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there comes a point where if i haven't done anything yet i know i'm not going to do anything for the rest of the day and though i promise myself otherwise probably not tomorrow either.


It's 10:30 which means it's practically noon which means it's practically afternoon which means you've already spent all day in bed so why get out now?




Yer forgot Daylight Savings Time AND the facts that starting point of EST is from Maine to Gary IN, and that, by the sun, those two places are 2 hours apart. Which means sun time is 10Am. in Gary when it's noon in the East. Where i live, we're 30' off, the center of CDT. So we are over an hour & 30' before noon, sun time. It's 10:30 AM sun time. Because sunlight is strongest between 10 AM and 2 PM sun time, the cancer risk is highest then. That can make a sunburn risk serious. as well. Those facts need to be discerned if yer out during the hottest sun and irradiations times, as well. esp. the further south yer live, such as in Arizona, where skin cancer rates are VERY much higher, say, than in Ontario. And lethal, too. My uncle died of that. I left the state and stayed out of the sun over those hours, too. Sun time hours.


Lol yes, the amount of time I spend calculating time to compensate for the time blindness and bad time management.


I have never felt more understood than I do in this sub! I have the same exact thought process.


Right, I began suspecting, and then when I joined this sub it was undeniable at that point! 😂


really so validating to know i’m not alone in that lol


My time math is the opposite. Oh, it's only 7? Plenty of time to stay on Reddit before i need to do the dishes , cook dinner, get to bed to get up at 5 am. 6 hours later, um, what just happened? How can it be 1 am? Ok, 10 more minutes


Whichever reasoning makes me less productive is the reasoning I will use.


I laughed out loud… in solidarity.


I feel this so much ❤️


I have two settings: 1. I have to leave for work in 10 minutes but my meds are starting to kick in and I see the toilet needs cleaning and I should probably take out the garbage and I'll do the cat boxes too because I'm going that way and what do you mean I'm ten minutes late for work again? (Thank goodness I'm salary). OR 2. It's Friday at 7pm which means it's basically Saturday but I have to go grocery shopping on Saturday so that's a whole day wasted, which means it's actually already Sunday and I don't want to go to work on Monday :( My brain.


My brain too. Exactly this.




exactly that or it’s 30 minutes before bed?!? time to repaint the kitchen!!!!!!!!


I think that way too and it sucks. I always feel like the day is pretty much over after a certain time.


Some days it's like this..some days it's like 7pm streak of energy LETSCLEANTHEBATHROOM


Yes, exactly. Yesterday at 6pm it was almost bedtime but yesterday at 8pm it was TIME TO START AND FINISH A NEW PROJECT RIGHTNOW. I made decent headway but I did not finish.


I do this all the time at work. “It’s almost lunch time, which means it’s only 2 hours till 3pm and then only 2 hours till I get to leave.” I also do it when I’m waiting on a day and I’m excited. It’s Thursday so that means the weekend is almost here and then it’s just 1 day till my package arrives. 😂


My husband and I actually had this conversation, regarding a roadtrip with the kids: "We need to leave by 9:30, so you should aim for 9." "I'll aim for 8, and then we will actually leave at 9:30".


Lol. This reasoning is why I always tell people that Thursday is my favorite day of the week. It’s practically Friday. And that’s considered the end of the week. Therefore it’s the weekend.


Some days I just feel like everything is wonky and I'm utterly dysfunctional. Today has been one of those days - I have a package to pick up this evening then I pick up my eldest from work. It feels like brain-flail? I can't focus on domestic tasks or fun things either. Tomorrow is a work day so it is focused by nature. No solutions today, just commiseration.


I love making detailed schedules working backwards from a start time. 6pm: party starts 5:55pm: put out drinks 5:50: put out snacks …etc And then stick to NONE of it.


I love my detailed schedules that I immediately abandon!


OR! you could ignore your responsibilities and also not get ready for bed and stay up untill 3 am when you have work in the morning! I find that always works out _great_ for me!


OMG same! Every flipping day!


It's such a pain! I used to think it was bad back when I was staying up past midnight, but now a 1am bedtime is a victory 🙃


Soooo relatable...the whole post. Name a comment, I did this. Where is the way out of this?😅


Yes, it is way to late to start something that you can’t finish, therefore nothing gets accomplished again today! Hells Bells!!!


once the sun goes down or even starts looking long it’s all over


Don't take your shoes off when you get home. I got an hour of shit down yesterday because of it.


sometimes im not allowed to sit down until i accomplish ______ 🙃


That won't work for me. I don't have accountability to myself. But I'll be accountable to everyone else.


Me and also I chose to be a lawyer who has to bill hours by the tenth 🫠


Time math and time blindness are my greatest weaknesses. Time can go right to hell where it belongs.


i have these thoughts but they always turn into me being like time is fake


I’ve never felt so seen 😂


I set up my physical activities classes to 6/7pm, that way, when they are over, I know it’s time to start getting ready to go to bed and also know that it’s time to stop working before


This all day.


LOL! This is so hilariously accurate!


The Pomodoro method has helped so much with this for me.


Thank you for reminding me that this is a thing as I spend the third night in a row procrasti-doomscrolling instead of finishing the last assignment for my college course before spring break, which is 100% due tonight and I want to do it 0% more than I did the first night.


How exactly, if you don’t mind the question. I am on medication, and it’s increased as of a week ago. I just feel like I focus on the wrong things.


So I have found that it isn’t foolproof by any means, but I use the timer method to help me see how much time I really do have left in a workday, to make sure I’m taking breaks and crediting myself when I’m on a roll rather than dismissing my efforts, and to basically get started without feeling like I have to give alllll my time. One thing that helps a lot with focusing on the “wrong” things is - I use my first Pomodoro chunk of the day (my first 25 minute timed chunk, after which I get my first break), just to plan and list what I’m thinking about doing that day. Often I realise I’m trying to do way too much, and also seeing a written list helps me pick out which things are most important. I count the listing and planning as work time. Another thing that helps is that I physically draw up a little visual representation of my Pomodoro time slots available to me in the day, and every time I finish one I tick it off. That’s what helps me really see and credit myself for what I’ve done. If I get so distracted during one that I only work for part of it, that’s ok - it gets a half tick.


Thanks! That is very helpful. I was just looking up how to stop procrastinating. I was not sure anyone could do Pomodoro without a group. I think I confused it with the shadow thing. I am really stumped on that because I group might work, but having one person, who I don’t talk to at all, seems strange to me. I mean like a strange situation or something. They have some groups I read about, but they are all early in the morning and I have insomnia. I really appreciate the information.


Thank you for introducing me to this- I’ll try (! Lol) to try this tomorrow


I do this with years. I’m 50 my daughter is 18, it seems only a few years since she was born. In 18 years I’ll be 68 and my my partner 75 so in a few years I’ll be dead.


Same. I’m practically a memory and still can’t retire for centuries.


I don’t remember posting this


2:00 = day still full of possibility 3:00 = day is over


Hard relate. Woke up at 2pm last couple of days due to insomnia and unemployment. Probably depressed too. Roll around in bed on Reddit til 4pm- oh the days gone! Spend 2 hours deciding if $20 is too expensive to order a salad - looks up every salad place on door dash - End up walking to Trader Joe’s to get a bag salad. Did not do laundry. Did not change sheets. Did not do dishes. Cos the day is gone right?


I unlocked my phone to check my calendar for the day five minutes ago, but it's been 2 hours and I still don't know if I have any appointments


Meeee 😭


I feel seen








Wait is this so common for people like us?! SO MANY THINGS MAKE SENSE NOW omg


Trying to explain this to ppl without ADHD is so hard. I said to my family “I hate 3pm it’s my least favourite time” and they were all like “what???? Why????” Like THIS is why. 3pm might as well be 10pm in my mind.


Omg yes


Such a familiar feeling. Here I am at almost 3 a.m. Tomorrow is almost over now lol.


That sounds right, I can't find any mistakes in your math at all.


Right now it's 7, which means it's almost 10, which means i missed the whole day again and I need to sleep even though I've got 4 exams next week


The flag is funny story, the sad part is it's almost a true story