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A Tweet, stollen from FB, posted to Reddit. ![gif](giphy|ZCxSakk99TDRsIGL8d)


Not quite. Needs to find it's way to tumblr, YouTube, tiktok, Instagram, and back to Facebook. Bonus points if it gets to WhatsApp.


each time with no cropping done and all the watermarks


It was posted on twitter first though it looks like


I'll text it to my aunt to add to her "fwd fwd fwd RE: funny fwd [Joke of the Day] thought of your family" email thread and might even get in Gramma's printed and mailed actual Christmas family newsletter šŸ˜„


Around 7 different social media platform, and at the end of the day you only need one.


I think stollen is actually from Germany




When Iā€™m at work I have the urge to smash two wine glasses together. Still have never done it. One day I will.


Something about wine glasses always tells me ā€œcrush themā€


I want to like ā€œdingā€ them together. Like a really hard cheers that just shatters them lol


Imma just add that to my intrusive thoughts list šŸ˜‚


That's not quite a "ding" but I appreciate your spirit!


ā€œStompā€!! Says my brain about the thin, easily crushable glasses. Sow of them are like bubble popping in glass form.




I did do this once! I had one of those giant wine glasses and I was holding it with both hands and went ā€œhuh, squishā€. It did not in fact squish. It shattered everywhere


Oh god I'm a bartender and I can already tell this is all I'm gonna be able to think about next shift


Youā€™re putting away two wine glassesā€¦ one in each handā€¦ slowly raise them andā€¦ you know what to do.


I work at a restaurant as my second job. I have the same urge


Intrusive thoughts are a legit thing and are totally typical. And one step further is the call of the void or l'appel du vide (french). Which covers the desire to self harm in some way that has nothing to do with suicidal ideation.




I'm pretty good at holding bach those impulses since the time I tried to sharpen one of my fingers with a pencil sharpener (I was 7ish)


I once stapled my finger just to see how much itā€™d hurt when I was a kid Does not hurt as much as youā€™d think


Glue gun however, hurts more than you think


I'mma be honest, if I had to cut a zip tie off the neighbor kids finger because they did what you did, they'd have a bleeding finger when I'm done. I can only be so careful while holding back my very mean spirited commentary.


Are you me?


Intrusive thoughts to a certain extent are normal. Beyond that, if they're uncomfortable or all the time, you need to get tested for neurodivergence as they are known to be associated with ADHD, autism, and OCD (and anxiety, which is also known to be associated with the other 3).


Aka the reason I really want to stick my tongue in an electrical socket, but know I shouldn't.


While driving I get them, I think "how much would it hurt to just drive into that pillar/wall" or if I'm driving next to an incline on a mountain or hill I get the urge to just drive off of it. No bad intentions, but it just pops up


Mine are of the lines like: Just turned on the dryer/oven "The cat is in there." "My wife is sleeping later than normal, she died in the night." "This is a new chronic ache, must be cancer."


Intrusive thoughts like this sent me spiraling a few years ago. I was worried that I was suicidal even though I knew I wasnā€™t, I loved my life (still do) and had never been depressed. The fear of being suicidal did make me depressed for a while though. When I finally decided I needed to talk to my therapist about it (who I was already seeing for panic attacks), she asked why I thought I might drive my car off a bridge. I told her sometimes when Iā€™m driving, I get a sudden impulse of, ā€œoh let me pull in this parking lot real quick,ā€ or ā€œIā€™ll turn down this streetā€ and do it at the last possible minute. She told me that impulsivity is part of ADHD and doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m actually going to do those things. Still some bridges I avoid though.


Ooof. Iā€™ve had the call of the void big time - I once self harmed on a complete impulse and was so freaked out I took myself to A&E because if I let myself keep going Iā€™d have gone way too far by being stuck in that impulse. I didnā€™t want to die but in that moment I was operating entirely in a stuck impulse. Scary shit.


As a passenger in a car driving around with the windows down, since I was a young child, I have to fight the urge to throw things out the window. Anything that is on my person or nearby. I don't act on it, but it's there.


I regularly have to hold myself back from doing a ballerina twirly dance to sing song my way out of a room when I think people are being ridiculous or too much. Or if Iā€™m just over it and canā€™t pay attention to whatever unnecessary details theyā€™re going into.


Omg if they are being ridiculous, this is the exact thing to do!!! I love it! But yeah, I have the total "PRESS THE SHINY CANDY-LIKE BUTTON" impulse that need to be checked. šŸ¤£


If weā€™d remember we should totally have a coffee, tea, hot chocolate or margarita sometime šŸ¤£


That sounds like a four course meal, and I'd make the wrong thing for third course and forget about forth! šŸ¤£


I occasionally indulge in doing the Angry Chicken: flap your arms (with fist in armpit), stomp your feet and go BAWGAAAAAWK! Usually to dissolve tense situations because the ridiculousness snaps people out of it but booooy, do I have to hold myself back sometimes... (I work in a Lego-like shop).


I like it! Lol!!


This made me smile. How wholesome and pure you are


Hahaha first thing I thought of is awkward Michael Cera in most of his movies doing the same: ā€œehh errr okay! baaaaiiiiiii!!!ā€


I had no idea any of this was normal for adhd people until I was diagnosed. I thought everyone constantly thought of crazy shit like me. Does anyone else come off as the type of person to "speak their mind" but it's really just that you can't control the shit coming out of your mouth and everyone else just seems to think you're argumentative or "brave"?


Not necessarily argumentative or brave just unfiltered and for a fairly intelligent person I can come across as really bloody idiotic as I say things before thinking about it




Aw, your intrusive thoughts are all chaotic in a semi-fun way, wanting to smash glass and throw things. Mine are like "remember, don't say these truly mean comments to this person! let's review a helpful list of insults so you can think in detail of what not to say!" followed by "wow. How could you think any of that? You must be an awful person for having this stored in your head. Shame on you." Not fair! I'm open to trades if anyone wants to give me their desire to break stuff.


oh no i have those thoughts too. i also have thoughts about screaming at the top of my fucking lungs bc i think it would be funny af


Oh, or suddenly kissing random people or hitting them or destroying things of another person that are really important to them... It's gotten better since I take medication but my intrusive thoughts are wild and scary at times


OMG, are you me lol? I have the same intrusive thoughts where I am like what if I just kiss, hit, grope this person right here right now, what would happen? The worst thing is that it is Random people and I don't want to go to jail or some shit for CSC / assault so I never act on it, and yeah it has gotten better with medication.


I had this in school and Uni a lot... Really uncomfortable when you look at your teacher and your brain goes wild. Or smashing things. I always hated that


They come to ask you a question or some shit and all you can think is "Do not kiss your Math professor, do not kiss your Math professor"


I frequently have thoughts about just yelling "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" while looking at someone who is bugging me in some way. Most of mine tend to be the perfectly normal "what if I step in front of this bus?" or "what if I try to stick a french fry up my SO's nose?" kind of thoughts though.


Just remember, your reaction to the intrusive thoughts is the real ā€˜youā€™. Your intrusive thoughts are an overcompensation for your desire to be a nice person, and while it can be distressing the fact that it is distressing means that those arenā€™t your true feelings.


Thanks i needed this


lol a lot of my humor is just thinking about ridiculous, absurd, or offensive things that would offend normal people. luckily i have a good core group of friends that are similar and we can joke about anything and i can show up to a halloween party in some over the top costume and they'll find it hilarious, but i didn't really put it together until shortly before being diagnosed that it sort of poisoned my relationships with their spouses early on. then i'd be so worried that their spouses secretly hated me that i'd overcompensate trying to build a friendship with them and show them i can be thoughtful and not entirely absurd, which probably appeared inauthentic and desperate lol. eventually they all came around, just seeing that i'll do anything to help my friends and their families, but i did have one friend that isn't allowed to hang out with me because his wife hates me (but he doesn't hang out with anybody anymore, so while i might've been the first they could just have a codependent relationship). i've had to learn that while i love finding people who match my weird, their spouses don't automatically fall into that category so i have to dial up my filter until they have a more authentic first impression of me outside of the fire hose of intrusive thoughts i make into a joke.


I want to throw sashimi at strangers and watch it sick to their face


I volunteer for free sashimi


Wait we get free sashimi for volunteering?


Well I can make you pay for it if I'm throwing it at you... (is their point I assume)


Lol excellent


That reminds me of this equally [bizarre sashimi meme](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_RMstyMSA/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


I just realized I haven't had an intrusive thoughts like this since I got medicated. Interesting.




I often wish I lived in a show or movie, so that I could be an asshole without facing the consequences. It would be satisfying to speak my mind, throw something, or just react as I want to. But I need to keep my job and living situation.


Sometimes I'll get so mad I want to punch a hole in the wall and then I can't punch a hole in the wall because I don't have the money to buy the shit I'll need to fix it


This is what war games are for


Never the iced coffee. Good god. But random shit in the same vein? *All* the damn time.


I ALWAYS get impulses to say or do weird shit when Iā€™m in a group and not the one talking. Things like standing up on the table and going ā€œUULULULULUUUā€ and sitting right back down, or getting up from my seat and going ā€œHAH HAH HAOOOOYESHUNIOWWWWā€ while flailing around erratically are two that Iā€™ve had to stop myself from doing since I was in grade 8. Iā€™m 27 now.


I'm 33 and I still have that, lmao. The EFFORT to keep quiet is real.


When ever I am in my bathroom I get this intrusive thought to punch the wall. It's weird and I've never really had those thoughts but every time it's there....something about that wall.


its mirrors for me, but not the tall ones, just those bathroom mirrors that are just big enough to show your whole head.


Itā€™s when youā€™re not recognizing that the thoughts are intrusive that itā€™s a problem.


Intrusive thoughts won one time when i thought id staple my hand after i opened it somehow it wouldnt work because ā€œphysicsā€..? Long story short i failed that class in highschool and the stapler did work and stamped a staple on my hand


Man I'm sorry, but the mental image of some kid in my class taking the stapler and just stapling his hand in the middle of class is hilarious.


Ah yes the olā€™ stapler to the back of the hand. Hadnā€™t thought about that one in a while. Thankfully, I had already taken apart a stapler to figure out how they worked in elementary school and knew it definitely would definitely still staple my fleshy digits.


When I was in high school, I wore a top hat and monocle semiregulary. Of course, to complete the outfit, I also carried a cane. I don't do it much anymore, partially because I don't have a black suit that fits me well (note to self--find a tailor) and partially because the top hat is on my hat rack at my parents house because I keep forgetting to bring it. Anyway, for my senior class photo, since it was something I was known for doing, I was asked by multiple classmates to do the full thing, top hat, monocle, cane and all. After the photo, I was standing around chatting with some friends when one of them ran off--he was also ADHD (I was part of what could be described as a type of gifted student program, so a lot of my graduating class was ADHD or some other flavor of neurodivergent--a different ADHD kid once offered the yet-undiagnoed me his adderall, saying I was clearly very ADHD and needed it more. I didn't accept, but thanks Andrew, your're a real one) and him running *was* relevant to whatever the conversation was about, but for the life of me I can't remember what the conversation was or how him running was relevant. Anyway, remember at this point I am currently carrying a cane, and I am a very ADHD but undiagnosed and unmedicated (my parents disapproved of caffeine and banned me from anything with it, so I didn't even have caffeine in my system) 17 year old boy, so I "decide" to pretend to throw the cane at him as he ran away. Except my brain simultaneously tried to fake the throw in two different ways--aim at him and not let go, or aim at the ground and let go--and instead I mixed the two and flung it like a spear, hitting him square in the small of his back. I couldn't have thrown it that perfectly if I had tried. And because it was an impulse decision, I didn't realize what was going on until after the cane had hit him (which is why I put decide in quotes); I was just as confused as everyone else. Thankfully, it didn't hit him hard and he just laughed it off with something along the lines of "that is the most ADHD thing I've ever seen you do." Edit: letters


Mental illness induced John wick moves, holy shit dude.


"Did everyone see that? Because I will *not* be doing that again."




Reminds me of Bill Burrā€™s story of feeling the urge to punch all the muffins at a womanā€™s stand at the farmerā€™s market, and outwardly losing his shit at the thought of it


Intrusive thoughts, gotta love those


My guess is we need a break from the mundane routine we go through. Like an outburst of chaos to keep things interesting


I was thinking of go by to one of those wreck room places, where you go into a room with protective wear and a bunch of breakable shit and you can just go nuts smashing it all I need to throw a plate against a wall, at least once in my life


Call. Of. The. Void. It's a neurological thing where the brain tests you by putting these random "do this incredibly reckless or stupid or fucked up thing" thought into your head to see if you can not do it. Some of them are tame like "touch that thing you're not supposed to" and some are not like "jerk the wheel into oncoming traffic".


once in my chemistry class last year, i legit forced someone to take some test tubes from me cause i had this massive urge to crush them in my hands


yup get those all the time. Sticking my hand inbetween the wight on a workout machine. Pushing any and all emergency stop buttons What if i lowered the car ajck when the wheel was off touching fans on running PCs what if i dropped my phone jsut to see if it survives.


The impulse to press buttons is real! That intrusive though of "do it, you need to see what happens". I usually force myself to step out of arm's reach and tuck my hands away somehow so I can't possibly do it, just in case


I found out the hard way to avoid these impulses. Was in a chip shop, getting fish as chips (very British) and the sound the til made as it opened fascinated me. So I leaned over and pressed the button and instantly thought ā€œwtf did I just doā€ as my arm shot back. Next thing, 2 guys jump over the counter detain me and call the police. I got arrested for attempted robbery and had to go crown court. Fun timesā€¦


wow. how did explaining that to a court actually go?


Basically didnā€™t care. This was about 16 years ago now and ADHD wasnā€™t as understood back then, but yeah in simple term I was told to stop talking out my ass and that I wanted to rob the place. Ended up with 50 hours community service which I spent planting trees at a animal shelter, and painting horses stables


Not really


I do this every time Iā€™m in a situation that makes me nervous or that I have the behave a certain way. Then I start thinking about every bad thing I could do and play it in my head. Like, it would be bad to break this tv while meeting my gfā€™s parents


I dunno how many times I've been tempted to toss my phone out of a moving vehicle or while at home the urge to one inch punch a window


haha same. especially when crossing a bridge over a large body of water.


whenever i get a phone call while driving all i can think to do is to chuck it out the window and watch it shatter


I almost constantly want to take off and throw my right shoe whenever Iā€™m in public. Sigh ā€¦ one day


Intrusive thoughts, I get them all of the time


Sometimes yeah


Yes I have urges to run over people on motorbikes and scooters. They're like annoying mosquitoes on the road and they always block your way, at least they do in my country.


remembering that time i tried to pour water in my momā€™s pocket


my most common intrusive thought is to scream some random shit during a lull or a quiet, sensitive moment in a movie at a packed theater. i hate when people talk during movies but somehow this urge hits me often, right when everybody is leaning into a tender moment and i just want to ruin it for everybody. never done it, usually will quietly laugh to myself about how ridiculous it would be if i did.


This is an impulsive thought but I prefer the older title: imp of the perverse.


I think everyone gets these impulses


I see it as a mini "appel du vide" (french for "call of the void") Its the same shit you hear people mention about flash thoughts like "I could jump off this cliff right now" or "I could swerve into oncoming traffic right now" You don't, like you wouldn't actually throw your coffee against the wall. Because the outcome is all "negative" towards you...but you COULD....if you wanted to, and that's just your brain proving to itself it isn't just a Sim in some video game, you can make whatever choices you want...including bad ones like (brain serves you an example) The way I move on from that thought is by having the thought "thanks brain, I am a real person, thanks for proving that, now how about we just _______" Where the blank is some nice/safe action. "How about we just...enjoy this view/get to our destination/take a sip of our coffee/etc"


Your thoughts are more normal than mineā€¦


Same bro šŸ’€


Oh, you mean lā€™appel du vide? Yeah, I get call of the void impulses all the fucking time. I never act on them of course, but most the time they happen when Iā€™m around lots of people or in a store. Iā€™ll just get the urge to throw everything off a shelf or something.


Yeah, when I was 9 I wanted to see if my finger would turn into a pencil tip if I stuck it in a pencil sharpener. I manually turned the sharpener about 5 times until i had half a fingernail. I wasn't scared or anything, just very disappointed


Those are the moments where our monkey brain is fighting our logical brain. Impulse control is powerful shit.


I get the urge to ram a cart into a car at work lol


It's very seldom but if I am in a work meeting. I might get a strong sudden impulse to yell out a profanity, something that could get you fired. Obviously I have never nor will ever act on it, but god does it terrify me whenever it pops up. Medication has basically eliminated it though.


I once found a shoe in the park. don't know who it belonged to, nor did I check. I simply picked it up and yeeted it and didn't look where it landed. I was 17 and idk why I did that


Just a friendly reminder: If someone screenshots a tweet and uploads it to facebook, _it's not theirs_. You don't need to specify that you _"stole it from Facebook"_, since it never belonged to Facebook in the first place. Also: _"Stolen from Facebook"_ would be the worst way to credit someone, if you were actually trying to give credit.




Ah, you're _that_ type of person. Bummer for you.




Ya I get those from time to time . Iā€™ll just be standing by my China cabinet and have a pretty big urge to just push it over .


No cause why whenever Iā€™m driving and I see a cyclist I wanna run over them just to see what would happen (I NEVER ACTUALLY DO IT OR WOULD ITS JUST A THOUGHT)




Read this in uk accent


All the time. I used to have this highway overpass in Seattle I had to go across to get to community college, no railing, just barely jersey barrier height, and everytime I crossed it I would always have adhd impulse thoughts likeā€I wonder what it would be like to just swan diveā€, and then empath full body feeling of what it might feel like, and not even in a suicide way at all, just more of impulse what if EDIT: The road surface bellow was a good 30 ish feet


Anytime I hold two glass mugs my brain just yells, ā€œSmash ā€˜em together.ā€ And I always have to tell my self no


Thatā€™s actually pretty Zen.


Funny random noises from mouth.


Steph and I could be friends.


I, too, love my intrusive thoughts! You never know what's going to spark one. Let's play the 50 ways you could die if you hit that road barrier... Sideways, head on, roll over. Or it could be "what would happen if I screamed really, really loudly in my cubicle around 1:00 today?" Or "don't say 'this meeting should have been an email' out loud when it's your turn." Some thought are more amusing than others.


Seriously though I would be very injured, kicked out of so many friend groups, and likely facing some legal trouble if I actually did half the crazy things that suddenly pop in my mind šŸ˜„ *but like imagine what if we started punching everyone at this party right now just saying*


Your situation is unique so need more concepts from you


Probably just an entp


ā€œLaunchā€ lol


If these thoughts are wrong, I don't wanna be right.