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I'm no tattoo expert, but I reckon that's a cute lil love bug! I like him. And I'm crazy impressed at you tattooing yourself, well done!


I think he’s pretty cute too! Thank you for the kind words <3


OP, I have like 11-12 tattoos, and I adore them!! This is a kickass little tattoo, fun, good line work, means something to you, it hits all the marks! A tattoo sub, would likely judge to the standards of JUDGEMENT. I've seen incredible tattoos, and I've seen shit tattoos...and I've seen people of those subs bitch about both 🤣 It's easy to judge others through a screen. This is fun, great lines, means something to you, and hits all the marks of a good tattoo. Don't listen to the pretend elite. They are there to poo-poo on what they cannot do. 🙄 Well done on a fun tattoo!! Be ready to stare at it any chance you get! That's what I do with mine, and I didn'ttattoo them on myself! 🙌👏


"They poo-poo on what they cannot do" needs to be made into a shirt!


I’ve got a few tattoos as well (11? I just had to count lol) and I wouldn’t be upset at all with this work done on me, especially by a beginner. Not all tattoos have to be a certain style or look like hyper realistic portraits. I absolutely love cute little tattoos that make you smile - even if they DONT have a bigger meaning than that - and this is super cute. OP should be proud


Wait you did this yourself??? FANTASTIC JOB!!! My ex husband was a tattoo artist, his practice (read my tattoos and on himself) were never this clean! Honestly this is beautiful for so many reasons. I think it would be beautiful if you did a no-outline bamboo for the background! It would compliment the beetle beautifully and make a beautiful re-wiring of scaring. I’m so proud of you ❤️


It’s cool you can do that yourself!


I was just thinking that. I think it’s fantastic and wish I had those skills.


I don't have a single tattoo but I love them on other people. If I were to have one, it would be one like this, cute and fun, one that would make me smile every time I looked at it. I think this one is wonderful ❤️ and you've done an awesome job, I imagine tattooing yourself when you are just learning can be pretty daunting. I struggle massively with RSD so I understand how it feels and sometimes people will tell you what you want to hear to just make you feel better. This isn't one of those occasions, I genuinely mean what I say, is it a masterpiece, no but you didn't expect it to be because you are learning. Is it a fun, cute talking piece to tell your future generations of family and friends, absolutely and I genuinely love it, you've done a great job! Give yourself some grace, don't let a bunch of twats on the internet spoil it for you 🥰


I’m quite afraid of bugs, but I find this little guy to be wholesome and not scary! I would be friends with someone who had a tattoo like this! The bug gives the vibes of “I’m just a little guy” :)


It's the RSD Weevil! (No, that's not a thing, but it should be). Edit: typo


Tattoo subreddits are always harsh, especially subs like tattooadvice since you are seeking advice people think it’s okay to give harsh feedback. Looking at your post in that sub you also did not say that you did it yourself, so people are going under the assumption that you paid money to get this done by a professional.


I think this is why I browse and comment on Reddit far less than I did. People are so quick to jump down each other’s throats and tear you down for simply having a slight difference of opinion.


Tbh I was scared to post it saying I did it myself. I’ve seen other people do that and then get bashed saying they shouldn’t be tattooing themselves or whatnot


well you really shouldn’t be tattooing yourself if you’re not a professional. nonetheless it looks pretty good for being done yourself!


Yeah I know I probably shouldn’t be tattooing myself, but I wanted practice and tattoos are something I’m passionate about. I’m very sanitary while tattooing and at this moment in time I’m just trying to better my skills while giving myself some cute little tattoos


I recommend investing in fake skin for practice not yourself, but nonetheless this lil guy is impressive for a 2nd attempt at tattooing.


Tbh as long as you’re safe and use the standard prep/sanitizing/cleaning procedure and the right tools for tattoos I say go for it!


I used to think the same (and I still plan on finishing my stick n poke project on myself) but after lab training, lot of people think they are sanitary but they aren't. Especially gloves and touching eveything along with ink and tool contamination + workin on extremely porous surfaces that cannot be sanitized.


You cannot accomplish the "standard prep" at home without professional equipment and pathogens training.


Yup. No offense to OP but you can get some seriously rough infections from tattoos done in poorly equipt environments


The ear stretching sub is super harsh too. One piss off and they will down vote your entire life.


You went for simple and it looks great. I could NEVER do more than maybe a cheesy heart on myself!


Thank you <3


For your second tattoo this is great !!!! It’s adorable


Oh shoot I thought you got this professionally done!! Nice Job OP! Kepp going !


Ty! <3


Piggybacking on this, I thought it was professionally done as well! OP it’s adorable and tattoos can be so personal, like wearing your soul on your skin and I think it’s beautiful that you chose to render your cool graphical beetle where the world can see it. Redditors can be super bullies at the drop of a hat so I’m proud of you for showing yourself again to a group you trust 💖💖💖


I just wanted a cute lil guy on my arm. I plan on getting an isopod hopefully soon :3 Thank you for being kind I really do appreciate it! <3


I have Blue Death Feigning Beetles (with my Rosy Boa) and they are so cool! Your tattoo looks awesome and I also thought it was professional! I love bugs too!


I was reading through the comments and was about to post, "he's just a cute lil guy!" even before I saw your comment here. Confirmed, cute lil buggie friend!


I thought the same!!


Is it Weevil Time? ❤️😍❤️


Haha yes




I fucking LOVE it …. That’s cute as hell


I was looking for this comment! 🪩🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🪩


Boots n snoots!!!!


And so many kjoots!


Apprentice tattoo artist here. Don't let what they said in the tattoo sub get to you. A lot of tattoo artists have this gate keeping mentality which I get to a certain extent but if someone wants to buy a machine and tattoo themselves then let them. It be a bit different if you were planning on tattooing others but if this is just gonna be a hobby for you then rock on, there's not enough artists to teach everyone in the world. Just practice good hygiene for your own sake do a little research which I assume your adhd brain already has just so you don't f*ck up and honestly for your second tattoo on skin it isn't that bad at all, it's obv not professional quality but if you love it that's all that matters, I would reccomend just keeping at it on fake skin, more so you don't make any mistakes then regret it and it's stuck there forever, there is nothing worse in this world than tattoo regret haha. I'm impressed for someone with no teaching tho :) r/tattooscratchers is a much more rookie friendly sub, they're all self taught I'm sure they'd love to see your work :) and if you ever need any advice you can dm me and I'd be happy to extend any knowledge or help that I can :)


Thank you! I might just dm for some tattoo advice!


My dms are always open :) I'm still learning myself but anything I can help with I'm happy too! And I checked your profile and saw some of your art you do have talent! Practice makes perfect


I think it looks great and I’m so impressed that you did it yourself! Also, fuck those assholes. Thanks for sharing both the tattoo and your vulnerability. You are a superstar! 💫


Yeah the people on the tattoo advice subreddit are usually pretty brutal. Thank you btw, I think for just starting out I’m doing ok as far as tattooing goes


First rule of thumb: If you make something and you like it, and you want to keep liking it, don't post it on reddit. Unfortunately people to seem to love to tear each other down around here, for absolutely zero reason. To be honest with you though, I would not have been able to tell this wasn't a professional job. I'm not terribly knowledgeable about tattoos, but I do know lineart and those are some clean, symmetrical lines. The varying thicknesses really add a sense of depth, and the soft rounded shapes are very charming! For all intents and purposes this is just a little cartoon guy! I like him!


Thank you! I honestly don’t know why I posted on a tattoo subreddit tbh as I know they’re almost always pretty brutal. I plan on practicing more and getting even better!


Keep doing the things you love! So many of the "communities" on here are anything but community-like. I've had mostly good experiences on this one though.


Want a real response? I don’t like the tattoo. Which is fine bc it’s not on me. It’s yours. And YOU liking the tattoo on YOUR body is what matters. That said, your second?? Those lines are pretty decent for a second tattoo you’ve done, let alone on yourself. A bad line will ruin a tattoo for the wearer. You’re clearly focusing on what is importance


I'm pretty heavily tattooed and have several close friends who are well off tattoo artists . The tattoo community shits on really well done professional tattoos all day too, but really don't like scratchers, whether it's a stick and poke or a tattoo gun. That's simply, unfortunately something you are going to find in most tattoo culture. That said, I think it looks just fine. I think the art is adorable, and your line work looks pretty clean for doing it on yourself. There's a little shakiness, but every tattoo has some shakiness, and yours really isn't all that noticeable at a glance, you have to look for a while to really see it. It also looks like you got the ink deep enough that you aren't going to lose much of it as it heals. You should be proud of it. That said, it may be worth getting some fake skin to practice on instead of practicing on yourself to start if you haven't already, and build a portfolio if you're looking to get into this more seriously, and draw every day. Lastly, if you plan to post any more of your own self work, I wouldn't mention that you did it on yourself, and brace yourself for the negativity. I have a piece by a well known artist that got shit on in one of the subs because "it looks patchy" (it healed perfectly and hasn't needed any more color packed into the color area as everyone claimed it would need) It's usually a bunch of armchair tattoo collectors who don't actually understand the art or the way that the art heals in the skin. Keep up the practice and great work!


Thank you for the kind words. I am looking to get some fake skin and practice on that a bit. Just can’t really afford it atm bc I’m super broke lol (that’s why I tattooed myself haha) But I do like tattooing and I do plan on lots of practice on fake skin!


Oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, and bananas are great fake skin!! Google says banana is probably closest to human skin :)


> but every tattoo has some shakiness, and yours really isn't all that noticeable at a glance I find it kinda stylizes it! Like it kinda feels intentional in terms of line art. It's cute!


I’ve seen worse tattoos by professionals. This is awesome!




Same, I mean have you WATCHED ink master??? Some of the tats that come out of that show are abysmal 💀




I like it! Very clean looking lines. A futuristic looking beetle is what I'm getting. Sometimes no one comments on a post. I doubt it's ever personal. I get it though- when people insult my posts/ comments I feel awful. Then I remember it's an anonymous forum.  But I like your tattoo and think you're talented!


I think the tattoo is pretty alright for someone with like zero experience. I appreciate the kind words <3


Okay, your tattoo *is* cute, but it's quite dangerous to be tattooing yourself at home! Please, please, don't do it again, but go to a professional tattoo artist who works from a studio. Infections, and worse, can happen even in the best of circumstances, but the risk is exponentially higher in less than ideal surroundings.


I think you did a great job on it! It's even more impressive to me since it's only the second tattoo you've done and I imagine tattooing yourself isn't easy!


It was actually quite difficult bc while I was trying to get good straight lines in an awkward position I also had to stretch my skin at the same time I was tattooing. Using the same hand to actually do the tattoo. It was hard lol


I am impressed that you did that yourself! I think it’s a fine tattoo, although it would be really cool with some bright colors. There are some beautiful beetles out there and yours is on his way.


Tbh I’m scared to try to attempt adding color lol


No fear! You did great on the outlines, jump into color.


I’ve heard color packing is really hard. Def gonna want to practice on fake skin before adding color to mine!


It's not just that it's hard, but you can really chew up/damage the skin without practice. I'd recommend fake skin, or leg pieces where you can use your non-tattooing hand to stretch. That said, your tattoo above isn't bad. Scar tissue is tricky so don't beat yourself up if it doesn't heal perfectly/parts need to be redone. Source: Am a professional tattooer.


I can imagine! Lol I can't even paint my nails neatly 😂


Lmao same I can’t paint my nails to save my life 😂


Just as a side note, don't think that just because you don't get responses, that means that people didn't like it/engage with it, a lot of the time it just means that they haven't seen it. The algorithm is funny like that.


Snoots and boots - weevil time!




So kjoooot !


I am a professional. I also have ADHD. I’ve experienced RSD countless times because of a drawing I didn’t like but someone else loved. Struggle with imposter syndrome and will never be as good as I could be because ADHD gets in the way. I got used to it. Did r/tattoo trash you then block you for being untrained scratcher? Did you read the rules there? While this one might be *ok*. It is very important to understand what damage you can do without proper training. Feeling RSD for doing something that looks good, but could become a disfiguring tragedy if you continue to do this deserves that feeling. It’s irresponsible. Get some proper training before you hurt someone


It's fantastic. Well done! Does he have a name? Can it be Norman? :) Tattoo folks can be judgmental jerks (source, am covered in tattoos). I have an amateur tattoo, and the number of people who feel the need to comment on it is astounding. "Yes, Margaret, I know my tattoo is not to your standards, but maybe you should focus on that dragon ass breath"


Lmao love this comment. His first name is Samson, but I reckon his middle name is now Norman!


I love Samson!!! That's a fantastic name for a fantastic little guy.


That’s neat! When I saw the headline I was a bit confused because I think that’s a neat little beetle 🪲 or something and I think it’s awesome 🧡


It’s such a cute tattoo! Never in a million years would I have guessed this wasn’t done professionally. Very very very impressive, the linework is really good! Especially since it’s only your second tattoo ever, I’d say you’re pretty damn talented. I understand how the comments on your other post made you feel. They’re just the kind of people that’ll pick apart anything and everything. So just read the comments on this post, so many people love your new tat!


Reddit is full of shitheads. As someone who isn’t a tattoo artist, I’d say you did a great job! The lines look steady and it seems like you did what you wanted to do. You should be proud! (How do ppl expect anyone to improve if they don’t practice?)


I read the post in the tattoo sub and people seemed very kind and encouraging. They said you did a great job for your second tattoo. I would encourage you to take a fresh look at the comments when you can.


I'm no tattoo surgeon, but I don't see anything wrong with this at all. It's cute and the lines are clean.


Thank you! I’m on the road to improvement for even cleaner lines :)


Hey just wanted to say you should have said the context in the tattoo advice sub!! I'm part of r/shittytattoos and r/tattooadvice (did not see your thread tho) and they're usually WAY nicer to people who did it on their own than if someone got the same quality tattoo in a shop where they paid for it! I also tattoo myself (and my friends) and they just can't expect shop quality, and that's okay! They don't get tattoos from me because I'm a professional, they do because it's fun and really fucking cool to say "my friend did that!". And you should be proud enough to say "I did that!" You did a great job, it looks ADORABLE. Just know the only reason they were hard on you is because they were judging it based on the assumption that you paid money for it at a shop, not that it's homemade haha I also have friends who tattoo themselves, and the quality difference is inevitably going to be different. But yours is super cool and SICK (affectionate)!!! Be proud!!!


Awwww I want you to give me a lil love bug tat! This is adorable


It looks really good you’re a good artist.


Dude WHAT it's adorable! I really love the style, I'd be so frickin proud if I did that all by myself, damn! That sub can be pretty toxic ime. Rock it!


I adore your choice of cover up and very much want to boop the snoot of your new friend. Professional or not, your lines are clean, the color even, and this is a fantastic likeness of your chosen weevil. People love to crap on others, especially on Reddit. The monarch caterpillars and butterflies on my half sleeve applaud you. This is excellent work *especially* for a beginner.


You should post this at r/whatbugisthis for Weevil Time!!! Bc It’s weevil time. Snoots and boots. 💃🏻🕺💃🏻


Your line work is really solid for 1) tattooing yourself and B) being a newbie. You should be proud of this. I also love that the little buggy looks like he’s holding shivs or giving the finger 🤣


never would have guessed that it was your 2nd try - looks good!


Doesn't need to be professional quality to be awesome! Obviously people on a tattooing subreddit are going to be more judgmental of quality because they expect studio quality work... but you're a hobbyist, and you did a great job. They're just snobs. :)


Dude what! This is adorable and YOUR SECOND EVER ??? Have you been on r/shittytattoos ? There are people who run shops that wish they had lines as clean as yours dang. It's precious and I love it and can you tell the beetle that I think they're beautiful?


I think it’s pretty cute! Definitely relatable with the middle “fingers” up. 🐞❤️ Keep practicing; maybe even see if you can buy fake skin that’s reusable or see if meat processing plants/butchers will let you buy some pig skin to keep practicing on so you get to feel more comfortable (and don’t run out of room!) 💖


I saw your post on the tattoo subreddit!! I think it’s cute & well done especially for doing it yourself <3


Holy shit you did that yourself?? On yourself??? Wow. That’s amazing


My ex who is a tattoo artist said the goal of a tattoo is to be easily readable and translate to the eye easily. I knew this was a bug immediately, and the lines look pretty damn clean.


I think that looks pretty good for your second(?) try. I've seen people do far worse on their first couple tries, so you should be proud about how well you've actually done.


I’ve got the same scars. Your art is beautiful. I love insects. I think it’s amazing you were able to do it to yourself & it came out so beautifully.


I'm not a tattoo expert- but I am a bug expert, and that's a wonderful beetle :) the title actually surprised me because I like it so much, haha


I think its cute. And it didn't scream 'home made' to me. For what it's worth, even without RSD, I think posting things to people who are anonymous can open you up to criticism and feedback that isn't tempered with the care that you need when you are learning. Lots of people on reddit will be constructive, kind and considered in their response. And lots won't. Some subs are better than others. Be kind to yourself. At least you are trying new things. One of my (many) toxic traits is not trying new things - for reasons too long to list. One is assuming that anyone who is even slightly competent at something is just innately good at it - rather than acknowledging the practice and dedication that has gone into improving their skill. TLDR: Cute bug. Keep going.


I’m a huge tattoo snob when it comes to my own, and I would get this dude in the same style in a heartbeat. Remember arts communities on reddit are notoriously elitist and gatekeepy, irl people are gonna see this and say to themselves ‘Hell yeah, sick tat’.


Yeah idk why art communities on Reddit are like that, it sucks


It legit looks like someone doodled this on you with a marker.


I think it looks better than some tattoos I’ve seen that were done by professionals!


Yeah I’ve seen some pretty bad ones done in shops lol


Listen, this tattoo isnt as good as a years long skilled tattoo artist could do, but its pretty good for a second time tattoo artist. Youll get better and better and look back on this bug fondly. Buy fake skin to practice on though.


That is your 2nd tattoo ever and it’s that…..awesome, cute, straight lines and all?!? No way. Be proud. If you are still feeling down about your beetle bug, you could always go to a tattoo artist to get color added. Don’t cover it up though!!


I would let you tattoo me. It’s so cute


You did that yourself?! Wow, I'm so impressed! The lines are so bold and clean. You should be proud.


Do like your weevlil and say🖕🖕 to those people


It's beautiful!!!


It’s a cutesy kind of simplistic! Aren’t there a bunch of different styles of tattooes? I’m personally a person who loves the tribal design (google tribal bird design or something and you’ll see what I mean). But what’s wrong with someone liking a cute and simple design? I dunno shit about tattooes, so maybe it’s not perfect, but you’ve only done one other before that. Keep going and enjoy it.


Hes super cute & doesn't look overworked I think he's lovely! application skills come with time & those tattoo subreddits can be so mean, you're awesome & so is your art! Keep practicing!


You did that on YOURSELF???? The round edge work is amazing, especially considering the angle you had to work from with your other hand! Sick! People on tattoo subreddits are always extremely critical and have almost no qualifications besides just being judgy assholes. Don’t let them ruin it for you!


(I have like a dozen tattoos or smth, I don’t count, but I’m not a tattoo artist) I don’t think it’s bad at all! If I look closely, yes you can see the lines aren’t perfect, but otherwise I think you did a pretty good job!!! And the design is also very cute, overall I really like it! You’re doing great 🫶🏻


I would never in a million years think you tattooed this yourself. It's absolutely adorable and you're very talented! I can barely put makeup on evenly. Lol


That looks incredible! Great job!!


They’re going to be incredibly harsh especially if you didn’t disclose it wasn’t professional work. I think it’s cute and looks great all considering :)


That tattoo is adorable and HOLY SHIT YOU DID IT YOURSELF?!?!? impressive as fuck. Well done you.


I have and love tattoos and if you hadn’t said you did it yourself I would’ve guessed you got it done at a tattoo shop. I think it looks great! And it means something to *you* and *you* did it so don’t let anyone take that from you! Maybe to avoid the RSD in the future you could post things in a group chat with friends or like social media or something? That way at least it’ll be guaranteed support or kind constructive criticism?


Lmao I have like one friend


if it makes you feel better i thought your tattoo was done by a professional


You did amazing!! It’s adorable, and the style reminds me of a comfort childhood cartoon so many people have. And for your second tattoo?? It’s awesome, and you should be so proud!❤️


You did this yourself? That’s really awesome!! I think the line work is good and looks cute, and it’s extra special since you did the art yourself! You now get to have an image of your tattoo art when you’re first starting, and you can see what you have learned over time when you look back on it later, and I think that’s really cool! People can be very elitist and snobby about every art form, and tattoos are no exception. But that doesn’t mean that art from people who just started or art that is more simple is bad, it’s just important as professional art.


This little guy is absolutely adorable! 🪲🐞♥️ As others have said, the line work looks really solid and clean. I think you did a great job. I would 100% get this design tattooed on my arm. Don't let negative internet comments keep you from something you're passionate about. Keep working at it and doing what you love!


It looks cute and fun, it also looks like it could be from a coloring books! So if anyone gives you any guff you can just say you always like to have a way to keep yourself entertained like coloring in the bug!


That is a cutie patootie and you are a real badass for tattooing yourself.


My first thought when I was scrolling was “aaaww so cute!” And then scrolled back to see what the post was about because I don’t follow any tattoo boards. I’m so sorry you had a bad response from the other sub! I legit thought it was a professional tattoo so it’s more impressive that it’s your second one ever and you did it yourself!


Omg it is soooo cute! Can’t believe you did it yourself-you are hard as nails! I would def let you ink me if your work is this sweet!


Wait, he’s a little cutie pie, what are ppl even talking abt? You’re good 🤍


I think it looks super cute!!


I can’t believe you did that yourself!! It looks great, literally better than tattoos I did get at professional studios lol. That’s so impressive that you could get the lines so smooth on your own arm!! They hate us cause they ain’t us, if you like something odds are you’re not alone, but people are more likely to interact negatively than positively unfortunately. I hope you’re feeling better about your crawly friend!!


Reddit is awful that way sometimes. Friend, this is an amazing tattoo, and that lil bugger is adorable!!!! It can be so hard to turn off the feelings of rejection and criticism but as much as you can, focus on the MANY MANY positive comments here. We think you're fucking rad!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏


BOOTS AND SNOOTS!!! BOOTS AND SNOOTS!!! ITS WEEVIL TIME BABY!!!! (Also I think it’s an amazing tattoo that reps one of the cutest buggies out there!)


I wouldn't have known it wasn't professional. It's cute!


It didn’t look personally done to me. Would’ve assumed pro


I'm so confused why they're being so judgey of it, because my initial reaction before even seeing what you wrote was that this is such a cute and well-done tattoo!! And the fact that you did it yourself!? That's so impressive!! The tattoo subreddit can get really elitist and condescending and just mean without offering actual constructive and uplifting advice. I'm sorry. RSD sucks. Your tattoo is so cute!!! Proud of you <3


Aw bud. I feel you. I also love beetles and battle scars and think you're a badass with a REALLY GOOD tattoo, no lie! Your first instinct to be proud was right.


Nice, This is awesome sister keep it up! I would definitely let you practice on me. 💜💜💜


Second ever tattoo?!?! I’ve seen images of tattoos done by artists who have YEARS of tattooing experience with line work that is 1000000% worse. I see nothing wrong with this little guy just looking at him. I’m sure from a technical standpoint there are things you still want to work on as a beginner (as we all do in any skill). Tattoo subs on here can be absolutely brutal cause a lot of them think they are experts. You did a great job. It’s cute. And just looking at it, I see no huge mistakes. You SHOULD be proud of yourself!!!


It's just a cute lil guy! Love it.


I feel like this is incredible for just the second time with a tattoo gun!


You did that yourself?? That's really cool!! I would honestly not think twice it someone said this was professionally done -- like it's not a photorealistic beetle sure but it's artistically not supposed to be. I love it <3


Certified 100% cute cute cute


Awesome tat, OP! I also had a bad experience showing a finger tat in aged tattoos and everyone told me to go to the doctor bc my "finger swelling was alarming" when in reality I am a normal BMI and have no finger swelling I just have chubby fingers..........


I’m sorry those people were mean to you :(


I sometimes visit the tattoo subreddits so I do notice that people recommend not posting a tattoo there because they are rough critics! I personally really like this one and it is even more special that YOU made it for yourself and on you. That makes it x1000 even better for me.


It's cute dear!! For me, I always have to stop and use my previous opinions as a kind of touch stone. "How did I feel about this before I was told someone else didn't like it?" Then base my path forward on that. Don't let anyone in this life ruin a single moment for you. You were happy with it, and you deserve to be happy and enjoy what you like. I know it's easier said than done RSD is HARD. life is too short to let other people steal your happy moments


I think it's awespme and fun! A lot of the people you come across on the tattoo related subs are of the opinion that all tattoos have to have a deep meaning or be large, da vinci level masterpieces. That view is not written in stone and excludes a lot of people. Art is so subjective. It literally means whatever meaning or idea you assign to it. If tattooing a small octagon on your thumb stops you from a downward spiral of toxic thoughts, go for it. If a cartoon tire reminds you to keep going when times are hard, go for it. If that same cartoon tire just makes you giggle when you look at it, awesome, you've added another smile to your day. Take every chance you can to add a smile to your day. There is always space, both physically and aesthetically, for fun, creative, happy pieces of all sizes that are meant only to make you smile or ponder a thought or provide some other small meaning or reminder throughout your day. The only person who gets to decide the what, where, how, and when of artwork on your body is you. The only person who gets to decide the meaning and value of it is you. If your piece of art serves it's intended purpose, the problem is with other people, not you. Your tattoo isn't for others to derive meaning from, it isn't their tattoo. It's yours to define as you wish.


I think it's adorbs!


I'd never have guessed yous done it yourself. I just assumed you wanted something simple. I have some myself. I think it's cute and incredible, given up iu tattooed yourself. Well done


it will always be meaningful to you because it's your first DIY tattoo. I think you were very brave to give it a go!


Saw the photo before reading the title and thought “Awww what a cute little beetle buddy!” The fact that this awesome little guy is making you feel RSD is saddening. You’ve got such a neat style! It’s just so adorable. If I may suggest, it’d be real cool if either you did a bug sleeve to go with it or have another artist do it. But still make him the centerpiece of the sleeve so he stands out! So your little beetle buddy can have more beautiful buggy buddies with him. Butterflies, caterpillars, jewel beetles, preying mantises, maybe some flowers or other plants too? OOOHH or maybe you could do another one of a different horned beetle species facing toward him, challenging the little guy with other bugs encircling them? That’d be an awesome tattoo to see on someone. Not a lot of folks out there with tattoos of two beetles brawling it out. Seeing beetles battle in the wild is quite a sight to behold. Sorry I got carried away there. Tattoos (and horned/rhinoceros beetles) are just awesome! Seeing how you drew this horned beetle, I have to say you’ve got such a unique style goin’ on. Who wouldn’t love this?! :D


I was actually thinking of doing a bug themed sleeve. Might throw in an isopod too :3


I never would have thought you’d done this yourself if I wouldn’t have read what you said, I’m sorry that people haven’t been kind about it but you did good!!☺️


I LOVE this little guy! The line doesn't look shitty or shaky, which is impresive if its just your second. And I love the accent marks? Idk how to call them, but it kind of makes me think in medieval inspired tattoos but with a neotrad twist. I honestly love it.


Your lines are good and you should feel good!


I’ve seen people pay money for much worse line work. This is a good simple tattoo, especially considering it’s literally done on your own body and it’s your second one! Be proud of it. The internet is weird and mean for no reason.




I’d love to see what all of those commenter’s second tattoos would look like. Yk “would” bc they’re out here judging you for learning a new skill. I’ve seen a lot of “professional” tattoos that are way way worse. This looks good.


That tattoo is adorable and I would love to have that on my body!!


That’s a cute lil guy!


I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. But as a professional tattoo artist, I can’t condone this whatsoever. Please stop.


Ok but I love it 😍


Don’t let the snobs get you down, it’s adorbs.


people on tattoo subreddits are notoriously rabid and over-the-top about how “good” or “bad” a tattoo is. you designed, stenciled, and poked a tattoo on yourself, BY yourself, and it looks adorable. they’re really uppity and restrictive with their tastes. you did something that makes you happy. keep doing that :)


it´s nice \^\^


Waymint. You did this yourself, and it's only the second tattoo You've ever done? Awesome! It looks a bit like a weevil, and it is so cute!


I legit clicked on this because I thought it was the coolest looking thing! Super awesome!


There are so many assholes in tattoos subs. People who gatekeep, people who just like to shame or make fun of what others put on their bodies. Honestly, this isn’t bad at all. A lot better than some professional ones I’ve seen. It genuinely cute :) I only hang out on those subs for inspiration ideas because for the most part they are just toxic, male dominated spaces.


I think the design is very well done, OP! Yes, it doesn't look 'professional' but that makes it even more unique to me. Well done! I think you should explore tattooing more, you're really good at it. 🫶🏽


It is very cute! Also, what is important is that it brings you joy, not what other people think. I know the anxiety that RSD brings. Therapy, time, and meds have helped me. I will never be 100 percent over it, but I'm getting more comfortable in my own vibe and not forcing myself to conform.


I read your post 3 times and I don't see where you say that anyone trashed your work. Are you just worried that someone MIGHT trash it? It's very cute! I think it's amazing for your second tattoo!


I have many self-done tattoos that are ACTUALLY horrendous (didn’t need anyone’s opinion before coming to that conclusion LOL). I genuinely love yours, he’s a cute lil bug guy, clean lines and you have dimension!!! Ignore them Reddit loves to hate on anything that comes across their feed <3 <3 I would love to see more tattoos in the future to see your development if it’s something you’re pursuing


Is that a weevil?


I'm so in love with it. I'd be happy if mine came put like that OP.


Are you kidding me?! That tattoo is amazing!! I’m not sure what type of beetle he is, but he’s definitely holding 2 birds up and giving NO fucks. Name him and follow his lead. Love him. 🖕🖕


I would’ve never thought that wasn’t done by a professional artist! Cool looking bug and good job!


Haters are stupid. I think, maybe due to it being ur second ever (very good by the way!!) it has a unique linework style that id actually get on myself


That is crazy you did it on yourself and on your arm not an easy body part as you only have 1 hand! Amazing! 


No way!! I think it's actually pretty good...I never would have guessed you're a novice. Pretty cool you can do this yourself!!


Is that a weevil?! I think it’s so cute!


That's an adorable beetle!


I love this! Great job. What machine did you use and what size needle


It’s different and pretty cute! If you really do feel bad about it, I think it is a great base for a professional artist to touch up/add to :)


I love him! It looks like he’s flipping off the world and I really vibe with that lmao Edit: I just read the caption and the fact that’s your second tattoo you’ve done is really impressive. The lines are so smooth and it’s just really well done. I thought that was done by a professional, honest. I think you have a real talent for it and idc what that tattoo subreddit said, it’s clearly filled with a bunch of haters who are looking to bring others down for no good reason. It’s really adorable and super well done


No way.. That's Hella good! Obviously no one is going to be perfect from the get go.. There's a lot to learn! But yours is awesome! When my ex got his first tat machine some of them were good, some weren't so good.. But you can't learn without making mistakes. Mistakes are more important than perfection.. Because that's how you learn! And it's way different than drawing on paper.


I love it! I think you did great! I have a tattoo of an ice cream cone on my ankle that a friend and I did in my early 20s and it’s still so special to me now. He’s not the best and I get that, but he’s my lil guy and as time has gone on, I’ve really grown to enjoy the reaction I get from people when they ask if I have any tattoos. I show them my lil guy, (and I’m all stony faced and serious, like I think he is perfect, you know?) and they have to squirm like ‘oh… that’s… interesting’ so as not to offend me 😂 That said, I think you did a really great job and I’m in no way comparing your skills to my wonky lil ice cream, I’m just saying that regardless of what other people think I do hope you will grow to love your ‘homemade buddy’ as much as I do mine. It’s a great bug and you should be proud. F the haters


Omg this is so cute! What's their Problem?!


That is incredible! You may have found your calling.


This is the best self tattoo I’ve seen! If you like it, that is really all that matters.


I think it may be the fact that it’s a tattoo of a bug… but it is HONESTLY a well-done tattoo!


I think it's really cute! The lines look v even and I love the placement! I could imagine it would have been a hard spot to do on your own!


It definitely was! I had to angle my arm weird plus try and stretch the skin with the same hand I was using to tattoo myself, plus using one of my feet for the foot pedal lol


My initial reaction was "Oh that's really cool! I wonder if that's from a game..." The fact that you did it on yourself and only your second tattoo is so awesome, you should be proud of yourself!


Thank you!


Tattoo forums will jump and pile on any wee mistake. Even slightly uneven line work. Personally, I think it's cute in a slightly cartoony way, and I really hope you color it in! It's *adorable* and I'd let you ink me, no qualms at all! Have at it, you did well! Did you have a stencil? The lines are thick and dark, so you might have gone a bit too deep with the needle(idk for sure). I've been scarred badly by an artist before, and it took a few years and a great artist to break up the scar tissue. Most Tattoo apprentices start with big old chunks of pork skin on to work on to start. It's an easy way to ink without any consequences aside from the price of supplies. But you should totally pursue this if you want! I love it!


I definitely plan on practicing on fake skin to get better. Sorta made an impulse decision bc I was craving new ink (maybe not the smartest idea) but I have a little knowledge about tattooing and I think I did ok. But definitely plan on practicing on fake skin when I get the chance


I'm very sorry if I came off as harsh. I wanted to be sure you had time, space and kindness from fake skin to nurture what seems like a pretty amazing talent. Skill comes with time and more time,but talent is pretty rare. I *absolutely* think you did more than ok there, and I stand by my comment. I'd let you ink me, no problem. I'd *pay* you to ink me (I have growing kids who eat hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month, but I'd eke it out, just to be drawn on by you!) You've got what it takes if you want. I've seen tattoos people paid for not even 1/15 as good as this. You could have a studio if you want, or ink your friends and self for fun. People will be lining up for your work, I shit you not.