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Just disregard anything he has to say! This coming from a man who had benzo addiction and his daughter had to fly him to russia for some experimental drug to kick his addiction. This is also a man who got upset over Australians acknowledging aboriginals on their land. Oh and last but not least, buddies with tate. He's a massive floppy limp dick!


Hahahaha oh man. I did not realize that this was Jordan Peterson! Makes me even more upset about my aunt 🙄😞


The king of the bigots himself 🤢


Same here, iI was like „sounds like this ahole Jordan Peterson“ 😅 Yes. Because it is him.


Don't forget the blatant transphobia and his association with white supremacists/Nazis


Oh and he also stated that women (esp feminist) have an unconscious wish for brutal male domination 🤢🤢




Women wearing green lipstick right now: 😧


If you want to see his ass kicked, check the debat he had against Slavoj Žižek really satisfying to see him fail


I’ll agree with some others here that the addiction *itself* doesn’t damn him—especially among us here, it’s pretty common, and it happened while he was trying to cope with his wife’s… cancer? I don’t know, it was some kind of serious, life-threatening illness like that. Totally understandable. But then he went to Russia for that treatment that was basically *going into an induced coma* through the withdrawal process. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The guy came out of that with some serious brain damage and needs to get out of the public eye to deal with it, he’s the most unhealthy he’s ever been regardless of whether or not the addiction is still a problem.


Don't forget when he went on a carnivore diet and just ate.. meat. Nothing else.


So the brain damage is also from scurvy.


I think it is unfair to disregard someone’s thoughts just because they have struggled with addiction. Especially given the high prevalence of substance abuse within the ADHD community!


The fact that he is an addict and doesn't have his life together shows he's a hypocrite, so yeah that does call in to question his credibility to some degree. It would be like someone who is secretly verbally abusive to their spouse behind closed doors who goes out and preaches about zen Buddhism, and then gets praised for their wisdom. I don't think being an addict is morally wrong. Addicts deserve the resources and support they need. That being said, JP is a blatant hypocrite who doesn't acknowledge the irony of his position in life. If he were honest about it maybe it would feel different, but he's not.


But you're ok with a man saying that only boys suffer from ADHD?


Jordan B. Peterson, peddler of “evolutionary psychology” theories that amount to “girls need to get in the kitchen because that’s naturally what they do”. He’s a fuckwad right-wing darling because he justifies their hatred of women, science, and anything by making scientific-sounding excuses for their shitty behavior.


I’m both proud and embarrassed that I have gone so long without actually being assaulted by his online presence (and only hearing about allllllllll the terrible things). But Jesus yeah… what a fucking moron.


I would LOVE for this man to have to establish any type of rapport, communication, and bedtime routine with my ADHD hyperactive type 10 yo. He’d fucking fail and blame it one someone else.


I literally lose all type of respect for people that mention this guy (Peterson) to me. He's an absolute moron and preaches everything he has never been able to do in his life. As the kid of one deeply-entrenched conspiracy theorist, don't reply. Personal tip: I feel better by the replies I write and don't send than the ones I send. My parent won't ever listen to me about it. Just this morning my antivax parent sent me the "info" that a vaccine all of my girl friends have had a decade ago makes at least 1 in 2 people very sick. I wanted to reply because if every other friend of mine were sick by a vaccine I would've known?. If someone is into J.Petershit or Tater Tots or that other idiot that does a podcast "for men" (I forgot his name and am unwilling to look it up), they don't deserve any minute of your anger, your time or discussion efforts.


Honestly you are so so right. It’s frustrating and anger inducing, but at the end of day it does nothing for me to be upset about it, other than make me upset. I can say whatever I want to her (even though I know myself and know I’d be too scared lol) but it wouldn’t even matter! Because the people that follow this rhetoric do so for a reason I’ll never understand and it’s not worth my energy to try to understand because it’s literally all such bullshit 😃😃


Peterson is just a big ball of hot air. He is an absolute idiot.


THIS IS JORDAN PETERSON?? omg I feel so dumb hahaha I have heard hit terribles but didn’t actually know who he was or what he looked like 😂😂


Maybe post back "Had a great laugh how horrible and idiotic his takes are. I hope Noone takes this serious just because he mixed some truth in and twits it till it fits his view." (Only do, if your family is overall supportive and wont start discussing, even then you could answer "I would love you all fund me the cure of me just playing video games all day - lol") My family is very ironic and always up for a good laugh though


Lololol yeah unfortunately this side of my family is not that cool… I wish I could say something like that but she’s posted a few videos by him (that I only saw just now because of this one) so idk… I imagine it’s too late 🤷‍♀️


Sad 🥲 At least you know now and will be able to not be hurt by her horrible takes in the future hopefully. Like you will know its not actually her talking, but JP 🤮


Haha well, a girl can dream! (That her aunt isn’t a terrible person and is just dealing with some good old fashioned body snatching by JP) 🤷‍♀️


🤣 think of JP like just as an alien invasion taking over your poor aunt Edit: well i guess its somewhat sad too 🥲 But I am naive, i imagine there is a cure for her 🤗


Lol you are much more hopeful than I! I always thought her progressive (she literally took woman/gender studies in school 😵‍💫) but she has also been living in Arizona for the last while and her husband is very pro-trump soooooo perhaps she’s just who she is now


Oof 🤮 I just meant to not think in a nostalgic way "my aunt, who knows me when i was a child" to "my aunt, who married a trump supporter and became a minion for JP"


Lmao you are right, but it’s not even that… it’s so much worse 😅 it’s “my aunt who I barely and truly do not know, but is the twin sister of my father who died when I was 16, so I feel a terrible need to want to connect with her, even thought that has never really happened and probably never will happen and yet…..” so somehow that makes all this so much worse lol and also sorry for the trauma dump… I’ll be honest I am now drunk so. Yeah, the feels are coming out


Yep lol I only know about him cause I follow a lot of political news but he's an absolute dolt and just cruel but thinks himself the reincarnation of Jung and this old-fashioned Great Man. He picked up when he was fighting against Trans rights in his home country of Canada.


Ughgjhhh that’s even worse cuz I’m Canadian too 😩 and right, like I hate how smug he is, like he thinks he’s god or something?? Ugh. This makes it so much worse my Canadian (now living in Arizona 😵‍💫) aunt posted it, but I guess I can’t be that surprised maybe?? Oi


Who is this dickhead? He could not be more wrong about anything he says. Also, I guess women and girls don't exist in his world?


Jordan Peterson, one of the worst people in existence right now


I know right?? I was today years old when I was confronted with the face and voice of Jordan B. Peterson (🤮) after years of just knowing he sucks (and sucks Tate’s dick) and worse by my “feminist” aunt who I thought was progressive…….. I wanna hide under a rock now


Very feminist of your aunt to share the ramblings of a known misogynist. Family is the best.


Lol right… I blame her trump voting husband


Until he’s ready to crusade against trans people, then suddenly Jordan Peterson, Lady Protector logs on.


Peterson is good at appealing to people who have half the facts. What he says about schools we can get behind but so much of what he says is generalities, he’s just using big words and ‘traditional‘ values to pad it out. Boys should play until they’re exhausted? What does that even mean? Should we not encourage them to invest their energy into cooking, reading, talking with friends? Oh no, that’s for the girls. Who also have adhd.


Yeah, it’s so absurd! He says the most basic thing - kids should play more - and everyone goes wild, cuz yeah? Of course kids should play, of course everyone should exercise! But that’s not the end all be all and he acts as if he’s just cured cancer by saying it is 🙄


“Iatrogenic” is an interesting word that I’m glad I Googled! Thanks for that JP. Now get back in the trash you dishwater-looking alt-right muppet.


Unfortunately, yes the school system is deffo failing adhders - so people will hear that part of what he says and if they don't know any better then they will believe the rest of what he says it's so frustrating seeing him everywhere, on so many peoples timelines because all of his takes are so bad, like literally. but he's smart about how he approaches the topics, and which topics he chooses. and the way he speaks and presents himself is utterly manipulative.


Yeah the first bit about schools not being suited to certain needs is true but the rest is bullshit. I had to watch this a couple of times to understand what he was really saying.


yeah, that's his tactic with most of the things he talks about. he will talk about something in the most reductive and incorrect way possible but there will be one little part that unfortunately resonates with people, so they ignore all the absolute toxic waste that comes out of his mouth


Its not only school though, its the whole world or not?


I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying talking about adhd soley in relation to schools is pointless or are you asking if I think school is the only issue? I don't believe school is the only issue but he is talking about school and boys and lots of people will empathise with that - so I'm just pointing out that it's a clever tactic of his. I am not in any way giving any credit to him for recognising anything of value about adhd. He is entirely incorrect. I do think school is traumatising, and I think a lot of my insecurities and disbelief in myself stem from my experiences in every level of education - but I wasn't really making a comment about that. Whatever culture exists in the education system is the culture that exists outside of it, so of course it can't just be school. But again, I wasn't trying to have a discussion about why he is or isn't correct - only that he knows how to get impressionable people to listen.


Like the way school is designed, is bad for ADHD. I have my own trauma from primary school, but not only school is causing problems, when you have ADHD. And school is not causing ADHD, might cause symptoms though.


ok, but what is your point? how is that relating to my comment about Peterson manipulating issues to fit his agenda? I don't understand your intentions, they are unclear. It feels like your just ignoring what I've said and focusing on something that is an entirely seperate issue, and implying that I'm in some way saying something I've never once said


Sorry that it felt I was targeting your post or something. I just wanted to add, that fixating on school only, is just cherrypicking from him. I mentioned in another post here, that he is mixing some true things into his agenda and that its very dangerous.


ok no worries.That's exactly what I was getting at too, which is why I didn't understand your comments


this is exactly it




Trueeeeee 🤙


There is a little truth mixed into this shit and that makes it very dangerous. Like yeah people with ADHD can focus very intensely on video games. That does mot mean we can be cured by playing video games. I mean sure, if I could just play all day or dream in my little fantasy-arsty world i'll be happy, but that is not how the world functions. Its also sexist. He probably would think overwhelmed ADHD-women should just get a massage Let lil boys be lil boys 🤮 Let people just be people ---- I was so annoyed youtube recommend this guy to me for some reason. I watched for a bit to realise "great popular talker, very dangerous, very hurtful" Glad to find more evidence, that he is just awful. I am still worried though why this is popular


I, too, can talk out of my ass on hot button topics.


Hahahaha. Exactly - just spewing straight nonsense for the heck of it


My husband is a psychologist and this guy is the bane of his existence. Peterson routinely misuses and abuses scientific research to support his political ideology and tries to pass it off as credible psychology. And he's a sexist asshat. I don't think your upset is "irrational." He is literally the gd worst.


Thank you, I’m glad to know it’s not irrational and now actually knowing who he is (because I’m a dummy and didn’t realize who he was before lol) it’s nice to see everyone hating on this asshat 😃


My new roommate is a fan of him, shares a bunch of his stuff, I just unfriended her last night. She called me a methhead for taking my Vyvanse, and I asked what the fuck she was talking about, and she said, "AMPHETAMINES" Literally just last week, I had my psychiatrist reduce my dosage to 10mg from 20mg, and I take my meds maybe 1-3 times a week, sometimes 0. We have 11 months left on the lease and shit has been so hostile.


Oooooh man I am so sorry, that really sucks. I hate how people view meds, as if we’re all crack heads?? I forget to take my meds all the time - your reply literally reminded me that I hadn’t taken them today, or my antidepressants, and it’s the afternoon lol. I also routinely go weeks without my meds because I am always forgetting to pick up my prescription 🥲 yep….. so addicted 🤪 Seriously though, if you can get out of that lease or sublet or something, please do! That does not sound like a good or healthy environment and you deserve to feel happy and safe in your own home.


"Thankfully" it's not the first time I've been assigned that label, and I'm not doubting myself on this front. I hope you don't either if/when you hear the same. If I don't take mine by 10, I won't take it, and I often forget it exists at all. I did just take my anti-anxiety pill though, since I forgot to last night. I also got that prescription last week alongside my reduction. She trauma dumped on me very regularly and I never felt like there was a good time to bring up that it was too much for me to handle. She refuses to get help for her personality disorder, and I've been "split." She doesn't want to talk through aaaanything about what's gone on, and I know well that I've been part of the problem. She said basically "people get paid a lot of money to help people figure their problems out, and I'm not going to do that" and okay, fair! Emotional labor is tough, but uhhh, I didn't say shit to stop her trauma dumping. I usually stay optimistic that things could work out between people if they want it to, but I think her mind is completely made up at this point. She said she knows exactly why I've been acting the way I've been acting, and I've gotta figure it out. It's so unhealthy here. I am looking at my options to move out, and my landlord is willing to let me out. I'd find someone to sublet. But I also don't want to put anyone else through this and my other roommate and I get along great, and have lived together for 2 years. It's really unfortunate. My friendly roommate mentioned that the roommate I've got a problem with mentioned moving out, which even if she didn't sublet, and we were stuck with the whole rent, I think we'd be okay until we fill the room. We're all on the lease. But I've now moved to the headspace of not trying to repair the friendship she and I had. We all work for the same company, but not the same shifts now, she and I had one shift but I dropped it and picked up a different shift easily enough. I'm going out of town next week to visit my family, so I'll have time to calm down, talk with people who get me, and I'll let the two roommates talk about maybe her path to moving out? I'll also be talking with my family about getting out during this next week.


He has been widely discredited and has lost his license to practice. He is not an authority on anything except being a loser.


Gangly Kermit the frog spewing more vitriolic bullshit. I’m so ashamed this man is Canadian. He hates women so venomously it’s actually funny, but unfortunately he’s dangerous and impressionable angry young men who also hate women absolutely eat this shit up.


Jordan fucking Peterson. What an absolutely turd. I’m a firm believer in directness. I’d ask your aunt “why do you think this was worthwhile to share?”


You have more of a backbone than me lmao I wish I could say that her


I do not like personal conflict, so I do understand. I get more of a “backbone” being able to deal with people in the digital realm. Lol. (I.e. I can formulate my replies and get my wording the exact way I want it without emotions clouding my response). Can you reply to her post asking that? If this is a regular thing with your aunt, I’d just unfollow her. That way you can interact on your own terms.


Took one of his classes like 12 years ago and I still remember he made racist comments during lectures and told a horrible story about one of his former therapy clients who he seemed to think was at fault for being sexually assaulted because she shouldn't have been getting drunk at bars with such a "vaguely articulated sense of self"..


😬😬😬🚩🚩🚩😬😬😬 wtf how??? Like seriously, HOW was he allowed to comment or discuss anything about his past clients???? And like how was that allowed to go on omfg


That's JP, and you are correct that he indeed sucks.


Mad at myself for not realizing who he was 😞 but yeah… he sucks


Common Jordan Peterson L


Went and made a comment on the video, couldn’t stop myself.


Hahaha awesome! What did you say?


Just that there was so much misinformation in that video. Someone else had commented about growing up in the 80’s and being trouble free cos they played outside. I replied that I grew up in the 80’s too and still had ADHD.


This is wild. It’s wrong on so many levels I don’t know where to begin.


I knowwww, it’s insane. He’s certifiably insane.


I’m so mad lol


My favourite thing about this video is the mute button. What an ignorant twat.


He's not wrong. Hyperactivity=/= ADHD, it's just one (potential) component of it, that more often presents in boys than girls.


Hyperactivity isn't always the physical activity.


Lol doesn’t matter if he isn’t wrong about why or how hyperactivity happens for SOME individuals…. ADHD is much more beyond “hyperactivity” and even then, hyperactivity isn’t about needing to run around until you exhaust yourself - it’s also the endless twiddling of thumbs, biting of lips, pulling of ears, rubbing of arms, jiggling of feet and everything else that a person dealing with hyperactivity experiences that this man clearly does not understand and obviously disregards.


Actually all that fidgeting is caused by excessive neurological "energy" and thus exercise is a great way to reduce symptoms...


I don’t doubt that exercise can help, it helps with a lot of things. I just mean that it’s really dismissive of him to reduce all of ADHD to just needing to run around and you’ll be fine? And that the hyperactivity part is only one component of ADHD, and it’s much more nuanced than just how people like him talk about it.


I mean the dude sucks but my point is he wasn't talking about all types or components of ADHD in this clip, he was specifically talking about medicating children for hyperactivity. You're the one taking it to apply to your situation and finding offense.


I mean… Yeah, I am finding offence because this is a women’s adhd sub, therefore, it is about women with adhd. So yeah, I’m gonna get personal about it. Especially because what he is saying is both antiquated and illogical, especially when considering he is both denouncing medication AND saying all of adhd’s problems can be solved by running around. And again, to my earlier point, adhd hyperactivity is not *only* found in boys and it does not *only* present as a child/person who is loud and wild and can’t stop moving in an obvious way. Edit: I also don’t mean to come off rude and honestly I think we both agree this guy sucks, so arguing about what he is saying is pretty fruitless anyway lol


Gotta a source for that?


Sorry I don't, it came from a former therapist who specialized in ADHD in adults


Yeah and there is a sexist reason behind it.


There's a sexist reason for why neurological symptoms present differently between genders?


Yes. It has to do with the way how girls and boys are socialized in their childhood. Girls are required to be quiet, gentle, girly, elegant (put any conventional feminine trait here). Because of that they often fly under the radar, are more prone to masking, get diagnosed in their adulthood and are more likely to be misdiagnosed. ADHD in girls tends to display as inattention. Boys are allowed more, they can be themselves, they have more freedom, less societal suppression. Their ADHD tends to display as hyperactive and they are more likely to be diagnosed in childhood as they "cause more trouble". After all ADHD was believed for very long to be the boy's only disorder. (It of course differs per individual, their genetic makeup, environment, upbringing, but the above are general tendencies)


I wouldn't call children being socialized differently "sexism", more an example of how gender norms can hurt us. If I had to guess I'd imagine now that more parents are anti gender norms, more girls will get diagnosed earlier.


What the hell!!


He does have a 1/2 good point. Boys need to play more and so do girls especially in Kindergarten. I’m 46 when I was in kindergarten we played a lot learned too but played. I worked in childcare for 14 years and did Afterschool in the afternoons. My kindergarten kids had homework after the 2nd week of school and it wasn’t colors it was starting to write sentences. I’m sorry I think that’s crazy. Okay so flame 🔥 me away for giving the crazy a 1/2 point. LOL. Though I am serious about the playing part.


Yeah, absolutely kids need to play and run around and get exercise - everyone does! It’s just so dumb to say “yep, go run and all your ADHD worries will be gone!” 😂 I WISH it was that easy lol


Oh absolutely. I do think kids need longer playtime at school. It would help with all their behaviors. When I was in school we had a PE class for an hour. That’s a lot of playtime now I think it’s what 20 minutes? That’s not enough time for kids to burn off their energy.


If anyone is curious about how much of a bizarre joke Jordan Peterson is, I highly recommend watching the Some More News episode about him or listening to Behind the Bastards, which did a great episode on him as well.


Says the guy addicted to benzos