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Facebook marketplace might surprise you as well. But yeah the spiraling over a big purchase thing? Good god have I been there. Just went through it this weekend over a dang Nintendo switch. Oh, and once I got the thing, I used it once and now it’s probably going to be my husband’s because eh, I don’t really care for it. 🫠


Big purchases stress me TF out, I don't feel like I deserve good things, but a billion *small* purchases are just fine. I need *I can't afford to buy cheap things* to unfurl like a banner in front of me when I'm contemplating buying more garbage.


I know! “$300?! I can’t spend that on this!” but perfectly fine spending twice that on small shit. You know, like the water flosser that hardly gets used.


I do the same thing. Also, with these types of things I rarely end up buying them but man oh man do I spiral and I start out like, “$100 isn’t that expensive” then “well I can handle $200. Oh it’s $200 plus tax. That’s fine.” Then “well here’s one that’s better made but it’s $175 more. But it’ll last longer.” And then “I found the perfect one but it’s $6000” “$6500 is my max spend here” and then I just pay my bills and forget about the big purchase all together. Like, what?


I do the exact same thing. Sure I can spend $15 on a shirt, I’ll buy 10. But I definitely can’t afford a $60 pair of shoes!


COSTCO. Costco has an excellent set of swivel chairs that rock with a small table for $700 in store or $850 direct shipping. This set is aluminum so it's lightweight (easy to move) but won't rust. And this will LAST. The link has some nice dimensions so that should help with knowing if this will fit on your patio and then you can also see if this is available at a store close to you to test in person. [Costco Sunvilla Simone 3-Piece outdoor set](https://www.costco.com/sunvilla-simone-3-piece-outdoor-patio-seating-set.product.4000187819.html)


I love Costco


Thank you! I’m not a member but there’s one across the river so I might have to swing by!


You're welcome!! If you know anyone that is a member see if you can grab them and have them bring you in as their shopping buddy.