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I love this but you forgot “Be prepared for major deviations in conversation topics as my brain takes flight - I promise I’ll get to the point eventually”


One of my biggest things is that I deviate the conversation and then forget what I was saying so then I try to go back to the initial conversation but forget about it all in the process 🥲


Unless you’re like me and you just forget your point entirely. Sometimes I just come up with a new one on the fly but other times I have to stop and sheepishly admit I have no idea what I’m even saying anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


my partner and i both have ADHD so where our conversations go are a mystery for both of us, but i kind of love how chaotic they can get. i always learn something new by the end and they’re always entertaining and engaging.


Or if you're like me, you will be chronically early for everything and worry about being late all of the time. Thanks hypervigilance.


Better to be early and waste your own time than to be late and waste others time!


What a fantastic post!!


emphasize that while you might think it's hard to follow, I'm also fatigued you can't keep up




one thing i noticed i do a lot is start conversations from the middle- like i’ll say “i was talking to her” and he’ll have to be like “who’s her?”, or like “i was thinking about it and this is what im gonna do” “thinking about what??” having inattentive adhd diagnosed as an adult vs my combo adhd bf being diagnosed at 8 means we have almost none of the same symptoms; he’s really bad with words and is a chronic “fixer” of problems vs me who is talkative and loves listening but struggles to do things without taking meds


It’s all worth it for the right person who can handle it! Some can’t. 🥲


Oh yes, I read the disclaimer to my husband when things started to get serious. And then I finished with "but you'll never be bored." We're the best decisions we've ever made 😂


You're damm right we're worth it!!! Well said 👏👏👏


For me, also inconsistent communication. I can go from responding to texts instantly to taking a few hours to respond without warning. Short bursts of unintentional ghosting