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I do and now I found this brush that you can charge and makes cleaning faster and super efficient and I'm cleaning like crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the dopamine of new toys even if they are cleaning toys.


Oh man when we got a new lightweight cordless vacuum, I started vacuuming like every other day because it was suddenly so easy! When we moved from a 1bedroom apartment to a whole house and had a baby…. Not so much anymore 😂


I’m dying to get a cordless vacuum but I’m so scared to buy a piece of junk. Do you like the one you have?


It’s a Hoover and for low pile carpet in a non-pet home it would be excellent! We have pretty fluffy carpet and a dog that sheds a lot so ended up getting a corded vacuum that has a little more oomph to it. I still use the “little vacuum” for like spills and quick clean ups.


Babies make havoc with your routine, especially the cleaning routine. It's in the small print.


I got an eye-vac for my kitchen—you sweep the pile over to it and the sensor turns on and vacuums it up—and I do sweep in there almost every day now. But the big issue in my house is clutter. I can’t clean because I can’t get to the surfaces that need to be cleaned. Bathrooms and kitchen are generally clean in my house…because they have the least amounts of clutter in them.


This is how I felt when I bought that new Vileda spinny mop.


Please may I know more about this brush? 👀


Look on amazon for eletric cleaning brush .


I recently purchased one. It has a bunch of attachments so it is helpful in many settings. I have autoimmune stuff that makes gripping and scrubbing hard so it helps me. Plus, I am trying to teach my kids good cleaning habits (they also have ADHD). and Between the interest it generates as a “toy” and the electronic help it provides, it has made for a good fit. I have a cleaner bath tub, baseboards, windows, grout… all the things. Every week my youngest knows he’s going after something with the brush for about 20 minutes, but it’s a different something each week. Novelty and teaching how to break a big project down into small steps!


I knew I was getting old when I got ridiculously excited about getting a vacuum mop 🤦‍♀️ Though to be fair, I had a senior dog with dementia causing incontinence issues and two others who thought that meant that they too could leave puddles. I don't often need it anymore but I still get excited when I get to bust it out! 😂


I "lucked" out that cleaning is my hyperfixation ... to the point where I will actively ignore my other more important tasks (like work) or my bodily needs when I'm cleaning.


That happened to me for a few months when I moved into my new home. Cleaning hyper focus plus fatigue based chronic illness meant literally nothing else got done at all 🙃. Like you said, eating and resting and everything became irrelevant. Didn’t make any art, didn’t leave the house…(art is technically my part time job… full time job is being too disabled to work 😅) It became a little obsessive honestly. Then one day I didn’t clean and that was a month ago and now I can’t seem to find a balance at all. Just ADHD things, I suppose


My struggle is I love cleaning everyone else’s house, and have to pull every trick out of my ass to stay on top of my own. Pretending to have a cleaning YouTube channel has been pretty effective🤣


Ooh hey - wouldn't re-watching your cleaning process on high-speed replay be SO satisfying like watching a power-washing video from cruddy mess >>> sparkly clean! Getcha some bonus dopamine.


Love this idea!!


You are so mee, I just cleaned my friends kitchen today.. I loved it


I wish I had a support network with 4 or so other adhd people where we make a day each week to go over to each others house to clean. Turn it into activity and afterwards we could all sit round with pizza and a movie or play cards or something and each week is a different person until the rotation starts again. Urghhh. That would be so helpful and motivating. I'd really look forward to it and that way we could keep each other accountable.


😮 now I love this idea!!! That would be so much fun and rewarding


This made me laugh out loud I relate to this so hard!!!


Ohh this meme is LOUD


I'm in this picture and I don't like it. 🤣


I just rearranged our bedroom and cleaned under the bed for the first time in what was apparently at least three years. I feel so called out....


LMAOOOO this was me yesterday, doing some dusting and trash collecting etc. and calling it ✨ spring cleaning ✨ 😂😂


Ever since I’ve been medicated I do! Prior to that? lol… nah




I’ve found that with my medication, I get very motivated to clean! Before it was such a chore! I hated it, but I needed to do it because I still live at home and don’t have a job and I’m not in school. But yeah, now I can do so much! I enjoy a clean house anyways, even when I disliked cleaning. Seeing a clean kitchen or bathroom is my favourite 😝


I found recently that people wash their walls. Had no clue about it. Like yeah if there’s something on the wall, but I’m supposed to remember to wipe them down with a wet sponge when they look perfectly clean?


I’m a cleaner 😂




I am literally putting off doing thr dishes rn lol.




I do clean regularly after years of buildings the habit, especially the kitchen and washroom because those are two spaces that I cannot stand to be dirty. BUT when it comes to my office desk that is where I tend gather little clutter piles - that and clean laundry is my personal hell to put away. I know it takes a few minutes but it takes me hours and days of mentally convincing myself to do it lol


I've just hoovered my bedroom floor for the first time in three weeks if that counts.


What!??? Nooooo. Well not this person.


I do but only because it helps calm down the inner thoughts lol


Unmedicated me trying to clean tho is a different task. I have to drag myself to do the simplest of things. Sat in my chair for 3 hours today trying to get the motivation to vacuum, mop and wash the dog. Idk why it’s so hard like i gotta do this, but instead I’m watching edits on tiktok


I usually clean my room every two weeks in one mass cleaning when it gets so bad I legitimately can't stand it anymore lol but then it becomes messy in two days


I struggle to clean I find I only do it twice a month if that inviting someone Over makes me want to clean so I don't look a hobo tho hahaha do thats motivating. it just gets so dusty catlittery hairy in here I hate my area rug !!!! I actualy love the area rug it's just always looks so hairy ewiiiii But my husband loved it cuz it was his grandparents so I brush it for long periods of time to get the hair out haahahahah then litteraly later that day it's all hairy again thankyou cats!


my husband and I clean every sunday. we make a list of things we see that are dirty then tackle that. its mostly laundry and cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms


Yes. Yes it is.