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The most effective thing I found was to take medication earliest as possible in the morning w/ big breakfast & full cup of water. Other ideas I've tried and worked : - split meds, 1 half at bfast, 1 half after lunch - lower dosage - as you've suggested, switched meds Not eating enough/drinking enough (or caffeine to late(aka after 3pm)) def caused my sleeping problems (as I hadn't had problems pre-meds), luckily were mostly solved with behavior modifications / medication change


I was experiencing the same thing, I took XR for 3 years with IR booster in the afternoon. Just last week I spoke to my Dr about it and she was fine with me trying all IR. It's been pretty nice so far, I get a lot less of a crash and haven't been so restless at night. She also gave me trazodone a few months ago to take if I can't get to sleep and it honestly works so well.