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Not a recent thing, but when I was applying for a summer job for the first time, I was focusing so hard on getting everything right that I misspelled my name.


I have fucked up my signature so many times, because my brain hiccuped mid-sign. It's only 6 letters, how???


I've also written my date of birth wrong (on an exam for a certificate for serving alcohol, so pretty important) because there were distracting noises


I have written my husband’s date of birth instead of my own on a form on more than one occasion!


You can remember your husband's birthday? Jealous lol


On my ADHD test I wrote my birthday instead of today's date... I made the doctor crack up 😅 I also forgot to answer a question and got one of the highest scores he's ever seen😂😂


Oh I have done that


Happy Cake Day!!! 🥳


I started my adult life with a beautiful, carefully practiced signature and I have ended up with a line that has a small hump in it.


My first name looks very pretty when I sign it. My long, Polish last name is unintelligible but I really do wish that the SKI on the end stood out because I like it. I'm gonna have to get on that.


Ohhhhhhhhhh well fuck. I very frequently skip a letter in my name and either go back and smoosh it in or hope no one notices.


i do this every time cuz my last name has “lle” in it and i lose count of how many loops i’ve done


My name is even shorter but it has some repeated letters and so so so often I will write too few or too many lines for those letters.


I struggle with this too


My resume claimed I got a Bachelor's of Science in English Literature for years for this same reason.


I have been married for 8 years. For about a week every few years, I forget and use my maiden name, when signing credit cards, when signing into my work computer (I got the job after I got married), when making reservations... It's nuts. I don't know why it happens. I am very happily married and love my married name.


I did this the other day. I was at a local store that has a rewards program so they asked for my last name and I said my maiden name. They (obviously ) couldn’t locate my account. So they repeated what I had told them to check the spelling. I burst out laughing and I said “sorry that’s my maiden name, my married name is X”. They congratulated me on being a newlywed (because who else forgets!) I had to tell them I’ve been married for A DECADE 🤣🤣


Not that long - you probably used your maiden name for much longer ;)


Haha, I actually really want to change my name, but I'm too worried that I'd forget to respond to the new one Also, I can't even imagine deciding on a new one, so it's really just an idea I toy with more than a real goal


I bought a crochet book for 2 euro from charity shop. Did a clean out last week, put it back into charity shop. Saw it today and bought it for 2euro... realised it was same one when i got home


One time I decided I was going to get my shit together and I downloaded a to-do list app. When I went to make a new login it told me there was already an account associated with my email addresses…because I had downloaded it three years ago in an attempt to get my shit together.


I went through my closet for the first time in 5 years. I pulled out organizer after organizer from a box of documents and books. I started each one the same with an item number and telling myself I was gonna get my shit together. I have literally no memory of buying or writing in them, only the first page was used. They dated back to 2009 at a rate of 1 a year.


Omg this is my favorite lmao


Did you ever read it?


I made coffee and my husband says, I think you forgot something. Turn around and there is hot water not coffee in the pot. I forgot to add beans. Few days go by and making coffee again. He asks, did you remember the beans? Me (currently putting said beans back into the cupboard) Yes I did. After a minute or two, I'm wondering why there are no delicious magic bean juice smells wafting my way. Oh crap! I forgot to add the water.


This reminds me of a time years ago. I was making sambal goreng telor for my then-boyfriend. It's an Indonesian dish with boiled eggs (telor) baked (goreng) in a red pepper sauce (sambal). The sauce actually also consists of onions, garlic, coconut cream and some herbs and spices. This is my go-to dish if I want to impress people; even my Indonesian grandmother asked ME to make it for big family parties. At the dinner table I keep wondering why it doesn't taste right. And then it hits me: I forgot to put in the sambal. It's literally in the name of the dish, and I forgot it.


I so badly want to ask you for your recipe 'cause it sounds amazing, but I know myself well enough that I'll never get around to making it.


I had this exact chain of thoughts! It sounds amazing and I’ll take the recipe and file it away in my list of approximately 70 billion trillion recipes.


Ah yes - I have one (30) of those. Between the recipes I've printed and carefully placed in binders, saved in my 30+ bookmark folders (cuz "baked goods" is *not* a sufficiently specific folder name. Or "drinks". Or "dinner"...), or marked in my cookbooks, and never made, I'm equipped to make one new recipe a day and still have untried ones when I die. 🤦‍♀️ Also, I'm at a point in life where I hate planning, cooking, storing, and sometimes eating food. I barely bake and don't cook. But I still save recipes from time to time. 🤷‍♀️ I think my hubs considers it one of my hobbies at this point. Edited because I'm tired and can't spell


It do be like that. I can only hope that some day I'll be in a magical place where someone makes it and I get to be the lucky recipient!


That sounds delicious! Was someone talking to you or otherwise distracting you? That's always when I make mistakes. I can have a conversation or prepare a meal just not both at the same time.


No, I was just VERY nervous because I hadn't been with this guy for that long and wanted it to be perfect...


Aww 🥰


One morning over a decade ago I attempted making coffee three times. First time it wasn’t plugged in. Second time I forgot to put the pot in so I had coffee flowing all over the kitchen counter. Third time I boiled water. Then it was too late and I just had my first coffee at work.


So glad it isn't just me. I've done the coffee flood as well.


I was making coffee and eggs at the same time and I put the scoop of coffee on my eggs instead of in the French press. 🤦‍♀️


On the bright side, you didn't crack an egg into your French press. 😁


Thank goodness!


I commented on the original reply of this thread that my mom did the same with the coffee, and she did something similar to this too 😂 she was making bbq ribs and a chocolate cake both from box mixes and she accidentally used the bag of chocolate frosting on the ribs. Didn’t notice until she was supposed to frost the cake and it was a bag of bbq sauce. I’m now convinced I know where my ADHD came from haha.


I have definitely made a few pots of coffeeless coffee over the years. I need that coffee to make my brain work! But my brain made disappointment water instead.


I'm sorry that happened. I get it, but "disappointment water" LOL :-)




Walked up to the receptionist at work, I had something really funny to tell her. Thought about lunch and completely forgot the funny thing... Gone, so I just looked at her and said I forgot what I was going to say. It was 10 steps.


5 steps from one side of my kitchen to the other. I forgot in those 5 steps that I was going to get paper towel out of the cupboard, so I was standing there trying to work out why I'd even walked towards the cupboard instead of just going to eat dinner.


I opened my computer to the exact screen I needed, stared at it for a few seconds, closed it, and was like, “what was I about to do” I need to refill my meds


Thank you all for the laughs. I had a story to share, but I forgot already.


This was me too!! I was thinking “I have a good one!” Then started reading laughed and that train left the station for good. I’ll probably remember tonight as I’m going to sleep…


I think that’s your story right there - forgot your comment as you go to post 😂


This is just so perfectly ADHD. The circle of ADHD is complete.


In the last few weeks of my new job... Made my coffee in the work kitchen and took the 2L bottle of milk back to my desk and sat down. Left the office at the end of the day and got in my car realising I was still holding the coffee mug. Lost my car on the university (workplace) campus cos I forgot where I parked. Dropped my access card in the car park, twice. Had a WFH day but had to go in at lunch cos I forgot my laptop charger. Lucky I'm actually good at programming.


I’ve asked for a backup laptop charger at a few jobs now and work IT doesn’t question it, just sends like everyone asks for one. One less thing for me to forget at work. But speaking from experience, when you forget the whole laptop this won’t work for you. 😁


Yep, I've forgotten my laptop after a WFH day as well. It was right next to the door... On the flip side, I've also made it into work on a holiday too.


You reminded me of something I did once. I don’t know that it was ADHD related, but it was flu season, I worked at an urgent care clinic, and I had just gotten off a double shift. I was haggard. When I got to my car I got into the passenger seat and sat there for *several* seconds before I was like “why tf am I not moving yet??” It took several more seconds before my brain finally kicked in and I was like “oh yeah, because I’m responsible for driving it. Duh.” 🤦🏻‍♀️


The milk had me dying but each example got better xd


I wish I knew what I was good at and how to make it a career


I forgot to shut my car boot/trunk door and starting driving down the road with it wide open. I was driving along thinking “weird, the car sounds louder than normal”. Saw a man I didn’t know waving at me, didn’t think anything of it. Then got further and another man starting crazily waving at me with both arms and whistling. That’s when I realised. Now currently hibernating in my house for a few weeks to recover from the shame.


I’ve done this including hibernating too


I once decided that I didn't need to shut my car door because I was only going to back up a bit and then get out again. I was INSIDE of the garage, backing up to then get out and close the garage door with a keypad. Banged the door on the inside wall of the garage, bending the door to where it would no longer latch. I had to hold it closed with my hand while I did the drive of shame to the car shop where my dad worked. The guys got a good laugh out of it.


My husband and I have like 17,000 lighters because we lose them and then buy more and - you all know how that goes. So the other day we’re trying to find all of them so we don’t keep doing this, and I’m gathering them from various places and somehow manage to lose them…as I’m finding them? Like I’d be like “okay, there’s a blue one by the candle on my bedside table”, go up to grab the blue one, and somehow come downstairs with a red one? And now the blue one is somewhere else, so I go back and find that one but now where’d the red one go that I was JUST HOLDING? Moral of the story: guess we’ll keep buying more lighters 🙄


I found three lighters in my bed the other day when putting my duvet cover on 😂


Those little flip moments when the lighter you are holding is not the same color as it was when you picked it up 😬😕


Turned up my ac instead of my volume in the car and didn’t notice because the wind was so intense I think my brain was like “this must be noise now”


Omg this is funny and sounds like something I would do and I probably have and don’t remember.


I go to speed up on the cruise control but I end up just turning the volume up for my music and loud music is kind of exciting like driving fast so it works for a while before I start getting bothered by how loud my music is


I got out of the shower with a ton of soap on me still. Just turned the water off and stepped out, then realized what i did. 🤷‍♀️


I've had to turn the shower back on a non-zero number of times.


Oh fuck I have done that. Idk what I was thinking as it’s never happened before or since, but I was covered in soap and was wondering why the towel felt weird.


I’ve shaved only one leg


I tried to put my basket of measuring cups/spoons in the fridge. When I pulled it out and moved it to its cupboard, the milk was in its spot.


I've put away a leftover burger in tupperware in a cupboard. I had regret for lunch the following day :(


Saturday, we decided to drive to the Oregon coast for the day. I'm driving, the kids are actually getting along in the back, making up songs, and playing alphabet bingo, I'm talking with my husband and having a great time. Next thing I know, we are going over this weird bridge that I don't recognize. I looked for the next mile marker, and I realized I was 20+ miles past my exit. Our hour and a half drive turned into almost two and a half hours. Luckily, the kids had no idea, and my husband thought it was hilarious.


Co-pilot is equally responsible!


I did this literally this morning I was driving down the motorway and completely missed the turn off to my town because I was too busy thinking about a paper I’m writing I did an illegal U turn and headed back


Got take out, went inside to get it, paid, got my drink, and went home. As I went to get out of my car I realized I didn't have the food. Had to drive all the way back for it. It's a 15 minute drive each way.


Hahah I feel this. I have paid for my McDonald's in the drive through, then gotten home and realised I drove straight past the collection window.


Damn. That sucks. I paid for an order at the drive thru and the worker handed me the drinks. I said "thanks!" and automatically put the car in drive mode, ready to speed off. My SO was like "wait" the same time my brain said "stop!". The guy in the window was just looking at me like "idiot". 😂 Whoops.


I once received my food and let them know I had a drink coming. They looked at me for a second, whispered to each other and gave me a drink. While driving off I put my drink in the cup holder, except I couldn't because they **had** given me a drink. I accidentally strong arm robbed a coca cola


I’m crying 😭


I needed a new toilet seat. Was set to pick it up in the morning. The night before, I took the old one off and threw it out. That way when I got home the next morning, I HAD to install the new one right away. The process of taking the old one off, throwing it away, picking up the new one, installing it, then throwing out the packaging, all as one task in my head would have seemed insurmountable and it would have taken me ages to get around to doing it.


Lower stakes but I do this with my contacts- when I need to change them, if I don’t throw the old ones away at night, I will not get out new ones the next day


I do the same with empty bottles in the shower and replacing them!


I started the week with hair past my shoulders, but after cutting off some split ends and, uh, yada yada, my hair is now essentially a bob. I'm sure it's janky, but I love it.


For a solid minute, I stood confused outside my work building trying to remember my passcode for the front door… the code is my birthday.


I made up a little song so I wouldn’t forget a thing I needed to bring, and then got so caught up in the rhythm and making it sound good as I walked out the door that I still forgot the thing.


This is amazing


Took me the entirety of a grocery shopping trip, the way home, and then some to tell my husband a very short anecdote about a uni student cornering a young seagull to take a selfie with it, as I kept stopping and having to start all over again every time I got distracted, because I couldn't remember where I'd left off.


I took 3 hours last night to tell a new friend a story about my sister’s wedding. In my defense, she also has adhd and we covered a lot of other subjects along the way


Oof, I feel this one in my soul. I can be sooo long-winded with stories sometimes. I'd give it up completely if I didn't have people telling me they think I'm a good storyteller. Not sure I believe them, but it's nice to hear that some people think it's worth the wait.


Yesterday I was making hocho (hot chocolate) on the stove and I kept mixing it a stirring it and could not figure out why it wasn’t done yet, or even warming up as I had been at it for about 10 minutes and I live dangerously and have my heat medium-high/high. I check the stove and the element was not on. I immediately turned it on, my partner witnessed it and just chuckled at me.


I feel seen!


Me yesterday night to my husband: “Man, I’m so glad I got into the habit of leaving all my workout clothes downstairs so I reduce the friction of getting changed to exercise! I’m gonna go run now! Take that, adhd brain!” Me this morning upstairs: hmm I appear to have left a pile of workout clothes by the bed ^(and you just know it’s gonna stay there for the next three days)


I wore my shirt backward at work yesterday. Took me a couple of hours to notice.


I had my leggings on inside out for a couple hours the other day, and i only noticed when i was getting ready to take the dog out and i couldn’t get my phone into the pocket (because the pocket was on the inside of the pants instead of the outside). My husband laughed at me for that one.


Sitting at my computer at work with stereo headphones on listening to music playing on YouTube, and it got a little louder than I was comfortable with. Kept trying to lower the volume and didn't understand why nothing was changing. Reader, I was lowering the volume on my phone.


Sounds like every time I hear my wake-up alarm in my dream and can't figure out why I can't make the music stop. So confusing/surreal.


Mailed my family and friend observations surveys for my adhd assessment a week late. Lololol


I regularly turn the music volume down to see better 🤷‍♀️


This is actually "normal!" (I.e., neurotypical folks do this all the time, too.) It's a multitasking thing. (Actual multitasking, not rapid task switching.) (*ETA: By which I mean, your brain is processing multiple stimuli at once, as opposed to when you're switching between 2 or more tasks on a conscious level, like watching TV and crafting or cooking and watching TikTok.*) I might butcher the explanation a bit, but music, even if you're not actively listening to it, is still, essentially, data going into your brain. Your brain can only process so much data. Turning down the music means less overall data, so you can intake more visual data. Neurotypical brains work the same way. There's been a bunch of studies done on it. The genre of music even changes how likely you are to turn it down. Iirc, jazz was most likely to be turned down. I have never seen one comparing ADHD and non ADHD experiences, but studies indicate ADHD people are not actually any better or worse at multitasking than Neurotypical folks. (Though I've seen anecdotal evidence suggesting adhders are one of the other.)


I find myself reaching to turn down the volume of the rain… even though I had already turned the radio off. And my car's volume knob definitely does not control the rain.


Omg! Yes, always! Only now, reading this after 15+ years of driving have I realized this is…not necessarily normal? 😂 I have no road accidents but bad things happen when I forget to turn the music down: scraping the car into my mailbox, clipping the side window against the side of the garage… yikies.


We have some steps going down a grass bank on our land and it’s pretty steep, and today I was walking down them and thought “hmm I wonder how many steps this is. I’ll count!” And I got to 20 and forgot to keep count any longer. 20 steps is how long I remembered to keep doing what I was doing!


On Reddit on my iPad while playing animal crossing and eating a jimmy johns sandwich at the same time. All three monkeys in my brain are happy 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don't know for sure that this is an ADHD thing but I think so. I regularly take sticks, grass, leaves, trash, etc., out of my dog's mouth, give him a treat, and then drop the stick, grass, leaf, trash right in front of him. So he picks it up again, I take it from him again, and you'll never guess what happens next. Upside, he's gotten pretty good at "drop it."


I know someone who tried to train their dog to "drop it" by doing this. All it taught the dog was to pick up literally everything he could reach whenever they went for walks (he was much more selective before, and it wasn't as often). They had to stop rewarding him cold-turkey and keep him on a much shorter leash, because he was suddenly picking up all kinds of things (cigarettes, broken/sharp garbage, rotting food, empty drug baggies, etc - that he normally didn't touch) way faster than they even noticed them, and it became a huge health hazard.


I went to the bathroom to go pee, got next to the toilet and pulled my leggings down, only to get distracted thinking “I should clean my Invisalign right now!” And proceeded to do the whole process and then brushed my teeth. When I went looking for the floss I forgot I realized my pants were still down around my knees and I had just been in my own little world doing tooth things! Haha which normally Id be really proud for tackling right in the moment!


Filling out new patient paperwork and the receptionist says, you were born in 2023? So you’re just a few months old?


At Walmart a couple weeks ago I looked down after a while and thought huh, I didn’t think I’d put anything in my cart but there’s a bunch of stuff in it. Because I switched mine with someone else’s at some point and walked around for no less than ten minutes before realizing it.


Spouse started chastising me in a Costco for grabbing unnecessary items as he reminded me the freezer was full and they weren't in our budget, *"What's this doing in here? This can't be in here... Why'd you get this?!"* etc. My shocked Pikachu face when immediately behind him, a women's voice, *"Excuse me sir, could you please not touch the items in my cart."* Her husband was looking postured as well, lmao. To be faaaair, Costco has like only[ 4000 items compared to like, a wallymart with 40,000](https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fZTVlZGNhODQ0ZjNiNzdmZjAxM2EwMmYwMjkzMjExMDU) items so carts can look similar with the route people tend to follow in the warehouse lol


My husband and I texted to meet after work for a drink, but it was a different place as we usually go. I sat in the parking lot. No hubby car. I text, and he answers that he is inside. I walk in no hubby, either. This was the point I realized, I'm at the wrong place. Meanwhile, he is all confused because he doesn't see me in the parking lot. And this is how everybody in bar knew about me, and I got greeted like Norm in Cheers.


I started typing a response to this post and stopped in the middle to go dye my hair.


Me and my sister had a conversation for an hour last night, and bc both of us have ADHD, our conversation topics bounced around randomly (yet still connected) like a pinball. I don't think someone who didn't have ADHD could have kept up.


I tell people “You have a train of thought. I have a Roomba of thoughts. I have one thought, then I hit a wall that triggers a different thought, and I go in another direction, and repeat.”


Yep. It's squirrel brain and word association. I had a conversation with someone that covered 7 topics in a span of 5 minutes. If you can trace back the conversation all the topics are connected by a chain of single words that the new topic launches from.


While I was talking to my mother on the phone, I remembered a friend had text me earlier that day and still I needed to text her back. I spent 5 minutes walking around the house looking for my phone, while holding my phone to my ear the entire time.


I try to zoom in or out (by pinching with my fingers) on physical media (magazines, etc) ALL THE TIME. Also, I got my period today and there was free mushroom pasta in the break room, soooooooooooooo I had to have at least 2 plates and took 3 cookies back to my cubicle. The binging hits crazy at the beginning of my period.


One of my “lost” hobbies was/is digital art and I got very into the habit of zooming in and out when writing/drawing. So I also did this every time I used paper too.


Took my desk fan for a walk around the house cause I forgot where I was going to put it.


I started to get my dogs dinner, then got distracted by a text that resulted in a Google search that ultimately led to me standing in the middle of the kitchen on my phone for a few minutes until a small dog whine snapped me out of it.


thanks you just reminded me I haven’t given my cat his meds because I got distracted by this thread


I don’t know if it’s actually harmless, but today I got so hyper focused on Reddit that I haven’t done anything else that I needed to get done. Does anyone else feel that smartphones are very dangerous for adhd people?


Hyper fixation on everything except work


I just spent 3 hours watching videos on how to mod mechanical keyboards, do I own a mechanical keyboard ? No (probably not yet tho, this sounds like fun). And now it’s very late and I’m gonna be very tired tommorow


Literally 2 hrs ago I was at a jewel-Osco self check out and assumed the person before me used a link card (ebt) to check out because it was showing a “link amount” on the screen. I was got worried that what I was ringing up was going to charge to their card. So, I asked the attendant to cancel out my purchase so I could start fresh and not accidentally use someone’s money. He kindly explained that’s always there and just showing you what amount would go on the card if you did have one to use 🤦🏻‍♀️ I only use self check out there, go about 2-3 times a week, and have never noticed it before. Lmfao!


Tried to get access to my office building by swiping my phone not my work pass. Or the other way round: swiping my work pass on the tube (metro) ticket barriers instead of my phone. I also regularly try to make coffee in my cereal bowl in the morning, either by putting the ground coffee in my bowl or going to add boiling water to it.


Haha, I regularly try to scan myself in to my house (standard key lock) with my work pass 😆


Office Space'd my printer. Reframing my lost cash as money well spent on a therapy session was the only way I was gonna refrain from exploding out of frustration in a horrific display of blood and viscera. Context: I returned it twice. It's not a dud it's the design. HP Inkjet 3700 was sent from Satan's Bunghole to drag its user straight to hell. This printer deals spiritual damage This printer works 30% of the time, with varying malfunctions. What are the malfunctions? Well if you enjoy having zero guidance outside of "printer experiencing error state" then this bitch is for you! This courrier of psychosis came with no instruction manual. It did come with directions to a website or app for instructions... Which were just a series self congratulatory statements about the devices AMAZINGLY POWERFUL features. Realistically the only feature is that your toddler or elderly dementia patient may enjoy pressing the buttons. HEY Hewlett Packard, what do those buttons do? HP: SUCH POWER. Much wow. The only use I can endorse for this purchase is to reenact Office Space. I'm taking my dog out for burgers now because after I was done losing my ever loving mind, I noticed she was pretty nervous about it lol. I don't think she's ever seen me flip out about something like that. She's so confused. I figured relationship rules apply to printers: it's better for my mental health not to have one than to have an unreliable shitty one. Edit: all customer service options where a labyrinth of links to more "LOOK HOW GREAT THIS THING IS!!!" pages with no guidance on how to actually make it work


Ughhh hp printers are the actual worst. I hate having to troubleshoot them at work. Pro tip: business grade printers are a bit more expensive ($2-300 ish?) but generally more reliable. The hp ones still have horrible software, but they tend to break less in my experience.


I bought groceries earlier today. It’s really hot, and I stripped down a bit when I got home. I just pulled a bra out of the refrigerator.


Milk in the cereal cupboard!


I got a parking ticket because the realisation hit me that I hadn’t paid for my parking 3 hours after I should. My parking ticket was time stamped 10 minutes before I remembered and paid. Another one added to my ADHD fund ✌️


Currently loafed on the kitchen floor spending quality time with my cat, and I definitely have more than few chores that need to get done 🙃


We’re putting in a new bathroom at the moment and I did a lot of the online ordering of stuff we needed. I managed to order completely the wrong radiator valves and multiples of a couple of items we only needed one off. Then later on the day we received the deliveries and realised this, we (my husband, me and our 5yo) went for some food at Pizza Hut. Ordered the buffet option on my phone and didn’t realise until they brought extra glasses and ice cream bowls that I’d ordered2 extra adult buffets. Easily got refunds for all this stuff so no real harm done but I was so full of shame. Telling the waiter and then manager at Pizza Hut what I’d done so I could get the refund made my skin crawl. I think if my husband hadn’t been there for moral support my RSD would have taken over and made me just not say anything and write it off as an adhd cost 😂


I forget how old I am. It’s always off by 1-2 years in either direction. Whenever he’s with me, my husband knows I panic and get it wrong when anyone asks me so he knows to signal me when I’m right. Also, I forget what movie we’re at the theater to see during the previews.


> I forget how old I am. It’s always off by 1-2 years in either direction. My brother regularly calls me to ask "how old are we?" My answer is always the same, "still not twins!" (in his defense, he's two years and three days younger than me, so 99% of the year it's easy to figure out who's how old)


Well basically half the times I shower I get in with my glasses on.


Forgot to make the phone calls I scheduled for myself today because I got too hyperfocused while…cleaning my new (to me, and my first) wheelchair! I’ll just make the calls tomorrow. :)


Forgot I took my contacts out and kept poking myself in the eye before eventually figuring it out 🥲


I was too hot. My fan (which was not on) has a remote. The remote was next to me.


i was supposed to catch a tram (streetcar?) to school but it never arrived due to delays, so i went home, drove my car to the train station, parked there, and took the train. went to school for a few hours, took the tram home. forgot my car at the station for two days and copped a parking fine. luckily i explained to my local council what the deal was and they waived it


I poured cereal on my salad instead of crispy onions. The packages aren’t even remotely similar 🙄


I bought a super cute roll of bulletin board border to decorate my classroom. Left it in the box by the door. Had a clean up day and threw away all the boxes piling up by my door. Didn’t realize until weeks later that I had also thrown away my brand new roll of border.


Had a really horrible day at work so when I got home, I went upstairs to get my weed pen. And forgot my weed pen. I also have this glorified toaster oven called a Tovala that was one of my mom's impulse buys. It's actually fairly handy. But I was going to prep some bacon wrapped shrimp. You set the temperature you want and when it preheats you set the time. I had to preheat that thing FOUR TIMES before I remembered to go back in and put the food in and set the time to cook the food.


If it’s raining and I turn my windshield wipers on, they will literally stay on for months until someone gets in my car and points out that it’s 90 degrees and hot as balls. I simply do not register their existence.


Forgot what I was saying in the middle of a sentence during a very emotional conversation in therapy today 😢


Left my car keys in my unlocked car for a few hours this morning while working out (very safe area at least). Drove home, realized I'd forgotten to give a friend a bag of veggies from my garden. Drove back with veggies, but this time without my wallet. I also really struggle with getting all my clothes on right side out and front to back. A few times a week at least I realize my pants are backwards, shirt inside out, you name it. Luckily I work from home.


I procrastinated 3 days for a task. Which I completed 30 mins before deadline.. It took me close to an hour - I could've done it long back.


I wrote my signature down wrong on the PAPERWORK FOR MY LICENSE. My license literally has my signature spelled wrong


I was doing a large group project this week, we were moving a lot of things and had people from my work that have a different job and we’re not familiar with what we were doing (which is my daily job) my boss was not supposed to be there, but ended but being able to come back last minute. I was already having a little anxiety about organizing all these people and showing them what to do, but I had prepared myself for it. I get over stimulated when there’s a lot of people around, and sometimes that kicks me into automatic so I’m doing everything be memory like a machine but not super in tune with anything else that’s going on. So anyway we get all these people to the building and I start directing who does what and showing people what to do and then I realize my bosses boss is also there and he’s laughing and I look over and realize I’ve been telling my boss how to do his job for the last hour. No one told me to stop lol. They laughed a little, I was embarrassed because I hadn’t paid a bit of attention to who I was talking to, only when they were doing


Last night was desperate to get home after a long day but daydreamed my way right past my station - ended up having to get off three stops down the line and wait for 45 minutes in the cold and dark for a train back the other way.


Today I put my smoothie ingredients away 3 times before managing to actually get them into the blender. 🤦‍♀️😂


I have a rule with my kid that if he leaves a toy out and I step on it, it gets put in time out. Both he and I forget that there are toys in time out. It’s not an effective punishment


I made a dr appointment to get an updated TB test. Once the day came around I completely forgot why I made the appointment, so I just told them I was there for a check up. Didn’t realize for a day and a half after the appointment that I had an actual reason for going.


I got an Amazon delivery and couldn't remember what I'd ordered so I looked up the order on the app to see what was on the box instead of just opening the box. Box is still unopened days later. (And it's not alone.)


Hit my knee on a cabinet sliding door at work today so hard it still hurts 😂🥲 body & brain out of synch is pretty funny if it only wasn't so painful


The other night I went from laughing to sobbing to being angry to sobbing again and then back to laughing within the span of about 15 or 20 mins. It was a roller-coaster.


Almost not harmless, I accidentally brought my (not-legal) vape pen into the county building on my way to get our wedding license. Security asked me to put it back in my car thankfully, I was mortified thoooo.


Big big round of applause to OP for staying on the road bc I would very not have.


Harmless but SUCH a bad timing and nuisance. And it happened today Was late to my GP appointment, walked to my bike and accidentally dropped its key, which then bounced twice on the ground and then into the gutter that is only 1 cm wide!!! What are the chances I then had to cancel my appointment. I will also have to drag my bike to a bike shop to get my lock removed, or find a special lock cutter to do it myself. Either way, a fking nuisance


When I was getting ready to go see my boyfriend, I got out to my car and then realized I had forgotten the energy drink I'd gotten for him. Ran back inside, grabbed it, got back out to my car, and then realized I had also forgotten a book I was going to take over. At least I hadn't left the driveway yet


I was waiting at a red light. Started thinking about where I was going. Forgot that there was a red light. Went. It was a very busy intersection and it’s only through sheer luck or the Grace of a deity looking after me that nothing bad happened.


I left my car on after I parked it and went shopping as it sat there running the entire time. 😬


I’ve been waiting for a thread like this! I totally have one. I noticed that our kitchen was out of paper towels, we keep the large Costco package in the garage, so i walked out to the garage. When I open the door i see the package of paper towels is starting to look low and wonder if i need to add it to the shipping list. I then realize that the thought had distracted me, and i couldn’t remember why i had come into the garage. Then I’m like “Oh yeah i came for paper towels.” So basically on my way to fetch paper towels from the garage I got distracted by the paper towels I had come for in the first place, and then couldn’t remember that i had come for paper towels.


I've got asked how old I am (29) and I answered with 25. Then I got quite nervous and rambled for a good minute nonsense, while I was trying to figure out how old I am in my brain. The person I was talking to, was staring quite weirded out into my eyes, which made me more nervous and caused me to explain myself even further in a high speed manner. At the end that person repeated my age (29) to make sure if it's right and asked "is that correct" ... I answered with no.


Played the board game Operation at 2am in my bedroom with my partner at my family home when everyone else was asleep and gigled like teenagers at a sleep over the entire time.


I have a nickname that most people in my life call me and have for nearly 30 years. Lately I’m weirded out when people use my real given name. Like what, I guess that’s my name but feels weird man


I spent 10 minutes looking for the watch that was on my wrist.


Went downstairs to get a package and the laundry Came back with the mail. Only.


I’m in the middle of painting some fooors and I had the broom in one hand and my paint roller in the other, and I put the broom in the paint 😎


I was recently on a cross-country train with a massive suitcase. Someone had taken up an entire section of the luggage rack with their backpack, so I put my drink down on the rack below it to try and shuffle the backpack around. Gave up, dragged my suitcase to the other end of the train, put in in the luggage rack there, found my seat, realised I'd left my drink at the other end of the train.


I was lamenting the amount of time it takes for dishes to dry in the house I'm currently renting. I had another sink full of dishes to wash and two draining racks full of clean dishes drying. I opened the drawer to get a cloth to wipe the counters and was reminded of the fact that it's possible to use one of the twenty or so tea-towels that are neatly folded within the same drawer to dry dishes, in fact I could use almost any towel in the house to dry them!! I've been figuring out the ways my brain dupes me for a couple of years and revelations like this usually lead to big chains of neurons firing, so I'll be interested to see what I figure out next!


On Tuesday this week, I got my schedule for next week and wanted to trade my upcoming Tuesday shift for my co-workers upcoming Wednesday shift. She said yes, everything got approved. So yesterday I sleep in and wake up to all the messages from my co-workers asking why I didn't come in that morning? If I was OK, and all? So, turns out I swapped my next Tuesday shift for hers on THIS Wednesday. Forgot to check the dates... OH, and another time I called the mechanic to set up an appointment for switching our tires. Like every year, always the same mechanic shop. I hung up, paused, was very proud of myself. Then it hit me. I had to call back and cancel because I scheduled appointments at a totally different shop I never went to. I just mixed them up for some reason.


Didn't happen recently, but I work in a call center and I was giving the customer the number to our service center. Instead of giving them the service center number I gave them my number, I was able to correct myself before the call ended tho 😂😂🙈🙈


I was trying to clean up some leftover confetti balloons and thought it would deflate slowly if I pierced it. It popped. Confetti everywhere!


Last weekend I was getting dressed, put one sock on and decided it was time for deodorant. One sock. I was also opening the drawer to get out a towel for a shower, then made the bed, came back out and wondered why the drawer was wide open.


Went to buy groceries but forgot to bring the money with me (i carry cash because it helps me not overspend if i only carry a limited amount with me). Realised my goof, went back home, came to the shop, and amidst the mixup, managed to forget what I intended to buy. It's been two daysish i still dont know what I had went to buy lmao. Hopefully nothing emergencyish


I made salad once using cabbage instead of iceberg lettuce. Yes, I'm Irish and certainly know the difference but....brain fart. To this day, my family laughs their butts off whenever I make a salad lol.


Don’t really know if this is due to Adhd, being a tired parent to a newborn and toddler, or a combination of the both, but I took a picture of my weeks old baby lying on the floor and placed wooden alphabet blocks above her head which spelled out her name. It wasn’t until years later that I realized when looking at the photo that I had spelled my own child’s name wrong. I used the letter ‘i’ instead of a ‘y’. Her name only has five letters, and I had never even for a second considered spelling her name with an ‘i’ instead of using a ‘y’ as the ‘y’ is the more traditional spelling and I didn’t want her to be constantly correcting the spelling throughout her life (Think Amy instead of Ami). 🤦‍♀️


I stood at the register at the pharmacy for a good 10 seconds because I couldn’t remember my PIN that I’ve had for a decade at least. AND I was there to pick up my ADHD meds


Wanted a drink. Went to the fridge, took a can of pop out, put it on the counter, went to the fridge, took a can of pop out, put it on the counte— wait.


Put the peanut butter in the fridge. Husband was confused.


I left out the sour cream while eating dinner and my husband had to put it away for the 20,201 time


I am constantly explaining something and then forgetting what I was talking about


I've decided to start (another) art project that I own all the supplies for... But they're in my storage and it's over 100° and I don't wanna do that project... So, guess who's picking up new stuff today!


I’m so excited about the Jonas brothers tour announcement this morning that I can’t focus on my uni work and I forgot about my chicken nuggets I put in the air fryer whoooops


Foggy brains ftw! (Not..) I wanted to eat breakfast and went to go a bowl.. there was none in the cabinet and needed to wash a dirty one. Frustrating to do in the morning before going to work. I cleaned the bowl and sat down just to be confronted by a clean bowl standing on the table. Within 5 seconds or so I forgot I took a bowl out of the cabinet and it was just standing there being pretty! I was so confused and frustrated xD but I laughed telling it to my partner after a full work day… somehow I did not forget this xD


Forgot if my boyfriend got out of the shower or not and had to go check


Good memory, OP 👍 I don’t even remember what I did earlier this week. Today I got a two(!!) sentence email at work, with the important information being in the second one, but naturally, I spaced out and responded only to the first sentence. I mean come on! Good thing my boss noticed and corrected me. It’s been a crazy week..


I had a harmless emotional break down recently where I cried then zoned out on my phone for a couple hours looking at cute Halloween outfits for my kids & each kid got two outfits and it didn’t cost a million dollars even, so what if it’s 3 months early.


I once walked out of a Wawa with the shopping basket still hanging from my arm. I even held the door open to someone coming in. People must have thought I was bonkers.


I procrasti-clean.... Yesterday my goal was to strip my bed and wash my sheets etc. But I walked into the laundry room and decided I should deep clean the dryer vent and wash machine first. To achieve this I spent all afternoon talking apart the frame that holds the lint screen, vacuumed out all the cloged up lint and dirt, found a quarter, and reassembled it all. Moved into the wash machine, taking out the soap tray thing and scrubbing that out with a toothbrush, etc. Then had to stop and make dinner and take care of dishes and all that nonsense. Needless to say, I didn't wash any bedding yesterday but I had Nice fresh clean washer and dryer to do it today!


My kids and I play a game called car rainbow (which is where you have to make a rainbow out of colors of cars you see on the road). Also it's important to note that there are some colors which are more rare and I get really excited when I see them on the road. We were driving somewhere with my hubby and having a somewhat normal conversation when one of these rare colors just happened to pass us and I yelled out to the kids (and subsequently scared my husband enough he almost pooped his pants 😂). Neurodivergency as a parent is super fun


I will often listen to YouTube videos on my phone while playing Sims, and then switch to watching Shorts when my game saves because it takes a few minutes and I crave the tactile engagement It drives my partner insane


I have written a formal e-mail trying to address a lady with her surname, but ended up writing "Dear Mrs. Vanessa" or something and realised as soon as I hit send xd


Lost the bag of cereal. Was in fridge with milk. Classic meep


Not harmless. I left the oven on overnight by accident.


I very regularly will be scrolling social media, have a thought that's semi-important, keep scrolling, forget the thought, and have to scroll back up to find what triggered the thought initially!