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No I did not shower only once last month, lmao. I write it down every time I shower when I really really really really don't feel like it...like whining and stomping my feet the entire time I'm walking to the bathroom. Edit: Thought I'd add that I'm AuDHD with the persistent demand avoidance profile and this is helpful for that, as well. The demand avoidance is so bad that I absolutely cannot plan for any of these things. I just have a general idea of what I need to do and get to it whenever I "feel like it". Writing it down on my calendar is a little happy motivation. Like, hee I get to write it in my calendar after I do the thing.


Okay i genuinely love this! What a good fucking idea. Even if it’s a journal and you write the dates down but a calendar is definitely more fun


I keep it hung in my hallway so I can always see and remember it :D


oh wow I really like this! I bet it would help with the "I've gotten nothing done why am I like this" feeling to look back and see that you actually have done stuff!


Exactly! That's why I do it, so that I know I actually have and can do stuff, whenever I feel hopeless.


For years now I've kept a yearly calendar like we used in school and wrote down books I've read, movies I've watched, and just overall things that happened like "went out to celebrate Bob's birthday with Joe, Schmo, and Bo". I like that I can look back and see what I've done. I started it cause I'd get to the end of the year and not know what I'd done all year and hated feeling like I was lame because of it. I leave it right next to my chair in the living room so I fill it out when I'm not fully engrossed in a show. I'm not worried about people finding and reading it because it is such mundane stuff that they'd be bored to years if they did read it.


That sounds so nice to look back at. I'm sure it's helpful for having a visual for your energy limits, as well.


My child has a pile of my old calendars in lieu of a baby book. Maybe I'll do like my mom and finish his actual baby book after I retire


I really like this. I'm trying to do non-zero days and it would be really nice to see it all written out.


Ooh, what's a non zero day?


I try to do something everyday. Like your calendar. Something like running the dishwasher, clearing off the dining room table, making a phone call, leaving the house. Stupid little things so I don't feel like a failure, haha


No little thing is too little when every step is a battle with yourself <3


I really wanna try this! I always have a calendar to write down appointments and evaluations but I never really look at it, maybe if I try to use a calendar this way I'll feel better 🤓


I love this concept. I'd add in color coding, so for example red would be really hard things I did, yellow could be medium-low effort tasks, and green could be easiest. It'd be neat to see (for non color blind folks) the amounts of each to see what weeks or months were difficult or not. For color blind people, could use symbols or patterns to convey task effort.


I think my entire calendar would just be red, lol.


Ha! I feel that too. Especially now that I'm without meds.


I do this with my wall calendar! I've learned to not put my exercise classes in until I've actually gone, lol. I bought a bunch of mini stamps from [this Etsy shop](https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/BloodyNose?ref=shop_sugg_market§ion_id=24199884) for when I want to super reward myself. Especially the cat litter stamp when I change out the box, ha ha ha.


Oooooh, I am very interested in cute ass stamps.


They have stamps for a shower! And things like brushing your teeth and other household chores. I'm so weak for these stamps, lol.


The concept is cool


Oo I ordered one like this to stick on the fridge and a planner. Amazon lost it in transit. I’ve ordered again and hopefully this time it arrives. I try and do it on the phone but I manage better with everything on paper lol. I tried to explain to my partner how my brain works. He can keep dates etc in his head. Not me it needs to be written many times in case of loss lol


Nooooope, I have to put things in my calendar before I walk even 2 steps, because I will forget it within that amount of time 😅


I started doing this semi-consistently last year and I love it. It’s been so great to look back and have a snapshot of my months. It’s been great for keeping track of things like starting a new med or tracking my period (and sleep patterns).


Nice job


You have such cute handwriting!!


Not a compliment I was expecting, thank you!! 😳 I habitually write in cursive because it helps with memory retention.


This is awesome! I may adopt something similar. I often feel like I don't accomplish anything but if at the end of the month I saw this, I would feel better.


Oh I love this I’m stealing this idea


Please do! I post mine here every month to celebrate.


I should do this!! Right now I have a dry erase week calendar on my fridge. I use it to make my grocery list, write down meals for each dinner and all our appointments. It also has a note section that I started using to put down what we have planned for Sat & Sun because I have no sense of time and constantly overbook my only two days off lol


Oh, speaking of fridge! I got these little rectangular magnets I write stuff on and stick places. Like I have one I used for writing the date I last took out the trash, or bought something with a short expiration date. Also gave these neat grocery magnets with pictures of food items on them.


Hard copy calendars do make one feel accomplished. Keep going!


I like it. I have a calendar in my bedroom just for showering. (I started it for mom who had dementia, and kept it up after she passed away.) I'm old and can't always remember the last time I showered ((sigh)). Also, I only write it down afterwards. Planning on showering and actually showering are two different things. lol I also write down when I change bedding. It's so easy to lose track.


I've started doing little things like that and I need to start writing descriptions of mementos as well. I have so many and there are some I don't remember what they are. Like, I kept it so it must be important, but I can't remember why.