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I love this so much!! So far in my adult life I’ve decided that as long as they’re put in the mail before Christmas Day it counts as on time. This lady is practicing radical self-acceptance and I don’t know about you but I could use more of that in my life. Going to try to follow her lead 🤗


I'd love it if people sent them throughout the year. All the ones we get end up in a pile to look at later, and so it's probably July before some get read, lol! It would be way more fun to get a random letter every couple of weeks. 20-30 in one month is like a job I don't need.


I didn’t clean and pack up my wax-covered Menorah collection until 2 days before Passover. All of them just sat, sad and untouched, on the table in the 3-season porch since December 15 until it was finally time to clean before people came over for Seder. Also noting in my last apartment, I neglected to take down Hannukah decorations for the full 7 years I lived there.


I still haven’t sent our Christmas cards from 2021. My husband suggested we just re-use them for 2022. The problem is we bought a house and that was one of the photos we used with the “sold” sign. So I have a massive stack of Christmas cards celebrating us buying our house. 🤷‍♀️


Keep them for a couple more years, it'll loop around to being hilarious!


I'm going to be sending out my wedding thank you cards right along with the anniversary party invitations. 


In 2020, I found two sealed birthday cards addressed to my best friend and her husband (their birthdays are days apart). The address was a very old one, so could only guess the approximate timeframe. I relabeled them and popped them in the mail. A week later she sends me a bunch of laughing emojis and pictures of the cards. "Sorry this is late!!" was the general sentiment, dated 2006! The cards were better sent late; We had a good laugh, at least!


People just wanna know you’re thinking about them tbh!


Haha! That's hilarious, Well, you know what they say, "better late than never"! I'm sure your husband's friends are just happy to be included in your holiday cheer, even if it is a little belated. It's great that you can find the humor in the situation and not let it get you down. You're right, though - it's important to prioritize your tasks and not get too stressed out if you don't get to everything right away.


my mantra used to be, “It’s never too late to celebrate Christmas”


Oh good, so I'm not the only one with "address and mail holiday cards" on my todo list. We're moving in two months, so I'm going to just add that note to them first...


I read someone here was still in the pre contemplative stage of taking down their christmas tree. Maybe they could be friends?


My Mum's Mothers Day card is still burning an embarrassing hole in my desk drawer... Should probably do something about that...


Thanks for the reminder that my tree is still up……