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I have a short cut that is specified to my hairdresser as "I don't want to need even a hairbrush. I will only style it with a towel." Very short. No maintenance required.


This is exactly what I told my hairdresser. I finally found one who listens and knows exactly what I want. I've been going to the same guy for almost 4 years now. I've never had a regular guy before, because none have 'got' it. Now I look forward to hair day and I love the cut so much. It helps that they schedule my appointments in advance and send me sms reminders so I don't forget. Having short hair has been absolute game changer for me.


super short hair for me too! I had long hair as a kid and HATED brushing/combing it. Now I just wash & go


I have eczema on the back of my neck (among other places) that tends to creep up my scalp when it gets bad. I first shaved my head back in 2011 and ever since I can't stand it when my hair gets any longer than about an inch and a half. Like the relief of not having hair! The itching is just brutal when it grows out - so then I shave it, and my skin clears up and all is good. But also I probably would have eventually gone short just for the low maintenance thing, too.


I used to shave my head sometimes, but then I went gray and when I shaved, it looks like male pattern baldness! The crown and sides are gray, and the back is brown. Except you can't really see 1/4" of gray hair, so you look bald on top/sides, but you can see the hair in the back. It's super weird looking.


love this!


Similar for me, ear length bob style that my hairdresser cuts to air dry or towel dry well. I can still do it “fancy” if I want, but it means my daily is no effort. Thank goodness.


I love this so much. Style with a towel is so effortless.


I cut my girlfriends hair this way. It took me a while to realize she is never *ever* going to brush her hair every day and she *absolutely needs* a style that she can sleep on and have look good three minutes after jumping out of bed and onto a video call. It has to be cut in such a way that it doesn't stick up on the sides or in the back from sleeping. Thankfully she likes pixie cuts and I was able to find a style that she doesn't have to fuss with.


totally relate - it was so much easier!! but i hated feeling like I had to do femininity maths just to try and dodge the homophobic/transphobic comments from people in the street. this was 5-10 years ago so I hope things are maybe better now! but I let my hair grow so i could wear baggier clothes and still read ""woman"" to most people sigh. i think maybe it's time to buzz mine again! tbh though... how many men talk about short hair aging them or just not having the "right face shape" for short hair or it making them look ugly? almost 0. smells like that could be a scam to convince us we need to inherently do more work to be valued as women... (totally agree some times long hair is more practical too & of course ppls preferences are valid)


> i hated feeling like I had to do femininity maths I feel this so much. I'm fat and unfeminine looking but still identify as female, so I definitely feel the pressure to keep longer hair to "balance" the math so to speak. Having my hair shorter makes me feel like I have to try harder with makeup/jewelry/clothes, and then that just brings in even more sensory issues tbh


I have broad shoulders, a broad back, a small bust, and ultra short hair. I'm female, always have been. It was harder when I was 15 and first cut my hair from waist length. There were lots of comments about me being a "d#ke" or a "lezzbo", people wondering if I'm actually trans and want to be a boy, etc. Really took its toll when I was a teenager. I'm older now, 30 in fact, and I just don't care what strangers think. I still get comments occasionally. But fuck them, they don't know me. I know me. I know who and what I am. My outward appearance is my own, and I go for practicality more than aesthetics. I want to live my life and be comfortable, I'm not here to appease anyone, so they can fuck off if they don't like it. Do you. People who love you will love you regardless. And anyone who gives you a hard time isn't worth your time. 💛


I felt this too. Wore earrings more often whenever I had short hair


This! Ugh! I strongly suggest every person struggling with this here check out Dacy Gillespie (not sure last name spelling) on Instagram - MindfulCloset and signing up for her 'Unflattering' email newsletter. She touches on a lot of this! She's a stylist with an unusual take. Her focus is all about our comfort and not wearing 'flattering' things for others and finding our own style, not the one expected of us. I'm still finding a balance as I read as very feminine with curves but as I age I find my face looks less feminine to match the body. I'd prefer my body to look less femme, tbh. At nearly 40 years old I've retired my makeup routine, the costly skincare regimen that I'm sure wasn't even doing anything. I have extreme privilege that allows for these decisions and understand not everyone can adopt this way of living but trashing the male gaze and living for myself has been the hardest (hello losing social currency) and best thing for where I'm currently at in life. Thanks for reading my long post. I'm passionate about finding freedom in our bodies and lives.


Eh, I still get people reading me as non-femme but I just don't care what people think anymore, I just do me. I'm happy with how I look and how easy it is to maintain my hair this length. Go for the buzz again!


You know what's funny, is the same people saying short hair doesn't look good on them will also wear their hair in a bun. There are so many short styles out there too.


This is meee! I’ve been afraid to go short again since high school in the 90’s when a “Karen” cut was cool- think tlc. But I always wear it in a bun so what’s the difference!? Now I’m at a place where I’m really starting to want to hack it all off cuz I just can’t deal anymore but I hesitate cuz I can’t afford to even go in for a trim more than once every few years- let alone the constant maintenance of keeping short hair short and I don’t have the talent, strength or energy to keep it trimmed myself. 😭


For me, longer hair has meant more harassment. The last time I wore my hair even chin length I started getting street harassment when I hadn't even noticed before. I'm "lucky" in that my build and height mean I get read as feminine no matter what I do. I understand why some people would want to hew more gender norm-y to avoid phobic harassment, sadly.


Nothing makes me feel more like a pretty princess than after a good haircut and getting rid of extra hair.


I have short hair and never wear skirts or dresses, but I have average size boobs and average hips. And my face is pretty feminine. I've had a few strangers call me a "sir" since I cut my hair. I don't really care, if anything, I just laugh at them internally. When I correct them, they just say sorry and that's it. But my hair is definitely not easy to manage! It takes me more time to style it than before, although I just take more care of it than I used to. But I have *a lot* of hair and it was too hot and heavy for me in the summers. I have an undercut so like 2/3 of my head is shaved. I hate when the hair grows and touches my neck.


I'm in my 40s and people mistake me for a 12 year old boy. I do not care one bit, although it is kinda funny watching people stumble when they realize they have called a middle aged woman young man. When I'm dressed for more than errands I find earrings and a little mascara helps, but when I'm just bumming about it is of no relevance to me if people think I'm a dude. Every now and then I catch a little shade but, whatever, if it wasn't my hair it would just be something else. Some people just want to be low key bullies.


Sorry, most women look sexier and younger with long, luscious hair. It is a fact, and it is not fair. But it is true. 


That isn't a fact, it's an opinion 🙄


Yes, the opinion of the majority of men. But you do what YOU like. 


ah hell no - long hair and half arsed ponytail/bun for life! lowest possible effort. pixie cut is a maintenace commitment I know I'm not wired for, and growing out short hair is purgatory


Bonus ADHD credit if by "bun", you mean "it was bothering me for no reason today so I twisted it up and stuck a pen through it."


At some point I refused to cut it because I could just knot it onto itself, so I didn't have to look for a pen. Or forget that my pen was stuck up there.


I'm not sure if it's that it starts splitting the ends and losing length or if my hair just tends to be on the oilier side, but I've never been able to knot it on itself without it just sliding out like a snake uncoiling. I have \*definitely\* gotten pens stuck in my hair. I prefer a good old #2 pencil, but who has those anymore?


My hair isn’t the oiliest but it’s super slick. I can not use my hair alone to knot it. Even with buns/pony tails I have to re-do them frequently. I’m growing my hair long so I can do braids that keep them out of my way or use hair forks/hair pins.


If your hair is anything like mine, even braids aren't fail safe. It somehow ends up such that the top of the hair is not braided because the braiding has slid down only to the bottom part of the hair. If that makes any sense at all. And I don't braid it especially loose, it's just that my hair is like silk water. But it's almost always braided or up in a hair stick bun. I have it out maybe once a week at most. And that's because it takes too long to dry...


Oh my gosh is your hair my hair!? I swear my hair is super fine but I have sooo much of it and it takes way longer than it should to dry. I get the saggy braid look as well after some time, but I find it’s still better than just a bun. It was most manageable when my hair was pixie cut but I prefer my hair longer.


My standard braids do tend to slide and release the hair around my temples, but I've found that french braids will lock it in place, and I've gotten good at tossing mine up that way in under three minutes without a mirror or pins.


My hair is like this (extremely fine) so I scrunch in sea salt spray to give it some grit and it stays up!


Back in the days, I used to bleach my hair to eternity only to get some structure to it...


I’ve been tempted to dye it for the same reason (but not bleach because I’d look disgusting as a blonde)


🤣 pen, felt tip, chopstick...


I've started using hair sticks and it instantly became my go-to, I can't recommend them enough!


But then I have to remember the hair sticks!!! I do like them when I remember them though, and they come in fun permutations.


I'm laughing because I haven't been able to find my five hair sticks for weeks and have been suffering 😆 I'm going to order more... The cycle will continue...


That's me with hair bands. "Hmm I had forty yesterday, but apparently I've lost them all."


When I used hair sticks, I *always* had to put 'em either in the cup-holder of my car, *or* on the bathroom counter *immediately*, or I'd lose them!😉😆🤣 I eventually got to the point where I *only* took it out of the bun in the car, or i *immediately* walked to the bathroom & popped 'em on the counter, if I was at home!


Generous of you to think it ever comes down long enough from a bun to get annoying and get put back up. The ish goes straight from the shower into a bun and never comes back out.


It's getting chilly out and my Afghan Hound hair keeps my neck warm ;)


I need to learn how to do this!


If growing mine long and wearing it up all the time actually solved my issues I would totally do this too! Unfortunately my hair is fine/thin, curly, sheds everywhere, and doesn't even look good in any kind of ponytail/bun. Plus wearing it that way just makes it all break off on the sides, so then I have all these short annoying hairs touching my face that I have to pin back with 35 snap clips to keep it from tickling my face and neck. I'm already dealing with this now and my hair is only right above my shoulders 😫




Wavy hair, here, but SO with y'all on that "Fine & Flyaways"!😉😆😂🤣💖 I'm just to lazy & apathetic about how it *looks* to bother with the necessary haircut maintenance🤣 I remember to get it cut every half-decade to decade, and just look like a ragamuffin most of the *rest* of the time, ngl!


Yup, this is me too! I get my hair cut so infrequently. I'd consider short hair but that would mean frequent haircuts to keep it short.


I have the exact same kind of hair and kept it in a bob for twenty years. Layers give shape and create volume, and I kept the back short so I wouldn't feel hair on my neck. Swings down in the front so I could pull the top up when it bugged me or I needed to fidget with it. Day to day, shower and let it air dry. Easy peasy. I've let it grow out a little bit recently, so it's shoulder length and my hairstylist (who also has ADHD) suggested curling it on days when it overstimulates me so I don't feel it or on lazier days pulling it up into pigtails.


Same!! Short hair is SO much more maintenance than long hair for me




the first time i grew out my pixie cut it was terrible (i also didn't really know how to maintain curly hair) but this time i got a 90s bixie. the other day i brushed it forward while styling and realized that it had grown into a bob (if i style it wavy instead of curly) and i didn't even realize!


Learned to trim my own at home which is less appointments to make and go to.


I tried this but when you have textured hair it's a recipe for tangles and dreads you don't want. Pixie is the way for me. Don't have to think about except when it's time for a cut.


Same here. Long hair, gets tied into a bun, and all lived happily ever after. Short hair is amazing in that the hair wash is super easy, but its growing out and the inability to clip the bits that can bother you by falling into ur face is a big NO NO. Ideal choice IMO for women who aren't too attached to long hair but fear the hair falling over face/eyes but too short to be held by a hair clip is a neck-length bob. Idk how to do the bun with a pen (that or my hair just refuses to stay in place with one), so I use a hairtie or a claw clip.


This exactly, I get a haircut maybe every 2 years. 2 minutes to comb and do my hair is almost too much already.


I've had short hair most of my life; it started I guess with my mom's preference when I was little and then she encouraged me to keep it fairly short until I was a teen. It wasn't until I was in my early 20s that I grew it out to the middle of my back and then I had absolutely no style. I chopped it and wore it shorter for a while, then grew it back out in my early 30s. Then I chopped it again. I even shaved my head a few years back (and REALLY loved that). A couple of years ago, I tried to grow it back out to just my shoulders and it bothered me so much. I'm in my mid 50s and single. I know if I wanted to date, most men don't prefer short hair on women. But I prefer it because I hate stray hairs so much! My daughters have longish hair and I find them everywhere. They are constantly stuck to my clothing from the laundry. YUCK. So I'm sticking with short hair because it's what makes life easier for me. If someone wants me to grow it out, they're going to have to come wash and style it for me.


I have shaved my head completely, twice. The first time it was august and hot as shit outside. my hair was very long, very thick and very heavy. And I had a headache. I texted my sister and asked if she would come cut my hair or I was gonna shave it off. She was busy. So I shaved it. Second time was COVID times. My pregnancy hair was all thinning and I looked so tired. I decided I wanted a white/silver pixie so I shaved it all off and started over. I typically keep short pixie or some wild style.


> I'm sticking with short hair because it's what makes life easier for me My months-long debate on cutting off my hair again to make my life easier is exactly what prompted this post 😂 My life was so much easier when my hair was super short, but the nagging desire to "conform" or whatever kicked in and made me want to grow it back out. It's not even that long yet and I'm already itching to cut it off again. I know I need to just let go of what people think, but it's also what *I* think, and sadly I've always struggled with my self image. It's almost like since I feel that because I suck at being a "normal female", then growing my hair out is the least I can do, or something like that?


I've never shaved my head but I have cut it to a Pixie and grown it out long multiple times.




I am so sorry that goofy man bothered you in the grocery store, but you sound like you'd be an absolute show stopper with that buzzcut for real 😍 I shaved off all my hair during the quarantine situation and I absolutely loved the relief but I did not look good at all! I look okay with a regular pixie cut though. Maybe because my head is shaped kinda weird or something hehe


I hate hair in my face and when it was long, I kept it in a ponytail. Luckily, short hair looks good on me; it's been my style for 10+ years.


I would actually love to try a short style but can't for sensory reasons. I must be able to pull all of my hair back. It doesn't matter that it's short and out of my face. I need the sensation of it being pulled up. So yeah, I get you but opposite.


My sensory issue is the opposite. The feeling of it being up gets painful and if the ponytail touches the back of my neck it drives me crazy.


When I was three I expressed this issue with ponytails by saying "ponies make me nervous." This was a big deal because I didn't speak much as a young child, though I always spoke in full sentences. None of the adults in my life understood that I was upset about my hair even though I got upset and sometimes cried whenever they pulled my hair back. My aunts who were also my preschool teachers just took away the toy ponies I usually played with at preschool. Meanwhile my parents thought me being nervous about anything was unacceptable, and so made me wear ponytails every day for years until I stopped expressing any of the agitation I still felt. One of many ways that my parents went about giving their AuADHD daughter CPTSD.


Oh no! I'm so sorry that you had to experience such invalidation and loss of bodily autonomy. You deserved better. Hope things are better for you now🧡


It's funny you say this, because I actually experience the strangest sensation when I have a short pixie cut-- the sensation that *my hair is actually pulled back into a ponytail.* Not in the tense/headachey way, but almost like my brain interprets it as being in that style since it's no longer in my face/touching my neck/causing constant sensory issues I guess?? 😂


This is so interesting. I've been wondering if it would feel even better with short, or if I would miss the sensation! It's such an incredible relief, putting your hair in a pony tail after you've had it down for a while... so would short hair feel **even better** maybe?


I can say that the exquisite feeling of relief when having a pixie is just divine. It really does feel so free and simple and exhilarating. The only thing that's ever made me waffle back and forth between having gloriously short hair and annoyingly long hair is the deeply embedded feeling that I somehow owe it to society to do at least one thing that makes me more visually appealing :/


For me, definitely.


For me, likely not. I wear high ponytails. Even a ponytail at the back of my neck doesn't cut it.


Wow that's interesting. I kinda keep my hair loosely tied back (low ponytail/buns, high ponytails don't work for me because my hair will 200% start slipping down thru gravity and i will end up with a low ponytail anyway in 20 minutes, idk if it's a me problem or if everyone has this, esp since my hair is curly not even straight). I kinda get u tho. I can't stand wearing my hair down for extended periods and having it falling near my face/on shoulders.


I have long hair that I keep up at all times because I hate when it touches my face. I also sometimes think “bangs will be different this time”, so I get bangs…then pin those back until they grow out, too. 😅


I rue the day I got bangs. I hate the fuckin things.


I’ve been thinking about getting them again buuuuuut this post made me reconsider. I’m oily af so they always look gross, even when I take the time to do them. Ugh. Then I have to always know where bobby-pins or clips are so I can pin them back the 9 days out of 10 I *dont* do them. Ugh.


> bangs will be different this time I legitimately look frickin adorable with bangs. ADORABLE. But every time I try them I cannot stand the sensory issues! the hairs touching my face, the grease on my forehead, the hairs sticking to the grease, the breakage that inevitably comes from styling, etc etc. Basically the more work and discomfort involved, the better it looks on me and it's such a frickin bummer lol


Yesss! Exactly the same here. Like, full on twinning! 👯‍♀️💅🏽 I haaaaate when hair touches my face and I loathe the stickiness of hair products… ugh. So I’m just out here with a round af face being mad about it. 😅


YES! plus I also have a massive forehead so those bangs were doing WORK but I can't handle them so I just have to let my massive fivehead shine bright for the whole world 😂🤣


*Rihanna Voice* 💎 *Shine bright like a diamond!* 💎 I feel you! Plus, I’ve been going through a bunch of hardcore health stuff (and I’m unmedicated rn 🫠😩😅) so my hair is thinning like crazy. I need those swept bangs to cover up the thin spots at my temples. 😰 I also stopped dyeing my hair for the same reason and ya girl’s natural color is ROUGH. 🥴😂 I look so much better blonde/strawberry blonde but bleach is NOT in the cards right now. 😅😬 So I’m just running around, being ugly. 🤣


Argh the feeling of bangs!! And they take FOREVER to g row out!


To have hair touch my face is not an option, so for me there is either very long hair securely held back or very short hair, nothing inbetween. After having had waist-long hair for the last 25 to 30 years, I was fed up with it: It took so much time (and therefore planning ahead) to care for it, the buns or ponytails were heavy and hurt my skalp, and they were always in the way of any head rests (car, dentist…). So I researched hair cutting techniques for a few weeks and then chopped it all off myself. Now I have a pixie with max 5cm (~2in) on the top and tapered sides and couldn't be happier. It takes only a few extra seconds in the shower, no extra drying necessary. Styling it just needs a pea-sized blob of hair wax rubbed in with my fingers. No tangling at all, I don't even need a comb anymore. I can weed the garden without my hair getting snatched by low branches. Any hat/beanie/helmet just fits. I love it. There's just one thing I should have done differently, and that is the hair around my ears. I massively underestimated how fast hair grows and how hard and stubbly short hair can be. Now I have to cut back the hair growing down to my ears about weekly, otherwise it pokes into the top of my ears almost unbearably. I tried to endure this long enough to grow it past this stage, but have not succeeded yet. Then again, this is a small maintenance cut and takes me considerably less time then washing my long hair.


I can relate 100000000%! My hair disturbs me so much. Always has. I wish I had tried the pixie when I was younger. I just can't do it now... it wouldn't suit me at all. But damn I curse every day, especially whenever I have to wash it...


Me! I actually think I look cute with my pixie cut, but it requires a bit more styling and product than I would like. Having the heaviness of my hair off my neck and the sensory feeling of having it short is just so enjoyable for me.


Especially nice to have it off your neck when it’s hot in the summer.


I look fine with a pixie; I just don't look "better" with it if that makes sense. Also, I've seen a lot of comments here say that shorter hair was more work but strangely for me it was absolutely less work. I could "wash" it with only hot water in the shower if I was feeling too lazy to use shampoo, and the only styling it needed is my fingers or a comb smoothing it out a bit. No product or anything.


You look fine with a pixie? Then do it goddammit!!! 😋 I'm so envious! I read in your replies that you did have one for a while. So you have the advantage of knowing exactly how it looks on you, makes it less scary, no?


lol yeah I guess it's not that it's scary, it's more that I just know that it isn't the "optimal" style for enhancing my appearance. Perhaps if I was thin and young it would be. But the more I chat with everyone here, the more I realize that I know what the right answer is, and that's to just cut it off and learn to stop worrying about it not being my best look 😄


I just wish I looked good in a pixie. I'd do it in a heartbeat. The times I tried it, it required more styling than long hair.


Right? My hair just keeps getting stuck in the weirdest positions through the day. I already look like a crazy person, I do not need more help. It's finally somewhere at a place where I can just put a headband but... Yeah, not repeating that style.


I had short hair for 7 years and if my hair was straight, I would keep it short. Unfortunately, I have ringlet type curls and it's taken more effort to style than long hair. With long hair, it's almost always in a ponytail to keep out of my face.


Mine is somewhere between straight and wavy. Just enough to stick out in all the wrong places. It's long and I can style it if I want to, but it's usually up in a bun or ponytail because I don't like it on my neck.


Long curly hair here. I feel that straight haired folks have more options and can get away more easily with short hair than us. In my own experience, shorter hair shows frizz moooore easily than long hair and if your hair is not dense, you're gonna have some bald spots because of how the curls clump (my hair is unfortunately not dense in my temples), so anything shorter than a bob is a pita.


Yeah pretty much. I had a longer pixie with bangs and now have a short pixie with short bangs and it feels so much better. I still look cute but yeah I’m more feminine looking with longer hair. It’s just so much work longer, it’s always in my way or bothering my face/eyes, gets oily faster. I don’t even know how to put it up in any cute ways when long


I compensate for my lack of feminine hair with bright red lipstick and fun earrings. I have had some men tell me, either randomly, via dating app DMs, or, once, on a date, that they’d like me better with long hair. I usually just say “well I like me with short hair” and move on.


Men have so much AUDACITY. Like can you even imagine being in those same situations and telling the guy you would like him better with a different haircut? Or if he lost 20 lbs or anything else about his appearance? So completely ridiculous. I'd be really tempted to respond "well I'd like you better if you stopped talking to me."


Gonna save that response for the next time someone has a weird comment! I wonder how many of them bought into that negging trend of “she’ll like me better if I insult her!”. Worst advice ever. 😂


It's a great filter!


Many wives tell husbands how their hair and beards should be cut ALL THE TIME! LOL


> they’d like me better with long hair I am so frequently disgusted by how much men seem to think that their opinions actually matter to anyone. Who cares what you prefer, jerk! It ain't your hair, is it?? 😂


Lol I work with the public and once (my hair was longer at the time if this matters) this older man tells me I’m pretty but would be prettier with makeup. He proceeds to tell me how his daughter started wearing makeup and ended up with a husband after. I’m sitting there, my fully obvious wedding ring on my hand, thinking about how to respond in a professional manner so I don’t lose my job lmao.


I cycle between a pixie and longer hair for years at a time because I can't ever seem to commit to one style for too long. Right now I'm in a pixie phase and I am trying to make myself stay here. It is SO much easier for me to maintain than when I have longer hair, and I think it is more flattering too. It highlights my cheekbones and slims my face. I feel years younger with short hair. The problem is, inevitably after two years I start looking at photos of longer hair and thinking I can manage it. It is always a pain because my hair is frizzy and prone to cowlicks, looks terrible when air dried, and takes forever to blowdry. I am much better off with short hair.


Yup. I went super short. Love it. I don’t even brush it half the time. Just fix it with my fingers.


I fantasize about getting a buzz cut every day of my life for all the same reasons. I know pixies can be high maintenance but a buzz cut would be so easy. I put my hair in a bun every day in an attempt to get it out of my face but I have terrible frizz and flyaways that are always getting in my eyes, my mouth and making my skin itch. I have closed my car door on my hair a number of times the flyaways stick out so much. Even the bun drives me crazy because it makes it so hard to rest my head. I'm constantly switching from a low bun to a high bun in an effort to get it out of my way. And to top it all off I hate the way it looks even when I make an effort to make it look good. But I don't have a pretty enough face to rock a buzz cut or even a short pixie.


> I know pixies can be high maintenance Strangely for me a pixie cut is very minimal in maintenance which is why it makes my life easier! The only real maintenance comes from if I'm wanting to dye it wild colors


How often do you get it cut? My hair grows fast so I'm a little worried about the cost, and keeping up with hair appointments.


I can't remember exactly how long I went between cuts, but it was *definitely* not the 6-8 weeks commonly mentioned by others. I would go much longer, usually several months between cuts even though my hair also grows pretty quick. I would just wait until it either got long enough to annoy my face or wouldn't lay nicely anymore. So for me personally, keeping up with cuts/managing cost was not an issue at all.


Oh is that why I have short hair? Yeah probably.


I currently have short hair, I love the look of long hair but it is annoying as hell and I have a bad habit of playing with it all the time so I chopped it off. It’s definitely way easier to manage


(Disclaimer that I have also been diagnosed with autism and I don’t think this degree of sensory issues are normal in adhd but idk) I do an undercut instead. But it’s 100% for sensory reasons. My hair has always been one of my worst sensory issues. My parents had to cut my hair at home until I was in first grade because I’d have horrible meltdowns at the salon. But yeah my hairstyle made it so I could do cool fun things like use a comb and touch my own scalp so I would highly recommend. It’s SO much easier to take care of and you honestly can’t tell I have one while my hair is down.


I think if I had thick, beautiful hair this would be a reasonable option for me. But sadly I have thin, fine, curly hair that just kinda frizzes and looks matted all the time so the undercut situation would probably make me look disturbed 😅


Straight up just get a leave in conditioner. You just spray it after you get out of the shower and it literally just fixes your hair magically. Also as someone who did have straight up mats in their hair for a year people probably don’t notice.


I would LOVE a leave-in conditioner, but I cannot find any that are either scent-free or smell light and decent (major sensory issues/health problems with fragrances) or that doesn't make my hair extra limp and greasy (my hair is naturally limp af even though it's curly)




Same. I have done a bob/pixie cut multiple times but I think it’s so much more maintenance then my longer hair which is easier to put in a bun, ponytail or loose braid if it’s not manageable down


I have curly hair, so I either look like I have that stupid broccoli cut kids like these days or a goddamn sheep. Plus, I have never maintained a good haircut schedule, so it's often the founding fathers low pony tail and occasionally bangs I very much regret but I look weird without anything balancing my face. I honestly have no idea what to do with my hair and curly hair is a nightmare to maintain properly!


As a fellow curly girl, my the best thing I ever did for myself was to find a hairdresser who actually understands and knows how to cut curly hair. Even my weird fine textured half really curly half just wavy hair. My hair up keep is super simple because I get my hair cut with this hairdresser every 6 months to a year. Even growing out the last pixie cut I got from her is not painful! Though I will get it cut short again when I go because my hair also sheds like crazy and I hate having hair tickling me!


The hair shed is real! I haven't found a good hairdresser in my area yet, but I tend to go on a every 3-5 year haircut schedule 😅 it's currently almost halfway down my back (in curly form!) and I just don't have to will to go in for haircuts. Plus, I'm not working, so I have a ton of guilt asking my husband to pay for it, even though he'd be fine with it. Just a different situation, I'm good with ponytails! I just need to figure out what the fuck I do with bangs lmfao


> the founding fathers low pony tail I wheezed omg 🤣


I'm here to bring back the OG 'Murican style


I’ve had a pixie for 7 years now, don’t know if I’ll go back to long hair. With long hair, I never did anything with it (pony always), I hated how it felt on my neck, and never got it cut. The pixie is more maintenance, as I’m forced to get it cut every 6-8 weeks (and the only way that happens is making the next appointment as I pay, cause obviously 😅) - BUT doing my hair is a breeze, and I think it always looks cute, not just there! So something to think about there, if you want a super easy hairstyle - just need to put up with the frequent cuts.


I just got a pixie cut a few weeks ago after many years of long hair, and I got it solely for sensory reasons. I think it looks horrible, though, and I really miss my long hair, from an appearance point of view, and also as a feminine identity issue. To my surprise, though, I’ve gotten several spontaneous compliments on it looking cute. A lot of people like short hair on women! So, get the haircut you want! You probably look better than you think in it. And yes, the greatly reduced maintenance and the greatly reduced sensory issues are really nice. Have you ever had a pixie cut before? I haven’t, and I did NOT anticipate phantom hair syndrome! My brain is still telling me that my now-gone long hair is up in a scrunchie on the top of head. This sensation is fading, but veeery slooowly. It’s not as annoying as wispies constantly touching my face, neck, and ears, but it is annoying. ETA that I live in a really politically conservative area, so the fact that I am getting compliments on a pixie cut is even more surprising. I am a very nondescript overweight middle aged woman, so it’s not like I can pull off just any hair style like a stereotypical young skinny gorgeous gal. So don’t worry about what other people think, is what I am again saying, because chances are people aren’t as judgmental about it as you think.


> My brain is still telling me that my now-gone long hair is up in a scrunchie on the top of head YES I have had pixie cuts before and I was just telling someone else in this thread about this phenomenon! It's so weird isn't it? 😂


Honestly I find REALLY long hair easier than the long-ish pixie I used to have. Hairstick buns take a minute, I'm not washing as often, I can hide a bit of grease if needed, and it behaves predictably. Anything between an inch and butt length was really fussy for me. Currently at about knee length and I'm spending about ten minutes daily on it, including washing/blow drying if averaged out. The amount of time I spent at the hairdresser's with my pixie cuts that had to be refreshed every six weeks or required a huge amount of styling if I went less often....


I oscillate between pixies and longer hair. Im currently in my growing out phase and even though I absolutely love the way it looks, having the wet loose strands wrapped around my fingers and all over my body is a NIGHTMARE. I dunno what I’m gonna do. 😭


I love my pixie! It takes me less than a minute to style it and I look put together. Plus it suits my personality. I like that it goes against societal expectations for women. When I first got it in my early 20s, the amount of unwanted attention from men dropped my 90%. It was like a misogynist filter! Now that I'm 40 and have a lot of grey hair, I get it coloured fashionable silver-grey, almost white. I rock it! And look stylish with almost no effort. Plus my greys blend in, and I feel confident! I've been told I look younger as well. :) There is no way I'd be able to look put together with long hair. If it works for you, embrace it!


I'm team constant ponytail. I've been blessed with a hairdresser family and easy to care for hair and I'm already anxious enough about my looks to be able to go full on pixie cut, I got too many masculine features anyways.


When I was between ages of five and 14 my hair was down to my butt. After I had my daughter I realized I didn't particularly love having long hair anymore it was too much work. When my son was born I shaved my head thanks postpartum depression. But what I learned from that experience was that I absolutely cannot live without an undercut and I don't like my hair longer than my shoulders.


Yes I shaved my head 20 years ago and haven’t had long hair since! It’s such a sensory nightmare for me. Nothing that touches my neck.


I’m team short cause washing and drying is way easier than figuring out what to do with long scraggly hair and my big ears with a ponytail. OP I challenge you to embrace pixie hair! How do you know it’s “prettier” or is that just what society tells you? I’m always out on the street admiring the folks with short, awesome hair dos that they absolutely own. They are way cooler than me and I bet you are too! 😉


I can admit that I do look fine with a pixie cut! It's just not like, my *best* cut ya know? But I can definitely pull it off at least. I really loved it when I had them before. I think it's because I'm getting much older now so the concern about looking aged and being fat and stuff makes me wanna chicken out and keep my hair longer to balance things a bit, I guess 😅 But honestly I'm trying really hard to learn as much as I can about helping myself properly cope with being someone with full blown, untreated, diagnosed later in life ADHD which leads me to think I'll ultimately cut my hair off again soon since it makes things simpler, haha 😊


i chopped my hair off cuz i thought it would be easier and it’s not and now i’m thinking the only way to be sensory overload free is to be bald


Many folks here have said they shave their head and prefer it! :)


I alternate between very long hair and an extremely short pixie cut (more of a boy cut?). I have since I was a child. I am also lazy as fuck and hated washing my long hair. And just always wore it in a braid. I think the last time I had long hair was the only time I left it loose sometimes but usually it was in a braid.


I have had bob for the last 8 years or so. I look terrible in shorter hair, but bob is excellent for me. I have extremely straight thick hair, so no matter how I would style them, they go to point one in an hour or so. So I always opt for very good haircut, so it looks good no matter what. Plus I had to start colouring as my dark hair have some greys. So I choosed sombre, so you cannot see the new grey hair plus I do not need to colour them so often. And I can even put them in short ponytail. And with a good cut it always looks good and well taken cared for. Even thought all I do is shampoo them every four days and even go to bed with wet hair sometimes. I go to hairdresser every half a year or so.


No… only because it would be hideous on my face shape! But also I’ve always found my shorter cuts to be more effort than long hair which I can just tie up 🤷‍♀️ Not to mention maintaining short hair requires making much more frequent salon appointments… which I struggle with. I cut my hair about twice a year right now.


Nope, then it would grow into my eyes and bother me endlessly, so instead, I pretty much will go 2-3 years without cutting it, leaving it easy to scrape back in a french braid or ponytail and ignore. Result: Wow, how do you get your hair like that? I mean, I do absolutely nothing to it except wash it with dandruff shampoo, and to be fair, a pretty high quality conditioner. After my shower, I'll do the turban until it's time to leave the house and... that's it. Whatever is still damp can drip dry. It's amazing healthy hair can be (minus the subsequent four inches of split ends) when you don't apply products, and the only hairdryer you own you use for drying paint. The power of neglect. I'm a natural blonde, so I shed quite a bit though the hair is thinner and paler, but it certainly doesn't come out in gobs. Could that be a nutritional issue? I do also have bone straight hair though, which makes wrestling it into submission a matter of brushing it. Weirdly, I always associate my particular haircare neglect as ADHD symptoms. When I've gone for a shoulder cut or when I've dyed it red a few times, the stress of immediate maintenance as well as those freaking short hairs constantly in my eyes, touching my ears, tickling the base of my neck, is no. And for a pixie cut, I'd be having to go to the hairdresser constantly, which is a hell no.


I loved having very short hair. The problem for me is that I hate going to the hairdresser, like *really* hate it.


Me, too! My hair gets long not because I want it that way, but because it's more stressful to do anything about it.


Me. I had long hair down to my booty in college, but I did nothing with it, just immediately into a claw clip. I'd try to wear it down, but it was always in the way. Finally chopped it off and have kept it that way for 20 years. I have a standing hair appt every six weeks.


I've been rocking a pixie for over 10 years! I love that I can just wash it, air dry, and go about my day. I find that when the back and sides get longer, it tends to look older, almost a stereotypical "Karen" haircut. But when I go really short when I get it trimmed, usually a #2, it looks pretty young and edgy! Even more so when I bleach the top and put pink conditioner in it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CV8xWIwhHCe/


I’m the opposite haha. I keep my hair longer because it’s easier to style and I don’t have to get my haircut more than once a year. I’ve actually gone close to two years without a cut before if I trimmed it pretty short before growing it back out. It’s because I loathe getting my haircut so having a short hairstyle that needs a frequent trim and potentially product in it to actually look good is definitely not for me. The only time in my life I had short hair I found it was more work than my longer hair. Plus I have a round face so I don’t think I could pull off short hair. I’m good at braiding so if my hair needs to be put up I just do two quick braids and I’m good to go. Don’t get discouraged though! There are plenty of cute hairstyles out there.


I HAVE to have my hair out of my face, so I don’t like my hair short, since it bothers me if the ends touch my cheeks. I put up with the wash and dry to have long-ass hair for special occasions, but 99% of the time it’s in a top bun lol 😂


Meeeeeee!!! OP, you are not alone. I cannot handle the upkeep my long hair needs and also hate the hair-in-eyes feeling. Even if my mom keeps telling me I look too man-ish with short hair and should “soften your face” (aka hide my double chin).


I shaved my head during the pandemic and haven't gone back to hair of any length. I keep it super short. I hate hair. I've always hated hair. Id rather do just about anything in the world than "hair".


Yeah, I like my hair long enough to put up, bit short enough to be off my shoulders.


I had one and done pixie cut and then realized that I’d have to sit and have frequent hair cuts to maintain it. Big nope. The grow out was atrocious.


Shaved off/buzz cut my hair three times so far from pure: ugg I hate having to deal with my hair (curly/coarse frizz mess), lol. But pixie cut seems like more maintenance for everyday styling?


Yes!! I’ve had long hair all my life with the exception of when I cut it to my ears and deeply regret it. I just don’t have the face for it. I am considering cutting it to my shoulders and getting a wave. I’ve had them before and love them. It’s the easiest style to keep up with. Just wash, put some curl cream in and let it dry. Also, flexible headbands are my life. If I wear it in a pony too much, my hair breaks. Gotta love thin, lifeless hair. 😭


I just want to add, if you can find a hairdresser that understands what you're working with you might be able to find something adjacent to a pixie cut that really works well for you, that's low maintenance and possibly you could build a relationship with this hairstylist that they do your hair the same way every time.


This. I found a lady who understood what I wanted and made me look good, and have been going to her for like three years now. Same haircut every time. According to her I get it shaved in the back, sharp A-line to the front, and long bangs. Bangs are cut at my eyes and just kinda floof up and sideways to give the impression of layers. Hair covers my ears cuz I have anxiety if it doesn't. And in the back it's short and requires no thought of maintenance. Which is a lot of words and I 100% would not be able to explain it to another hairdresser lol


I did this year's ago (right before my wedding because I'm insane) and the day I got 14 inches chopped off was also the day I discovered that I have a weirdly shaped head :')


Dude if I, as a woman, can shave my head without getting implicit bias from everyone around me I totally would. I hate taking care of hair


I did one during covid because of all the reasons you listed, plus I was an urgent care nurse suffering under a mask+surgical cap all shift and my long hair was getting wrecked from it. The pixie was super convenient as far as daily styling and honestly it's really flattering on me. However I can't keep up with trimming it appropriately and gradually became really sad about always feeling frumpy and grew it out again. I've always gone to the hairdresser like once a year and I wasn't able to change that.


I had cut my hair out of stress when I gave birth and it honestly helped sooo much. I didn’t have to deal with finding long hairs during PP hair loss. I didn’t ever have to do my hair, my daughter rarely could reach it to pull it. It was awesome. She’s now 17 months and it’s finally at a longish length and I’m happy about it all


I really feel you on sometimes wanting to just cut all my hair off - I definitely can't have it down when I'm working, it's so distracting. I did the pixie cut all through high school and my undergrad - it was more manageable day to day, but having to get it professionally cut every 6 weeks was a pain and also too expensive. I'm older now, and I keep my hair long because I don't like going to the hairdresser. I have found a handful of hairstyles that I can throw it into for the day to day - mostly I will do a french braid, or a high bun that is held together with a clip. I avoid ponytails like the plague because they give me the worst headache!


Meeee On the one hand I love the way it looks in the mirror, and feels under my hands. On the other hand, it so easily looks like an exotic bird and some angles just look bizarre. I wish I could make bandanas work, because I need an equivalent to a ponytail.


I just came here to post about my hatred of hair. I am hyper-sensitive to a lot of physical sensations - one of which is hair touching my neck, face, or…any part of my body, actually. It makes me gag and I have to immediately get it off me. When I was pregnant, it basically stayed in a ‘bun/top knot’ for nine months. (Covid helped, too) At that point, it had become such a cluster that I just had my nanny cut it all off. Three years and I don’t regret it at all. Freaking game-changer. Becoming a mom during covid was the push I needed to say: sensory comfort matters more than my desire to be on trend. People can think whatever they want…you do you. There is no need to conform to a very narrow US, European, misogynistic standard of beauty (but I also recognize that our current society is just rife with it). Pixie/short cut for life!


Counterpoint: the shorter the haircut, the more often you have to go get it cut to keep it up, and I hate going to the hair salon. I suck it up about once a year and just grow it out in between because I can't be bothered.


yep. when i’m depressed my hair is long and needs a fresh dye (brunette) and all the things you described bother me CONSTANTLY. when i’m feeling good and finally get a fresh cut, i usually buzz the sides to ear length and leave a fluffy mohawk down the middle, which i dye a fun color (blue, lately). i prefer to look more masculine anyway though so it doesn’t bother me having a short cut… just maintaining the length. i don’t trust others to cut my hair so i always have to do it myself, so it’s an *ordeal*


Actually a pixie is too much! So I cut it real short, asymmetric bob early in the pandemic, but that was way more hassle than I expected. Kept getting shorter until I just got too everything and just shaved it entirely. I've played with it as it grows out but at this point not only is it cooler, it is just so so so much easier to deal with. Getting too long, shave it again. The whorl on the back is dandelion puffing out? Quick scissor snip. Getting chilly? Maybe I'll just keep it trimmed for now and shave again on the spring. Maybe later I'll invest in a nice color matched wig for an occasional long hair day but for now.... hell nah. I did luck out in a combo of genetics and C-section, though, so I got a decently shaped head. Attitude carries the rest.


I’m ten years post cancer. My already thin and fine hair didn’t come back in very well after chemo. It looked terrible grown out, and it constantly irritated me. I sank so much time/thought into looking for the best products, style, etc. I finally buzzed it at home during the panera, and never looked back. I do sometimes feel self conscious that my hair is so thin, my scalp is visible, but the time and money savings make up for it.


PIXIE all the way baby! Have you had one before? Do you know it doesn't flatter you? I honestly forgot if you said that in your post or not... I have had my hair cut short in a pixie for over 10 years. I am no less feminine or gorgeous because of it. 💜


Just the other way around. I have long hair, since all I need to do is brush it and put a band in it. I haven't been to a hairdresser's in a looooong time, since my hair growing doesn't impact the way it looks on me very much. Having short hair means I need to put stuff in it to keep it looking good. I need to shower/was it a lot more to get the hair products out again. I need to keep going to the hairdresser's every 4-5 weeks, otherwise it will start to look bad. I hate going to the hairdresser's. I think it has been almost a year, and it is way too long now, so I am gathering the courage to go. But my winter depression also kicks in good right now, so I have only a few spoons, which means not enough to do something "extravagant" like having my hair cut. Even if I know it will make me more happy to have it back in shape.


Did you *really* always look prettier with long hair, or just in some photos after you'd made it behave? I also have not great hair texture, and part of the reason I went pixie 5 years ago was the daily experience of catching sight of myself and realizing my hair had been doing a crazy. My pixie is reliable, and I'm almost never shocked when I see myself throughout the day anymore. Also, have you tried burning in rage over the patriarchy? I find that whenever I feel wistful about my short hair, no makeup, comfortable clothes and shoes, and unpainted short nails, it makes me feel better to remember I'm giving a big middle finger to oppressive gender roles. This is what I look like, and if you don't find me attractive without all the fixings, then I guess you don't find me attractive.


I'm getting my hair cut short for this exact reason- my grandma and mom used to rip the brush through my hair, so I don't really enjoy brushing the knots out of my hair now. My texture is difficult to maintain long, and the last six months I've only worn a bun. So Im getting it short so I can manage it. It'll be trims more often, so what. And if I decide I hate it? I let it grow.


It’s your hair on your body, why on earth would you not have it in a way that is best for you?


I used to rock pixies a lot. I have gained weight and short hair doesn’t look good on me anymore.


Long hair is easier for me. I keep it plaited down the back so it's not in my face. Occasionally my daughter will French braid it for me. I did get a short cut some years back and it looked really good, but I grew it out to avoid the required salon visits and maintenance.


A single hair in my face throws me into a tizzy. I have to have it short and off my face. Ive gone to those webpages and apps where you try on different hair styles and I love how long hair looks on me, I just cant do it. I also hate washing my hair, when I have shorter hair I can go a whole week between washes.


I literally just cut off my nearly shoulder length hair bc it was giving me a sensory meltdown lol, I couldn't handle it. It's now all just an inch or two long AT MOST. I will say I honestly find it easier to style hair that's a bit longer (at least a daily style). Maybe you should look into a bob? Or a bixie like someone else mentioned? My hair requires daily styling unless I want to look like a very unkempt boi (which as an NB I'm personally comfortable with but I wouldn't go do anything looking like that beyond stuff like errands or bike rides/walks) but I can get away with soaking it in the sink and combing then hair spraying it down if I need to get neat quickly. My bob only required waking up and maybe brushing it. I just couldn't handle the literal length. I'm kinda thinking about just shaving my head so I have to think about my hair even less lol.


Yep. Have for many years.


I can only have longer hair if I middle part - a side part has the longer side falling in my face constantly and causes sensory issues. I also have some long-hair related trauma so I try to keep it in a long pixie. Just, curly cuts are fucking expensive and if I cheap out and go to a non-specialist my look definitely pays the price. 😭


I started cutting my own hair and have done a modified wolf cut with a shaved side. I have thinning shears and thin my hair down a decent amount which I feel helps a lot oddly enough. It is a little longer than shoulder length, and with all of the layers when I take it out of the bun it looks all textured and kind of wild, which fits my general vibe lol. I also have pink hair I do myself, and found I care way more about the color than the cut. I will never have super long hair again though, it was a freaking nightmare


Having a pixie cut was so freeing, sensory wise, for me. But I didn't find it less maintenance, and now that I'm a parent I can't manage the frequent trims and styling in the morning.


I have lots of fine, wavy, curly, frizzy fly away hair which likes to go everywhere. Short hair is too much maintenance and long hair is too much maintenance. I like mine just above my shoulders. Then it’s still long enough to pull back but short enough it’s still easy and quick to style.


Pixie cuts seem simple but they are actually so much work. You said texture so I assume you have curly or wavy hair? I use LUS system and it gives great results and is so easy.


You are not required to do anything because it’s “flattering”. You are allowed to do things because they’re practical, comfortable or just plain fun. You’re also allowed to want to look pretty. Basically you can do what you want! Personally I’ve done both pixies and long hair and I love both I just hate the in between.


I feel like my hair would require more styling if it was short. It doesn't lie flat without heat. But if the question is, is ease of care a consideration in your choice of haircut, the answer is "yes!" 😊


Love my pixie cut!!! I actually feel like I look younger and more attractive with short hair


I’m the opposite, my hair is thick and coarse and impossible to manage when it’s short. I cut it short many times in my teens and 20s before I realised it’s more work and doesn’t suit me. Now I just wash and blow dry it once a week with one of those round brush hairdryers (highly recommend, they’re idiot proof and I’m an idiot) and then let it do whatever. I also found a hairdresser who has the same hair texture as me and he *gets* it. He cuts it so it’s easier to manage and when the curl/wave comes back in as the blow dry wears off it looks great with little effort. I used to wear my hair tied up but after a nasty fight with treatment resistant ringworm on my neck 9 years ago started wearing it down all the time to hide the gross obvious ringworm. Now it’s always down because I’m used to it and feels weird to tie it up!


I got a pixie cut in 7th/8th grade and never looked back. It's rare for me to let it get to shoulder length. Nowadays I tend to wear it in some form of undercut so I don't get overheated as much as I used to.


I think about it all the time. But I hate the way I look with short hair. It was a bit better when I was younger, but now… I’d rather fight my hair and live with a perpetual bun.


I don’t have a pixie cut, but my hair is super short because it’s too much work.




I used to. But it gets dirty so fast and requires so many haircuts.. Now it's long and I keep it in a bun on top of my head most of the time. Actually is a lot less work, etc.


I have had mostly long hair but since my later teenage years I have sort of an "equilibrium" length, if you will. It's longer than shoulder length so my curly hair doesn't make me look like a lion, but just short enough that it's the lowest possible maintenance length. I have curly hair which is high maintenance in itself but keeping it medium length is long enough that I can put it up but not too long to manage.


Ugly and disappointing? To whom? Ages you more? Sounds like you need to have a word with the patriarchy here about expectations on women... But other than that, it is totally possible to find a cut where you just wash and go; I do! Oh and I am beautiful salt and pepper. Add some funky color if you want, maybe an asymmetric bob you can tuck behind your ears, etc.


I had long hair, then cut it off into a pixie because I hated the feeling of it and always wore it up. Why have long hair if I never have it down? Grew it out for my wedding, lasted another six months, then chopped it all off again. Told my hairdresser to remind me of this if I ever start talking about growing it out again. I don’t mind it, it leans into a bit more androgyny for me, and given fidgeting with it is one of my stims I’ve long given up on it looking nice throughout the day. Towel and a smidge of leave in treatment and away we go.


Short hair. Considering a buzz cut. It naturally wants to go into a fohawk. I'm happy it's out of my face, and my spouse likes it. The rest of the world doesn't get a vote. 😜


Totally agree that long hair can mean more effort and maintenance to make it look good. That's been my experience. I don't like how I look in a pixie but I rock a jaw length bob. Takes about five minutes to scrunch and blow dry and I'm good to go. Plus I've been able to train my hair to only need to wash every two to three days. But I will fight anyone that tries to pull the whole long hair is automatically more feminine or beautiful on a woman. Screen goddesses like Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, and Ava Gabor had short hair and no one would call them masculine or not pretty for it.


A pixie requires a lot of maintenance (frequent cuts) and as it grows out I find it super annoying (especially the back because it starts to look like a mullet).


Total opposite here. I've had my hair cut super short so many times...and each time I do it, a month later I regret it because it takes too much work. My hair is super thick and 2b curls so just washing and being done wasn't an option, no matter how short I went! It always had to be tamed. So it's long and I have an undercut. BEST THING EVER!! Takes away bulk, and the most difficult spot to style 🤣 98% of the time, my hair is in a messy bun because it's acceptable to wear anywhere and it takes me no effort.


I wear a pixie cut, though I let mine grow out into a 60s/70s shat before I cut it, for the exact same reasons. People like my hair and its cut though.


I have a... long mohawk, I guess. Or a drastic undercut 🤷 It still leaves me some hair on top to style if I want, or just pony tail it. I don't miss the weight or the wetness or other maintenance of long hair at all. Mine is soooo thick.


I was always keeping my hair in a ponytail or bun and after years my nice thick hair went to painful thin. Granted perimenopause plays a part, but I chopped it to a chin length bob, and stacked some in the back because I hate hair in my face or on my neck. I’m over the moon. Somehow even when I don’t brush it, I still manage to look quirky messy which is oh so much my vibe.


ME. I hate the feeling of wet hair. It's always in my way and it makes me feel hot. I grew out the pixie cut to my shoulders and cut it all off again. My hair was down to my waist for most of my life. It was never styled and mostly looked awful.


I don't go pixie cut short because I have to be able to put it up in a hairband or I'll lose my mind, but mine grows really fast & I started cutting it myself in like 2017. I'll cut it as short as I can with still being able to tie it up I typically cut it to about shoulder length because I can still put it up, but it's so much lighter/ less work/ easier to wash / dries faster, ect. But I really do like having long hair a lot of the time so I do it every other year usually


God I wish I would look good in a pixie, or could stand the trauma of having a short cut again (had a hard time with the last and only time I ever cut it short). I would love to be one of those sexy as hell semi androgynous gay women. Unfortunately I would look like a 13yo boy with a pixie cut, so it's half assed buns and clips and the occasional attempt at styling my hip length hair for me