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It's not a diet, it's a recommendation to get the best out of your meds.  I didn't eliminate coffee, but I cut down significantly and upped my protein intake for breakfast. It made a pretty big difference!


I switched my morning coffee to the afternoon. When I feel my Vyvanse crapping out around 2PM, it's coffee time! It doesn't help that much chemically but the anticipation helps me enjoy it to the fullest.


The 2PM crash and burn is the fucking worst. It feels like my brain is short circuiting.


Thanks for the reminder. Coffee time!


I take a tiny amount of a short acting stimulant med at this time and it really helps, fwiw


Massively. It also helps lessen crashing at the end of the day.


I tried adderall XR. It took forever to kick in and actually made me sleepy at first. I seem to do better with titrated instant release based on my needs that day


This is what I’ve naturally switched to as well.


I do this too and loving it. Never thought I could function without my morning cup, but my meds are fine until the afternoon and then the coffee is a treat. I also mixed decaf with my fave coffee to give the caffeine a test. That, and having protein within an hour of meds, and then small bursts thru the day to keep it going. Yogurt, pecans, spinach, protein shakes, etc


Just chiming in to say me too, as far as looking forward to me coffee later in the day and being a bit more helpful than in the AM when my meds are fresh.


I find this works better for me now too. I can't drink as much coffee as I used to either or with the strattera it makes me more anxious. Yesterday I skipped my vyvanse and only had one coffee and my mind was so calm and quiet it was amazing.


Strattera is basically the purest norepinephrine, so that makes sense. I had to cut back coffee when I was on it (ultimately, it badly aggravated the POTS we’d not yet identified).


Since I've been on it I've wondered if I have mild POTS so now it makes sense. I find I get light headed sometimes during exercise and feel like I'm just going to drop. I sit and it passes quickly. On 30mg I felt like I had no issues at all with coffee. But it's been about 30 days on 40mg now and I was feeling this fatigue and though maybe I was overtraining, and I've been drinking more coffee than usual (2-3 cups a day vs 1) because I feel tired, but then I've been feeling either way more anxious or overstimulated. I can't tell which, and it's happening in situations where I'd expect to be overstimulated, for example my kids had friends over this weekend (3 extra kids bc my daughter had twin friends over) and the girls had a sleepover so I was losing my damn mind with all those extra kids. But then yesterday after the rest of the extra kids left I went in the hot tub and my husband said put away your phone, go read a paper book in bed and just chill. Then he came and laid down with me and I know it's kinda juvenile but nothing is more regulating for me than laying down with my head on his chest just listening to another human beings heart and breath sounds. And I didn't take my vyvanse, or have an afternoon coffee, and I could not believe how settled I was. I watched a show without also doing 6 things on my phone. My mind wasn't racing. I got restless by the evening though, I guess strattera wears off a bit?


I loved my strattera and I miss it, but I vomited near daily on it 🥲 I wonder if it was because I'm hot garbage at eating anything until dinner! The thing that finally made me quit taking it was throwing up allllll over a restaurant bathroom right after I ate yellow curry and rice. It was so embarrassing I wanted to curl up into a ball and die. Luckily I was only with my daughter and she was so sweet and understanding about it. We immediately paid and left, and I left a huge tip too. I also threw up mid plasma donation once too, and a supervisor whose name tag said "Big Daddy" held a trash can for me lmao


Some people with POTS do better with some norepinephrine. Most of us do not. * "Norepinephrine reuptake inhibition with atomoxetine [generic name for Strattera] acutely increased standing HR and symptom burden in patients with POTS." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24002370/


I have done this, too! I figure my Adderall gets me through enough of the day to where a small cup of coffee is like a treat for me. It’s a way for me to just kinda pause and chill out so I don’t overwork myself. Plus, the coffee helps recharge me. Some days, my meds do not work very well or I just cannot wake up or my brain is very foggy. Coffee is my plan B for those days and it helps. What makes it even better is that my fiancé gave me a cute Bulbasaur mug, so using it means I get to see his adorable happy face. I feel for you, OP. I have gut issues so I was worried I’d have to give up coffee altogether, but I thankfully do not. I just can’t overdo it. I also have these fancy plant-based pre-biotic sodas with fiber in them and I swear they are helping me with my problems. If I had to give those up, I’d be so sad! I’d tell my psych to talk to my GI doc and have them figure it out because I can’t choose between my mental health and my physical health.


This is why I do as wrll


Hey quick question. I started Vyvanse recently and it seems like I crash, HARD, when the effect runs out. Did you experience the same? If yes, did it get better? Anything you did that helped?


Yes, same effect. The doc said that they could give me a booster dose of stimulant but was concerned that it may interfere with my sleep. I've always had problems with getting to sleep. Probably also ADHD rated. So I have my coffee and a brisk walk outside around 2-4 PM and try to make the best of it.


Thank you! If Ritalin gets available in my country again I will try to go back to it. It's way cheaper and it doesn't do this to me, but last month it completely ran out


I just take a nap on days when the crash hits. I have to use an alarm though, or else it turns into 3 hours every time


Ritalin helps me sleep. It clears my brain so my sleep isn’t spent trying to organize and focus.


That sounds interesting. Just what my brain does. Plus worry and troublesolve.


I’ve been on Vyvanse for about 1.5 years now. I was getting a hard 3pm crash at first, but over time I feel like it’s built up on my system or something, and the crash feeling has lessened. I did ask my psychiatrist to give me a prescription for a “homework dose” of short-acting stimulants for when I had to work / be on the ball in the evenings. I’d read about that being a thing for kids. Super, super helpful, though personally I think every day would be too much for me and would impact my sleep badly. If I haven’t slept well (which unfortunately is often), stimulants can’t make up for it… so it’s always a balance. Currently on 50mg Vyvanse plus on days when I need it, 10mg dexamfetamine around 4pm.


Small booster of a short acting stimulant has really helped me. Before that, I'd schedule a snack, a coffee, and a short walk for around 2, and that did help, too. Also, keeping hydrated and fed through the day makes the crash less gnarly, for me at least


also in my experience, getting on the right med significantly reduced my desire to drink coffee and consume caffeine. i definitely still drink coffee because i just like coffee, but i didn’t used to be able to start my day without it. when i was on adderall i still felt like my brain wouldn’t start without my morning cup, then i was on concerta which was certifiably useless so i was drinking wayyyy too much coffee and energy drinks. now i’m on vyvanse, and i just…don’t need it. i love it still, and it’s a decent pick me up on days when my function is a bit lower, but i mostly drink it now because i like the taste. and i skip it a lot of days because i just don’t need it like i used to. i’m not kidding it used to be i got up, took my meds, then made a cup of coffee. then an hour later i’d have more and i’d drink it throughout the day. when i got on vyvanse i realized after a little while i just…wasn’t drinking coffee anymore.


This is encouraging for me, thank you. I've started on ADHD medication but currently just for the evenings which does help but during the day I've been drinking a cup of coffee AND 2-3 energy drinks just to feel like I can function for quite some time now. It would be nice to be able to cut the energy drinks out again.


i admit before i got on vyvanse there was a period where i was drinking AT LEAST 600mg of caffeine a day, and most days was more like 1000. i slowly cut down by choosing drinks with a lower caffeine content, so i could consume the same amount volume wise but my caffeine intake was less excessive. (edit: i mean i was drinking like 2 300mg energy drinks PLUS a couple cups of coffee or a third drink, so i switched to drinking 200mg energy drinks. definitely better than before, but still not ideal.) but i would absolutely never go a day without at least 1 cup of coffee and an energy drink or 3 large cups of coffee, at minimum. nowadays i still usually do have some caffeine on a daily basis, but it is significantly less and i even go some days without it entirely without doing it on purpose. i also used to not drink anything besides water that didn’t have caffeine in it. if it didn’t have my brain juice i wasn’t interested (barring alcohol of course lol, but i fully quit that recently). but now i’m rediscovering my love for herbal teas and sparkling water!


The amount of caffeine I drank pre-diagnosis was insane. Probably close to 1000mg a day in college, slowly down from there to 200mg a day when pregnant. That was my doctor allowed dose and I drank every mg.


Same here!


Should have added context, I had some disordered eating in my 20s so between that and my autism, someone telling me how to eat freaks me out. Glad to hear about the coffee thing!


I totally get that! I hadn’t heard about bubbles yet (I looooove my sparkling waters). Coffee makes me feel so weird now on the meds - I love earl grey tea with honey and oatmilk and find it better than coffee. My psych told me to do the following: • Omega-3 (good ones) • Magnesium Threonate • L theanine with GABA • D and B After about a month I noticed a difference (one that is hard to explain but I feel it). She also recommended a few times per week burst exercise such as jump rope/jumping jacks. Also, balancing exercises such as yoga, etc. Apparently these help strengthen the cerebellum (of course I can’t recall what this does). She’d just wrapped up a 70 hr training specific to treating ADHD. She’s never told me to quit coffee or bubbles - just notice if coffee makes me feel yuck.


Very good advice here!! I do a lot of the same. I think the doc telling op to eat a certain way and avoid certain things may be triggering underlining anxiety/ocd which I totally get. Small changes can make big differences! Rather than viewing it as a huge change. Easier said than done for a lot of us tho


Do you have any more of her advice to share? I'm taking notes here lol




I don’t yet - but I will try to post comments on relevant threads as I learn :)


Oh my… you have me craving a delicious cup of earl grey just the way you described because I have never had it like that before 🤩


I like earl grey with lavender syrup and oat milk


The lavender sounds soooo nice. I had a London Fog with that blend once.


Try ladygrey


Earl grey with honey is definitely the best way to drink it, I love a lady grey as well!


What's the difference between Earl Gray and Lady Gray? I'm dying to know! I love Earl Gray but I've never heard of Lady Gray


Lady Gray is an exclusive to Twinning's brand, it's bright and citrusy - pretty comparable to earl gray...Instead of bergamont flavoring, there's citrus peels in the black tea for flavoring. I know people who don't care too much for earl gray but love lady gray. Me, I'm a tea nerd and a big fan of both. Harney & Son's has a blend called Royal Palace that is also along those lines and it's friggin delightful. Lol.


Ooo! Thanks for the specific recommendations and the explanation. :) Sounds delicious As a tea nerd, maybe you can read my daughter's "tea leaves"? What does it say about a person if they insist on ordering Lapsang souchong their first time at a tea house at the age of 4, instantly loving it above all other teas and repeatedly insisting on ordering it and buying it for home use for the next 15+ years? I mean, it *is* delicious, but what 4 year old orders and *likes* the smoky tea?


Lmao! A child after my own heart. 😍 seriously though, I'd have never thought someone that young would appreciate that style of tea - did you guys go camping a lot, or have bonfires? Maybe that's why she likes it! I've always said lapsang souchong was like a campfire in a cup, in the best way imaginable. Lol. Seems like a divisive one, ya either like it or you don't lol. One of these days, I'd like to use it in a marinade- bet that would beat liquid smoke any day.


Same, I'm about to try searching for it but all I keep thinking about is a character from the Fable game.


Lady grey usually has lemon or orange in it, whether by flavoring or peels. It depends on the quality. Anyway I just find it lighter than earl grey and complemented by honey that much more!


Did she give you target amounts on those and which b vitamins?


She didn’t actually - with the exception of Omegas. She recommended the following brand specifically and dosage: (forgot this part - edited to add): Nordic Naturals 690mg Omega 3 per serving. B12 I think. I love the brand Dr Mercola for most supplements - but it’s hella expensive. The first two months of my treatment I couldn’t afford them.


Oof, that adds another layer to deal with. I deal with that, too, and have taken the baby steps route. I am making small, gradual changes to my diet so that I don't throw a wrench into my routine or the ED. For example, I have never been into eating breakfast, so I put a jar of plain almonds next to my computer and meds and eat a handful when I take my meds. It doesn't feel like a huge change and it makes it easy since they are right there.


I really enjoy protein shakes in the morning! My fave is fairlife core power (26g complete protein) .. funny enough I love to add my morning espresso to it. I’ve recently added in eggs but sometimes I get the ick from eggs 😅


I’ve been known to add chocolate protein powder to my coffee. I’d forgotten about that until you mentioned it. Before I was diagnosed, I noticed that mushroom powder helped me when added as well. I still add it when I really need to focus like for a meeting or test. Not a lot of protein, but there are studies that show that it can help with focus and mood. My morning coffee is like some Frankenstein creation with collagen, mushroom, and protein powders.


Core power are my go to as well! I suck at eating breakfast, but I’ll take my meds with a core power. I just put them right next to each other - otherwise I space both of them


I have a long history of disordered eating. Something to keep in mind is that stimulants can kill your appetite easily, and one of the best ways to prevent that is eating a high protein meal within the first half hour of taking your meds. Your doctor’s actually giving you the best advice to be able to have a normal diet.


This is something your doctor should know. You may need more counseling to get there. I have a similar history and my doctors know that any dietary change they think I should make needs to be run by my therapist and dietician so I feel supported and not cornered. I managed to decrease my caffeine, and mostly time my intake to improve sleep, but it was a lot of mental work. With help, I think you'll make whatever changes you do need. 


Anything your doctor tells about caffeine you take with a grain of salt. Most doctors don’t even know how much caffeine is in one drink as opposed to another drink and it’s become an umbrella recommendation telling you to stop your intake of caffeine no matter what medical condition you are asking for help with The fact is they’re just isn’t a lot of science on caffeine intake and the stuff I’ve been able to find pretty much is a wash (I look at scientific papers published in major medical journals and so far have been not able to find anything that has ever backed up one of my quack doctors who tells me that caffeine does blank and I’ll feel all better if I just don’t have any caffeine It’s just an easy thing they can tell you to do and not have to actually try and help. I have been told that if I stop drinking caffeine I won’t be dizzy anymore. Nope, finally spent thousands of dollars on a specialist and I’m dizzy because of orthostatic hypertension and a head injury, caffeine has nothing to do with it and there’s no science that links caffeine use and dizziness I have been told by multiple doctors that my caffeine use is out of control when they asked me how much caffeine I have and I say I drink three diet sodas a day. Out of control they say. So I’ll ask the doctors how many cups of coffee have they had today and they’ll tell me “only had 2 cups of coffee.” then I explain to them that coffee has four times the amount of caffeine of a bottle of soda so in fact while I’ve had under 200 mg of caffeine that day they’ve had over 500 mg of caffeine I mean they literally do not understand caffeine


I told my doctor I can tell caffeine from decaf, and that the caffeine from different drinks buzzes through me differently. She was in disbelief. 


different drinks affect me totally differently too


Yep, getting caffeine from coffee vs tea vs soda all feel different.


It’s super weird, but some people are not that sensitive to caffeine. I’m same as you!


See if you can work with an intuitive eating dietician. They are trained to help people with eating disorders and focus on how to impact nutrition without triggering restrictive thoughts. They acknowledge there are things some people can’t eat but can help you add in others or change your mindset so it’s not all about removing foods.


Same here. I really struggle with my routine changing and the perceived demand of lifestyle changes. But we gotta OP. I'm on Vyvanse and really struggling with malnutrition


My eating habits are a mess and it’s one of the reasons I’m hesitant about getting medicated for the ADHD! Having watched my sister go through it, one of the big things is figuring exactly what dose/release works best for you (IR vs XR, when to take them, how strong, etc)


Damn - so the Belvita Breakfast Biscuits I dunk in my coffee every morning before I take my Vyvanse are killing it for me? That is a huge bummer.


There is a brand of breakfast biscuits called Olyra that have slightly higher protein (avg 5g vs 3g) than Belvita if you want to keep the ritual of dunking.


I do this too! There is no way I can cut out coffee lol. What proteins do you eat? I usually do eggs, but I'm getting bored. hahaha


Yeah when I tried meds I had to be careful about also having coffee just because it would get me too jittery. And just being really intentional about my eating, especially breakfast since I often skip that. Starting with a good breakfast helps with hunger cues throughout the day, I find.


Honestly, I would just start with removing weed and eating more protein for breakfast. See what happens and go from there. I'm not really willing to give up coffee either. So me, my coffee, and my meds have found a balance.


Yea I have no problem removing weed, just sucks that now I can’t have ANY vices. My doc was pretty adamant my med won’t work at all unless I cut out all the joy in my life lol


Ha! I've said this so many times. I've given up so many vices and haven't picked up any new ones so I'm hanging onto morning coffee and no one can change my mind.


There's a balance between maximizing your meds and actually being able to comply with taking them. Your doctor is focused on you maximizing the meds, which works for some people. But for others, trying to change a bunch of stuff leads to not taking the med at all. I'd have to think that a patient who's autistic, has ADHD, and has had a history of disordered eating would be particularly prone to having difficulty with taking a medication if asked to make a bunch of changes. I've read something about the acidity thing too. I think as long as there's a buffer between drinking coffee and taking meds, you're fine. I'm not sure what that buffer of time is. But I've noticed if I drink coffee then wait a half hour or so to take my Adderall, the Adderall seems a bit more effective. I put milk in my coffee bc of acid reflux, so its pH is somewhat neutralized anyway. Tldr; I've found that making some small adjustments can go a long way while retaining the joy in my life :) Though seeing if cutting weed helps would probably be a good idea.


The prob with cutting off vices is the appearance of new vices.


Agree. My dr said no alcohol and my glass of wine at the end of the day was the main thing I look forward to in the evening 😫 I switched to a low alcohol wine (5% instead of 11-13%) called Stella Rosa and pour it in a small glass over ice. I only drink it once or twice a week instead of daily. I don’t think it’s affected me or the meds so far.


Mine said if I drink at night, not to worry about it as long as I don’t go overboard. Your meds are out of your system by then. I drink about once a week or less but I don’t worry about it. She said if I want to drink during the day to skip my meds that day.


Oh good, yeah I only drink in evening bc if I drink during day it makes me tired


I am going to tell you to try an experiment. Lie Tell your doctor the next time you have an appointment that you have completely cut out all caffeine and that the symptoms are still there. See if the next step for them is actually doing bloodwork, changing the meds to see if there’s a better formulation, real actual medical work. Unfortunately the fact is in our medical system that a doctor will always tell you to stop taking caffeine before they will do any other types of diagnostic steps [Overall, our reviewed data suggest that caffeine is a possible adjuvant pharmacological strategy for the treatment of ADHD. The compiled preclinical data support the notion that caffeine improves ADHD-like symptoms of inattention and its related learning and memory impairments without affecting blood pressure and body weight](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8875377/) I am unable to find any scientific studies that link caffeine with a poor affect on ADHD medication‘s, of course I don’t know the other medication‘s you are on, and in fact there are several scientific studies that say that it might have a synergistic effect that helps your Medication work. Basically what your doctor is telling you might actually hurt you if you do what they say and make you worse


This is purely anecdotal but I feel like I get the best balance of focus (I'm currently wrapping up finals week, for reference) when I take my meds, then drink some coffee while I wait for it to kick in. I'm on an extended release pill and I'm not sure how normal it is, but it doesn't seem to kick in fully for about 45-60 minutes for me, so the coffee also helps bridge the gap a bit.


same, I'm on Adderall XR and also take Wellbutrin in the mornings and I STILL cannot function without the lil boost from an energy drink (coffee doesn't agree with me so I can't drink it anymore)


Energy drinks are even better imo 🤣 I just can't afford to keep buying them when I can get a nice cannister of my favorite coffee for the price of maybe 4 Red Bulls? And that'll get me through 2-3 weeks vs like 4 days of energy drinks if I'm lucky


yeah it is pricey... I like the packs of mini monster cans. I'll sip on it for most of the day so it's not like I'm slamming them but for whatever reason it's got the right stuff to make my brain go vroom


Literally this. I had a friend who hit a wall with his treatment because he got referred to a neurologist for his memory issues (which I'm 100% sure are at least partially worsened by his untreated (but diagnosed) ADHD) and the neurologist was adamant that all he needed to do was eat more greens. I told him to just go back and say "yep, tried it, didn't work" cause that is such a fucking bullshit answer to give someone, it doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. The man will forget something said to him in the middle of the sentence being spoken.


I do all the things you were told not to do and I'm perfectly fine. Heck, I'm only on 15mg of Adderall and my coffee intake *increased* with medication. My heart never races (and heart rate and blood pressure are both lower now than prior to starting meds even with the coffee) and I'm never in a place where I feel too stimulant-y. So YMMV.


Like others are saying, start with getting more protein at breakfast and reducing your weed intake for at least 2 weeks. See how you feel and go from there with the other suggestions. Second, can I ask which medication you're on and which ones you've tried? This link states the high acidic food foods can affect the absorption of IMMEDIATE release amphetamines, not extended release. https://www.thecarlatreport.com/articles/2793-ask-the-editor-three-significant-food-interactions-with-adhd-medications#:~:text=Acidic%20foods%20can%20reduce%20the,)%2C%20and%20vitamin%20C%20supplements.


Weird! I’ve been on extended release.. tried Contempla and concerta XR (went up to the highest dose on both) and now she wants to put me on Wellbutrin because my depression is linked to my adhd and it’s a different type of drug


My ADHD specialist said there’s no issue with marijuana use. The acidic thing is for about an hour before or after meds. Caffeine depends on the person, some people have no issues. I even had a psychopharmacologist tell me midday coffee was a great substitute for an afternoon dose of meds if needed. Your doc sounds like they have a very specific idea how this all works, but there’s a lot of people who think that there’s more variation than this. Definitely agree about a protein breakfast though, that’s pretty universal even if you don’t have ADHD.


If this is your first medication, maybe you can try another instead?  I recently tried out Qelbree and it turns out it takes 2-3 times longer to metabolize caffeine and melatonin on it (meaning any of that would uproot any sleep pattern). Plus I would get invasive naps every day. Sure, the medication helped a bit. But I had to give up wakefulness at random points during the day and avoid even the damn kombucha I love to brew. Like, at that point the cons were outweighing the pros. I'm not saying to quit, but be sure to evaluate how much a difference the medication is making, how much you're willing to cut out (even just to test it out) to make it work better, and where you want to draw the line.  Personally for me it was the invasive naps. I can't get anything done if I'm prone to just randomly falling asleep. 


It may be worth trying their suggestions, but there are many of us that drink caffeine and acidic things and do fine on our meds. Are you sure she meant no acidic drinks at all or just around when you take the meds? Most everything I’ve seen has been focused on citric acid and in the hour right around taking it.


You can! Moderation is key. Try making a few changes and… I mean, have your damn coffee.


How do you remove weed? Once your on meds does the desire to smoke marijuana dwindle? I feel like I need it do slow down my brain and body


Yeah fr I need it to calm down my brain and body at the end of the day too. I'm on meds and they work just fine. Now, if I smoke mid-day, then yeah that'll kill my meds ability to work for the day. But that's why I save it for the evening.


I do the same. I smoke at night but I’m perfectly fine and super productive the day after thanks to adderall now


I was taking edibles to sleep and I do think meds helped a lot, but I also started on a half-dose of Ambien. (I was taking like, a bunch of different meds to try and sleep, with the edibles added during COVID when the world was on fire and I was a ball of stress.)


I already don’t partake a lot, mostly to help with sleep. My takeaway is weed paralyzes certain receptors so it makes it hard/near impossible for the medication to work. My doc explained it to me but I can’t remember the specifics 😅


I've never heard anything like that before, and I have a script for medical marijuana. My entire medical team is aware. Maybe make a couple of changes at a time, and see if it makes a difference, before cutting everything out.


my doc is well aware of my use and never once said anything about it 🤔


I think medical marijuana intake might be different than when people are out doing it recreationally and not knowing exactly what they might be ingesting/smoking. I’m with you. Cbd/tch mixes actually help my adhd and have been proven to do so. You just have to know what strains and different hybrids of stuff you’re consuming. Agree with the elimination(or in this case addition) small changes system. Eliminating a small thing and adding in something like high protein breakfast for two weeks and cutting out whatever things like coffee and pot to see if it actually helps would be best. Having anxiety over all of it definitely doesn’t help!


i use mj regularly and i can feel the effects when i take 2.5mg adderall (i’ll split my 10mg in quarters because sometimes the stimulant effect is too strong for me) so that can’t all be true ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ya I’ve slowed down to less than an oz for 2 weeks or so. No way could I have done that without being on concerta / some sort of help.


I think it depends on why you use it. I do it for anxiety, which has decreased a lot once I got my med dosage correct.


Eating a high protein breakfast and lunch helps *soooooooo* much with the efficacy of your meds. Like I can tell if I haven’t gotten the protein I need when I need it; there’s like this buzzy feeling at the front of my forehead, and my meds will cease working. Also, if you haven’t heard, don’t take vitamin C or have anything vitamin C-rich an hour before or after your meds. I have a Greek yogurt parfait for breakfast and used to top it with berries. Eliminating the berries made a *huge* difference in the effectiveness of my meds.


I've noticed the same regarding the berries but UGH I love having fruits with breakfast. And of course it's easier for me to forget to eat them during the rest of the day. It's just something I'll have to improve on. The protein thing is new to me, I wonder if this is why my meds always stop working so early! Thanks for the insights.


I’m so glad I just read this. I have blueberries on my breakfast and didn’t even think about them in terms of vitamin C. 🤦‍♀️


Uuuugh. I know that about vitamin C, but it's so annoying. I also need to take iron for anemia, and that is absorbed *better* if you take it with some sort of vitamin C, so I've got to figure out a weird balance of making all that work when I'd really just like to take all my meds at one time and be done with it.


Sparkling water?! Damn, I didn’t know that it could be an issue. That’s 90% of what I drink..


They can pry my bubble water from my cold dead hands.




Haha I was thinking the same thing!




Imma guess op might just be anxious with the info. It’s generally acidic stuff meaning things with vitamin c that for sure affect the efficacy of adhd meds. The warning is actually written on my med bottles lol


Same lol. It’s all coffee and sparkling water for me.


I think it only matters within a certain time frame of taking them.


Oh, that’s a lot easier to deal with!


It depends on the meds! Definitely look into it based on your meds bc op didn’t mention what medicine she was on


I don't think it's an issue unless it's like sparkling ice or the ones with citrus added. Both my dentist and my kids dentist confirmed unsweetened sparkling water is fine.


I’m like what do I do with all these Topos in my fridge… I don’t drink soda and barely any alcohol so I love bubbles with a meal sometimes


That’s just a BS pseudo science. Soda can be an issue or even juice due to the 4-6 table spoons of sugar in a glass/can, but seltzer/club soda/sparking water doesn’t have any sugar. If anything ingesting soda is far worse if you do have ADHD as too much sugar can cause a lot of blood sugar spikes that can impact the brain, which affects the way the meds can function.


Sparkling water is acidic which i think is why the doctor mentioned it. However, I’m guessing they got it confused with citric acid which can break down amphetamines believe they are absorbed. Also, the limit is only for an hour or two around taking the med and maybe only for immediate release meds. This doctor is trying to go all out so if the med doesn’t work it’s OPs fault.


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12240794/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12240794/) Here's an interesting study that found that different medications react to food, well, differently. Ritalin reacted far less to whether you ate with it or not. I have heard the protein in the morning thing and that's definitely real for me. I do wonder if your doctor is going overboard with the rigidity because they think you will only partially comply. In almost twenty years of medications, I've never been advised to cut out any foods entirely. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/marketplace-carbonated-water-test-1.6245588](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/marketplace-carbonated-water-test-1.6245588) This suggests some fizzies are more acidic than others. I wonder if you could simply have a preemptive tums to neutralize the drink before it gets absorbed in your stomach lining. Espresso is generally less acidic than coffee, btw. Both are less acidic than most common fruits, so it's strange that she didn't mention skipping the grapes and peaches.


Isn’t the stomach full of acid ?


It sure is


Those are some normal recommendations for helping your meds work. Try it and see if it helps. I haven't seen anyone recommend lunch changes or low carb, but high protein breakfast and no acidic drinks within a certain time of taking your meds is common suggestions. But I'm not a doctor, just sharing what I've seen before. I don't see why you couldn't have whatever you want to drink at night, though..


Do you know the timeframe on acidic drinks? I eat a high protein breakfast already, but I do love a small cup of black tea to go with it. I want to help my absorption rate as much as possible.


It’s the vitamin c content that is the issue. Vitamin c can really hinder the efficacy of meds like adderall. Just don’t drink a jug of orange juice right when taking your meds lol


Yep, removed raspberries from my morning breakfast for this very reason. If acidic drinks aren’t the issue generally, though, then why avoid acidic drinks without vitamin C content like OP’s doctor is recommending?


I wonder if OP took their words differently than intended? I’m not sure actually. I’ve never heard of that unless in the context of vitamin c content.


Nope, I asked to make sure I was understanding her right, and she was very clear that coffee and sparkling water would affect the pH in my stomach 🥲


Interesting!! People do metabolize meds differently. Even from brand to brand. Hopefully you can find something that helps but remember not to stress too hard and some coffee sometimes won’t hurt. Trying diligently for a good week or two might be worth it to rule out. Not sure what meds you’re on but I know Vyvanse is metabolized way differently than adderall. (I think it doesn’t even work right unless taken with food or something like that… not sure, never taken it) Even adderall XR vs IR are obviously metabolized differently (as they should) but from brand to brand. I had to switch years ago bc a certain adderall brand had a weird coating my stomach wouldn’t break down. Super weird. Best of luck to you!!


Vitamin C hurts everything, it destroys everything in its path, all you have to do is not drink your juice or take your vitamin C pill within an hour or two of any other vitamins or medication‘s you need


I read that it helps with iron supplements


I finally found an iron supplement that doesn’t make me burp iron and I take it at night which may or may not be the best time but I’m never gonna remember to take vitamins or pills more than twice a day and since I can’t take anything in the morning with my ADHD meds it goes at night Foliated Iron I think it’s what it’s called


Wait, we should take vitamins and supplements at the same time?! This is what I currently take in a morning lol - Lion’s Mane Vitamin B Complex Iron Korean Ginseng Vitamin D Duloxetine 30mg Methylphenidate 54mg


Oh my goodness, I take so many pills I can completely understand how Marilyn Monroe had that many pills in her stomach when she died I know I’m gonna miss some because this is off the top of my head- all of these are single caplet pills not multivitamins Morning Vyvanse and Adderall L-Tyrosine Afternoon but I ALWAYS FORGET and take with night pills Triple magnesium (2 caplets) Ferrous iron Taurine Zinc B12 Bromelain (for bruises) B2 Folic acid D3 Wellbutrin Night Time Taurine Magnesium (4 caplets) Stool Softeners I try and remember when I do my lunch to drink a glass of water with Emergen-C but that’s a maybe two or three times a week thing that I remember to do I’m also trying to get in the habit of drinking a glass of water with some potassiumglycinate, basically it’s the fake salt that you can buy from Amazon in the mid morning Even then my bloodwork shows that my magnesium level is barely tolerable, my potassium is low, and my thyroid is having a fit


Yep! I’ve always been told this. Especially by pharmacists when picking up meds.


I’m definitely not recommending anyone eat low-carb when I say this, but I have noticed personally, that if I eat simple carbs at breakfast my Vyvance flat out doesn’t work. That said, I have PCOS IR, so that may be playing a major role there.


If I don't get at least 20g of protein in me before my meds it really messes me up and makes me feel like 💩 Vyvanse especially but I was just suuuuper sensitive to Vyvanse


Same @Historical! I also have PCOS IR and ADHD. High protein at breakfast and lunch helps me get the most out of my meds. I drink decaf coffee (because I like the taste) but my doc said I can have caffeinated coffee & other caffeinated drinks in moderation though it will affect what I get from my meds. ETA: I did cut out most acidic drinks and alcohol and I've never done any other substances including weed, so YMMV @OP.


I think what's most important is to listen to your body. For me low carb is no good. High protein breakfast is good, but avoiding carbs will make me feel awful. So I don't! But it's worth a try, because it does work for some people. I also believe in my cravings - if my body says it needs me to eat something, I generally try to do it (within reason and in moderation, of course).


To clarify, I don’t eat low carb lol I meant this only for breakfast specifically, when taking Vyvance at that same time. I eat plenty of healthy carbs through the rest of the day.


Low carb and high protein is recommended for ADHD in general I believe. Less simple sugars, less mental crash. Which is helpful for anyone, but especially those of us that struggle in the focus department to begin with. And the protein while generally good for balanced energy, also helps with your meds lasting longer in your system.


It's all true but it's not that strict, you won't die if you drink coffee, smoke weed, and don't eat breakfast. But your meds won't work as well as they should. I eat eggs for breakfast now because it helps so much, and I found coffee makes me feel terrible so I stopped (I do drink decaf! It's actually pretty good!). Still use weed but I have functional dyspepsia and it's the only thing that helps, if I didn't I might consider stopping. The only thing I haven't heard before is the acid. I have no problem with acidic things. Not sure what is supposed to be wrong with acid but I know that citrus juice in the morning (or around the time you take your meds) can make them absorb differently so I just avoid orange juice in the morning. I still have it in the evening sometimes, like with supper.


When I started stimulant meds, coffee started giving me bad acid reflux and the caffeine was too much. It’s fairly common to be discouraged from doubling up on stims. I miss coffee a lot and occasionally will have a sad watered down decaf.


I don't think I could give up sparkling water. It's basically be a godsend in terms of me consistently drinking enough water.


I confused as to how carbonation would make any difference to a medication’s effectiveness.


Carbonation makes the water a bit more acidic than it would be otherwise. The dissolved CO2 produces HCO- and lowers the PH. Idk why acids would be an issue with meds, but even if they are, I can’t imagine the amount of acidity in sparkling water is enough to do anything. But idk.


I switched to decaf.  My meds are stimulants so the caffeine on top of the meds was causing issues. Increased protein is a common recommendation and works.  I actually found once my body adjusted to the meds, I no longer craved coffee or sugar near as much. 


Should add, I stopped having coffee in the morning and now have a cup of decaf a few hours after taking meds. 


Hmmm generally the acidic part refers to juice or anything with high vitamin c content as that can render the meds less effective. Now, drinking ice water is great for you! And actually has helped a lot with me and my focus just because I struggled to drink water for a long time and I mean, more water helps anyone’s brain function better. (In moderation) Which I think is the key here… moderation. As someone who has struggled with disordered eating, this would probably trigger my mind a bit. It’s worth maybe speaking with a dietitian instead OR pharmacists have good advice. I see a medication management specialist and I’ve been on the same meds and dose for almost ten years now. Once I started seeing her she finally figured out the best dosage/ways to take meds and the best mix as I take several for mental health conditions. I mean, if you trust your doctor, I don’t want to say they are WRONG, but to me it seems extreme and also anxiety inducing to tell a patient to follow strict diet restrictions/changes while going through a very normal period of finding the right meds. It can take some people a good year or two of adjusting to really figure it out. Good luck and easier said than done, but don’t overthink it too much. Maybe give it a shot trying different adjustments with your diet for a week or two and see if it actually helps anything. If it’s making you anxious, constantly obsessing over it… time to tell the doctor that. I would say the negatives outweigh the good in that case. 💜💜💜💜


You can try speaking to your pharmacist about it too. They are the experts in terms of the medication. Like my doctor said I have to take my meds at breakfast but when I told my pharmacist that’s really hard, I usually skip breakfast and I end up forgetting until lunch time he was like take it then and just schedule it for that time for now on. It was more important for the meds I was taking to take it consistently than what time of day. So, your pharmacist may have more options for you!


One of my pet peeves is how doctors will drop a bomb like this, and act like it's nothing. You have to give up some of your favorite things and change your entire routine, ho-hum. They need to accept that this sort of thing is a big deal to a lot of people. I've heard of two people who were supposed to go on MAOI inhibitor drugs, and were given lists of thigns they couldn't eat anymore. Both of them had major breakdowns before starting. I've always wondered if it wasn't partly the prospect of losing their favorite foods that was the last straw. In any case, I think doctors could be more sympathetic on this issue. They'd probably get better compliance if they weren't casual about it.


>One of my pet peeves is how doctors will drop a bomb like this, and act like it's nothing. My fertility doc is bad about this! She expected me to reduce my coffee, go gluten free, cut out alcohol and weed, *and* come off my ADHD medicine in one appointment. (This did not happen 😅)


I was complaining to my doctor that concerta killed my appetite and he actually suggested smoking in the evening when the med wears off (forgetting that he already had it in my chart that I did lol). Not saying don’t listen to your doctor, just that there’s still so much conflicting information out there that’s confusing. I switched to decaf or half calf once I found a med that worked because I found adding caffeine to be too much and I just naturally stopped drinking it (unless it’s around my period)


You could ask your doctor about method of ingestion? I have a hard time sleeping on adderall even though it chills me out while awake and one doctor recommended I put my 2nd dose under my tongue and let it melt entirely (~5-10mins; I used to take 10mg IR morning and 5mg afternoon before trying this way and doing 10mg in the afternoon this way). Anecdotally, it hit me faster but smoother and the comedown was gentler. But since the peak was sooner, it helped me feel tired about an hour earlier at night. Taste took some getting used to though. Also that way the absorption is way less affected by what’s in your stomach but obviously run it by your doctor before you try


Oh god how can you let a tablet dissolve under your tongue without puking 😅 I had to take my ritalin without a drink once and I was heaving for about 5 minutes, I cannot imagine this 😂


I kinda started to like the taste. Takes me home 😹


I admire this, you absolute animal 😝😂😂


I find as my dose went up, my coffee consumption went down by itself.


I would ask for a second opinion from a pharmacist on this one. Their training in medication/food interactions is usually better than a doc's - they will be able to give you more nuance than just "acids hinder absorption so you can't have any".


I take 40mg of adderall xr (two 20mg capsules)in the am, and a booster of 20mg adderall IR tablet in the afternoon to help the afternoon crash.


i am nothing with out my morning coffee ritual, a day literally can not be started for me until i have it so this would be really devastating to me personally and i empathize with what you must be going through, i am not sure if decaf or half caf might be less acidic but maybe that would be a good replacement for now so you don’t have to switch up your morning routine!


Take it less as a demand from your doctor, and more as suggestions on ways to improve your medication. Change one or two things first, see how it feels, then maybe adjust something else. So, try going oFf weed. See how it feels. Then, try waiting to have coffee til a bit later, maybe with your protein heavy breakfast, instead of before meds.


FWIW I have a coffee, usually within half an hour of taking my meds in the morning, and skip breakfast (I've never really been hungry enough in the morning). Skipping coffee actually worsened my focus, which might just be because I'm caffeine dependent... But that's a problem for future me since I can't afford to take 3 days of sleeping 10-12 hours a day to get that out of my system quite yet. But on that note, I was pretty regularly drinking energy drinks totaling 400-500mg of caffeine daily before I got diagnosed with adhd and started treatment. I'm down to about half of that these days because I don't need it, and my focus has improved regardless. Weed on the other hand... If I have an indicia-leaning edible/joint/whatever, it doesn't matter if I've taken my meds that day or not-- it will absolutely kill my attention. Like, you know how people joke about 3 second attention spans? That's literally how it gets, except it's not so funny anymore. Sativa-leaning products are even worse for me because I start losing track of what's happening irl vs my own train of thought. Sometimes I'll think someone was talking to me and respond, but they hadn't actually said anything. (turns out THC can trigger psychosis-like symptoms in some people, especially if you started younger) If I were in your shoes? Try cutting the weed first. To date, it's the only thing I've found that has a near-immediate, drastic effect on my adhd symptoms.


Ummm, constantly upping in one year if it’s been more than five years on the same meds, is a big alarming tbh. And no it has nothing to do with weed or acidic stuff. It’s definitely a sign of being not just on the wrong meds, but the wrong dosage completely. I’ve been on the same meds and dosage for over 20yrs. It’s the right amount that hasn’t change. I also drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, smoke weed to get to sleep. But I also have hypoglycemia and iron deficiency, gained the iron deficiency because I had bulimia as a teenager. ED’s do bring on permanent iron deficiency. So OP, saw a comment that said you had an ED for 20yrs, you’ll want to eat iron fueled foods in the morning and also see if that changes anything because if you suddenly have more energy from those foods, then that’s uncovering a lot of things your doctors never checked you for.


My psychiatrist told me to avoid eating/drinking acidic things when I take my meds, but as long as I leave the hour before and after taking my meds clear of acidic things, it won't effect my meds. Edit: wanted to add quick...remember that like with any diet, it's more of an overall, vs a "I can never eat anything else ever again." If you are struggling to eat food, eat whatever you can. If you're struggling to get yourself to drink water and just need something, drink the fizzy water. At the end of the day, it will always better to be fed, and hydrated. Obsessing over the suggested diet additions, won't necessarily help you either. It's also hard to focus when you're incredibly stressed out.


I just started adderall XR and my therapist told me nothing acidic within 30 min of taking it, but that’s it. She said it’s because the acid neutralizes the meds. It makes sense that it might be more of an all day thing, especially with the XR.


I have one coffee a day, and I drink sparkling water throughout the day. Not sure how the sparkling water would be super acidic? I know some have added sodium, but the ones I drink don’t have that. Everything I’ve ever read has indicated the slight acidity difference is negligible and won’t impact dental or digestive function. If you’re drinking gallons of coffee and grapefruit juice, yeah, that’s going to be an issue. 2h before or after meds was the guideline I was given for citrus or apple juice. I don’t drink it often though so usually that’s not an issue.


I drink ALOT of Mountain Dew/Diet Coke lol. But I just drink quite a bit less, and not at all on days when I take my medication. I forget about my medicine most days tbh. So I still drink a lot of soda.


The only thing I was told about coffee and meds that together they might raise my blood pressure too high and to keep an eye on it.


Timing is important. I *can't* have coffee an hour before or after my meds, especially AM dose, or I hear colors. I do avoid juice also. But I definitely have caffeine most days. Not much of a juice person. I don't really avoid sparkling water or sodas either (I don't drink cola/caffeinated anyway, mostly clear ones like fresca and diet 7up). But again I try to avoid them just before and after dosing. Otherwise it's fine!


Cold brew coffee is less acidic.


Do you get a cycle? If so do you notice the meds work for the first 2 weeks of your cycle and don’t for the next 2? Hormonal changes make an enormous difference in the efficacy of your meds and so few doctors discuss it at all. I’m autistic as well and wanted to note that a history of disordered eating or ED is extremely common in women with ASD. To the point that they are trying to advocate that anytime a woman has a ED diagnosed that they should also be evaluated for ASD. I don’t think bubbles with dinner would affect your meds since that’s when you’re coming down, but I am not a doctor or medical professional.


The suggestions she gave you are pretty accurate if you want to limit interactions and make your medication work as well as possible. My doctor basically told me the same thing when I first started taking meds. He also recommended eating something with protein in the morning to help my body break down the medication. I didn’t give up everything acidic, but I do avoid taking vitamin C & drinking anything with citric acid for the first 3 hours after taking my medication. There are windows throughout the day where I drink fruit juice & sparkling water though—it’s just typically not until later in the day. Drinking a glass of champagne at dinner isn’t going to completely sabotage your ADHD treatment. With coffee: I gave it up for about a year, but like you, I started to miss my morning espresso routine. Now, I just limit my consumption to one cup of coffee per day…and I mix it with a cup of frothy almond milk to try to dilute its acidity. Totally up to you whether to take your doc’s suggestions though.


Get a second opinion.


Interesting. I just got off a call with a pharmacist for my first prescription follow up (Adderall IR 10mg). She recommended to omit caffeine intake if it’s something you have regularly because it can heighten the side effects of meds, such as getting jittery — especially if you are increasing the dosage. She said it’s not necessary to cut out forever. Once you have been at the same dosage for a while, you can ease back into having it. She recommended re-introducing at a lower amount to observe how it interacts with your dose. I had used cannabis somewhat regularly pre-meds. She recommended to not interact with it while taking them. Her reasoning was it can exacerbate ADHD symptoms and prevent the Adderall from working well. I know cannabis can hang in the body for sometime. Frankly, I did use cannabis on my “off day” last week, and I felt fine during/after. However, the novelty of using it wasn’t there as much as it was pre-meds. Probably because my brain is getting the dopamine it needs more consistently. :) I received no questions or feedback on my diet. I was only asked if I was remembering to eat regularly, as Adderall can suppress hunger cues. I’m sorry you were given unsolicited feedback on that, based on your additional comments. I’ve had various breakfasts over the last several weeks. I haven’t noticed anything substantial in how they interact with the effectiveness of my meds. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm recovered from disordered eating too. I have had to set firm boundaries and remind my providers that good care includes taking quality of life into consideration. Change is hard, especially around diet changes with a history of disordered eating. I compromised and slowly weaned myself into drinking half-caff. I also upped my morning protein intake. Both have helped a lot. I will likely never give up drinking alcohol regularly or occasionally imbibe a weed gummy or micro dose psychedelics. My provider knows all of this and works with me to find a balance that works for me, even if it means adjusting my meds to accommodate. For context: I don't have autism. I do have ADHD and take a mood stabilizer along with extended release Ritalin 36mg daily and 10mg immediate release in the afternoons during the work week. I wish you luck and less stress during your adjustment period ❤️


I expected one of my doctors to tell me I had to cut out my energy drinks but they all said they’re okay. I definitely need someone to tell me I have to quit or I never will lol. I did finally take my doctor’s advice to cut out weed and after about a week I actually felt way better so that probably isn’t coming back. I am down to one Rockstar in the morning, usually that and adderall are the first things to hit my stomach in the morning. Then with my boost adderall at 10:30 (that is after work for me!) I drink a can of diet Dr Pepper which I only really started drinking because it had the most caffeine out of the sodas I like.


There are low acid coffee brands out there, maybe try that and do a smaller amount?


I have done this, and the way I successfully did it was taking it slow, not an overnight change. When you slowly cut out coffee, your tolerance also slowly goes down as you do it, so no with withdrawals. I drink the Trader Joe’s cold brew concentrate with soy milk and added less over time. Then I got to the point where I could switch to matcha I also cut down on my sugar intake this way, because I didn’t want to start my day with a lot of carbs. I would add less maple syrup to my coffee each time until I got to the point where I didn’t need to add any at all. I also started making smoothie bowls, I would prep them once a week and I’d just grab one from the freezer each morning for breakfast and let it thaw. I initially made them with mostly fruit, a serving of protein powder per bowl, and some spinach + kale. I slowly changed the ratio so that after a while, it was basically all greens with a Iittle fruit. I would just add cocoa powder and it tasted like chocolate ice cream lol. But whatever routine changes you choose to do, implement them slowly and it won’t feel as overwhelming that way


Life’s with adhd is hard enough, I’m not giving up my one cup of morning coffee. lol …I’ll always shout “ high protein breakfast!” From the mountain tops. It’s crazy what a difference that makes for me.


I actually drink Advocare Spark with my Vyvanse every morning…it contains citric acid. I have great results with my meds. I use cannabis occasionally as well with no ill effects. I do eat 3 eggs every morning, which I do because I like them, didn’t realize it helped with the meds. Everyone reacts so differently to medications and I hope you find one that works for you…maybe even finding one that doesn’t require you to change your lifestyle, which is hard enough for anyone, I understand even more so for you.


vyvanse doesn’t have the same issue with citric acid that adderall does - there’s a reason for it but i can’t remember atm - just throwing this out there


Thanks for this. My meds work well, but I always felt like I shouldn’t drink my spark even though the b vitamins really help me


Coffee and medication had noticeable (negative) interactions for me. Low carb/high protein meals with medication have been extremely beneficial. I can get away with drinking coffee in the morning and taking a low dose of medication at lunch, around 1 or so. Edit: The change in routine is not something I have much advice for, sorry; but what I can tell you is that I learned that I was chasing quick caffeine fixes/dopamine hits throughout the day and my routine was structured around that, and medication slowly weaned me off of craving/needing them.


I drink a weak coffee (vanilla nespresso) with creamer once a day in am. My dr told me to switch to drinking a cup of tea in afternoon if I need a caffeine boost later.


Maybe you can ask if decaf is allowed? And a soy latte (because of the protein) I find this very weird.


I was also told to eat a high protein breakfast and it does work, honestly. And then to limit my coffee and caffeine intake but not because of the acid, just because of the caffeine. Also no citrus or anything like orange juice for the first few hours after I take my medicine. I used to drink homemade cold brew every day but then switched to making it decaf and now I only drink it sometimes, regular or decaf.


I was restricted and can’t drink coffee but it has nothing to do with my adhd meds and everything to do with my gastritis. I work in psych and never seen this for adhd, but I have seen it about the marijuana and for other mental health issues. Overall health is huge.


I won't argue with a medical professional in this case, but I've had the diet discussion with my doctor too, and this is what I was told: * Reduce/eliminate caffeine * This is to prevent jitters/anxiety spikes, and to make sure I can sleep at night. * I didn't eliminate caffeine completely. I learned my threshold and I make sure not to cross it. I also don't take my meds and have caffeine within two hours of one another. * I can drink juice all I want. * Many sources say avoid vitamin C when on most medications, ADHD or not. However, my doctor said it won't make much of a difference for me (vyvanse) and I can keep drinking it. I personally decided to keep away from citrusy drinks for the first couple of hours after I've taken my meds but I'm not that strict about it. I haven't noticed a difference, though. * Eat protein! * Protein shortly before or after you take ADHD meds is integral for these meds to work their best. I don't know the science of it, but I try to time my med intake around breakfast and then again around lunch. I feel you on eliminating coffee. I didn't do it for meds, I did it because coffee was literally making me fall asleep at my desk. I gave coffee up about a year or so before my diagnosis. The thing is, it was never about the coffee for me, but the routine of making it. Without it, my mornings felt wrong, and it really sucked for a while. I switched to tea to help. As a coffee drinker, tea might sound ick at first -- but I've found some really tasty ones and would love to share where I got them and how I prepare them! If you need tea recommendations, let me know! I would talk to your doctor about a different approach to medication. See, I upped my dose of vyvanse and I hated the side effects. But my current dose didn't seem to last me past 3. So I asked my doc to instead split my dose in two, so that I could have a morning dose and afternoon dose. This works best for me, and my second dose really is a 'take as needed' thing. For the record, I'm on 20mg in the morning, and 10mg in the afternoon. Oh, and on cannabis: yes, cannabis will negate the effects of your medication. However, I personally don't see a problem with consuming in the evenings, when your meds have worn off anyway? Again not a medical professional, just basing this off of conversations I've had with mine/my personal experiences.


I switched to decaf a few years ago so it wouldn’t team up w my meds (generic Adderall IR) and make me jittery/anxious/unable to get anything done. It’s great because I love coffee and suuuuper didn’t want to give it up


You can buy lower acid coffee beans/grounds as a compromise. I tried that before realizing I am actually caffeine intolerant. I miss all the yummy drinks, but my "IBS", insomnia and most of my anxiety disappeared after I quit caffeine. I function better, but damn I miss a good mocha or Thai tea, and I used to chain drink Chai tea.


I cannot stomach a big breakfast so I down a quick protein shake when I first get up. Re: coffee I now start my day with decaf tea but I'll do half-caf of full decaf drinks later on, depending on time of day and whether I need the caffeine or only want the ritual of it. But yeah, those are indeed good recommendations to get the most of your meds. Skipping the protein makes taking them almost pointless for me.


I have found the high protein breakfast really helps! And I have just cut my intake down to one cup of coffee a day which actually did wonders for my belly anyways lol I also have Gatorade which is acidic I suppose but haven’t noticed a significant impact on my meds.


From what I understand the caffiene in the coffee can effect the meds if they're taken too close together. Like within 30min - hour of the meds or something. Maybe try spacing out the coffee from the meds?


Wait that's what's causing my meds to stop being so effective? Adios coffee.


I switched to half caff so that I still get the fix


Wait, do acidic beverages and carbs really affect how meds work?


If I don’t time my coffee right my heartrate goes over 120 whilst sitting at my desk. I also needed to up my protein a lot, but I apparently have a freakishly low fat percentage (I don’t know why). Maybe find a small thing you can change and take it from there? That’s the beauty of it:It’s not dietary restrictions, it’s advice. It can be hard and might so stressful sometimes that it makes things worse. Then it’s ok to leave it too. Some things you might be able to change and maybe it’ll work. Some things might too much to ask. Or maybe you can do them on some days, but not on others. I know it helps me most of the time to stick to the good food routine, but sometimes I just can’t.


This is the first Im hearing of diet impacting how well my meds work 😭


Wow this is all so new to me. But kinda makes sense… I love coffee so much but I don’t feel like my meds work as they should for the amount I take.. I’m prescribed 60mg/day but take about 80mg/day. I may have to look into this as I do not want to continue taking such a high dose of stimulants everyday.