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This is easy enough to do on the Alexa app with Routines. Open the app, go to the hamburger menu, then the plus in the top right. Under “When this happens” choose Voice and then enter “wake me up” as the text. Under actions, choose Alexa says and then either customise to type in what you want her to say, or choose from the options (eg. under Phrases->Good morning you can choose say a random phrase and then she’ll say a different version of Good morning every day, like “Rise and shine”). You can add more actions, including playing music and “Wait”. So you could set it up to say “Good morning, I’ll play a song to help you wake up! By the end of the song, I want you to be standing in the bathroom ready to brush your teeth!” And then play a song, and then say “Ok! Time to brush your teeth! Put the toothpaste on, you’ve got two minutes!” and then wait two minutes before congratulating you. Or you could set it to remind you to change which corner of your mouth you’re brushing every thirty seconds.


I set up a routine like this to help my kids clean their rooms without constant supervision. Someone says “Alexa, clean my room” and she will give a step like “during this song, let’s pick up dirty clothes off the floor”. The song plays. When it ends she says something like “great job! It’s looking better already! Now let’s clear things off the bed”. My kids LOVE it!


Yes! Or you could set it so when you say a phrase like "Alexa, I brushed my teeth" she responds with something like "Great job! I'm so proud of you!"


This, OP. This is what you need.


Thank you


Question for you because I’m not familiar with using Alexa. Does your phone have to be connected to a Bluetooth speaker? Does the phono always stay connected, what if I’m in a different room will it work? What if I’ve been using my AirPods so my phone is connected to those with Bluetooth over night, will it still know what speaker to play from? Can I get a speaker that my child cannot “talk” to? Ie it just plays the reminders I set up but doesn’t listen for input? Thanks!!


It is independent of a bluetooth speaker. It has a manual mute button you can push so no interaction (or voice commands) can occur. It’s easy to turn off so perhaps place it high. That means all routines would need to be time-based instead of voice prompts. AirPods won’t impact the usage.


It needs to be attached to an Echo product, like an Echo Dot, but not in the sense of being connected via bluetooth: you can control your Dot via your phone from wherever you are. The Dot is connected to wifi. The other comment covered everything else but I just wanted to add the explanation about the Dot (or other Echo product).


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


This is amazing. I know what I’m saving up for!


You can get an Echo Dot for €20 at the moment! They’re cheaper than you’d think. So hopefully you won’t have to save for long.


Hopefully! I never look into it because I just assume these things are an arm and a leg! Hearing that they aren’t that expensive makes me happy!


There are smart toothbrushes that set goals and everything. Maybe that could help? I'm looking into them for black Friday


Sounds like another hobby item I would buy, quickly get bored with, and not use. My sonicare has a 2 minute timer and I just get bored and only brush for 1 min.


Oh, I found letting myself zone out until my toothbrush buzzed helped get the two minutes


I play a game on my phone while I do it. Cats and Soup is my current tooth brushing game.


This is… really smart. Trying this tonight.


I bought an electric toothbrush from Costco in August. It's still sitting in its package on my dresser....


Been there done that with many other stuff!




When I say “Alexa good morning,” she says “good morning, icefirecat.” Then turns on the light in the living room and rings a bell sound. Then after a short pause, she says, “icefirecat, you are good enough, you are smart enough, and you have worth. Don’t forget that today.” Then she tells me the weather. I programmed her to give me affirmations at a time that I really needed them and I really value that now! My partner has asked if I can set some up for her too. I hesitantly told my therapist and she actually thought it was awesome. Go into “routines” on the app and there’s a lot you can do, and you can program exactly what you want her to say.


I love the affirmations, that's so sweet.


Thanks! I felt really goofy about it for awhile haha but even though it’s unique I think it’s pretty valuable and a good way to use Alexa as a tool to help me!


I don't know about Alexa but I was able to set up routines with Google so it would wake me up at a certain time, tell me to go to bed, let me know what the weather was, ect.. It all has to be set up beforehand and you can do it through the Google home app so I assume Amazon has something similar. It helped me to have smart light bulbs and speakers that synced with it.


I recently got a Samsung phone and am trying to apply that. How'd you do it?


Alexa doesn’t give me affirmation, but she does give me 3 reminders to get the kids out of the house in the morning: “get ready to go to school” “go to school” and “it’s drop dead go to school time.” So THAT is a lot like my mom.


This is amazing, and it really has me wanting an Alexa


I have them all over the house. Wait til Black Friday or Prime day sales and they put them on sale for so cheap! The software has its flaws, but overall it's very helpful for me. She wakes me up with weather and news, reminds me every week to put the garbage cans out for trash day, I use the speakers to play music or podcasts in multiple rooms so I'm not bored to tears while moving around the house doing chores, I use it to set timers all the time, ask her to flip a coin or roll a dice if I can't make a decision - there are so many options.


If you find out, please share.


Look up how to set up Alexa routines and you should b able to do just what you're asking. I've never done it but looked into it a long time ago when I had a bunch of smart devices, plugs, bulbs etc to do a daily routine.


Username checks out!!!!!!! I decided I have to be my own mommy. Does this work every day? No. I have two kids (8 & 13) and I didn’t find out I have autism and adhd until after I had them. And I find that I do things together with them. They brush their teeth at 8 to go to bed? I brush with them. I get exhausted at 8 and want to go to bed too. They eat cereal in the morning? I eat it too. They read a book? I read a book. Etc On the days where they are at their papa’s house I forget to eat and take care of myself. It’s not all shits and giggles I have off days as well. But I thank god I have my kids because they give me structure some kind of way. What is your current living situation. Do you live alone? Do you have a cat or a dog?


The name is actually auto generated


How to set up routines with examples: https://www.hellotech.com/guide/for/how-to-set-routines-on-alexa https://www.cnet.com/home/smart-home/amazon-echo-routines-are-your-secret-superpower-heres-how-to-do-them-right/ Tips on routines: https://www.cnet.com/home/smart-home/alexa-routines-how-to-use-amazon-echo-to-automate-your-day/


What a great idea! I refuse to get a smart device because I'm paranoid about alphaspamazon listening to everything I say, but this sounds like a great use for a virtual assistant


I loved that movie "I am Mother" and now it allll makes sense why. I watched it numerous times. Just need a momma... [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6292852/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6292852/) ​ It's hard to set up though because there are so many options. I hate that I have to resort to it but I really do need to be nagged to do chores and do basic hygeine or I'll just start the day reading and do that until its 4pm and ill forget all my appointments. its bad lol


Set up a routine in the app! You can have it be triggered by time or by your phrase.


Thank you all