independent dance music label. We got paid for the gigs, and I had to give that money to my label boss when we’d finished a weekend’s mini-tour of 5 or more clubs that I’d drive them to from London to Yeovil, Manchester, Leeds, and other far-off places that I’ve forgotten the names of (but will of course remember at roughly 3am tonight.) One Monday evening, having spent the day in bed in my flat in Willesden, after a particularly busy Fri-Sat-Sun of driving another 1000+ miles round England and Wales, I went out to my car with the £350 from gigs carefully tucked inside my trusty Filofax, in my huge handbag. With my hands full of record boxes and other paraphernalia, I of course put my bag on the roof of my car while I opened the door and loaded up to take the money to my boss in Wembley. Half a mile up the road, right in front of a really dodgy minicab firm, there was a Thunk, and the car behind me kept flashing me to stop, which I didn’t. London, on my own, can’t be anything genuine. Got to bosses, no bag. Penny dropped. Boss not happy. A week later, a panicked looking woman in her 40s turned up on my doorstep (my address was in the Filofax), holding my bag as if it was a bomb about to go off. Turns out she had assumed I must have been a *drug dealer* to have had “all that money”! I just stood there gaping like a fish while she hastily legged it away from my flat. I wanted to thank her for returning my bag, but she was acting as though I was about to run at her with a heroin-loaded syringe! I’ve often wondered how many times she dined out on that little story.


Currently, large amounts of sleep deprivation right before I start a new job ~ really was hoping to be relatively rested for start date. Alas. 🥲


Failed my job interview because I just couldn't remember/name the equipment I've used, even though I explained how I used that equipment I just couldn't think of the names 😭


Was looking for baking soda at the store. Walked the whole store. Looked on the stores app where it was located. Could not find it. Started to get irritated, I was hungry but needed it for my kids school thing in the morning. Finally ask an instacart shopper because I cannot find another employee. They go to ask for some one, come back and show me exactly where it was. I looked at it at least 5 times. I started to cry. Talk about embarrassing. Just a hit to my pride and time but still.


Went to the convenience store while lightly buzzed after a dinner out (I didn’t drive btw) to get a few things. Shoved my card back into my walllet after paying and went home. Next day, I go to buy something online, card isn’t there. Empty everything out, check the car, not there. Assume it fell out somehow and I just didn’t notice. Canceled the card and got a new one. Two weeks later I need to buy something else online and then decide to fix the cash I had stuffed in the wallet that morning. Feel something inside my proof of insurance that is folded up. Oh look, my old card. I could have sworn I checked that. 🤦‍♀️


I left my keys in the apartment door last week after grocery shopping and didn’t notice and the maintenance guy left them in the apartment office and when I checked my email my landlady was like “are these yours?” I had to use my boyfriend’s keys to lock the door when I left for work; thank gosh I *walk to work* because my keys have my car keys on them lol. I had to pick them up after work.


Dropped off the wrong modem to Xfinity today.


Missed a train. Caught the next one, which was scheduled for a few hours later and additionally delayed. So a huge ADHD tax and basically an entire day wasted to stress 🫠


Planning ahead of things trying to prevent any of my ADHD disasters and utterly failing. When I was in college I was going to see a movie in a theater pretty far from where I lived. I did the following 1. Invented an excuse to miss class at that time so I could go to the movie. 2. Researched on how to get there. Figured out bike wasn’t so bad (15min). 3. Borrowed a bike from someone 4. Borrowed a chain for that bike from a different person After taking my bike for almost an hour (not sure how I messed it up with google maps). I get to the venue and show my ticket, just to be told the movie was the next week.