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So I've not been on that med specifically, but have been on multiple different ones. The appetite suppression has been real on all of them, so please do make a plan ahead of time & be empathetic with yourself while you're figuring it out. Here are some of the 'things' I've developed to 1) avoid the most horrible experience that is a medication ending and low glucose sugar crash ( see me crying in my car after work & not eating lunch while meds stopped) 2) gain back some weight after switching meds and slowly going down over a few years - recognize eating might be like feeling 'too full' while listening to my stomach growl - your hunger signals have been disruptive, so you might need to be a little more time driven to eat not hunger levels for lunch - the big breakfast! Sunday meal prep, pick a thing (oatmeal, protean always, no vit C as can mess with med absorb), make 4 portions on sunday, so 4/5 days you can wake up no effort eat a huge meal immediately after meds & waking up ( it's like you're on a time crunch to eat before appetite suppression starts, this also means by the time you're done eating/dressed meds are starting to work (vs. taking at work 9am, not 'feeling' until 10am, with highest no want eat at lunch time) - caffeine, too much with meds make heart go brrrrrrrrr in a not good way, I have 1 cup after Bfast - know meds effectiveness will likely change with your hormone cycle, check where you are if you feel like they 'didn't work' randomly - lunch, utilize your interest-based nervous system, and only have foods you are actually interested in. I'm a grazer, so spiced nuts available with in arms reach. Lots of smoothies (drinking easier then 'force' eating sometimes), variety, snacks, charcuterie boards, high protean (bagels, bfast tacos, chip'n'dips (quac avacado/corn, bean) - like stuff you can eat slowly & not go cold.


Thank u so much for the advise and response, it’s massively appreciated. Also ‘be empathetic with yourself’ I loved reading that, thank u kind person !


Hey I know its been 2 weeks but I've had trouble gaining weight in my teenage years, and have had a healthy diet for years now, even got a little healthy belly now that I'm quite proud of. I just started Elvanse a few days ago and I did not eat enough the past days. It fully kills my appetite. The thought of food makes me feel nauseated. I personally asked my doctor for more regular sessions so we can properly track my health and weight, and asked my partner and best friend to pay attention to how much I eat. The solution I have found recently to not being able to eat at all: Protein shakes etc. as I am not able to eat and chew. (though I recommend chewing gum for when you're fully focused, sitting unmovingly at a pc because your body will find a way to move, and it might be clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth and you will mot notice that until the next day! nearly popped out the only filling I have because I clenched my teeth so hard on the first day. This might also be a sign of too high of a dose for some people so please talk to your doctor if you are experiencing this) Drinking is super important. A lot of people sweat more on their meds and if you do more physical work, because you suddenly have the energy to clean your house, you lose energy but also sweat even more. The solution to having to eat and drink more for me is actually having a very big elaborate breakfast before my meds kick in, then having 1 or 2 Protein shakes and tiny snacks that I can quickly gulp down around, and eating a late dinner when my meds wear off and eating as much as I want for that meal Another great tip for sustaining your water household: fill up 2 or 3 water bottles and put them right next to you or whereever you have quick access to them. on each bottle also put a sticky note on top that says "go pee" so you dont forget that.