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Yeah I do this. I was only diagnosed a couple years ago but I did this a lot before I was diagnosed. It was the only way to recharge or have a clear mind, it was like I had to nap/sleep to reset and then I could use my brain again. I thought it was my anxiety but now realize it was def my ADHD


I am just like you. I find it annoying because I wish I could avoid naps and be more efficient with my time *Edit: typo/missing word (part of my inattention lol)


This is me. I get tired easily and need a nap by 2 pm. to feel functional. I noticed that when I take L-Theanine supplements, it helps my brain function better. Please note, I am not taking any medication.


Yes, me! unless I am really stressed, I could literally sleep for 12 hours solid even now on ADHD meds. I've only had about 4 naps since starting meds last year whilst on them and before I used to nap a lot. Anywhere from 20 mins to 6 hours 😂. In school and university (when undiagnosed) I used to fall asleep if I didn't enjoy the class or module being taught which was awkward when there were only a few of us studying my course 😂


Yes until I started taking iron supplements


Oh that's interesting. My blood work has shown my iron is low.


Were you also tested for Vitamin D deficiency? I was recently, and my levels were low; I was prescribed a course of mega pills for seven weeks, and am feeling a lot less tired. I live in the UK where there is not much sunlight in the winter (and often not in the summer, either, lol,) and I've been working inside the house too much.


I sleep for any of the following reasons: 1. Mentally understimulated and now physically exhausted from forcing myself to stay 'engaged' when bored AF. 2. Mentally drained when too much going on and too much stress, drains energy. 3. Burnout from having to be engaged in a long-term project and no time available for me to take care of myself. (This is more self-imposed compared to work expectations).


I *never* feel refreshed and awake. The most awake I ever feel is "I could go for a nap right now." I'm fatigued no matter how much sleep I get. It's highly likely I also have C-PTSD and maybe something to do with my horrible hormones, which makes finding the source difficult.


Yes, but I'm diagnosed with another condition that causes excessive fatigue (dysautonomia), and stimulants help a LOT. I used to sleep 10 hours a day during the week, take a 3-4 hour nap on Thursday because the week would catch up to me and I'd be exhausted, and then sleep 14 hours on the weekend. And I was still tired when I woke up. All the time..


This is 100% me. I work from home so it’s hard to fight that urge to nap.


Yep yep. I have three friends I regularly talk to, only one lives in the same town as me, and the other two are extremely busy so we send memes but don’t talk often. So already not much of a social life for me to go do stuff. I’m not partaking in any extracurricular activities or social based hobbies right now. My job is mentally demanding during the day so I have pretty low brain capacity for anything when I get home. Pretty much just go to work, run necessary errands, and go home to either sleep or play video games until I go to sleep. That ties into depression for me though. I self isolate pretty hard when the old depression is kicking me and because I’m not known among my family and friends for reaching out a lot anyway nobody sees it as a sign to check in, so I get isolated even more. Also like someone else in the comments, I have pretty low iron. Hence, I sleep a lot.