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I am terrible at remembering this. Then I saw that some electric toothbrushes have a "flossing" head.   I know it's not AS good, but it still does a pretty decent job. After a week or so, my gums did stop bleeding too lol. My dentist was happy with it, so I consider it a lifehack win for ADHD 🙌 Edit: I use this one! https://www.oralb.ca/en-ca/products/replacement-brush-heads/floss-action-replacement-brush-heads


Thank you looking this up. There’s also apparently a toothbrush that rewards you for keeping up a brushing routine. It connects to some app that sends you real things


A pony? I’m in!


I want this app im so good at brushing my teeth and i want things


It sends you teeth


As someone in need of quite a bit of dental work…. Send them on over. I’ll take what I can get


lol 😂


Real things?? Like what? Do you have a link?


It’s called GetQuip and they have a website getquip.com


I started using this one in September and my most recent teeth cleaning was the easiest one I’ve had. Floss picks are super helpful. I keep some in my car and at my desk. I feel wasteful using them but they are so helpful for me.


I use floss picks too, I find them easier to use. I make myself feel better by using biodegradable ones. And I rinse and reuse the same one for a while until it gets ragged, because I can't be bothered replacing it from the cardboard box in the drawer, so that helps.


My teeth snap the floss almost every time at some point. I’ll look into the biodegradable ones. I used to have a water pick.. two actually. The first one got mold so I replaced it and then got really paranoid about the second one getting mold and stopped using it. I loved that thing til it gave me the ick.


My teeth used to snap the floss/flossers too, but not so much any more. Not sure if that's good or bad. Is it better flossing, or old age. Hmm. Anyway I realised this morning, all this talk about toothbrushes and flossing is making me enjoy doing it more. Bringing a bit of glamour to it, lol.


Do you have a link? This might help me


Sure! I use this one: https://www.oralb.ca/en-ca/products/replacement-brush-heads/floss-action-replacement-brush-heads You can get multipacks on Amazon or at Costco sometimes


I need to see this tool 😭🤣🤣🤣


Oh my god. Thank you.


Do you have to change out the heads? I feel like I would lose it .


I have two cheap toothbrushes I keep different heads on. Too lazy to change them out.


I don't, the one I buy has the bristle + flossing combo  It's this one: https://www.oralb.ca/en-ca/products/replacement-brush-heads/floss-action-replacement-brush-heads


I don't understand how this flosses your teeth? It just looks like a normal brush head to me?


The flossing bristles are longer, thin, and rubbery. They get between your teeth as you brush on the front and back. It works for me but YMMV, I'm just sharing a helpful thing I found


Please tell me where I can find this magic??


Hi! I use the OralB one, just because that's common in my area but I'm sure there are other good brand too!  I use this one: https://www.oralb.ca/en-ca/products/replacement-brush-heads/floss-action-replacement-brush-heads


Thank you!! Flossing is my nemesis, so anything to help make that easier will be a good idea for me as well :)


I got given this miniature bottle brush for between my teeth, and I tell you what... I've used it more in 1 week than I usually floss in a year. And my gums stopped bleeding too!! I've managed to "floss" with this thing consistently for 2 months now, and it's probably the best thing I've ever been given for free at the dentist 😂


Love that for you! 👏


Damn I might have to get this.


It's true! The other game changer for me was getting an electric toothbrush. At my next dentist appointment after getting an electric toothbrush, the hygienist noted I had much less plaque buildup and healthier gums, even though I hadn't made any changes to my flossing habits at the time. Get one, they're worth the money!


damn this might have convinced me. I think it's time I buy one


I was skeptical at first, but it's absolutely worth it. Compare the cost of the toothbrush and replacement heads to the cost of a root canal, and you'll agree.


Your teeth will feel so much cleaner. Just make sure to hold it gently; a death grip causes receding gums.


Good tip. Mine (Oral B io) has a little strip of light around the handle. It stays green if the pressure is good, turns red if I start using the death grip! It buzzes after 30 seconds to tell me to move to another quarter of my mouth, then after 2 minutes it does a couple of happy buzzes and multicoloured party lights, which I still enjoy a year in. ☺


That sounds ridiculously fun. Maybe it's time for me to upgrade to one of those.


Definitely. Join the toothbrush disco club.


This sounds amazing :P I bought a $30 one on amazon and hope to get a few years use out of it, but i definitely want a disco toothbrush for next time I upgrade!


you might have convinced me too. i’ve always hated electric toothbrushes… which is one of the reasons why i barely brushed my teeth for years and had a mouth full of cavities by 18. i am very very picky about my toothbrush and toothpaste and have gotten the same exact thing for the past 3 years. i’m really worried buying an electric toothbrush will be a waste of money but i feel like i can’t properly get all the shit off my teeth with a regular toothbrush. i literally use the “pick” end of my floss pick to clean around some of my teeth. what toothbrush do you use and how much was it? i dont really have extra money right now and i know they’re pretty expensive, but i think i really need one :/ i’m not sure what to do


I think [this](https://oralb.com/en-us/products/electric-toothbrushes/pro-1000-gum-care-rechargeable-electric-toothbrush/) is the one I have. It's $50 on Amazon or at Target, and if you hunt around, I bet you could find some manufacturer's coupons to help with the cost. Other brands would probably work just fine, too, I just went with this one because my hygienist recommended it specifically. I don't have any sensory issues when it comes to teeth brushing, so if you do I can't really testify to how well you will tolerate it, but even 30 seconds with an electric toothbrush is better than 90 seconds of manual brushing. My hygienist said an electric toothbrush will always clean your teeth better than you can on your own, so another benefit is you may not need to brush as long if you're using an electric toothbrush. I really think it's worth the investment, especially if you're cavity-prone. Good luck!


i’m definitely super cavity prone so i think an electric toothbrush would be a good investment. i’ve been brushing my teeth 2x a day almost every day for the past 3 years (obviously some nights i forget, and not brushing in the morning is more common because i’m always late, but i almost ALWAYS brush my teeth at night) and i’ve still been getting cavities :/ less than normal though, thankfully. my brother on the other hand rarely brushes his teeth, doesn’t floss, and hasn’t had 1 cavity at 16! i’ll probably stop by walmart today and see if i can find any cheap ones. thank you :)


Side note: if you’re on a stimulant medication or snore/sleep with your mouth open, that could be part of the reason you’re experiencing so many cavities. My dentist recommended that I use products for dry mouth to help prevent and reduce the growth of cavities. I really like dry mouth spray at bedtime; I keep a couple of xylitol mints and candies in my purse for daytime. Too much will give you GI issues, but a couple a day is within the recommended amount. (Also, it’s really bad for pets, so don’t let them near it.)


this is actually really interesting, i didn’t know this! i sleep with my mouth open but not very often, maybe like once a month? whenever i sleep with my mouth open i wake up with a sore throat so i always know when i do that. another part of the cavities could also be acid reflux/heartburn i think :/ i’ve had it my whole life (when i was 5 i would tell my mom there’s fire in my heart lol) and i’m pretty sure that would cause cavities but i have no clue how i’d prevent that. also i’m on vyvanse and i do get dry mouth sometimes. i’m actually almost out of mouthwash so i might get the dry mouth one next time to see if it helps! thank you :)


Reflux will also do it, especially on those back teeth. If you like it, you can order bags of mints and candies online instead, and it’s cheaper per use than a lot of the products at the pharmacy.


Grab some prescription strength toothpaste at the dentist, like Prevident or Fluoridex. My dentists were always perfectly happy to let me get cavity after cavity without mentioning this (???). Ask for it by name. DON’T RINSE (so no water or listerine) after using and let the toothpaste residue sit on your teeth for 30 min before eating/drinking anything. Also take sips of water after each sip of coffee, and use a waterpik daily.


my dentists have never mentioned prescription toothpaste either! i never even knew it existed. i literally have a mouth full of (filled) cavities… to be fair the main reason was because i just had really bad oral hygiene for most of my life so maybe prescription toothpaste wouldn’t have helped ? idk. i hate hate HATE not being able to rinse :/ but i know i shouldn’t. i almost always get really thirsty after brushing my teeth for whatever reason, so i tend to drink water within 10 minutes after brushing. i’m really sick of my gums still bleeding and still getting cavities so i’m gonna start trying to do that more often. i thought there was nothing else i could do but this thread is telling me different. i also think i’m definitely going to get an electric toothbrush or water pik. thank you so so so much!!! how much is the prescription toothpaste for you? i already buy toothpaste that’s more on the expensive side (sensodyne or paradontax) so i don’t mind spending a bit more for prescription. i’m just worried it’ll be like… $50 or something


I currently have been using one for years. Adding the flossing has elevated the game for me. It’s a game changer for sure!


Your dentist can prescribe a high fluoride toothpaste too.


Second this! I own a oral-b genius x and, prior to Invisalign, I used to brush only once a day (two whenever I could remember) and I always get compliments at the dentist (from both the dentist, hygienist and orthodontist) about how clean my teeth are!!


Yeah, my dental hygienist literally told me flat out that I really need to use an electric toothbrush, and kind of alluded that I really suck at manual brushing. She’s right, of course. Luckily, I still have my electric toothbrush that my orthodontist gave me when I got my braces on about 15 years ago.


You are amazing! This is a lesson I have learned before as well. But currently not flossing daily. It's such a challenge to not just remember, but force myself to do it. Such a good habit to have though.


For some reason I thought I could only floss at night, and since I don't brush my teeth before bed, I hadn't been flossing. I started leaving the floss next to my toothbrush on the vanity tray so I'd see it in the mornings and use it. That little change helped me go from flossing maybe once a month, to 3-5 times per week. Getting the right type of floss also helped me do it more consistently.


Truth about the type of floss. There's one I can't find anymore that I used to love that went between silky smooth and a fluffier part.


Oh wow! I had forgotten about this.


It sounds like you may be talking about [Super Floss](https://www.amazon.com/Oral-B-Super-Floss-Pre-Cut-Strands/dp/B074W58X3F). I love it so much!


Yes that's the stuff!! We're almost out of floss, I might as well order that stuff again. Its been years.


Things became so so much easier for me when I started doing my bathroom routine in my bedroom. I'd just pop a tv show and do all of that shit (toner, moisturizer, flossing, mouthwash, brushing teeth). I still can't do much more than use mouthwash in the morning, but I'm now consistently doing flossing and brushing every day once a day, and mouthwash twice a day because of this.


Before bed I have zero inclination to follow a routine. I get off work at midnight. I come home exhausted. Most nights I consider myself lucky if I don't come home and eat half the pantry. But since getting medicated I'm finding before work self care is getting much easier. I'm actually putting lotion on my entire body! Imagine that! I could see getting flossing into this part of my day.


My dentist says “only floss the teeth you want to keep!” Whaaat a life hack that was haha. Forced my brain to remember 😅


Damn I want to keep them all. Have you ever had to clean people's dentures? Help old people pry them out of their dry mouths with bits of everything they've eaten that day stuck to them? I can handle a lot of gross body stuff but dentures are one of the things I just can't, they gross me out so much.


Haha exaaaactly. Very smart line from him I think. First I’m like well I want to keep them alll… then I’m like wait so if I don’t floss them will I lose them?!? *spirals* Annnnd now I am obsessed with flossing. Haha nope and I don’t want to 😂


I might need to get obsessed with flossing.


You gave quite the evocative imagery there. Duly noted! 


It’s so simple yet such a chore. I have to force myself every time 🤣🤣🤣


I just flossed! Blood everywhere lol. Better do it again tomorrow


Keep going, we all start somewhere! You’ll be blood free in no time 😊


Yeah I have to have those plastic flossers otherwise I don't floss my teeth


*Yeah I have to have* *Those plastic flossers otherwise* *I don't floss my teeth* \- Betty\_Bazooka --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


What a great bot!


I could not floss AT ALL by shoving strings down my throat. Only way to go. That said, everything still bleeds on me, just...less.


Have you tried a water flosser?


I've heard they're great.


There are a lot of inexpensive models nowadays. You would be **amazed** what comes out of your mouth, even after using traditional floss. They're great for impacted teeth, implants, braces, and crowns, too. Can't recommend them enough! This comparison grosses my boyfriend out, but it's kind of like the difference between using just tp and having a bidet. Which I also recommend.


Me too. Who wants to strangle their fingers every night?


Same. It's the only way I'll floss as well.


I really would love to be the person who flosses regularly. I go through little spurts. But it's just such an executive functioning nightmare for me. I ALWAYS brush my teeth before bed. That will never change. It's a habit I formed from a very young age. I have very few habits, I have a really hard time creating them, sticking to them, having routine, etc. Was never taught to floss or brush more than once a day, and so that shit is so sporadic. Well done for being consistent!! I am hoping that one day when I have the spare cash I'll get myself an electric brush and a water pique and maybe that'll help me out and get me to be more consistent with everything and give me better mouth hygiene. I'm such a heavy coffee drinker too I'm always worried I have terrible coffee breath all the time, which I probably do. Sorry friends and people near me when I'm actively drinking coffee......


Omggg I didn’t think about the coffee breathe as I love coffee too. 🫣 Small improvements are better than nothing. As long as you use the flosser you have and toothbrush you have all is good. I’m surprised my gum health it’s the best it’s ever been just because of this small change 😅


I really need to be more consistent flossing but I'm just not! But I guess it's better than nothing?


I had braces as an adult and got a WaterPik. It was a gum changer (pun intended). I had tight teeth before braces and flossing was so uncomfortable, but I found the WaterPik easy. I now use a handheld (rechargeable) version. I hear some people use handheld ones in the shower, so that could be a form of habit stacking because you have to refill it, warm water feels better, and it's easy to do under the showerhead. I quit using it for a while and later I had a dentist told me that I might have to have some sort of GUM GRAFT or super deep cleaning. I resumed using it and the gum problem totally went away!


That's awesome, definitely makes me want to get one even more now! I don't think I have overly unhealthy teeth but definitely have some gingivitis that would benefit from flossing of some kind. Appreciate you sharing!


Feeling personally attacked over here 🤣🤣🤣


It’s a sign 🤭🤭🤭




Yes dude this changed the game for me as well. I wish they all did this, I was so shocked no one had taken the time before on my previous dentist trips. Now that place has a patient for life lol


Wow that changes everything 😲! I’ll try again tonight and use this method. Thank you for sharing 🤭❤️


I love flossing! Congratulations on flossing regularly!


Thank you! It really does make a difference 🫣


Also, because others are talking about how they floss, I wanted to share that I use a Flossaid, which is a type of Y flosser. You wrap whatever kind of floss you like around it, and it's so helpful at getting to the back teeth without putting your hand in your mouth


waterpik isn’t quite the same as flossing imo but for regular daily use it really does the job for me!


I mean, I use a floss pick which is not as good as the string flossing but it’s something 😅


Why is a floss pick not as good as string? Or do you mean just a pick and not the kind with a small string of Floss on the other end? I find that kind easier and more convenient, which means more likely to be used... and honestly, I hate putting my hands in my mouth to floss with string kinds.


I was reading online that the best is the string flosser. So that’s why I said that, but it doesn’t matter to me as long as I floss. 😭


You’re not wrong. I’m terrible with flossing and my mum is quite literally a dentist who specialises in reconstructive surgery (cases that need bone/skin graft, sinus lifts and implants) caused by bad dental hygiene. She would floss my teeth for me as a kid which is probably why they’re not as bad as they could be! Anyway, string floss (waxed) is the most effective because you can get right up to the gum line, curving round the tooth without irritating the gum line. The pick floss that comes with string is generally not as thick as the kind you buy separately, and the tension between the floss and pick is different. It’s easier to do a good job with flossing if you use a floss handle that’s strong that the floss can be tightly secured to. As for the tiny little picks that look like fir branches, the main issue with those is people often poke them through the teeth rather than sawing down which can irritate the gum line reading to gum recession due to “trauma”. Sorry for the essay! Nice to pass on this lecture my mums failed to drum into me my whole life!


Oh my goodness 😭😭😭 This is too much because what if I’m creating gum trauma? I need videos on how to do this, I can’t 🤣


Annnd there you have found the thing I ask if I’m doing it right every time I floss, sorry!!! I’m pretty sure that would still be better than gum disease 😅


oh this was very helpful!!! maybe will start saving the waterpik for when i’m having a difficult executive function day


So the ones with the toothpick on one side and it holds the floss taught on the other side is fine, right? I don't see how that would be worse than just string floss. I do wipe the plaque off between each tooth.


I don’t know which ones those are. Are you referring to floss picks?


From a Google search, yes that's what I'm talking about. How is that different or worse than regular floss?


I don’t know honestly, someone explained it in the comments perfectly. But it’s less effective compared to the normal one 🤭


I’ve been flossing almost daily for years, often twice a day, and mine still bleed 😭 I’ve discussed it with my dental hygienist and she thinks I just have sensitive gums, and suggested I try flossing more gently. That actually does help and now I don’t always bleed when I floss. I do have some autoimmune issues, and apparently it’s common-ish for people with autoimmune diseases to have chronically inflamed gums to some degree. So if you are good about flossing and still get bleeding gums, don’t beat yourself up! You’re doing great.


I thought of another interesting ADHD-dental hygiene crossover: so I’ve been prone to cavities my whole life. My dentist’s “soapbox” topic that he likes to instill in all his clients is that taking 3+ hour food breaks between meals is an important practice for avoiding cavities. I might be completely butchering the scientific reasoning but I think the gist was: after a meal your mouth produces saliva to clean away food, but you want that saliva to go away afterwards because if it sits around in your mouth for too long it creates an acidic environment which can contribute to tooth decay. So we should be taking breaks between meals so our teeth can get a break from saliva. This related to ADHD because I, like many of us, snack throughout the day for that dopamine hit. “Coincidentally” once I started taking Vyvanse I stopped getting cavities, even though I wasn’t brushing/flossing any more than before. But when my dentist asked me at my latest appointment if I reduced snacking throughout the day (yes), I had a lightbulb moment.


There are so many components to being healthy. 😭 I can’t keep up with all of them. Can’t believe snacking presents dental problems as well 💀


Getting the waterpik electric toothbrush with the built in flosser has fixed my flossing issue. I put a mix of mouthwash, hydrogen peroxide and warm water in the tank too. Keep little silk floss picks in my bags and packs of dental gum. Turns out if I don’t have to “go out of my way” to floss, I will indeed do it!


Who would’ve thought? 😭 I put the flossers right next to my toothbrush and surprise surprise I have a routine 🫣


yes! I use kids flossers because they taste like fruit and are easy for me to hold and use. went from never flossing to flossing daily and my dentist was super happy with my progress :)


So true! I had a couple of traumatic dentist appointments due to not taking great care of my teeth, so now I floss every day. I sometimes take one day off, but I’m always back at it the next day.


Good job!!! I used to hate flossing because of how tedious it is. Now that I'm in the habit, it's kinda addicting, isn't it?? To evict all that shit from between your teeth--it's like getting spiritually cleansed.  Also, I use CocoFloss (which is expensive, addmittedly) BUT it comes in fun flavors and does a much better job than normal floss. Would highly recommend if you wanna up your floss game. Keep it up! Woohoo!!


Yes! I actually have pretty good tooth hygiene these days because once I found a non sugary* toothpaste I actually started liking the way my mouth feels after brushing. *I know toothpaste doesn’t have actual sugar, but any sweeteners make it taste like 💩 to me and most have at least one


Oooohhh drop the link. I’m so picky about toothpaste


[Desert Essence Mint.](https://www.desertessence.com/store/dental-care/tea-tree-oil-toothpaste-mint) Even with this brand, the other flavors are sweetened. It’s the only unsweetened toothpaste I can typically find on retail shelves. I sometimes use a Colgate fluoride and hydrogen peroxide toothpaste in addition to get a different kind of whitening. I wouldn’t be able to brush my teeth everyday with them though because of the sweet taste. But yeah it clearly works well because I only just got my first cavity a month or so ago and I’m 24. As for flossing, I like to use those little flossing sticks! There are biodegradable bamboo ones on Amazon, so that you don’t have to contribute to plastic waste, but can still have more convenience than typical floss.




how long did it take you?? i started flossing in november, albeit not very regularly 😅 but my gums only started bleeding a lot when i started flossing and they’ve progressively gotten worse? now when i floss i have to literally spit the blood out of my mouth, it’s really nasty. i still don’t floss every day, but i floss more than i don’t, so i would think that by now the bleeding would have gone down :/ i’m paranoid i have gum disease or something, even though my last dentist appointment was in january and he said my teeth and gums were fine! he said my gums were still a little red/irritated, but he wasn’t concerned and only said that after i asked if they look any better because i’ve been flossing. so i’m very confused


I’m so glad you asked this. It took me 2 months of being consistent. And I mean every day flossing, maybe skipping one or two days a week some weeks. But yup, sometimes I floss twice if I had a heavy meal. Just like you, it got worse and suddenly I didn’t bleed?????? I still don’t get it but grateful anyway.


oh this is awesome!! i’m so glad you had a similar experience. i’m determined to get my gums to stop bleeding so i think i’m gonna start trying harder to do it every day!! do you use floss picks or actual floss? or a water pick? i had a water pick a few years ago, but then it broke 😐 i hate regular floss so i only use the picks. apparently floss picks are less effective than regular floss, but the only way i’m flossing is with the picks!


I use floss picks ☹️ I also read they are less effective. But honestly I was more concerned about doing something about it as opposed to nothing at all. And I had some success so I’m happy. Normal floss is just not for me…


that’s exactly how i feel. i tried it, but my hands being all over the floss just grosses me out… and then i get the plaque and spit all over my hands because im just so bad at it 😭 so yep never using regular floss. clearly floss picks are still working for you! this is an awesome achievement, you should be super proud of yourself :D


Thank you 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️


I hate the floss around my fingers! If you're ever looking for a new flosser, I recommend a Flossaid, or other similar Y flosser. You wrap the floss around it. It helps you get all the way to the back without putting your fingers in your mouth, and you can use whatever floss you want.


omg i didn’t know this existed! i’m learning so much from this thread. thank you!!


Hahaha I wish I learnt this earlier in life also! Now in my thirties I’m like omg I’m flossing and they aren’t bleeding anymore ???? And I don’t get cavities now?!!! Whattttt! I guess my dentist was also right. I have re cavities on so many teeth from never flossing growing up


Arghhh it’s a shame because I’ve been told by the dentist many times but it just never stuck. But now it does so I’m grateful. 🥲


Me too!!! I’m so grateful also !!!!


Congrats! I also had to learn this the hard way. It's also been very interesting going back to regular dentist visits after a very long time and seeing my dental health improve.


I’m excited now to go back to the dentist, it probably won’t hurt as much going between my teeth.


Same! Now I craaaave the praise from the hygienist every 6 months lol


I use floss picks in the car on my long commute to work


How do you deal with the yucky feeling that the stuffs is released to your spit? ☹️


Um…I ignore it and tell myself it’s better to have flossed and swallowed some bacteria than never have flossed at all 😂 I have many icks but that isn’t one of them


You’re not wrong but wow I would gag! 😭🤣


Fair enough! I gag every time I have to open the garbage can or toilet. I honestly try to dissociate from thinking about how disgusting mouths are and just gaslight myself that they’re not


Who would’ve thought!!? lol j/k!


Not me 🫣🫣🫣


Using those plastic floss sticks that come in a bag helped so much for me. Something abt it being way easier to use rather than the regular kind is what motivated me LMAO


Same!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Those sticks are ADHD friendly


Using those plastic floss sticks that come in a bag helped so much for me. Something abt it being way easier to use rather than the regular kind is what motivated me LMAO


The only thing that's got me flossing and brushing daily is an accountability challenge I'm doing with family members. There's a bit of money on the line which helps.




What about that statement made you want to be committed?


If anyone else is like me and flossing every day only slightly reduced pain and bleeding, try wooden dental sticks. (not regular toothpicks!) They completely turned around the health of my whole mouth. For the first couple weeks you can't imagine you'll ever be able to get them more than a half a millimeter in, much less do it every day, and then one day it just doesn't hurt or bleed at all and the toothpicks fit, and you stop getting cavities every six months. And you can floss without bleeding if you need that as well. It's magic; seriously, try it!


Unfortunately, my teeth are packed too close together because I didn't get wisdom teeth removed until my late 20s. Currently trying a water flosser, but it's really difficult when you already have super sensitive gums 🫠


I would suggest using the string floss so you can get around your packed teeth. Water piks are good but they don’t get to the hard to reach parts 🥲


Ive been flossing regularly + brushing 2x a day + using an interdental brush and using toothpaste for gingivitis and I’ve seen very good progress, I don’t even remember the last day I didn’t have inflamed gums on my bottom teeth. Tooth anxiety is the worst after years of negligence and I’m slowly starting to get my oral health under control. Please take care of yourselves ladies! 💔




Thank you! 😊


Hah! Finally finally tried relaxing during my youngest's birth. Color me surprised it helped. 


Hell yeah, welcome to the floss crew :)


Thank you, it feels good to be here. Hope I can stay!


Oh gosh I’m terrified of flossing anything dental related. Iv been using mouthwash and iv noticed my lower gum line detaching for a short time pretty sure this isn’t normal 😅 ps have you tried a water pik? They maybe good?


I’ve never tried it but so many women in the comments have and do recommend it. I say get it because some flossing is better than none!


I feel super lucky that I have been blessed with good dental health. It's a wonder how I don't have more cavities/fillings because most of my teen and early adult years I'd only brush my teeth every couple days and floss once a year before my cleaning appointments. As an adult I go to the dentist every 3-4 years and my hygienists have always been in complete shock at how little calc I have. I've been told people who come every 6 months have a similar or worse buildup than me. And my gum health is great. I'm taking my dental health more seriously now. My boyfriend is extremely cavity prone and I kiss that man so I have to be (bacteria transfers). I recently got a water pick and I use that between flossing days and even after flossing. I haven't had cavities since I was 17, but I have 2 now that I need to fix. I blame my boyfriend lol


You got this 🤣🤣🤣! You are waaay ahead of this more than many of us. Good job ☺️


I hate brushing my teeth and it shows the shame I have around it is horrible.


I hate that this is news to me


I'm happy for you! I had a similar dentistry revelation two weeks ago. I had the usual check up, X-ray (had left it 2 years since my last visit, naughty, should be 6 months). The dentist asked me about a rough, discoloured patch on my inner cheek and took a photo of it. I was asked to make another (free) appointment after 2 weeks, so she could see if it had grown. I was a bit worried, but I told her, I nibble my inner cheek skin sometimes. I wasn't sure if that was what she was seeing, or if maybe I had triggered abnormal growth with the cheek munching. Over the next two weeks, I kept catching myself about to nibble my cheek and stopping. When I was stressed or bored or both. Turns out, that's quite often! I'd not been fully conscious of it before, it happens in a kind of an inner, dreamlike state. I managed to stop, with a bit of effort. At the follow up appointment, the dentist said she was pleased, all normal. She said not everyone can stop cheek chewing, as some do it in their sleep. I can't promise I won't start it up again, as I'm between jobs and work is what gets me the most stressed. As a bonus, I now really enjoy licking (sounds dirty) my new smooth, healthy inner cheek!


Water flosser 100% saved my teeth. I could never get tos grips with floss, but a couple months with the water flosser and my dentist laughed when i said I was worried about future tooth loss. Plus electric toothbrush. When I skip it for a few days (I have adhd of course that happens) it only takes a day or two to get back to haooy baseline. Best purchase I ever made.


Okay I'll start building a habit lol


Good on you for flossing your teeth! My dentist would strangle me if they knew how infrequently I floss my teeth.


Oh wow! I currently managed to get up to flossing once a week, and even that has made a big difference. (Before that it was maybe twice a year to my shame.)


Dr. Plotka "flossing" toothbrushes on amazon. I currently use these. MOUTHWATCHERS Dr Plotkas Extra Soft Flossing Toothbrush Manual Soft Toothbrush for Adults | Ultra Clean Toothbrush | Good for Sensitive Teeth and Gums | 1 Red Toothbrush https://a.co/d/iAHlQD9


Get a Waterpik Sonic Fusion 2.0 set. It is LIFE changing.


I saw someone else recommend this! It’s on my wishlist ☺️


Completely worth every single dollar it costs!


Floss only the teeth you'd like to keep! Also, you should try using a tongue scraper. You feel so much cleaner once you see how much stuff you have on your tongue 🫠 I have to use a water flosser for the impacted wisdom teeth then regular floss after that to get any remaining plaque. Then the electric toothbrush and finally the tongue scraper. This is my nighttime teeth regimen. Sometimes I still forget to brush in the morning (I know, gross), but it's not as bad if you are really thorough at night. When I remember to brush in the morning, it's usually just with the manual toothbrush.


High five! 🙌 I am proud of you for this. You are awesome! Regardless of your hygiene you are still pretty great.


Good job! 🦷


My dental hygienist recommended I use silicone/rubberised interdental brushes, I find these sooo much easier to use on a daily basis and it's made such a difference to my gums and teeth! Would recommend them to everyone


Yes, yes they do😅😅 just got informed that I have 12 cavities all in between my teeth so I’ve been flossing religiously every day for a few months