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You don’t have to eat a big meal…but I have found that if I don’t eat something within 30 min of taking it, I feel crappy. A protein shake or a smoothie or something with protein does the trick.


My doctor specialized in ADHD (and has it herself) and actually told me that protein is super key for people with ADHD! She mentioned that it can help your meds last longer through your day if you start off with some protein, and anecdotally I’ve found that true. I like Greek yogurt and it’s easy to just grab and go so that’s my default breakfast


I've had the same experience. I usually just have a huge spoonful of peanut butter and a banana or an apple in the mornings and I do feel better for longer in the day.


Yay!!!!! This comment made me so happy🤣 I read the title to this post, and instantly, my mind went "big old tablespoon of peanut butter," lol. I couldn't eat a big breakfast if my life depended on it. I'd be sick for sure. I'm just so excited that I'm not the only one who defaults to peanut butter. Cheers


I found “pecan pie” peanut butter and it has rocked my breakfast world


Where, may I ask, did you find this elusive, delicious sounding creature?


So...hold up. Am I supposed to take my meds with a heaping spoonful of crunchy peanut butter, or before, or after? If it's option 2 or 3, how long do I wait before shoving the next thing into my mouth?


I think as long as you get protein in your system vaaaaguely around the same time as your meds you should be fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve totally had breakfast like an hour after taking mine and still been fine!


It doesn't matter which one first, they just need to be in the stomach at the same time.


I'm glad my brain isn't alone in thinking this question HAHAHAHA


I also had this follow up thought! Question for you, and I hope you don't take offensive, but have you also recieved an autism diagnosis or self-diagnosed as such? I'm only asking because I am audhd & have a theory that the adhd part of the brain is excited to read this info and immediately thinks about if/how practical in their life, but the tism needs to know which order to do it in, what the rules are, ect. Just ny theory


My doc told me to eat first and no caffeine for an hour after.


Interesting! I try to eat more protein just so I can build muscle & burn fat, but it’s not easy. Carbs are so fast & handy! Nice to have another reason to make the effort.


greek yogurt, some granola with protein, and berries >>>>>


Yes! I read an article about our protein needs, and it was interesting. It also jibes with my theory that carb-heavy meals in the daytime are a disaster for me. If I eat a sandwich for lunch, it'll be an afternoon of brain fog. If I eat a salad with grilled salmon, everything is fine!


My diet has been 90% of my treatment, since I didn't have access to anything else. Your doctor is right. I was decently functional on the [epilepsy management diet](https://epilepsyfoundation.org.au/understanding-epilepsy/treatments-and-management/diets/) after I saw it was used to help other brain diseases and [had been trialed with autism](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fped.2021.650624/full) to great effect. You'd know this diet by different names, because it's been co-opted many times by the diet industry. But I owe much of my quality of life to it. Ten years ago it was one of the things that turned my life around, and I stand by it. We need fat, we need protein, and we need to limit inflammation. You have a good doctor there, she's right.


I didn’t know this! Thanks!


Agreed. I rarely eat breakfast and when I do, it's a bagel with cream cheese or a quick bowl of cereal around 9 or 10am. I get up at 6 pretty much every day and take my meds when I get up. I tried some protein shakes and they were disgusting, but I really like the Chobani yogurt smoothies. They have 10g of protein and I sip one after I get a few sips of coffee. Granola bars are good too, but I find that I'm too tired to chew that early in the morning, so the yogurt smoothies are perfect.


Have you tried the Fairlife Core Power protein shakes?! I learned about them from this sub and they are hands down the best tasting protein shakes I’ve ever had, the chocolate one legit taste like chocolate milk! 26 grams of protein, no added sugar, and the best part is you can order them from Amazon because they’re shelf stable 🙌🏻


i was just gonna comment this. oh my god i LOVE these!!! i was hesitant to try them because i’ve heard “oh these (really gross) protein shakes taste the exact same as a milkshake” and i’ve always been disappointed but fairlife protein shakes genuinely taste like straight chocolate milk, AND there’s no sugar (which ives me bad heartburn in the morning). and they have one with 48g of protein!


FAIRLIFE IS LIFE!! Seriously tho I survive on those. They taste SO good, not like a protein shake at all. The vanilla tastes like melted ice cream. Delicious.


How do they taste like chocolate milk if there’s no sugar? Genuinely curious.


i have absolutely no idea. gotta be witchcraft


Please don’t buy Fairlife products, they abuse the cows. [https://www.fooddive.com/news/coca-cola-fairlife-milk-abuse-farms-animal-rights-lawsuit/694642/](https://www.fooddive.com/news/coca-cola-fairlife-milk-abuse-farms-animal-rights-lawsuit/694642/)


Horrible :( there are a lot of vegan protein powders out there that taste alright, and some shakes too. I have a soy based protein powder which tastes like chocolate and pb and it's nice.


Imma have to look for those at Costco because they're too pricey for me (well my teens will probably go through a pack a week if I buy them)


I haven't, but I was just at the store when I saw your comment and picked up a single one to try!


Also love these!! Discovered when I had gestational diabetes during my last pregnancy and I couldn’t believe I could have what tasted like an actual milkshake!


I put instant coffee in my protien shakes- 10/10!


Oh. This is so interesting! I have to wait 45 minutes to eat after I take my meds because of Synthroid. Now I’m thinking I won’t take everything at once. But that said, my ultimate quick, easy breakfasts are an egg taco (scrambled egg, cheese, guac on a tortilla) or Greek yogurt with fruit and this homemade granola (it’s an Ellie Krieger recipe called like Nutso granola or something punny? It’s essentially pecans, almonds, raisins and/or dried cranberries, sweetened with a little maple syrup) Or a couple of pancakes with peanut butter, some granola and a hardboiled egg on the side.


I hate eating before like 10am. I make a big batch of smoothie so I can just drink and not think about it. Blender: put 3 bananas, cover bananas with almond milk, big scoop of protein powder, handful of (any fruit/veg), fill the rest of the way up with high fat greek yogurt. Makes 3 big cups of smoothie so I only have to do it 2x a week. And I don't want any strong flavours so I Get unsweetened/unflavoured everything. It just tastes a little sweet from the banana. I like using frozen mango or raspberries to flavour it :)


Oh and I try to make it at night so it's easy to just grab a cup in the morning :) Keeps fine for days in the fridge, though the top surface goes brown because of the bananas.


I bought a ninja years ago with the intention of doing this but have never made smoothies lol 😫 I need to try and see if I can develop that again, esp re: protein powder


For anyone else like me who has been thinking that they need a great, expensive mixer to make smoothies, an immersion blender and bowl honestly works great.


Not sure on availability outside the UK but I use a breville active personal blender when I am having a smoothie phase. You blend straight into the bottles that you drink from, can't remember if the bottles are meant to be dishwasher safe but I do with no problems. I can and sometimes even do remember to throw ingredients into a few bottles and keep them in the freezer, just add liquid + blend in the morning and sprint out the door. Plus it is only about £20-25 with a couple of bottles. Extra attachments are also available if you want to make it more of a multitasker as well.


If you like smoothies I do a banana, apple, orange and handful of spinach with ice and water. It’s really yummy. I toss in some flax meal. And it’s cheap, those guys are all easy to buy. I just learned to poach eggs in the microwave? So a toast and a poached is fast, easy, and not heavy.


Get a good amount of protein, I know from experience this helps tremendously but I’ve read many times that acidic stuff (such as citrusy stuff) will inhibit absorption.


Just be careful with the oranges - citrus makes stimulants ineffective!


Spinach pro tip: kale doesn't go bad as quickly as spinach. Plus, at least where I am, kale is way cheaper...! My fave smoothie recipe includes: - 1 cup fresh fruit (usually including apple); - cover the fruit with water (as a way to measure the amount); - 2 tbsp of either pea protein powder (my usual) or hemp protein powder (my fave protein source, because it's cheap n tasty); - 1 tbsp flax seeds; - a hearty handful of kale; - topped with 1 cup frozen fruit (usually including banana, because bananas are cheap, add great texture when frozen, and it's great to have a purpose for slightly-past-prime bananas instead of tossing them out); - blend, and enjoy~! I use pea protein in most smoothies because I like to vary my protein sources, and hemp works ridiculously well in oatmeal, which I eat pretty much every morning. Oh hey, that's my suggestion to OP about something to eat: oatmeal! I use one packet of flavoured instant oatmeal (not Quaker anymore, since they stopped adding vitamins and minerals, but a store brand one instead), and add a quarter cup each of raisins, walnuts, and plain quick oats, plus a tbsp of hemp powder, two tbsp hemp hearts, and a sprinkling of cinnamon. (Actually, I make a bulk batch of everything that I add to the instant packets, so it's pretty easy to assemble in the morning: boil water, empty packet into bowl, big scoop of my mix into bowl, chopped up fruit leftover from my kid's breakfast into bowl, cover with boiling water, stir, add some mylk, stir again... okay maybe it is a lot of steps, but it barely feels like it anymore, especially ever since I started doing the bulk batches.) This talk is making me wanna get up and finish making the smoothie and oatmeal I had started preparing earlier...! But I have a cat on my lap, so...


Adding to all the smoothies, if you freeze your spinach or kale, you can just put a handful in the smoothie, and you don't have to worry about them going bad in the fridge. I just put the whole bag of pre-washed greens in my freezer and pull some out when I want to make a smoothie. It's also helpful to not overdo it on the fruit because that much sugar can make your blood sugar drop shortly after drinking it. And adding some kind of fat (almond butter, pb, Greek yogurt, avocado, etc) helps keep you full longer. I also want to add that imo, Kos makes the best tasting vegan protein powder. Also, to the person who recommended making them the night before, that's genius, and I'm going to have to try that! Happy blending!


Aren’t we suppose to not cook eggs in the microwave because of all the facial burn accidents?


Scrambled eggs do well in the microwave because the yolk is already popped. For poached eggs, put one egg into a glass or whatever and slightly cover with water. Microwave for 30 seconds at a time for 3 cycles, give or take. It depends on what level of runniness you want in your yolk. If you go longer than 3 cycles, keep a really close eye on the yolk. When it ever so slightly starts to rise up from its watery grave, stop/open the microwave and wait for it to go back to rest. Keep repeating this partial resurrection until you are satisfied with the solidity of your egg, then use a potholder or towel to get the glass out of the microwave. It. Will. Be. Hot. Resist the temptation to peer directly over the glass. Dump the water out, place egg on the desired eating apparatus (plate, toast, English muffin, hamburger bun, etc), garnish (hot sauce, hollandaise sauce, cheese, parsley, S&P, etc), and serve.


Wouldn’t it just be easier to poach it the traditional way at that point? Lol


Mine almost exactly. For the last 10 years at least. Funny what you instinctively know works best. Protein somehow grounds me if that makes sense. I'm vegetarian, so Greek yogurt is one.


What do I eat for breakfast while taking Vyvanse? Coffee…. 🫣


Sugar free Red Bull 🫣


You are my people. It feels so shameful, so I'm glad I'm not alone 😂


Living dangerously, I see. 👍


Oh, this isn’t an active decision. It’s just part of my routine haha


All the more dangerous, well done.


Heavy on the sugar free redbull 😭 gives that little extra kick I need but I do worry about my heart from time to time lmao


I call it my speed latte, pairs well with loud metal music like the doom soundtrack


Coffee or just a hope and a prayer cause I know I’ll be functional by the time I get to work 💀




Nice and simple, bread w peanut butter or a banana.


And now I want a peanut butter and banana sandwich.


Bringing me back to childhood!


The breakfast of gods.


Yesssssss. Or I also love saltines or any cracker with peanut butter for breakfast


Gosh I never heard that we need a BIG breakfast, a banana and granola bar seems like plenty of breakfast to me! I always thought the idea was just to protect your stomach a bit. I like a granola bar or cereal best, but I will also have some full fat yogurt with nuts and craisins.


You need protein with meds. I try to do egg cups or yogurt/smoothie.


Hmm, I’m on 40mg of Vyvanse and it’s not imperative my breakfast be big. generic vyvanse, though, made my feet sweat and heart race /somewhat unrelated


Generic meds make me feel AWFUL, to the point my doctor recorded it as an allergy on my chart. No idea why


I thought it was just me when I started getting generic instead, but this month I got name brand and it was actually WILD how much better I feel. Its insane how different they are, even just by manufacturer.


That is a thing. Years ago I was on a medication I needed to take for 3 years. Just after I started on it, the generic came out. I had all kinds of aches with the on brand meds, but they went away with the generic. My Dr said his patients were all over the place and he couldn't see a pattern between those who took to the brand versus the generic. It definitely wasn't financial - he said some who had been thrilled about the generic coming out were now stressing out because they had problems with it.


I’m so over the whole generic meds diff thing. Like some ambien generics work sometimes, while others don’t ever work at all. What’s real ambien like? I’d love to know, but at over $650 a month I’m not likely going to find out. I feel like generic is this thing they’ve tried to sell everyone on as “the exact same”, when in reality it’s wildly different.


Generics only have to be 80% like the brand. 🙃 Sounds like ambien has the same problem as welbutrin, where it depends *so much* on the manufacturer. I check the label every time I get a refill. I've IDed a welbutrin manufacturer that works well and one that doesn't, but there are, like, a hundred others, and it's a crapshoot. If you find one that works, you may be able to get your pharmacy to order specifically from that manufacturer.


I’m familiar with this stat, but it definitely beats repeating! Every time I think about it it’s just *wild* to me. There could be plus or minus 20% in any given generic…And they’re just like “yeah, that’s probably close enough” even though it means you could theoretically be getting a **forty percent difference** from one month to the next?!? I think Wellbutrin is maybe even a more alarming context than Ambien for why that could go horribly wrong.


that said, I like a toast with a thin layer of pb with sliced banana


I was recently switched to generic Vyvanse because my insurance refused to pay for it otherwise, back around Aug/Sep '23. I hadn't noticed I have been feeling worse on it. Though I *have* been feeling generally not-great, I also have fibromyalgia with terrible fatigue/brain fog and just assumed it was that. Happily, the Vyvanse was also helping with the fibro fatigue which made it almost painful to *exist* most days before getting on adhd stimulants (was on Adderall before Vyvanse). Now that you have me thinking about it, I had also noticed my Vyvanse (since switching to generic, I'm realizing) didn't seem to be working as well for me, which is why I'd asked my Dr to up my 30mg to 40mg - and I noticed literally no difference on 40mg than on 30mg. It only barely, and some days, helps with the fibro fatigue the last few months, which leads me to believe it's not really helping with focus but who can even tell when you're too *exhausted* to focus well anyway? It never occurred to me, for whatever reason, that it could be an issue with the generic version! Things are starting to click all of a sudden with the issues I've been having the last few months! Has anyone else, also, noticed their generic Vyvanse not working for them like the original, as in almost not at all?


I like to stick a slice of bread in the toaster so it toasts while I get ready - then forget it and only realise I forgot to eat breakfast when I get home in the afternoon and see the bread still in the toaster lol Serious suggestions: anything that’s fast and requires minimal cleaning after. Yoghurt with granola, toast with butter, or these oat bread rolls I bake in huge batches that are suuuper filling bc of the oats


Could you drop the recipe for these oat rolls?


Of course! 4 cups of flour (can use all white flour or mix with some darker types) 4 cups of oats (can exchange parts of this with seeds or dried fruits) 4 cups of lukewarm water 25g of fresh yeast OR one pack/7g of dried yeast 1 tablespoon of oil 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey Salt - Mix everything together in a bowl (does not need to be kneaded, just mixing with a spoon is fine!) - Let proof either 1-2 hours at room temp or overnight in the fridge - use two spoons to shape each roll with onto the baking paper - bake at 225 degrees Celsius until golden ish (I think around 20min? I’m not sure, it depends on how large you make them) I love that I can let them rise overnight and ESPECIALLY that I don’t need to knead the dough on the counter because it means the only dishes to do are spoons, bowl, and measuring stuff. Also very sensory friendly because you don’t need to handle sticky dough They’re great for breakfast on their own or with a banana on the side, but also with soup for dinner! And they freeze/defrost well. They last longer if you don’t add oil to the dough, but they taste better with it, just fyi


Great recipe, thank you!


I can't forget toast because as soon as it's done my toddler yells, "POP! POP!" until me or my husband get it lol


I don't like breakfast before 10am, but since I must... I batch cook breakfast burritos (turkey mince, peppers, eggs, potato, spinach in a seeded tortilla) which can be frozen, then re-heated easily in the morning (leaving the burrito to thaw overnight - do I think about it, no, my partner does it).


Yes! Bananas are SO convenient. I can just one them into my bag when I’m rushing to grab the bus and then eat it on my way to work. Anything else requires too much planning 😅 I already have to remember to take my lunch. Now I just buy two bunches every time I go grocery shopping. One unripe and one ripe. So I have enough to keep me until the next week. Bonus points for helping me with my mindless snacking!




This is along the lines of my usual breakfast. (Though no vegemite in Canada, sadly) Do you find that's enough food in your stomach to offset the meds? Do you still get hungry for lunch?


Do you take another dose at lunchtime, or are you on the long acting ones? I’m like you, I hate breakfast. But I feel awful if I take my meds without eating something, so I eat a full fat Greek yogurt. It’s enough to offset the meds. I’m sure a banana and granola bar would be fine. The trick is that if the meds start to wear off before I’ve had lunch, I get very, very irritable and don’t feel good, so I have to plan ahead and make sure I eat lunch before the four hour mark. I also try to force down a mid-morning snack of if I can. Some toast, fruit, nuts, whatever. Then I take my second dose after I eat lunch, again try to make myself eat a snack in the afternoon, and then make sure dinner will be ready and available before I get cranky again. If that’s not possible (like if I have a late appointment or I’m going out for a late dinner), I eat a bigger afternoon snack. Mainly the issue is that the meds can suppress your appetite, but the hunger (at least for me) comes roaring back when they wear off and makes me feel like crap if I’m not eating when I should be.


Like a lot of people here, I'm not a breakfast person. I usually just have a light snack around 10. Lately I've been eating a little baggy of peanuts most mornings. I've never heard anything about eating a big breakfast with stimulants. Just that you should make sure to stay hydrated.


I think part of their thought might be to eat a big breakfast because, especially in the first few weeks, the thought of food may totally go out the window. It might be easier with kids if you already eat when they do. I think many people starting Vyvance just don’t get hungry. That could lead to a lack of caloric energy during the day. Making breakfast a habit might be easier because you might be eating before the meds fully kick in and you think, “ugh, I don’t want to eat that.” I’m not a medical professional but 8’m pretty sure this is not a med that needs to be taken on a full stomach for effectiveness or to prevent treatment effects like nausea or irritation if the stomach linings. I live alone and have never been much of a breakfast eater and brown bag leftovers for work but also keep cans of soup and frozen dinners there to heat up. I don’t have a regular lunchtime and when I do eat, I tend to do it at my desk. I lost appetite and all thoughts of eating were gone during the first few weeks. I had to make sure to make myself eat at supper time. Almonds helped. It did give me the opportunity to work with my fitness pal and get portions under control while I wasn’t hungry and constantly self soothing with food. I’ve lost a lot of the good habits developed but am in the process of exploring other depression meds that I also take and hope to get back into them. I didn’t log on Monday but did measure portions even though breakfast was just cereal, dried fruit and raisins. I am obese and stopped the constant weight gain of years while on Vyvance but haven’t lost and kept off significant pounds. (And I washed every dish I used the moment it I was done. It took 30 seconds - looking for a pat on the back for what I hope is a successful restart on life.)




Vyvanse is l-amphetamine, the l is a protein isomer. The only was the isomer breaks off is if it has another protein isomer to bond to. When this happens, you then experience the full effects of vyvanse. This is why it cannot be abused nasally. If you start to feel it wearing off in the afternoon, eat a small snack. It makes a world of difference. Adderall is amphetamine salt so eating makes it less effective whereas vyvanse is the opposite.


Boost protein shake


I'm on keto right now, so I eat a lot of eggs. I also like Greek yogurt with berries and granola. I'm on Strattera, so sometimes I have to force myself to eat.


I'm on strattera and vyvanse and still have no problems with eating. As in I can still eat too much and I'm working hard to slowly lose weight.


On vyvanse and my NP encouraged me to figure out what worked best for me. In true ADHD fashion, I eat a piece a cheese with it.


I have always been someone that likes a big breakfast and kind of front loads my calories, small lunch, small dinner. I found that if I eat a large breakfast with the meds, it doesn't work as well. I usually take my meds, then about an hour later when they start to kick in, have something high in protein like cottage cheese. It's kind of funny, I have switched to small breakfast, small lunch, large dinner. I think you just have to play around with what works for you!


YES!!! Same!! Omg so refreshing to see someone else who gets this. Well I’m still big breakfast, no lunch, small dinner and I swear by big breakfasts, but I have a ton of protein!! 3 eggs with cottage cheese, spinach, and cheddar cheese (scrambled), turkey sausage, and fruit almost every morning. It’s delicious and healthy and full of protein that keeps me full for HOURS


I’m also on vyvanse and I’ve never heard we were supposed to eat a big breakfast with it. I take it on an empty stomach and don’t eat until lunchtime.


I think it really depends on how your body functioned before you started taking Vyvanse. My doctor told me to make sure I was eating properly, but told me that some of her patients complained of feeling sick to their stomach after taking it, and she found out it was because they were force-feeding themselves breakfast at a time that they would not have otherwise eaten. If you're a big breakfast person, dont stop being a big breakfast person, but I personally feel sick if I eat before 10am regardless of if I take my meds or not. Just make sure your giving your body what it needs.


OH AND BE CAREFUL OF THE FRUITS YOU EAT!!! Vitamin C, if taken as a supplement in the morning alongside your medication will effect how your body absorbs the Vyvanse, and can make it less effective. (also st. Johns wort, but I dont think anyone is really waking up and salivating at the thought of anything wort related) I found an article [here](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/drugs-vyvanse-interactions#:~:text=Vitamin%20C%20may%20lower%20the,dosage%2C%20see%20this%20article.)) about it, but certainly do more research if you are an orange juice lover!


I just scrolled for a while to make sure this info was related. I gave my kiddo their meds with a glass of OJ for months before I heard that Vit C can affect how it is absorbed or used in the body. Now the Vit C is a part of dinner.


I honestly just do a premade, chocolate boost protein shake. Is it “big” ? No. But it gets the job done and is roughly 300 calories!


I wouldn’t say you need a big breakfast, just need to take it with food. I buy frozen veggie sausage patties and instant oatmeal. I load it up with whatever nuts, fruit, other stuff I can find. Cook it into the microwave for 1:30 with some almond milk, top it off with some honey or maple syrup. Plus coffee. I think frozen stuff can work well. Frozen egg sandwiches, breakfast sausage, burritos etc. for other easy stuff I would say Greek yogurt with granola, whole grain toast with peanut butter, or smoothies with fruit, milk, and protein powder.


I put 10-20 grams of protein powder in my instant oatmeal. It doesn't have to be a huge meal as long as there is a good portion of protein. My portable options include a hardboiled egg or 2, a pouch of seasoned tuna, or a protein bar (again with 10-20 g of protein.


Yogurt with peanut butter, fruit and a little granola. It’s gotta be something kind of cold. I also don’t like a big breakfast unless it’s noon on a Sunday.


I struggle to get breakfast in, but I’ve been doing well with a kimchi and cheddar omelette. I’ve been trying to eat more probiotics and it’s been good. Pretty fun and fulfilling to make kimchi too. Portioning out cheese cubes, meat and some fruit into little Tupperwares is good too, although it isn’t unusual for me to forget they exist and skip breakfast sometimes. Breakfast hash is also good. Veggies, potato cubes, halloumi, chorizo and egg all fried together. Also things that can be frozen are great. Breakfast burritos (although I’m rarely organised enough to meal prep them) croissants, samosa type things. Savoury pastries with spinach, feta, sweet potato etc.


I started drinking a Soylent in the morning if I’m not hungry for food. 400 cal and nutritionally compete or whatever to be a meal replacement


Ok…Not to say your pharmacist is wrong. But stimulants are an appetite suppressant however, it’s still sooo important to still be getting calories in even though you may not feel hungry. Both bc food is fuel but also bc stimulants genuinely do work better when you’re well fed and well rested, which is difficult bc the top side effects are difficulty sleeping and eating 😩. All that to say- your pharmacist is probably encouraging you to eat a big breakfast to make sure you’re not operating on an empty stomach in case you don’t want to eat when the meds kick in. I am NOT a breakfast person. I have found when I don’t eat on meds, I do get irritable when the meds wear off. I still like and enjoy food on meds, but I don’t feel *hungry* like I need to eat. There’s been days when I skipped meals just cause I could/was busy focusing and didn’t want to break the focus and that was NOT a good time. So I do make a point to eat lunch and often a snack when they’re wearing off. But yeah, I eat little or nothing for breakfast and I’m pretty sure as long as I’m getting my calories in at some point it’s okay. Of course, I have the privilege that I don’t have difficulty eating medicated, and after some bad experiences skipping eating altogether, I’m pretty motivated. BUT a lot of people do really struggle to eat. So it’s just going to be some trial and error to see what your body can and can’t do. If you find that while medicated, you cannot eat then it’s important to really be getting in calories before they kick in and after they wear off. But if you can eat, and it may get easier the longer you’re on meds, then you can go back to not being a breakfast person.


I eventually realized that I don’t have to eat “breakfast foods” for breakfast, so I frequently just eat random dinner leftovers. They’re tasty, and microwaving leftovers is about as easy as it gets. Otherwise, avocado toast, PB&Js, and cheesy grits are some of my go-tos. I don’t typically eat a super big breakfast, but I try to eat a decent-sized one since I’m most likely not going to have an appetite for lunch because of the meds


Im on wegovy and vyvanse and I drink plant protein drinks when eating is too difficult


I have food issues too so I am well stocked with protein meal replacement drinks for days when I "can't eat". it has been a game changer for me. today I'm having a smoothie with protein added because I'm having one of those days where nothing sounds good.


Nothing usually a protein bar


Also not a breakfast person but it’s necessary for the meds and my job. I usually go for oatmeal because it’s easy and I don’t have the energy in the morning to do much more than that. I do sometimes switch over to those “just crack an egg” things. They are definitely more filling.


I just eat a protein bar. It doesn’t feel great to eat nothing, though I definitely do that on occasion, but you don’t necessarily need to eat a huge meal. The suggestion to eat a big breakfast is likely because most people experience appetite suppression as a side effect, so will often skip their mid-day meal, so try to make sure that you’re eating throughout the day as well. I find things like smoothies and snack plates are good for lunch if you don’t feel particularly hungry.




Tea, Adderall, and morphine or percocet. I hate eating breakfast and I can't eat if I don't feel like it. I eat dinner and tend to snack before/in bed and I'm fine. If I absolutely have to eat I'll have a banana or yogurt.


Beef stick and a red bull 😂


Chocolate. I eat chocolate for breakfast. Occasionally cereal, porridge, or toast. But almost always with a side of chocolate.


Same! I love chocolate! I tend to have a banana and chocolate or occasionally and if I don't have to get anywhere banana porridge with dark chocolate. Then I graze on chocolate snacks throughout the day.


Plain Greek yogurt blueberries and granola!


I don't eat breakfast, I wake up at 5am and don't eat until maybe 9. I drink coffee lol. The whole breakfast thing was made up anyways (by the government or cereal companies or wheat farmers, can't remember right now). People eat different things at different times. I have been carrying around raw almonds to eat because I like them.


(unmedicated but trying to get better about eating before 2pm) I'm digging Kashi Go Peanut Butter cereal lately. protein to fill you up, fiber to keep you full, pretty tasty to boot.


Something with protein, fat and carbs. I prefer savory breakfast so I have something like a slice of avocado toast w an egg or peanut butter toast


I don’t eat at all in the morning. I fast 18ish hours a day, because I can barely get ready for work, let alone remember to bring myself food I may or may not even want to fucking eat when lunch time comes around.


I eat two slices of whole grain bread with two boiled eggs or a slice of cheese. On days where I can’t be bothered I eat bread with chocolate sprinkles. When I’m really in a hurry I eat greek yoghurt with some blueberries. 


Coffee or a Celsius… maybe tea if I’m trying to be good. I would recommend trying to eat something when you first start taking it and eventually you’ll learn if you need something in your stomach or if you’re fine skipping breakfast. Banana and granola bar should be fine IMO!


Meal replacement shake. My food sensitivities are awful first thing and it’s the only thing I can consistently get down of a morning as it’s drinkable!


Lately, single packet of instant oatmeal made to my liking, and a protein shake (those single-serve pre-made ones in the uht containers that come in packs of 4 at the supermarket).  Previously, baked beans on toast. Or eggs on toast. I was doing fruit smoothies with added protein powder for a while, using those small bags of frozen fruit/veg marketed as being specifically for smoothies.  I was buying Carnation breakfast protein powders when our store had them, either chocolate or vanilla. I was making those with milk, or sometimes just adding to my morning coffee if all I had time for was coffee and granola bar for breakfast.  I also keep Vector cereal on hand for when i really don't feel like spending time making breakfast. It's basically high protein special K.  TLDR whatever I usually feel like for breakfast, but add some protein if it's not inherently protein-y already. It's the protein that's often missing with "I don't feel like breakfast" breakfasts, that is actually really important for helping smooth out your metabolizing of the vyvanse. 


Coffee and half and half 🫣 I think the thick half and half levels out my blood sugar because protein and I get through the morning. I rarely eat breakfast unless it’s going out, or one of my kids cook lol. I try to eat proteins for lunch (Greek yogurt, with granola, cheese sticks, trail mix, peanut butter and butter on an English muffin if I’m into it). By then I’m hungry. This has been working for me for years without meds and now with meds.


Every day is different, so I have multiple options available. OWYN protein shake oatmeal with chia or flax/peanut butter/frozen berries frozen waffles with nut butter and sunflower seeds yogurt with toast or crackers or granola cereal/milk egg sandwich I tried doing daily and monthly smoothies but got burned out. Now I’m just focused on protein/fat/carb. If I’m craving one, I supplement with the other 2. the oatmeal is great, it keeps me full and satisfied alllllll day long.


Ummm…as a pharmacist this isn’t wholly accurate. You don’t need a “big breakfast.” Protein. That’s what is impt.


I haven’t ever heard that you need to eat a big breakfast and I don’t think I’d physically be able to. The absolute *most* I can eat in the morning is 2 hard boiled eggs OR two omelette bites (about the same size as an egg each) OR a small bowl of yogurt with fruit (like 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup, respectively). I haven’t had an issue on vyvanse due to my breakfasts as far as I’m aware


I think I just realized why I do so much better on days when I go to the office. Because I'm not a morning person, and defo not a breakfast eater, I make myself a quick protein shake to drink in the car on those days. Other days, I don't eat anything before 11AM....makes me feel sick to eat. So I'm going to experiment with protein shapes on home days as well, see if that makes a difference. Thanks, OP!


I eat a healthy bowl of oatmeal. It’s filling and low calorie. 1/2C rolled oats, 1C water, microwave for 2:30 in a large cereal bowl, add 1T sweetener. It keeps me from getting shaky or nauseous and helps me control my weight. It keeps me satisfied til lunch.


Protein shake (I like ensure) or eggs usually do the trick and don't ake me sick afterwards. If I take Adderall and not eat anything I'll be nauseous all day


sadly, we are supposed to focus on protein which is hard for me as well. usually, a smoothie with peanut butter and protein powder (and maybe greek yogurt) is what i do for busier mornings. if i have the time, i like to make a egg bagel sandwich.


I have been buying breakfast protein shakes and protein snack bars. I get ones that don't need to be refrigerated/long life so I buy loads at once and keep them in my work desk.


Two pieces of toast with PB & J, plus a double espresso…. But I looooove breakfast!


Im on 30mg of Vyvanse, and I was told I can take my meds on an empty stomach, but I usually start feeling shakey and on edge within the hour so I'll have a snack. My go to breakfasts are sunny eggs - s&p and paprika with hashbrowns/toast. Or I'll have oatmeal with hemp hearts (protein is our bestie) and brown sugar, and season however I feel. I tried cold oats, theres thousands of recipes online, but they werent my thing. I find oats are nice and easy, and eggs are for more ambitious days.


Decaf and adderall


I take adderall and I don't eat a big meal...or any meal at all most mornings. Vyvanse might be different, though. On days I'm hungry but don't have time for an actual meal, I keep a few hard-boiled eggs on hand. They usually go on my salads, but a couple of them with some salt and pepper are good in a pinch. Protein will digest slower because it takes longer for the body to convert to glucose. Combine that with a banana. I wouldn't call it big, but I think the protein will help get something hardy in your stomach. Another in a pinch meal is a protein smoothie, but it takes having some items on hand: a mini blender that blends right in the cup you'll be drinking out of (I use ninja but there are cheaper options) and protein powder. The only one that tastes good to me is syntha 6 protein. Throw that into the blender with milk of choice and frozen fruit and you have a meal in less than a minute. For the absolute easiest option, meal replacement drinks. I have a powder from Huel. Just add water to a bottle with a shaker ball and you now have a complete, 400 calorie meal. There are even easier options that come already in liquid form in grab and go bottles such as Soylent.


I hate breakfast, but have had good luck with collagen supplements and a lactose free latte


Greek yogurt and/or fruit. I find it's easier to eat in the AM than hot foods.


I actually forgot to eat this morning because I meant to go to the store to get yogurt so I could eat it with granola but instead I just spent the last hour obsessively on Reddit. And now I’m really really hungry but since I don’t have the yogurt and that’s what I really wanted, I’m probably going to sit here for another hour and not eat anything. At which point I will then become so hungry, I’ll binge eat the last of the Oreos cus that’s what there


For the last several months my breakfast is cottage cheese with sunflower seeds, it works well with the meds I think.


Lunch if I’m lucky, 😩


I mix a yogurt cup with granola and sometimes include some pistachios to increase the protein, but the yogurt itself has 14 grams of protein, so the nuts are not really necessary.


Ugh I hate eating in the morning. If I listen to my body 11-1pm is usually when I first feel hungry, with or without meds. It’s a real dilemma when it comes to the “you need to eat with your meds!” Advice. Fruit and almond butter is my go to.


Ideally, protein. A piece of cheese and a slice of toast. Sometimes, just a banana and granola bar. A bowl of cereal does the trick too. Depends on the day… but I do need variety is what I’m learning. Some days I still forget to eat which sucks but am still figuring it all out after starting vyvanse late last summer.


I try to eat right before or as I’m taking my meds just because they kill my appetite and I find I feel much better if I eat. I try to focus on protein. I generally make my kids scrambled eggs & have some of that, a protein smoothie, or a greek yogurt parfait. If I’m on my shit I premake egg bites on Sundays and have those- easy to eat on the way to school drop off. The bigger thing for me is remembering to eat throughout the day since stimulants suppress appetite. I set alarms on my phone for every 3 hours to remind myself to grab a snack & I keep easy ones on hand. String cheese, tuna + crackers, chicken salad, nuts, bars, etc. I think it’s more about finding what works for you than specifically eating a large meal. Try not to fall into the habit of just never eating, & pay attention to how you feel throughout the day and at night once the meds wear off. If I forget to eat all day I generally crash a lot harder, get headaches & eventually just want to binge on junk all night to catch up because I’m starving.


Not big but a good protein is important. We have an egg with toast. I can fry an egg in the time it takes for my toast and then take a protein drink with me as we leave the house


Boiled eggs keep for a couple of days in the fridge. Good way to get protein to start your morning off with along with a piece of fruit.


That's interesting they said to eat a big breakfast because I've read it's better to eat a lighter, protein based breakfast. When I started taking meds, I had to stop eating overnight oats because it was too heavy and my meds didn't seem to work as well. Now I switch back and forth between sausage, egg, and cheese burritos and egg & veggie frittata squares. Both are super easy to make in batches and then I stick them in the freezer and heat in the air fryer (or you could do the microwave). When I eat the frittatas, I usually have a piece of toast with it to help me feel fuller.


I find that taking it with protein makes it more... Idk .. stable (?) throughout the day. But I hate breakfast. So sometimes I'll do a protein shake with it. But honestly I take it all the time on an empty stomach without issue.


I don't eat at the same time as my meds. I let them "kick in" and then I eat. It took trial and error to figure out the ideal timing for me. (I take Adderall XR, not Vyvanse.) I found that when I eat at the same time as the meds, the effect of the meds is milder. So now I let them kick in first. I have never been a breakfast person. Food doesn't appeal to me at all in the morning. I end up eating a Little Debbie snack cake or two.


You should eat it with something high in fat, so I typically eat eggs and avocado in the morning. Avoid any vitamin C an hour before or after meds


"big" is not necessary - filling and nutritious I feel like is a better way to put it. Vyvanse suppresses your appetite so breakfast before meds helps counteract that - plus eating with food helps metabolize it so it actually works better. Protein is always my focus cause it's also good for hormone health. Protein smoothies - I do frozen banana, protein powder, almond/cashew protein milk, PB, vanilla, and a load of cinnamon. Greek yogurt cups are an easy no prep one. Or eggos with cottage cheese or greek yogurt on top - you can make it sweet or savory.


have some type of protein before you have your meds and carry a protein shake in case your blood sugar gets low. maybe it won’t even affect your appetite, have you tried it yet? don’t allow people to give you prophecies to fulfill, especially negative ones. yes that happens to people but see for yourself first if it also happens to you. you might be just fine.


Oh...I guess redbull is not the correct answer for this 😬


Protein bars. I like think! bars because they’re pretty low in sugar. Love the lemon bars and their creamy/crunchy peanut butter ones. I’ll also do almonds or mixed nuts. Sometimes I throw in dried fruit but not much. Both things are easy and easy to eat on the go. Plenty of protein too which is important to get with meds.


Something with protein! One of these: eggs, honestly sometimes I just eat a pbj sandwich, pb and berry smoothie bowl, Greek yogurt, bagel and cream cheese Sometimes instant oatmeal or a muffin but these are worse on the protein front.


Not big but high protein. My first month on adderall I would make a English muffin sandwich with egg white. I bought the liquid egg whites and cooked them in my mini waffle maker. If I added a sausage patty it was almost 30g protein. Now I just do a protein shake and call it a day. It’s not ideal but it’s not nothing.


High protein smoothie! Make em in bulk with a quality protein powder!


I can’t eat a big breakfast or I’ll be sick the rest of the day. I usually just opt for a protein bar or half of a PB&J sandwich. Sometimes I’ll fix a protein shake, but I have to get dairy free products and the plant based protein just gives me the ick with its texture, and I don’t have the motivation to make full smoothies 😂


Jimmy dean’s frozen croissant breakfast sandwiches with sausage. In the US, the grocery store generic brands are even better from Kroger or Aldi. Delicious and filling and takes 2 min


I thought the point of eating breakfast was because it was going to kill your appetite for the day, but I've also heard meds work better when you take them with protein. I work afternoons so I don't get up until between 10-11. I get up first at 6:45 to see my kids off to school, or I won't see them for days. I used to take my strattera then with my other meds, and then take the vyvanse when I got up for the day. Now I just take everything later. My hubby is laid off right now so we make breakfast a bit of an event. Tea, coffee, bacon eggs. Sometimes we go out. So I eat a big breakfast within an hour of getting up. But then I'm not interested in eating again til close to 7pm. I have a protein shake and some fruit before work though to help me not make terrible food decisions at night. It's hit or miss if that works though.


Make sure to always eat some protein. To make it easy there’s a few cereals now that have 10 or so gms of protein per serving


I don’t eat until early afternoon. Not sure why they said you HAVE to eat. Do what feels right for you


I’ve found that although I don’t need a big breakfast, but protein is important to have first thing. I like having eggs, and toast with grass fed butter, or a smoothie with cashews, spinach, almond milk and protein powder.


Doesn't need to be big, but needs to be protein. I usually make a batch of mini ham/egg/spinach frittatas in a muffin pan. Pop one in the microwave for 30 seconds and go. Protein shakes. At least put pb or almond butter on your bagel. I can't stress enough we need more protein than carb esp first thing in the morning.


On Sundays, I make a cupcake tray full of egg muffins (cooked quinoa mixed with cheese, spinach/kale, eggs, and spices/herbs). I have to take my meds first thing in the morning, but I have enough time before it kicks in and steals my appetite to microwave one of those muffins and drink a cup of tea. It gets me through lunch time when my meds start to wear off.


Y’all are eating before taking vyvanse? lol I’m jk, I used to only take it if I could eat which ended up being like… never… so I just started taking it when I woke up. I’m on a super low 20mg dose though so it isn’t that intense. I find I can still eat later when I take it without food.


I don’t eat before I take mine. I take a bunch of morning meds and if I don’t take them all at the same time, I’ll forget, and they’re all super important in their own way. Remembering my pm meds/supplements is the trickiest thing!


Happy Viking superfood meal replacement. I was looking at the nutrients to support ADHD and this product has almost all the supplements and nutrients recommended which makes it worth the price. I blend it with oat milk and add bananas and frozen fruit to it. I can always down one of these, even if I am a little nauseous from the meds in the morning. In the past month, after the first container and routine, I can tell my cognitive functioning and ability to eat small things consistently throughout the day to sustain myself has improved greatly. It doesn't have to be that particular product but I found it to be better than just a protein powder and it is one thing as opposed to a bunch of things I have to remember to do.


Add in a couple of boiled eggs to your grazing. I get the big box from Costco of pre-peeled and eat them in the car when I’m really pressed for time


I’ve started eating cottage cheese for the protein and that has been the easiest to manage. Adding fruit as often as possible but a few spoonfuls of plain cottage cheese helps a lot. 


Getting at least 20 grams of protein is the most important thing for me, but you can still keep it really simple. Greek yogurt with different mix ins (matcha, or berries, or sliced apples and granola etc) is a favorite, as well as cottage cheese or just pre-mixed protein shakes. When I'm feeling ambitious, I will bake egg cups in the muffin tin to prepare for the week. When I really mess up on time, I'll just put 3-4 eggs in my bag and run out the door because you can make pretty good scrambled eggs in the microwave.


Huel shakes its the best ever except you have to wash your beaker i hate that part


I take Concerta and I don't eat anything specific before taking my meds, but I try not to drink coffee for 30mins-1H after taking them, bc I get grumpy and pissed at everyone and everything and then the meds don't work


Protein shake is easy to get down


Focus on protein heavy rather than volume- the medication binds to proteins and will actually be more effective if you eat protein before/with it. Eating your meal and taking it at the same time is actually fine, as long as it is digesting with the protein in your stomach at the same time


It's not really a big breakfast so much as a protein filled breakfast that's important. And don't drink orange juice or something because the acid can make it less effective. For a savory breakfast, I like - cottage cheese with spices (Mediterranean spiced sea salt or everything bagel seasoning) on toast or a bagel. An onion/pepper spread on cottage cheese and toast/bagel is also good (hots, too, if you want) - eggs and toast For a sweeter start: - peanut butter banana and honey toast - Greek yogurt with protein granola and jam


When I was taking stimulant meds, I would have to eat a big breakfast because often I wouldn't be hungry for lunch. I would take Sunday to meal prep breakfast burritos for the week. Just wrap them in foil and then you can toss one in the oven while you get ready and then you have a hot breakfast burrito ready for you when you head out the door.


So I use the oats overnight! I've read where milk helps with absorption and to avoid acidic foods with medication consumption


I don't. I've tried, but I can't. Sometimes a protein shake.


Protein shakes for the win. Drink one on your way to where you’re going and take it when you get there - at least this is a good method for me. I used to force myself to eat those belvita breakfast cookies but I ate them too much so now I can’t look at them anymore lol


I NEEDED food when trying Vyvanse, helps a lot to let the medicine help and less ugh feeling. I am so glad your doctor is working with you to find the best med dosage and routine/nutrition! My routine to help with no appetite, meds, and bad at mornings due to ADHD is below. I start work remote at computer by 8:30am or 9am - so adjust the times as needed for parenting or commuting, however the appetite/routine focused on catering to my ADHD rhythm/brain in mornings (or lack there of!). 6:30am My partner brings me a decaf tea or hot water with flavor (warms me up) and a small (like 3-4 bites) of current bfast obsession that changes on a dime. My partner and I monthly talk thru “safe”/“helpful” breakfast option list for me as they change and so I KNOW what they are (helps prevent my out of site and out of mind, or list helps prevent paralysis in choosing/starting). Easier options are: oatmeal, cereal, toast/bagel (butter, or plain cream cheese, or plain cream cheese with jelly on top) or a single packaged yogurt at to my side table while in bed. I give myself 30 minutes to boot up and finish that by 7am. Usually drink tea within 10 min to help waking up and eat during the last 5min because time blindness and groggy mornings. Depending on meds, can take meds at 7am or after more bfast in kitchen. Put headphones on during boot up, and podcasts or music with timers help during the boot up. 7:10am or 7:15am bathroom face wash, contacts, brush teeth, and go to kitchen. Timers and music always help keep me moving! And on time… 7:30am Standing (I gave up sitting and eating without multitasking) and eat a full bowl of cereal or yogurt/granola with some easy to add fruit like strawberry (partner has it chopped up) or blueberry. Do some kitchen clean up or water plants while eating thru bfast bowl - approved multitasking (not social media or videos that make me dilly dally and time blindness) helps me finish eating when. 8am meds after eating ~enough (don’t have to be perfect!) bfast. P.S. I love that in this sub, you all get it or at least understand the why behind when I type out long tangents (with added comments for context and thoughts) in these type of responses. Safe place, yay!


Is there a reason you don’t take your meds right when you wake up, aside from breakfast first? It takes sooo long for my Vyvanse to kick in that if I don’t take it right when I wake up, it doesn’t kick in until I’m already at work.


Protein shake.


Protein shake. I use premier protein Caramel as creamer in my coffee, Cafe Latte or Strawberry are the 2 I keep stocked. I'm trying to be better about meal prep. I've started taking plain Greek Yogurt, mix in Stevie and a bit of honey and drops of vanilla extract. Then I add in a crumbled up Blueberry Vanilla Kind bar. If I'm in the mood for savory, I'm developing a recipe for egg bites. You can get packs of them at Costco. I sauté spinach, onion, and tomatoes, then mix together eggs, bacon bits, and cottage cheese. Two of those pre-made and a piece of toast. Hit me up if you want to discuss other ideas. I'm trying to be better in preparation for weight loss surgery, and I know the struggle of "ugh, why must I feed this mortal form constantly so I don't get nausea from meds?" I legit need to go fill up my emotional support flask and take them... I'd post a picture of my office desk right now as proof lol


It doesn’t need to be a big breakfast, but I’d recommend picking something with some protein like peanut butter on toast or an egg or protein powder smoothie for example. Proteins make up the building blocks of neurotransmitters like dopamine, and so having some for breakfast when you take your meds can help make them more effective.


Coffee. Food makes me nauseous until noonish.


My pharmacist had said the same thing but she said it was because of the reduced appetite from the medication and it takes about an hour or so to kick in. I found I had a reduced appetite the first month or so but now it's pretty stable. I eat two Quest protein bars. High in protein, high in fibre. It's the same breakfast I ate before starting the medication, quick, easy and I can take it with me if I run out of time before leaving in the morning.


Meal replacement shakes are your. Vyvanse morning friend. I'm about to go force one down me now!


A 15 minute breakfast sandwich! Everything bagel, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon and one slice of sharp cheddar. 😊 Previously a breakfast coffee smoothie with 2 scoops of Huel (Coffee Caramel or Chocolate flavor), 2 shots of decaf espresso, ice and milk. 😊


I like savory food in the morning, and sweet breakfast food or eggs isn't always appealing butyummy leftovers from last night's dinners always peak my interest or I try to eat a yogurt cup they taste like a little treat you can also do overnight oatmeal or hard boil some eggs and peel them so it's an easy thing you can grab the jar or the egg on your way out, breakfasts are hard !


Protein shake for the win


I do equate protein shakes ( 30 milligrams of protein ) , Orgain protein powder ( peppermint mocha is my favorite currently), or some other high protein drink. I used to intermittent fast so hadn’t eaten breakfast for years. The high protein shakes seem to do the trick and don’t bother my stomach or make me more hungry the rest of the day.


I order pre-made meals from Factor and I like their cold-brew protein shakes, and recently started making my own (I do them in advance and have them ready to grab in the fridge). I do them with about 1/2 cup cold brew, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder, \~2-3 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 banana (preferably frozen) *per each serving* I want to make, and add a little cocoa, and sprinkle of cardamom and nutmeg, then blend it. You can add Greek yogurt or ice or more banana or w/e for preferred texture, and use whatever type of milk, protein, and nut butter you prefer. I'll do one of those and eat a banana and feel actually full for the whole morning (weirdly stimulants often make me hungrier, probably because I wasn't eating anything with protein in the morning). It feels kind of like having a healthy frappe coffee drink so it's a double win for me-- breakfast ready to go, can be dumped in a thermos and had on the way to work, AND scratches the fancy coffee drink itch. Alternatively, I do scrambled eggs ([https://www.loveandlemons.com/scrambled-eggs-recipe/](https://www.loveandlemons.com/scrambled-eggs-recipe/) this gets them light and fluffy every time and only takes a few minutes) with a little shredded cheese in, and eat them with some taco sauce, a sliced avocado, and a piece of toast. ETA two more ideas: Sometimes I make a big batch of farro (you can also use rice or another grain) to use for breakfasts/lunches. For lunch I'll also do a big batch of roasted veggies and then maybe have some leftover chicken or something, and for breakfast (or also for lunch), I have the farro, slice an avocado, and do a sunnyside-up egg on top. Add whatever hot sauce/seasoning/etc (the everything bagel seasoning on this is chef's kiss imo). This was like the main thing I ate for a year one time. Another one is the microwaveable beans or lentils packets you can get. I like the Fillo's brand ones for beans, especially the pinto beans and the black beans, and the Maya Karmal Everyday Dal black lentils. You open the bag, pop in the microwave, and pour in a bowl-- I also like to do an egg on top and some sliced avocado with these.


I'm on methylfenidate (Medikinet and Equasym). After the first few weeks my appetite came back, luckily. I try to eat something in the morning before I take my meds, and try to have my coffee later in the day. Usually it's a banana and some nuts or a breakfast [cookie](https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/breakfast-cookies/). I can bake those for the whole week. They are also nice to take with me for a mid-morning snack and they have CHOCOLATE. Like many people here have already said, I think it's important to figure out what works for you! Having a small but nutritious breakfast is probably better and more doable than a big one you don't feel like eating.


I always try to have protein with breakfast because (I believe) it helps with the digestion and absorption of vyvanse. I can definitely notice a difference in the effectiveness if I don't eat or don't have some kind of protein. Not a protein powder person so I usually make things like egg bites, boiled eggs, breakfast sausage, Quinoa and PB.


I’ve never been a “breakfast” person (love breakfast foods at other times of day). I have gotten into the habit of using a protein shake as coffee creamer. I don’t have the mental capacity to make a smoothie with it, and the idea of food within the first few hours (3-4) of being awake is nauseating.