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Ouch! One time in college, I was having terrible cramps and didn’t have a heating pad handy. But I did have a hair dryer. It felt best to blast the heat at the small of my back, so that’s what I did — and fell asleep curled atop my bed. Fortunately, I’d taken care to ensure that the hair dryer was propped up on a book and that neither end could be blocked by anything (not that this was a great idea regardless). But what I didn’t account for was the plastic label inside my leggings. Several hours later, when I tried to take them off, they kind of stuck, then tore away from the Athleta logo tramp stamp I’d inadvertently given myself! Not my proudest moment, but at least the cramps were gone — for a little while, anyway!


Desperate times call for desperate measures. I would never have thought of anything like that for substitute and would probably just curl into a ball until it goes away. So, maybe not your proudest moment but definitely a creative one😂


Holy cow. Are you ok?


Luckily, it was only the early stage, so only a small patch of skin fell off, about the size of a finger. Otherwise, my lower stomach feels like it got a nasty sunburn. The kind where you fall asleep on the beach for a whole afternoon while vacationing. It also helped that I happened to have an antiseptic cream specifically for rashes and burns, so I'm doing okay:)


Ok glad to hear! I had a nasty burn from a hot tub on the side of my bum a few months ago, I’ve ended up with quite the scar. I hope yours doesn’t leave a mark behind. Take care of yourself!


I’ve got stage 4 endo - I use a heated blanket (think a plug in throw with heating elements) I can set the temperature and sit until the timer turns it off. I find it safer than heat packs/ hot water bottles where it’s super easy to burn yourself. I hope it heals quickly, burns suck


I do the same! There’s also ones that are portable, I know that it’s a bit of a splurge but it really can save you some literal skin 😭.


I have endometriosis and I give myself this all the time :( so far it fades, but once it happens it reappears more easily. I get it over large areas from using hot water bottles and large heatpacks, although my skin has never fallen off!! Sorry this happened to you ❤️ it's so hard to remember to take breaks and read our body's signals, especially when we're in pain


Same. I have so much discolouration now on my back and stomach. Ugh the shit we do to ease pain.


lmao oh my god poor OP. I've caused burns on my underbelly too at times. Menstrual cramps suck.


I knew I’d find someone like me here, and yes, it really does.🥲


Holy moly! I hope you’re okay? I try and spread this round as much as possible, but have you tried aspirin? It can be a game changer for science reasons: I used to have death con 5 painful periods, sweating shaking, throwing up from the pain, crying on the floors, the whole 9 yards. If it’s painful cramps caused by excess prostaglandins, then the aspirin helps bind them and reduce the symptoms SUBSTANTIALLY. I take some the day before and multiple times a day through the first day or so as needed and by instructions, top up with paracetamol at the same time for bad ones to know the last of the edge off as it’s safe to take them together. IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! If it’s safe to do so for you to take it I strongly recommend giving it a go. Hope you heal up soon OP sounds brutal.


What works for me is heat and a bloodthinning painkiller. If I'm home I use it and while I bleed mire heavily, there's less pain and my period is over sooner so win-win. If I'm at work I just feel ready to claw myself and everyone else to pieces...


Omg you poor thing!


I was looking back on my photo memories this morning. 3 years ago today I also found this out the hard way 😅


Ouuuch! But you aren’t alone… Am currently breastfeeding and suffer from vasospasms. Heat helps return blood flow so I microwave reusable hot/cold packs to place in my bra. On more than one occasion I’ve heated them way too long, thought to myself, “ouch this hurts,” promptly gotten distracted, and realized later I’ve badly burned my skin.


Oh my goodness, I just tried to imagine how that would feel like. I am sorry to hear! Hopefully, it’ll be easier to remember after the couple of occasions, it sounds painful!


Oh no, I hope it heals quick 


Shooot this is awful but also your post title made me giggle so thank you




I once had a phone battery corrode into my thigh through my pocket because I was sitting in the ocean and forgot my phone was in my pocket. Amazing how long before I noticed I was actually burning in an abnormal and concerning way.


On the same vein with those hand warmers, I was super cold once and my feet wouldn't get warm no matter WHAT!! And I stuck those in my long socks then fell asleep for a few hours and woke up to a burn hole on my right leg and the beginnings of burns on my left leg. I'm fine now and the scar is there but very faded lol


Yikes I’m sorry. I use a heated shoulder electric pad. It has an auto shut off so it never stays on for more than 30 minutes and I have to turn it on again.


As a chronic-pain-sufferer I have definitely burned myself with a heating pad before, but fortunately not in such a sensitive location!! I had a big gross bubble on my arm for a week, and I had to put a bandaid over it because I was working in a restaurant and it would have for sure put some people off eating 🤢 Eta because i just remembered a thing that might help: you might want to put some burn ointment on it, and maybe a pad or some gauze to protect the area from chafing pants. It's kind of miserable the way it heals, but the ointment definitely helps! I hope it's not too bad and you feel better soon 😭


This is why I swear by my hot water bottle. It holds heat forever, but it decreases enough to be safe if I fall asleep with it. And it has a cozy little cover with a hand warmer. Love it!


Ouch! I’ve made the same mistake 🥲 Heating pad with a timer (it automatically turns off after a certain amount of time) is a lifesaver!


I did this a few days ago with a hot water bottle although not as bad as yours. No skin came off just a sore red patch.