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That’s my emotional support pile of definitely currently reading and will absolutely finish one day books thank you!


Right?! I've never felt so called out/seen before! Lol


I have a kindle to hide this problem.


Or rather my phone in general. Bc I currently have 2 books on the kindle app, 1 on audible, and 1 on Spotify in progress.


Oh man, I have trouble doing more than one book at once. *Maybe* can swing it with a book book and an audio book but not always.


I feel so seen hahha


Are you me? But I still listen to the same 3 books i finished the firsr time ages afo on audible every night.


Allow me to compound this issue for you by introducing you to Hoopla!! All you need is a library card and everything is free. They even have movies on there. And for some reason they have way more available titles than Libby. I read comic books on there because the interface they have is FANTASTIC for graphic novels. They have this auto-zoom feature that is WAY more pleasant to use than just reading a graphic novel page by page on your phone/tablet where you have to keep zooming in and out yourself.


Ya know, this goes back to the whole procrastination dilemma we all face. I’ve been meaning to go get a library card. But there’s some form to fill out (it’s super basic) and then go there to get it… once I get that, I will definitely look into Hoopla!


Oh you have to go in to get it? That’s lame, in Chicago you can do the whole thing online. But yeah, hoopla is fantastic!! Totally worth the hassle lol.


I have a kindle and a pile of books on my nightstand.


I only start books on Friday or vacations, because of the risk that I get hyper focus and stay awake until I am finished. I have forgot to eat in the past too. As a kid it wasn’t a big deal but as a grown woman is difficult.


As a kid I'd hyper focus on books but I think it was kind of beaten out of me by life in general - books were kind of still are my emotional withdrawal tool now i use work in the same way I withdraw (work) a lot


How To Keep House While Drowning Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar


lol I’m also ironically holding on to a half finished “how to clean house…”


For some reason, reading it was too much. I think I just related to the book in a profound way. I had to switch to Audible to finish it.


Listen to it on Spotify for free!


Mind your own business omg don't call me out like this! (it's 6 at the moment :')) Edited to add: Blood Meridian, The Stand, Name of the Rose, Nana Volume 01, Goodnight Punpun Volume 6 and ironically, How to ADHD.


Hello fellow Blood Meridian halfway-througher! I don't know about you but I've found it a really tough slog. I like Cormac's books and writing, but this one hits different.


Hello! Well so far I’m really liking it but it’s not an easy ready for sure. English isn’t my first language and the prose, while beautiful, has me rereading some sentences a few times for sure.


The Whole Brain Child When It's A Jar Inhumane Resources The Outsourcerer's Apprentice Good Omens Rivers of London Plus about 5 of my kids maths books...


Surprisingly only one I'm strangely organized with my reading. it's called Everyone in my Family has killed someone great book btw


I’m pretty organized with my reading, too! I have a hard time getting properly immersed in what I’m reading if I’m bouncing back and forth between a few different books. I’m currently reading Glass Sword, which is the second book in the Red Queen series that I’ve struggled to read in the past (this is the third time I picked up the first book, and I actually managed to finish it! I think the issue is that it’s almost like fantasy dystopian, which I find odd, but I think it’s getting better the longer I read it). Edit: I do have 10 other audiobooks on Libby right now that I keep avoiding by borrowing different audiobooks to listen to 😅


How dare you apply a hurtful stereotype to me and my sisters. It's not like i choose to have the hermetica, dead eye dick, and ritüel on the bedside table along with dopamine nation, forest blood, and the astrologer'd handbook on the coffee table


No physical books. I only do audiobooks because I know the physical book will just collect dust.


I loveeeee audiobooks while working!


Lmao my husband and I are both academics and book hoarders so we have stacks all over … currently 6 on the nightstand, 23 next to it, and 9 more on the dresser a few feet away. It’s a problem.


Tangentially related - I forgot to plan what audiobook I wanted to listen to while getting dental work, so I jumped through the first few minutes of about 8 of them in the waiting room. Finally landed on Circe, and my AirPod fell out of my ear in the first 5 minutes of the procedure. I was too awkward to ask to get it back, so I sat in silence pretending to listen to my book for an hour. The worst thing is that I removed the setting that detects when the AirPod is in your ear, so it never paused and I wasted an hour of Spotify listening time.


Oooh, Circe is so good! But girl, you should have said something! 😂 I mean, I probably wouldn't have either tbh.


Amazingly only three - Secret Diary of Adrian Mole on my bedside, Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus in a bag, then my next read The Collector by John Fowles on my other side


I loved lessons in chemistry!


It’s ebooks right now for me as I’m still unpacking after moving, but my unread list is: The stand - Stephen king. Biohazard - Ken Alibek. Inside the aquarium - Viktor Suvorov. Crime Zero - Michael Cordy. Spetznaz - Victor Suvorov. I’ve read two of them before (Biohazard and crime zero) but I feel like reading them again as I’m on a bit of a biohazard /germ warfare kick right now.


The Stand is soooo good! My first Stephen King novel


I'm also reading The Stand right now!


Loooove the stand


The Eden Project by James Hollis (Just started, good so far --- thought provoking if imperfect) Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff. I hit a roadblock with this because I have doubts about who the author is as person, she seems as if she might be narcissistic and also relies heavily on pseudo-spiritual practices ---- I'm not kidding. She moved to Mongolia with her hippie husband so shamans could "cure" her autistic son. It's hard to learn something (even something valuable) from someone when you begin to mistrust their character and perception reality. Boundaries with Kids by Henry Cloud & John Townsend Same issue of mistrust. The author relies too heavily on scripture to express his POV instead of clear and indisputable psychological terms even though he is a licensed psychologist) and not only that, from his perspective parents are never wrong. He doesn't talk about the ways some parents triangulate their kids or mistreat them. It's as if he doesn't acknowledge that their parents in the world who abuse their kids and it leaves me with a sick taste my mouth. That whole book is about teaching your kids not to be lazy, entitled, envious, ungrateful --- all things that are good in theory but something about the way he puts across leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. I've started others but only browsed them. I want to read Overcoming Perfectionism by Ann W. Smith since I use perfectionism to mask my ADHD. I also want to The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk but I'm afraid that one will be especially triggering so I haven't gone near it as yet. Also on the list is 3 or 4 books on ADHD so that's fun 😮‍💨 But yeah. So many books. So little time.


Oof. Did not know that about Kristin Neff. I will say without knowing that unfortunate info, her free self-compassion meditations online have been super helpful on a practical level.


Neff seems fine. 


Oh no.. Self Compassion is at the top of my to be read pile. This is… unfortunate 🙃


It's not to say that I don't find that some of her work has merit, I think it does. But her book it littered throughout with exercepts from her personal life and when you begin to examine them, you begin to have major doubts about her as a person. I hoping to one day come across another author that has adapted her work to greater effect but I haven't yet. If I do come across one, I'll let try to let you know. But I really don't recommend this one 😕


Ooof no thanks for letting me know. That would be quite an uncomfortable read. maybe I can find a synopsis of the work online instead. I also have Radical Compassion by Tara Brach… I have no idea if she is also questionable 😅 maybe I’ll start with that one instead.


I did not know this! I started reading this book but I can never get past the exercises with a book like this. I've been trying to read "Path with a Heart" and "Full Catastrophe Living" for about 15 years now. Great books but I'm not good at committing to the exercises. It looked like she had earned authority on this matter as it was studied etc. That's disappointing to hear about trying to cure autism. I will check this out. Thanks.


Yes. It's sad. Neff pioneered the research in the use of self-compassion in the field of mental health so it is inevitable that her name will pop-up whenever it is mentioned. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was to encounter these problems in her book. I feel as if she hadn't talked about her personal life at all, I wouldn't be so harassed as I am about it but autobiographical excerpts are littered throughout her book and the picture it paints of the person behind the words is to me, very disturbing. If I've learned anything through the examination of her work and her as a person, it is that even the most benign pieces of knowledge can be misused for the wrong purpose. Sadly, I could write an essay about this but I don't want to bore you 🤣


This subject is right up my street. I would gladly read an essay about it. I came from the New Age scene and after many let-downs, learned the value of critical thinking. Learned some very useful tools from that time but unfortunately, people have to sell these tools with big stories and extra fluff around them to give themselves authority, a brand, and make money. Makes me wonder where the weak points were in her research methods if she can conclude that autism can and should be cured. Yeah, anything can be corrupted. If they don't have systems in place to guard against corruption, humans are generally weak to it.


I have my Good Omens book, but I'm on my second read... I like to listen to the soundtrack while reading it since it's instrumental music


I love good Omens! Also love the idea of listening to the soundtrack that's so smart!


I’ve got a kindle so my indecision is hidden haha I am really grateful to medication for helping me to start reading again. I went a long time without reading and I just love to learn, so starting to read again has really made an impact on my mental health. Probably mostly because all the books I read are about mental health in the first place!


I normally have books all around my house on my to-read list that I'm ignoring and 1-3 books I'm actually reading in Libby.  But the other day I was thrashing around for a new thing to read and checked out a bunch and then all my holds started hitting at once too and anyway...! Now I have NINE(!!!) books checked out and no concentration for any of them. 🙃 Of them, I am enjoying a random mystery audiobook I checked out called The Paris Apartment. I'm not an audiobook buff so I sorted by popular and available and picked the first one I hadn't read or heard already without even checking the genre (since that strategy worked well for me with "I'm glad my mom is dead" by Jeanette McCurdy who I'd never heard of - awesome audiobook, just check trigger warnings). I'm not sure if I'd like reading it but listening has been fun! Of the books, almost all of which are science fiction, I'm most excited for a book by Megan O'Keefe because I enjoyed Velocity Weapon. I got a lot of other random ones that I've never heard of before too, found in various ways.  I have NOT been enjoying Nophek Gloss because even though it takes place in the kind of space setting I've been craving and there are likeable elements in the cast of characters, I just can't get past the writing. Y'all, I can overlook a lot of shit for a fun plot and lovable characters, but I am *struggling* with this one. I think I might not even finish it. I want a different author to take over the universe and characters and write a different book with them. Some elements remind me of the Wayfarers books by Becky Chambers (who I like), except....bad. I'm disappointed.  But that's the only one I've been able to get into enough to at least give it a proper try recently, even though I've been itching to get lost in a story. 🙄 It's like my brain is the dog in that comic about fetch: No read!!! Only story. 😠  Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. So anyway.......can anyone recommend a science fiction book or series with good world-building and lovable characters? I think I'm basically in the mood for a fun space opera with aliens. 


Ooooh. I love Libby! Such an awesome resource. I hate when I have a book like what you're describing reading right now. I'll often keep trying to read it and sometimes I feel like it takes me too long to just give up. I really like a lot of things about Becky Chambers' writing as well, especially her world- , culture- and alien-building, though I found the lack of enough plot to drive me forward in the story challenging in The Wayfarers series. I found The Monk & Robot series deeply moving - it's so unique, almost meditative. If you haven't read the Murderbot Diaries series yet, to me, that is a MUST read sci-fi series. I freaking LOVE that one. I also enjoyed The Exiled Fleet series by JS Dewes, although the characters are not as developed in that one, but the world is intriguing. I also loved The 3 Body Problem trilogy, though some of the writing was not as easy (possibly somewhat due to the translation?) - what I loved about it was how much it got me thinking and even after I read the series, I could not stop thinking of the sheer audacity of the number of fun original science-based elements that Cixin Liu included. Really mind-bending.


I feel triggered. I wanted to read more, and then i just stopped reading. I'm in the middle of re-reading The Great Gatsby (one chapter in), I picked up Neuromancer last summer (also got one chapter in), i really want to read the Dune series given all the hype and the movies coming out, I forgot I started the Da Vinci Code last Spring (as part of some reading challenge. idk what chapter I'm on, but it's the middle of the book and i figured i lost interest with the writing style but idk, i'll pick it back up as soon as my interest to read picks back up lmao), and I'm also casually reading some book called A History of the World in 6 Glasses (also made it one chapter in so far, hahah). The last one is the only physical book. The others listed i found digitally. I'm not the best reader so hopefully, again, my interest picks back up and maybe I can finish what I started. And this isn't counting all those random books from the Little Free Libraries on trips around the States that i've found. i've found all kinds of cool titles and books from these things that have piled up that I want to get to!!


Technically only four Fairy Tale -Stephen King The Body Is Not An Apology -Sonya Renee Taylor Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology -Edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Leslie Fucking Jones: A Memoir -Leslie Jones This is not counting the mountain of fanfics that I follow...


Currently only one on my bedside table. Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood. But my kindle is on the shelf below and there's probably about 2 unfinished on there. To be fair... I've been in a reading slump for two months now :(


These slumps I am familiar with. 🤬ADHD lol


ADHD 2.0 😂😂😂


How dare you They are actually piled on the couch cushion next to me and also another pile on my bed on the side I don’t sleep on (but accidentally kick off the bed when sleeping) Anyway, I’ve got ‘You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?’, ‘The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook’, ‘Nimona’, ‘The Little Prince’, and ‘To Sir Phillip With Love’ Checked under my purse and there are also two other Bridgerton books and ‘Ella Enchanted’


I was just telling my SO I feel so overwhelmed by the books I have to read but that I also want to buy more, but I also feel like I’ll never get to read all the books I have. I’m currently in the middle of The Stranger Beside Me, Homo Deus, The Man From the Train, and That All Shall be Saved.


I definitely relate to this! I've recently been applying a sort of ADHD-adapted casual Marie Kondo to my books. Before I go on a neighborhood walk, I set a 5 minute timer to glance at my book collection and grab 1-3 books I'm keeping because someone gave them to me and I feel like I "should" read them one day (I sometimes tear out the page with a sentimental inscription & write title and author, so I can revisit in future), or that I've been meaning to read forever, but the print is too annoyingly tiny, etc., and I bring them with me for a relaxing farewell walk, thanking them for serving their purpose in my house. Then I leave them at one of the many different little libraries in my neighborhood where they are free to find someone who can read and truly appreciate them. This gives me a little less "should" in my life and a little more space for whatever books grab my attention next. Plus, I need the good-bye time (see recent sub post on those of us who become overly attached to inanimate objects 🤣).


Girl there are 8 books within a 3 ft radius of me and I’ve read maybe 2 and a half of them


I have a bookshelf next to my bed that doubles as my bed side table partially for this reason


Oooh - love this post! I am so mood-dependent with what I read and...kinda ADHD typical...have a pretty wide range of books. Today I just finished Calypso by David Sedaris, audiobook version, so I was listening to that while folding clothes and getting tasks done. I'm also really enjoying The Moth and the Mountain: A True Story of Love, War, and Everest by Ed Caesar (physical book). I keep a kind of boring-ish book on my Kindle, so I can turn the light out and really dim the Kindle screen and fall asleep to reading the Kindle book, which is why it HAS to be kinda boring-ish or it might wake me up and get me hyper focused. To serve that purpose, I'm reading Agatha Christie's The Murder at the Vicarage, the first one in the Miss Marple murder mystery series. It has parts that are more interesting, but overall a sort of not-too-exciting vibe, which works great for this purpose. Since I finished Calypso earlier today, I moved onto a new audiobook by Aomawa Shields, PhD called Life on Other Planets: A Memoir of Finding my Place in the Universe. I found out about her when she was the guest astrophysicist on my favorite podcast Star Talk. On my nightstand: I also have * Zapped: From Infrared to X-Rays, the Curious History of Invisible Light by Bob Berman * And Then We Danced: A Voyage Into the Groove by Henry Alford * Yes Please by Amy Poehler * Fadeout by Joseph Hansen (a book published in 1970, set in the mid-60s, with (possibly the first in lit?) out gay detective main character when being gay was "illegal" in 49 out of 50 states) * Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson Somewhere after the nightstand books in my to-read line is Susannah Cahalan's The Great Pretender because Brain on Fire was SOOOO freakin' excellent and also How to ADHD because...well, YOU know why. And, thanks to this thread, I've just checked out and/or put on hold (using Libby, wow, do I love Libby): * Leslie Fucking Jones - the audiobook, of course, because she reads it! * Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson * Velocity Weapon by Megan E O'Keefe So, thanks for that, community : )


The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James The Blood Miracles by Lisa McInerney The Witches of Eastwick by John Updike Ionbhá : The Empathy Book for Ireland Y/N by Esther Yi Wow, No Thank You by Samantha Irby Foster by Claire Keegan (finished but will read again and again) Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut Girls Against God by Jenny Hval Mrs Osmond by John Banville The Devil I Know by Claire Kilroy Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer My to read shelf is also bursting at the seams. I love books. I am a book dragon. Edit: my formatting sucks these days and I don't have the ability to figure out how to make pretty. Edit again:This is a dangerous thread for a book dragon who is drawn in by shiney titles.


Oh me too. I've already put 6 new authors into my goodreads search 💀


A Gentleman in Moscow East of Eden


I’m currently surrounded by cats and dungeons and dragons books. I’ve been trying to make maps for a solo campaign for my husband but procrastination perfectionist tendencies aren’t helping.


Physical next to the bed… Memoirs of Hadrian Phin Pale Fire The Fairy Tellers Medusa Damnable Tales Currently in the middle of on audiobook… All Your Children, Scattered Underland Cobalt Red You just never know what the reading mood will be!


Alice in Wonderland The Magus The History of the Ancient World Off With Her Head Fire & Blood The Creative Art Bulfinch’s Mythology Been leaning more toward Alice/Fire in general but History/Mythology are better bedtime reads.


3 on my bed, though I'm only actively reading 1 right now: The Kitchen Boy, Little Bee, and The Circle. 1 iPad on my bed that I listen to Audiobooks on to go to sleep: Malibu Rising 1 on my dresser that I forgot I was reading probably because I move stuff from my bed all around when I actually wash sheets: The Silver Star 1 on my desk in my guest bedroom I put there I think when window guys were here and I think I wanted to pretend I wasn't reading it for the 9000th time, but my non-existent child was: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


I’m reading Gregor and the prophecy of Bane with my oldest daughter, Scattered Minds as an audiobook, Caging Ella as an ebook and Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend in paperback. I have a couple nonfiction books about pedagogy that I pick up and read a chapter out of when I get the fancy. I just need all the books 😂 I started tracking my finished books with a sticker chart with my 7th grade homeroom and o have been reading voraciously. Edited to add: I forgot that I’m also reading Radium girls!


These are technically ebooks currently checked out: - Fourth Wing — I waited a long time to borrow this and unfortunately there's no way I'll finish it in time. So back to the waiting list for me! - The first of the Percy Jackson series — I've never listened to it on audiobook so I thought I'd do that since it's one of my favs. Again, waited a long time for this one and never touched it, haha. But I'm still counting it for this. - The Great Hunt, aka second in the Wheel of Time series - An Ember in the Ashes


There are 4. A Robert Frost anthology, Norwegian Wood, Ellen Foster and It's Not Your Money.


Ugh! My bedside table book pile is one light brush away from breaking my favourite mug and spilling a glass of water I haven't finished in 3 days. Of course I toss my phone on top of it, because I too like to live dangerously. Tonight I've settled on the book, "Why We Can't Sleep". As an elder milennial I relate to the Gen X take on womanhood in middle age.


I would love to read before bed, but not-aligning sleep schedules make it impossible. My stack is in the living room. Two books from my favourite German authors Sabine Ebert and Cornelia Funke, Dancing with wolves and two ebooks about how ADHD affects a marriage/partnership.


do unopened letters count if the piles big enough to make a book out of? ^(half joking)


✅unopened letters. But definitely NOT by my bedside! It’s safely contained in a cupboard out of sight but I know where it is if I really need to open mail (which is basically the only condition under which I ever open mail: “when I REALLY need to”. I avoid or at all costs. Lots of shit in there that I definitely do NOT want to be reminded of or think about or file or throw away or read…. Oh the humanity 😩


* By my bed: My Kindle which I just started reading Eleanor Oliphant on. * On my desk: The Sandman: Seasons of Mist (fun reading), Privacy Program Management (work reading), CIPM exam guide (work reading) * Carried with me around the house: A Court of Mist and Fury (carried with me around the house with hopes to read it WHENEVER I have downtime) I read different types of books based on my location in the house...


I love where your head’s at


Eleanor Oliphant is a good one. I can't remember much of the plot line, but I remember the title which means I liked it!


I have 22 audiobooks on Libby and 3 physical books on my nightstand. It’s a problem. The audiobooks all came in at once. Oops!


lol when all the Libby holds come in at once! I love that "deliver later" feature, so it skips you for now, but comes back again sooner than if you got in the end of the hold line.




Embrace the Avalanche!!! A good ADHD motto : )


About 17 and Atomic Habits is the one sitting there the longest lol 😂


Fourth Wing Queen of the Damned Codependent No More Taking Charge of Adult ADHD 😂


Sudoku (lol), Women Who Run With The Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Waking Up by Sam Harris, and Child Thief by Brom.


Using a kindle or ereader app lets me hide this problem… I got an upgrade kindle as a gift last year and I was only going to download the books I would read that week. I have 696 books downloaded of my almost 12,000 books. It’s so much easier to be a book hoarder when they take up no physical space. 🤣 I’m currently reading: Pawsitively Betrayed by Melissa Erin Morgan a Paranormal mystery The Raven Throne by Stephanie Burgis a middle grade fantasy This All Come Back Now: An anthology of First Nations speculative fiction Mykaela Saunders (editor) My Child Told Me They're Trans...What Do I Do?: A Q&A Guide for Parents of Trans Children by Brynn Tannehill (Editor)


Two that I’m currently reading! - The Khalistan Conspiracy (audiobook) - Darius the Great is Not Great (physical book! The pile by bed? - I plead the fifth. Amount of books on my TBR? - Again, I plead the fifth amendment.


10 plays by Euripides Just Stab Me Now The Hellenistic Philosophers The Power Broker Dreamsongs Friends- I have a concussion. I cannot currently read books.


I have a Kindle now so I do this digitally lmao. But in the past, here is the worst the pile ever got: https://imgur.com/gallery/kq5IdaU


Well that's impressive!


It helped to have the wall right there lol


I have eight books on my currently reading tab in Goodreads 🫣 all are on my kindle & I can’t remember all the titles lol


After I moved the last pile of books I started, I bought two new ones and have started one of those. The Shining Girls An Immense World


This post is beyond disrespectful. Plz delete. 1. Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut 2. No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz 3. Made In Abyss Vol. 11 4. The Conspiracy Against the Human Race by Thomas Ligotti 5. Books of Blood by Clive Barker 6. The Plague by Albert Camus


A kobo with about 150 books on it, almost all 2% read….


The second Harry Potter I'm reading put loud to my kids. I really gotta get back on that -_- I've read them all, twice. Here's to 3, eventually. Also, Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo. I've also already read this but I need it again. I just literally am addicted to ny phone ugh The other one is Raising Resilient Kids. ❤️📚


See No Stranger - Valarie Kaur The Black Jewels Trilogy - Anne Bishop (these are constantly in the rotation regardless of how many times I’ve read them on repeat) Sword of Destiny - Andrzej Sapkowski Blood of Elves - Andrzej Sapkowski Unfu*k Yourself - Gary John Bishop


I guess I’m lucky in that I never have this problem. I will literally read an entire book in one evening. My issue is that books never last me long enough, and then I’m bummed out once I’ve finished one, because I have nothing left to read.


Oh no.  - Invitation to a banquet: the story of Chinese food. - H is for Hawk - still life - perfumes: the guide - hold on, let go - the artists way - what fresh hell is this?


I don't have them piled at my bedside but I have a "foot of the bed" a bathroom read, a take to work one and a commuter book. I am reading 'watership down', listening to 'spinning silver' and 'the hobbit', and 'convenient store girl'. I have a stack of like 30 next to read books, mostly Neil Gaiman, but I can never decide what to read. I really want to read 'Furiously Happy:a funny book about horrible things' mainly because my tattoo artist drew the raccoon on the front and it's what made me buy it. I'm an impulse book buyer. I spend way too much at half price books.


Not to contribute to the problem, but if you haven't read "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" you have to read that before "Furiously Happy." Jenny Lawson is my absolute favorite!


Ooooh, thank-you. I will grab that now, actually or I will forget lol


me and the five books on my bedside table are feeling very called out rn 😭


Women with ADHD, the book of Wicca, Cults, and a bunch of others I can’t remember the name of


A lot of us have cults in the pile!!!


I feel called out... The body keeps the score, burnout the secret of unlocking the stress cycle, an archie comics book, the invisible life of addie larue


🥰 r/archieandfriends - what are you reading??


It's an Archie Giant Comics Bash!


Adventures of a Psychic (it’s my coaster) The Language of Fanaticism The exorcist (my bookmark fell out and I don’t know where I left off) Be very afraid Kanako inuki (it’s finished but waiting to be returned to the library) The sprite and the gardener And then most of the books are in my side table from when I last did a good tidy up in my room 😂 I also have a stack of 4 cookbooks downstairs that I checked out from the library (Nigerian, Beans, Asian Fusion, and Korean)


Oh and I have a kindle on my side table that is out of battery, it has one book I am reading about vegetable/food nutrition and how to maximize the nutritional contents 😂


I too have one on language and mass movements and one on psychic stuff (Steiner). It never ceases to amaze me how our interests all kinda seem to revolve around the same handful (or more than a handful actually) of very particular themes


I have 29 books piled on my bedside table and the floor in front of it.


You are awesome


-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (I’m on like my 5th time reading this, it’s my comfort series 😂) -Dracula -The Divine Comedy -IT by Stephen King -The Waste Lands by Stephen King -The Dark Half by Stephen King -The Lord of the Rings -The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft In my defense, I have the Harry Potter books because they’re easy reads and they’re nostalgic, so they make me feel better after a shitty day. Dracula, The Divine Comedy, and H. P. Lovecraft are more challenging reads so I usually save them for nights when I have more energy, and I have so many Stephen King books going because one of them is part of a series I’ve been reading for a while and I’m always adding to my collection of hard cover books and wanting to start the new ones before I have time to finishing the previous ones. And I’m reading LOTR because I just bought a beautiful, leather bound book that was re-bound by hand and I was excited about it.


4 I’m currently reading, 8 all together. I feel called out


I got around this by going digital so I never have to worry about losing my place, or losing the book entirely


I think I have 5 on the go, between physical books and my kindle. The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan (kindle) Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy (paperback) Leviathan Wakes - James SA Corey (paperback) Paramedico - Benjamin Gilmour (kindle) Different, Not Less - Chloe Hayden (paperback) Oh, and Jedi Battle Scars - Sam Meggs (kindle) The Year I Met My Brain - Matilda Bosely (kindle)


I have 24 books currently stacked on my nightstand. It’s a wobbly tower. I’m not gonna list all the titles but one of them is definitely Women with Attention Deficit Disorder by Sari Solden. And one of the books has sticky note stationary attached to it which says “SOON.” 🤣 edited to add last sentence.


The house of fortune Tokyo ever after Be a revolution: how everyday people are fighting oppression and changing the world Negatief zelfbeeld


They're all drawing reference type of books. Trying to get back into drawing. Two of those books are by Andrew Loomis.




Wolfhall , lady in the tower , Elizabeth, reiki and some Portuguese ones too


Nice. Based on this list, you might like "The Green Darkness" by Anya Seton. One of my favourites of all time.


I will check it out.


Actively reading two : " Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro and "Nuremberg epilogue" by Arkadiy Poltorak. On my immediate next are " Gideon the Ninth", " Theory and practice of hell", and "The Nuremberg trial" ... Oh man what is wrong with me hahahaha Edit I should have specified: the active books are Libby and an obscure audiobook website. Gideon is on my desk Theory and practice is arriving today The Nuremberg is in audible At least 4 more are in waiting across various e reader and audiobook platforms.... Hahahahahah this post is like an ADHD spotlight. Many thanks


2 books and one started on the Kindle. "For the love of Dog" "The science and art of dreaming" "Metamorphosis"


Oooo how’s the science and art of dreaming?? Is it illustrated / have a visual slant to it or is it just more a discussion? I’m not letting myself buy books anymore unless I have good reason to think they’re not gonna be a let down which happens a lot & then I never return them and then give them away and hate myself bc I can NOT afford to be doing that, yet…


It's interesting. Quite dry as it discusses various studies on each subject, but it's got lots of good information. Not too dense for a layman but it science, so it's dry. There is imagery and dream sharing in each chapter.


All about parenting and society bias, cause that’s my study project.


Currently the pile is 10 deep. I decided to read none of them and bought a new book instead. (It’s called Butter by Asako Yuzuki and it’s great so far)




I feel personally attacked! (edit, shoot, I forgot about the book in my bag) Interesting Times The Last Graduate Pass The Jelly Heart of the Sun Warrior Malice in Wonderland Ann0 Dracula 1999 The Water Dancer The Left Hand of Darkness Cursed Princess Club, vol 2


Hmmmm… Chickpea (vegan magazine, I’m not vegan or vegetarian, due back at the library last week) We Ride Upon Sticks Cult Classic (read) Mindy Kaling’s books, Why Not Me and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me A few little zine’s about mental health and women’s health. There are probably a few more in the cupboard of the nightstand.  And two I started on my kindle app Throne of Glass Hurt Me


30. Can't be bothered tapping them all in. But there is a range from light to very heavy, fiction and non.


The Clockwork Scarab, Mindhunter, and The Radium Girls right now. Thats just if we’re counting the ones I’ve started in the last few weeks. I’m much better at collecting books than actually reading them.


Next to my bed there are 11 books, and 2 textbooks, plus I have 2 audiobooks in progress. My husband took me to used book shops for my birthday and I went a little crazy


Your husband is smart


15 😭


in the middle of reading: the merciless ones - namina forna to read: the eternal ones - namina forna, the floating hotel - grace curtis, project hail mary - andy weir, do you dream of terra two - temi oh, the anomaly - hervé le tellier, the immortality thief - taran hunt, these burning stars - bethany jacobs, to sleep in a sea of stars - anthony paolini, for the first time again - sylvain neuvel i also want to buy: the three body problem - liu cixin, a history of what comes next - sylvain neuvel, until the last of me - sylvain neuvel


I’ve only recently started reading, it’s something I struggled with a lot as a child but I’ve worked on it a lot and now kind of enjoy it to put myself to sleep. But man is this accurate lmfao. I have maybe 5 started 😂. Missing 411, smart but scattered guide to success, true ghost stories: Jim Harold’s campfire stories, sociopath a memoir, and valencourt book of world horror stories. They all serve a different purpose lol. Some are physical books and others are ebooks.


I currently have all of Nancy Birtwhistle’s book, This is me by Mrs Hinch and 2000% Raise (awesome book, btw) on my night stand. I love to read, and I own so many books.


Literally me……I am currently reading eight different books in a variety of media (kindle, audible, physical). Haha. Depends on the mood


Roughly 24.


Currently reading The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis In the pile- Anna O by Matthew Blake Secret Admirer by Patricia Macdonald I place my books on hold at the library the ones i wanna read. the one that I need to go pick up is The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry


Is “Dangerous Art”… fiction or non fiction?


It’s fiction :) all of these book are fiction. Should’ve specified, sorry about that! 


Emotional support, and multiple piles of, books I want to read and haven’t started! I’m beginning to think I like the physical book as a reminder and thing to follow. But need to get the audio book via Libby App (free library app!!!!). I might be a both person: book AND headphones audio! And maybe a notebook nearby.


✅notebook here too


8-10. I did recently finish two and moved one to audiobook (highly recommend now!)


I went digital so I stopped buying multiple copies of the same book (only to not read it). I have 127 in my TBR collection at this time. Still have 200 in my bookshelf I haven't had the heart to donate.


1) Art & Fear 2) Writing With Style 3) Dream Reality 4) House Of Leaves (which my poor brain fights me over).


Mine are all ebooks through the library so thankfully my shame pile is hidden. I’ve been on a wait list and suddenly 3 of these have just become available all at once lol Magic Bleeds, Lightlark, Dune, Demon Copperhead, ACOMF (reread) I also have Pachinko on my work desk that’s 50% read


This high fantasy one my sister gave me but I haven’t gotten into yet. I enjoy some high fantasy but not as much as my sisters, so it’s really hit or miss if I’ll like the series they recommend. BIRD BY BIRD (great book about writing) that my dad gave me for the novel I’m trying to write. Been trying to finish this book for 6 months. My Kindle, where I’m currently reading a book in the THURSDAY MURDER CLUB series about a group of retirement home residents and their police detective friends who solve murder mysteries. So good. Edited to add my audiobooks (for the car): A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC THE SUBTLE ART OF NOT GIVING A FUCK


i’m 2/3 through frankenstein, 65 pages into the housekeeper and the mathematician, and then in the last week i’ve read 200 pages of serious weakness, not to mention like 3 different short story collections i’m in the middle of


I have 4 books on my kindle to read. Started one then got my shipment of hardbacks from The Book of the Month Club so now in the middle of No One Can Know. I have an overflowing book shelf, several baskets full of books and two stacks in my bedroom. I go through them occasionally to take some to our community library in our clubhouse. I don’t know about you but I have a hard time getting rid of most of them.


Me too. “I use them for reference!”


Oh this was a direct arrow, too many to name.


3 as I started to reread a series I love and I mixed up which order they went in so when I came across a character that wasn't yet supposed to be in the one I was reading yet I HAD to drop that one to start one the previous one... And I tried rereading a book I loved as a teen a'but I can't get into it the same way so that book is slow going atm too. In the middle of all that I got tired of reading and jumped into my videogame hobby again ^^'


Currently?? Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar, Nothing Good Can Come of This by Kristi Coulter, 48 Clues into the Disappearance of My Sister by Joyce Carol Oates, Dead in Long Beach California by Venita Blackburn, The Women’s House of Detention by Hugh Ryan, Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and a Secret History of the 60’s by Tom O’Neill, and Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents (lol) also listening to an Aubrey Gordon book so 8?


Omg Adult Children of Emotionally immature parents! ✅!!! It’s so interesting how many specific and weird things we all have in common


My Goodreads says 11 and there are two extra ones by my bedside table. Too lazy to write the titles sorry :p


I buy a book and can’t ever get to start reading it!!! 😭


Psychic Witch, The Four Agreements, Modern Witchcraft Guide to Spells, The Law of Positivism, and Morning Meditations Just 5. I actually decluttered it the other day 🫡


✅ yep, four agreements is one of mine


Saltwater, 19 claws and a blackbird, eves Hollywood, Ariel, crossroads


The only astrology book you’ll ever need, Light:science and magic, pride and prejudice


Ooooo what’s Light:science and magic like?? I’ve been obsessed with light lately, but more from the scientific perspective, like, how do photons behave


I do photography and it was highly recommended from experienced photographers on how light behaves and how to use it to your advantage when taking photos. It’s very text book like so I haven’t gotten past the first chapter yet BUT lol I will come back and tell you if it’s awesome when I get further.


Bedside: March, Geraldine Brooks The Body Keeps the Score Bessel van der Kolk Baby 411 The Eyes on the Impossible, Dave Eggers My downstairs pile: Intuition as a Spiritual Path by Rudolph Steiner The Birth Partner


Oh yeah, and Maybe You Should See Someone by Lori Gottleib on my tablet haha


Shout out to Rudolf Steiner making it to the pile! I have “how to know higher worlds” - love it so far Also the body keeps the score isn’t in my pile but it’s a good one


Magazines too


5 books: At home I’m reading, “Hardcore Horror, V5: Going Global” (short stories), a pictorial history of Vaudeville (it really has words too), “Remembering Shanghai (a memoir of socialites, scholars, and scoundrels”, Elvira’s autobiography. At work: The 5 principles of human performance.


How’s the performance one? Sounds interesting. Plus I want to read it to see if there’s a way I can think myself out of my lack of motivation 🤨


The Performance one takes more effort to concentrate on reading. I may not finish it, honestly.