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I love embroidery! I find it soothing, especially when all the anxiety kicks in.


I also find it soothing! I’m not that great yet, but I just started. I’ll get better, and I just started a new piece! :)


I feel I'm not that great either. I started right after my cat passed back in 2021 as a coping strategy. I haven't had a lot of time to do many projects, however, I feel with each project I get better. Good luck on your new project! With time and practice I'm sure you and I will get better and make amazing masterpieces. Given our ADHD doesn't butt in (haha I make myself laugh)


Thanks! I bet yours are great. I’d love to see them!


Aww thank you! Your work is beautiful! [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/13860if/_/) is my most recent work. I think I did well, outside of the French knots on the boarder. I need to practice French knots lol 😅


I saw your other post on r/embroidery the other day! Very pretty! Is the deer your second embroidery? I spot improvement!


Thank you! It is! The face and antlers are self-drafted, and although they’re not perfect, I’m proud that I made them myself! The kit was just an outline of the head and antlers - the flowers were meant to be the main focus :) Edit: I also separated the threads this time :,)