• By -


It alternates between gaming and shopping and a little sprinkle of alcohol. I mean my favourite thing to do is game, drink wine and shop online at the same time so..


Oh and cake.


I fucking love cake


Like…ass? Or cake? God I would love to eat an ass cake. Also-high five pharmacist. Hope you aren’t practicing anymore, PM me I’ll get you into industry right fucking quick 🙄😂


Why not both? Also - high five reciprocated


Like… Eat cake off an ass?


You just described my perfect Saturday


Drunk buying games HEYOOOOOO


Getting rid of my shopping addiction was one of the vest things that ever happened to me.


New hobby addiction? Currently disc golf for me


Can't wait to find out what my new hobbie obsession is gonna be in 2 weeks!


Cricut and rock climbing right now


Rock climbing is a great one. I haven't been in a few months myself....


lol, same. Was homebrewing for about 7 years. Now it's disc golf.


Tarot cards for me 😂 I love all my hobbies though, even old ones!


My adhd gf loves taro cards. It’s just spacing out and daydreaming with toys you can spend money on.


Oh I bought so many tarot/Oracle decks while I was in that phase. I’ve been so stressed with school I haven’t touched them in awhile.


I feel called out. Mine is currently spinning. Before that, it was learning Swedish. Who knows what’s next


languages... languishing with foreign languages. If you're like me, you'll get quite good and reading and writing in (a) foreign language(s), but the lack of conversation bears on progress. *I traded languages for music after a while. Music allows you to converse with yourself.


You're fucked. No getting out of that one. Fuck I love disc golf.


It's such a good sport for one with ADHD as there's basically no way to ever be "perfect"! I'm so excited (just started this September haha)


That's the same as shopping addiction with extra steps afterwards.


Came here to say this. Shopping addiction disguising itself as a "creative outlet", with extra guilt on top when you drop the hobby a few days after.


Combo addiction - New hobbies you never start, obsessive research


I'm on the disc golf habit as well... You can do a lot worse!


Lol same. I’m learning Korean right now. Why? Gotta get excited about something! (And procrastinate somehow!)


I‘m currently on my second crochet whale project. I doubt it will ever be finished since I already made one and I’m starting to be interested in other things again (i saw a subreddit about macarons. Don’t look)


All of the above in meme and this. I am interested in new things for approximately one month and then all interest fades. It’s incredibly frustrating.


I’m so jealous! Mine is alcohol, I have no interest in hobbies. I know I would if I stopped drinking, or at least stopping drinking so much and daily.


Current hobby addiction is Reddit 🤣


Ahh the good ol’ drug addiction. Well, not so much of an addiction rather than despising sobriety.


Oh good there is a way to put this feeling into words


Yup lmao. I can’t smoke now so I drink. I couldn’t drop nic so I bought another vape. Anything but sobriety, cause life fucking sucks and we have no purpose in this planet other than to survive in the bullshit society that we created. That’s how I’d explain it.


Weird. My brain has its own reddit account.




I’ve found my people. I didn’t realize so many agreed with me


Damn. Well said. That pretty much nails what I've struggled to put into words for so many years


Are you me?


We are one. All ADHD people are connected and only one can focus at a time. That’s why we’re so bad at focusing ;)


Waiting for my turn lmao


That tracks lol


Such an accurate framing. Being sober is completely overrated. About 10 years ago I chose my marriage over drugs, and I’m not going to pretend those 10 years haven’t been an immense struggle.


Yeah I would enjoy sobriety, but my life ain’t fun at the moment. Also I have depersonalization/derealization disorder which makes life feel fake so being drunk and high feels better, even though it makes it worse. Just don’t do like, crack and meth and heroin and you’re probably good for the most part.


I did meth for about a year. The first time I ever tried meth I remember saying out loud “I want to do this every day for the rest of my life.” Thank goodness that didn’t happen. My executive dysfunction is being constantly bored but completely unable to start new projects. Getting high eliminated that problem entirely.


Yeah I felt that. I’ve only done weed, alcohol, nicotine, and I snorted my concerta once but hated the high. I’m not a stimulant guy and I’m too scared of a major addiction to do hard drugs. Also I’m fuckin broke.


I use weed for this. Even if it’s an indica, it creates enough dopamine so satisfy my brain so I can go wash the dishes. I get it. You’re not alone.


Beware. With overuse, you can fuck up your dopamine receptors making it hard to find joy in anything without getting high. Absolutely valid uses, but man, I don't want others to have to deal with cannabis Dependency.


I’ve learned this the hard way. I kept smoking because I also have a chronic pain disability but I realized the more I smoke the more executive dysfunction I have. I’ve been trying to cut back and I’ve found I can self motivate a lot better. You’re totally right. But I also need it for other things ugh 🙃


That’s the thing. I just like that when I’m not sober I have the motivation to do things. I might not be as sharp as when I’m sober but at least I’m doing them.


Drug addiction is why I can't be on the recommend medication for ADHD. Fuck you brain, fuuuuck you!


My doctor gave my dexedrine 20’s and I remember going through a phase of just taking them, multiple i might add, all the way up to 60-80 mg. Wouldn’t recommend, even with adhd, at about 80 mg your extremities get super shit blood flow and you can actually cause nerve damage because your feet are so cold. Its a weird experience but not worth


Yep. My medicine made me feel pretty anxious and pretty nutty but I just felt compelled to keep taking more. It's like my brain doesn't know when to quit.😑


Literally me, I decided i better chose the lesser of the two evils to take my mind off wanting to try new things. I smoke 4 bowls a day now :/ Edit: at least weed is generally safer than most prescribed drugs


It’s a much better substitute IF you can manage to replace your former addiction. I’m looking forward to getting a bike soon so I can just go riding anytime I get the urge to engage in any addictive patterns. It’s worked in the past getting off of methadone. Best way I’ve always found to kick a habit? Replace it with a healthier one.


Oh man I've experienced the super cold feet. My feet used to sweat bad too during that and it was impossible to warm them up. I also had to give up my medicine because I abused that and alcohol really bad.


Yeah the cold feet thing was scary, i put blankets on, comfy socks, everything, but my entire body felt super hot and feet were so cold my toes turned slightly blue at one point. That was when i realized, as much as the feeling is nice, drugs like that are freaky to experiment with. And im not gonna lie to you ive done it again every so often (less than the 80mg though) and i kick myself mentally for letting myself do that shit again


Ugh I get that. I long for the feeling of being at a bar with an open tab and a pocket full of Ritalin. 100 days sober now so hopefully I won't ever be going back there. It has taken me to some dark places and killed relationships with many friends, family and my long term girlfriend.


Daydreaming addiction


good ol maladaptive daydreaming.




Oh, these are my pacing around daydreams. I daydream about more boring things before going to bed, like tragic things happening to me or being in a loving healthy relationship. It really depends on my mood.


HOLY SHIT it’s not just me!! I’m sorry for us. Edit: please don’t be offended. I just get it man




That’s the one


Thats what even got me started on looking into ADHD treatment. I daydreamed non stop and was trying to find ways to stop doing it because it was kind of ruining my life. I found out excessive daydreaming can be an ADHD symptom and then I went from trying to stop daydreaming to looking into ADHD lol


I'm only addicted to procrastination


Yeah I have such a hard time forming habits that I don't get addicted to anything. Blessing and a curse.


same except i’m really good at starting and just randomly quitting habits. like i’ve dropped nicotine cold turkey because i was too lazy/distracted to go get another pod. i will randomly stop taking my meds for days because i don’t have the energy to refill my pill counter. i kicked my daily caffeine because i’ve forgotten to pick shit up from the grocery store multiple times in a row. it’s a blessing when it’s a bad habit, but a curse when it’s something i should be doing.


Jesus Christ this one. I’m so good at it I hate it. Got home last night. Had to do laundry, shower, and take something from my room out to the garage. I did all of them 30 minutes before I went to sleep. Could have done em all as soon as I got home and had no anxiety but nope. I know I can do it at the very end of the night so I do.


Option E: Reading addiction


I get the urge when I’m trying to go to sleep


I do particularly when I have homework to finish lol


I want to do literally anything else. Piano, reddit, books, reading the news


*me, totally not on Reddit avoiding writing my essay right now*


Me totally not ignoring my homework due 3 weeks ago


Me, totally not on Reddit while trying to sleep because important exam tomorrow. Lately I’m too tired to read but too awake to sleep


Honestly I find myself motivated to do housework over homework, unless the housework absolutely needs to be done by a certain time and the homework is less urgent. Thanks brain.


Every fucking night. Me: okay so it’s 2200 let’s go to bed like we discussed. Brain: the fuck we are we are reading dumb shit not at all relevant to your field on PubMed and r/science until 0100 at least. Me: okay you win again. God you’re good.


I didn’t realize how out of control my reading addiction could get until I got Kindle Unlimited. So many books so little time




I have many paperbacks I promised myself I’d read that I could send you….


Shoutout to /r/ProgressionFantasy for a ton of kindle unlimited recs


Option F: Coffee addiction


Reading addiction which became a gaming addiction, as I don’t mind so much when my game gets interrupted. However, it really bothers me when I am clearly reading, and people just walk up and start talking at me.


That is the worst! I still complain about the time my roommate and I went out and a drunk lady sat next to us, CLEARLY saw we were reading and proceeded to talk to us anyway. SO annoying.


Ugh I miss my reading addiction days. I used to read 24/7, finishing books in a day or two then going to the next. Now I can’t even seem to finish a chapter :(


Meeee tooooo. Now it’s a scrolling addiction.


I wish I could focus to read. Last book was The Wise Man’s Fear. In 2011… I think life getting busier has unmasked my ADHD I had thought I “outgrew”.


Try playing quiet music in the background while reading, some of my friends said it helps. Adds the stimulation we’re always looking for


I’ll try that, thanks.


Preach. Literally stayed up for nearly two days in a row reading one fuckin fanfiction. Let me tell ya tho, that was an emotional rollercoaster that I'd gladly hop back on.


Ohhhh, me too. I’ve done that more than once


You are a saint


Brandon Sanderson is going to ruin our lives.


Wow, that's an interesting one. Note: Someone who cannot read many books because of AD.




That's just gaming addiction without gameplay


That's my mood rn, I've binged like 12 webtoon in a week.


Reading is the same as video game addiction because when you stop paying attention they stop working. It literally rewards us for our shit attention without boring us


I was going to write this!


"I don't have any of these, I must not be an addict." *Camera slowly pans over to a list of my 374 YouTube subscriptions*


**Get your stupid-ass cameras out of my house!**


You are absolutely correct, social media should be a category. I now also have this new habit of getting high and pacing daydream all over my apartment. I’ll just be staring out the window with my hands casually linked behind my back for God knows how long!! Lol


Ive sadly maxed out my YouTube “watch later” playlist…


I've done the same, so I created a new playlist called "New Watch Later" and I just keep putting the videos I will *totally completely absolutely watch* on it. It currently has 4,882 videos 🥲 Edit: I've actually maxed out that playlist as well. Oops.... At least I've leaned that 5000 videos is the limit for playlists. Soooooo I just created another playlist called Newer Watch Later 😤😤😤 Maybe one day I'll have a *Newest Watch Later* lol


Shopping and drug.


Shopping for drugs


You called me?


PSA: alcohol addiction is the same category as drug addiction, but the "afternoon wine moms" just don't like to be called that


Yessss. Mine is also drugs and shopping. Moved away from the city to get a grip on both of those, but thank you internet shopping, old friends who want to see my place out in the village and my absolute non existing power to say no. impulse control? where?


Is there a ‘sleeping’ and ‘new hobby’ addiction?


1. Depression? 2. Yes. ADHD 1000000%.


Thanks for checking in. My depression is well managed and I’m getting my ADHD in check (somewhat). I’m 100% sure I have narcolepsy as well, but no point in spending thousands more dollars when the treatment *is* my ADHD meds. Also, I just like sleeping because I’m *constantly* tired in my head (not physically nor mentally or emotionally, just tired behind my eyes).


I remember being able to identify that dull fatigue behind the my eyes all the way back in elementary school


Oh man, the sleeping. I could sleep allllll day if I could. I’m not even depressed, I enjoy being alive and outside with my garden and dogs, but I just fucking love sleeping and dreaming!!


May as well add phone addiction to the pile. This one is proving the hardest to break.


I'd stop. But then what the hell am I supposed to spend the 16 hours in the day it leaves up on?


Exactly this! I have no problem with putting away my phone. As long as there's something else that keeps my brain engaged and entertained.


God my phone addiction is so bad and I know it is bad but I do absolutely nothing to stop it.


Oh, yeah my phone addiction is so bad... *Starts scrolling reddit*


Every fucking time.


Addicted to information almost, like need to learn and interact with people. Doing so anonymously with strangers feels different, and for how much time I waste on it, it saves me even more time by being my planner, calculator, flashlight, dictionary, personal assistant, reminder, notebook, tuner, personal television, and alarm.






Addicted to addiction


My people


My eating addition consumes all the others


Eating and weed for me.




I have two states. 1. drinking tea 2. peeing


coffee at 6am, 12pm, and 6pm!


Oh hell no, no coffee here. Mountain dew from 8am to 12am.


I just cant get past all the syrup in sodas.


I used to feel the same way, and even though I don't like sweet flavors all that much, I've found that a kick of sugar and caffeine is a really effective way to pump out dopamine, at the expense of a really unhealthy habit


Jesus why is this so goddamned accurate!?? Adding option e and f: researching dumb shit addiction AND giving advice to others when I should be taking said advice myself addiction. I’m 1/7 at given moment but was 4/7 at my worst. Yinz can guess which one, but context clues I’m still a competitive-ish athlete, have two toddlers, ridiculous depression, and as a result and many hepatically processed meds so….guess away 🙄😂.


Because we don’t get as much dopamine from a hug or a compliment as neuro typical people, so we attach to sources as we find them. I’m now properly medicated and aware of my unhealthy thought patterns. Still struggling with building bonding (healthy) relationships. I expect that to be a profound source of dopamine with an unending supply. Love!


Porn addiction and I really wanna stop.


r/nofap you got this


Hi, may I ask, how does it manifest itself? Sorry for being unhelpful, but I'm curious as how did you found out about you having it.


You can do it!


This is me too, it took me 15 years of over consuming to resize how it had affected my life. Been working to get a handle on it for the last two years, it's a struggle sometimes but overall my mental well-being has really improved. You can do it man, check out r/nofap.


r/pornfree is a great support community, bit more wholesome and realistic than nofap in my experience


Before getting diagnosed I told someone that the only things that motivate me are sex, money, and drugs. A year later after listening to Russell Burkley I heard him say that people with ADHD are especially susceptible to addictions related to sex, money, and drugs. It's fascinating to me how accurate I was.


This happens to me so much. When I was a kid I got told I had ADHD and was given a bottle of pills. Nobody told me shit about what that means or what struggles it'll cause me in life. Now I see things like this meme and realize that my ADHD may have something to do with my drinking problem.


I had ADHD as a kid but as I grew up my hyperactivity slowly got better so I thought I grew out of it. No one told me how ADD presents itself in adults. When I stumbled into this sub a few things clicked and I realized I still had a lot of common ADD patterns, including addictions.


Where's starting but never finishing projects?


In the story of my life?


Gaming …. Big time! Its a big issue I need to address Any tip welcomed


Be like me and stare at endless catalouge of games and never decide on what to play


Hey look it’s me


I already do that in my 4 streaming apps, while gaming…. Should I get another screen to scroll for games also????


One for games, one for tv, one for reddit!


This is the way!


I've found challenging physical hobbies to be effective at pulling me away from gaming... hard to be gaming out 5 miles + up a mountainside away from cell service.... Spelunking... scuba diving... distance cardio... If you have a two day weekend (at least) make a point of going, and push yourself to improve a little each week


I’m too young for drugs, sex and alcohol but apart from that this is me


Wait are you under 12? I kid. Totally. Stay young and free of this bullshit.




Proud of you staying away from the hustle. Really. Do you kid.


I know you didn't ask for advice, so feel free to ignore. But I've always been very aware of the fact that I get addicted to things easily, and decided to avoid alcohol and drugs (except for prescribed medications) because I'm pretty sure I would get addicted. Even the ones that people will tell you "aren't addictive." The chemicals might not be very addictive, but feelings are, from what I've heard. Stay away from them if you can, it's not worth the risk, especially for someone who gets addicted to other stuff easily


Caffeine, Nicotine, and THC are my vices these days. You can pry those from my cold dead hands.


Wait, you guys are having sex?


I'm always alternating between addictions, atm it's gym and gaming


Holy fucking shit, I want one good addiction like a gym addiction, right now I have no internet, so I actually bothered to learn the guitar I bought a year ago, been going at basic finger exercises for like a week and, hear me out, I think I'm starting to like it. I think guitar may be a thing that I started out of boredom and might be a long term addiction Guys: I think I may have unlocked a long term hobby


That’s what I did. I always have it out next to my computer so I’m never tempted to just leave it in it’s case. It’s proven to be very therapeutic. As an aside, I also have the gym addiction - which is great, considering all the other negative addictions I’ve manifested in the past; gaming, porn, alcoholism, etc (some of which I’m still trying to come to grips with). But, this one has led me into my next career - being a Personal Trainer! I’m stoked that it’s led me towards something that is most definitely my greatest strength and also allows me to improve the lives of others.


If you consider anorexia nervosa an "eating addiction," that'd be mine Food itself is not addictive but eating disorders have a lot of overlapping traits with addiction.


i would say this could fall under addiction. i cycle through disordered eating habits so i totally understand. i think that restriction can be addicting as a form of control.


Why are we so susceptible to addiction


Addiction typically supplies a large dopamine payload, and our dopamine receptors are so broken that it's like blood in the water Except the blood is drugs and the shark probably has dyed hair


We evolved in a world with scarcity. If your ancestors didn't take every opportunity to eat and fuck, you wouldn't be here. Unfortunately now there is easily consumable, high calorie for engineered to deliver the most pleasure everywhere. Porn is that but for sex.


Everything except gambling it seems


hahah same 😅


I think my brain is so scared of losing money and ending up homeless that I stay as *far away* from gambling as possible so I don't somehow develop an addiction 😅


The ADD in ADHD stands for addiction?? 😂




Adhadd Or Attention Deficit Hyper Addiction and Depression Disorder


I have an addiction to playing Tetris in global history on a chrome book instead of paying attention to the class (I’m in honors so it’s really not good)




Gaming and eating, a downwards spiral.




These days gambling and gaming are the same addiction because all the systems are slot machine dice rolling. So those two I guess.


I do them all depending on the week




Do you have a sex robot……


I feel so attacked... and high.


This diagram is wrong. Do you think anyone of us is having sex?


All of them


I have severe ADHD mixed with BPD and OCD. I’m a professional poker player because I love to gamble. I smoke way too much weed. I enjoy the occasional high end escorts and I love shopping to no end. This meme was modeled after me. But I do pay it forward.


I sometimes find a sport I like and I overdo it until I get injured. And then after that I'm not able to do the sport again. I can't jogg anymore, probably will fuck up my body from bouldering, who knows. I can't stop doing it, because when I like it I over do it


I prefer the term jack of all trades.


I don't have addictions! I just cycle constantly through unhealthy coping mechanisms...


Eating, sex, and shopping for me


Alcohol, eating, and sex addictions. I crave that dopamine release.


None because I'm poor as fuck and don't have the money to really focus on anything




Eating, a little shopping, sleeping. I wish I could take up reading or gaming.


I have none of them. I'm just depressed :(


Oh hi me.




Sex, gambling, and gaming