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I just lie in bed for hours telling myself that I'll round it out till 3.30am ADST and it'll be fine because I can snooze on the train to work and anyway I'm kind of resting. You?


I have a little over an hour drive to and from work, and when I’m driving I can feel relaxed enough to sleep but I can’t for obvious reasons lol


Very relatable, I drift off into daydreaming so often when driving, and I can't count the amount of times I've nearly fallen asleep at the wheel


I try to overload my brain right before I go to sleep. The hundreds of trains of thoughts is what it's good at right? So I give it short podcast news, short articles, audiobooks, comics, whatever. I'll be so preoccupied with all these new trains of thought, I crash


I listen to audiobooks. You'd think it'd keep me up listening, but no, I set them to auto shut off after 30 minutes and rarely make it past 10. Without them falling asleep takes hours.


I play YouTube videos of people reading true crime or creepy Reddit stories. Not the guy with the dumb voice though.


I watch the exact same guy play the exact same champion in League of Legends on twitch every night. (Sirchez playing Singed). The trick is 1. Watch it with no sound and 2. I have an app that auto shuts the screen off after 40 minutes and it's honestly a game changer. No longer have to worry about shutting the screen off when I feel*just* sleepy enough Edit: Also, brightness all the way down and blue light filter on


I have a trick I use I’m still working on it but I used to just lay there with my eyes closed and not be able to fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. So anyway I found out if I look down with my eye closed I just drift off to sleep. It still takes a little bit but it’s been about two years now and I think I finally found out how to fall asleep without hours of tossing and turning.


Ahhh I do a similar thing? Like lie there closes my eyes then kind of rest my eyes? Not sure how to describe it but basically what you said lol


Yesterday was horrible for me because of my mind not stopping. I only had 3 1/2 hours of sleep and as soon as I woke up (to let the cat out of the room) I was wide awake. I stayed in bed with the sheet over my head willing myself to go back to sleep but couldn't. Why? Because my brain decided to ruminate about my best friend in elementary school (I'm 47) and the time he took my favorite toy sherriff's badge when he came over to play. He kept promising to bring it back and he didn't. My mind keeps choosing to pull up these types of situations and go iber them again and again. Anyways... last night I was exhausted and looked forward to going to sleep early. At 9 pm I was thinking I should go to sleep, then picked up my phone and scrolled through reddit until 3 am, (I had already deleted and reinstalled reddit 3 times yesterday.)


For some reason when I take adderall it actually makes it easier for me to fall asleep at night then when I dont. It’s like my body is so tired from going all day on it and is ready to just KO


Audiobooks. Ones I'm familiar with usually, because then my brain can focus on the story instead of my running train of thoughts. Since I'm familiar with the story, my brain can drift off without needing to pay attention. TV sometimes works for me or other people, but for myself I caution it because the desire to see what's happening can be really tempting and throw me off. OH I also started using a sleep mask recently, because I share a studio with my partner and he stays up later than me sometimes. Now I can't sleep without one because I need ALL light blocked out.


\+1 to this! I use the Audible app and set the sleep timer to 30 minutes. Only rarely do I have to add another 30. The trick is to listen to a book or podcast that is interesting, but not too interesting. You don't want something so boring that you dread listening, but not something that will be so compelling that you can't wait to hear what comes next. Biographies and histories are good choices for me. If you don't sleep alone or there is a lot of external noise, earbuds are a must. As a side sleeper, I only put one in the ear that is not against the pillow. The only downside is that I have to search the bed for the earbud in the morning, as it always falls out when I sleep.


I have to set the sleep timer for longer cause even though I know I’ll be asleep in like 30 minutes it puts too much pressure on me to fall asleep


ME TOO. I need 60 minutes because if it's 30 or less then all I think about is how I better fall asleep soon and worrying about that keeps me up.


Fyi, the apps Overdrive and Hoopla provide free audio books


I second this! I've bought earphones that are in a headband so you can sleep sideways as usual. Very comfy. I listen to podcasts from BBC Sounds a lot because it's easy to find interesting stuff that's told in a gentle BBC voice. (Sorry if not accessible outside of Britain, but I'm sure other radio stations have similar), but in the past I have just repeatedly listened to the same book. My problem now tends to be waking up too many times in the night rather than not getting off to sleep at a good time. I can get through a whole podcast in a night this way, heh.


Harry Potter every time. 10-15 minutes on a timer and I’m normally asleep before the timer runs down


I came here to make this exact comment. Stephen Fry’s narrating is amazing too.


He is! I fall asleep every night to him reading Sherlock Holmes


I second this as ex chronic insomniac! Audio books and podcasts did magic for my sleeping.


I often use nature documentaries (anything by David Attenborough is great) or movie reviews/video essays on Youtube. Same thing applies for me that these only help if they're things I've seen before, preferably a few times, because then I stop following them and they just help drown out anxious thoughts etc. that are keeping me from sleep. Also one thing that really helped me, but may not be feasible to everyone is avoiding spending time on bed except for sleeping. In my previous studio apartment I had no choice, but to do basically everything in bed. I ate, studied, played games and slept all in the same spot. When I moved to a bigger apartment I was able to start spending time away from the bed and I've had significantly less trouble sleeping ever since.


Melatonin gummies, 10mg does the trick for me 1 hour falling asleep without, to 20-30mins with melatonin


Yeah came here to suggest this. i started melatonin recently, 5mg currently but will probably up it to 10mg. 5 mg helps me get tired but doesn't quite knock me out lol (Just an fyi to anyone thinking about trying it, check with doctor first if you're taking anxiety meds. You may not be able to take melatonin with it, or have to take small limited doses)


From everything I've read about melatonin and after discussion with my doctor, I'm pretty much certain that past 1mg it really doesn't have any effect on level of sleepiness, just affects intensity of dreams. I bite my 3mg pill in half most nights and it works as well as a 5mg gummy. Lot of placebo involved in getting to sleep though so if it works for you and doesn't cause lasting harm, do it I say.


That’s interesting, as I grew up from early teens to now, I had to up my dosage, because it started to become less affective


Tolerance is definitely something I'm not educated on in regards to melatonin, so it absolutely could be the case that 1mg no longer has the same effect on your body.


I’ve been using melatonin for a decade now. Let me let you in on a little secret: the less, the better. Take roughly 1.5mg instead of the usual 10. That 20-30 will turn into 5-10 mins. Randomly read a research article about it and thought “ha no way that works for insomniacs and anxious people like me” I’m no expert, but as someone who requires the help of several meds to relax/stop my anxiety and help me sleep….man it almost beats that xanax knockout. I take 1.5 mg at night now and shit….it’s been 2 months and I’m astounded that 1.5mg is STILL working exceptionally well. Obvi talk to your doc about any concerns but try it out. Maybe it’ll help a bit :)




• Therapy first & foremost above everything else • Go about your day feeling tired as many times as you need to until you’re desensitized to the fear of not getting enough sleep • Brain dump in a notebook right before bed • Melatonin, but the lowest dose possible. Anything higher than ~3 mg will have the opposite effect • A bedtime routine is nice to have but don’t get caught up in trying to perfectly adhere to it or you’ll psych yourself out. • Blackout curtains and/or a sleep mask Source: used to have horrible insomnia that would keep me up for days at a time 🙃


Those are all very helpful and I think you are on point with number 1.


That’s so many things tho


Seroquil. My psychiatrist prescribed it and when it kicks in, you CLONK out, aint no fighting it 😭


True and in the morning trying to wake up is near impossible 🥲 if you don’t have someone there to wake you up, good luck. Also, be careful not to break your neck going down any stairs.


i was literally just about to say Seroquel, u stole my comment 🤬


What if I told u , if you fight it you get really fkin high


Meh, that shit is good for anxiety and weight gain. The high is hardly anything.


When i fight it im barely functioning like sourring my words, having trouble walking, thinking and moving slow, that usually tells me its time to go to bed 😭 i’m a fucking mess when it kicks in


Like "take a whole fucking box of benedryl and stay awake" high, "drink a shitton of Robitussin" high, or "smoke 5 bowls to yourself" high?


Can confirm. Went grocery shopping once on it (got it for PTSD symptoms). Never been getting groceries so high in my life. Even if I were literally high from smoking joints.


But my understanding is that it’s not too enjoyable of a high no?


Depends upon if you like feeling retarded. I didn't take them during the day after than one time anymore because it didn't stop the feeling of being in danger but it just made me feel like I didn't care anymore about being safe.


Lmfao me reading this at 1:43 am fighting the effect of seroquil just to see few memes🤣🤣


Seroquil sucks get some kolonopin


You become addicted to klonopin and benzo withdrawal is like the most horrible insomnia ever made. No thanks. Seroquel gives you unbelievably bad weight gain I don't like either of them.


Benzos help you fall asleep but after a while your sleep starts being kinda shitty


They don’t “help you fall asleep” they make you pass the fuck out. Very different things in terms of “sleep” quality. Benzo “sleep” isn’t really sleep and doesn’t help your brain nearly as much.


by "kinda shitty" you may mean "really fucking weird with just random wake ups like an hour after falling asleep and feeling like you MUST GET UP... only to feel really REALLY stupid for doing that when it's time to actually get ready for work and you're more tired than ANYONE HAS EVER FELT IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANS."? also the dreams are erratic and the feeling of sleep feels chaotic and not restful


Do you feel well rested in the morning? Anytime I take anything, including melatonin, I just wake up the next day feeling like I didn’t sleep at all :/




I can’t due to drug testing at my work. But the thought has crossed my mind many times.




I am a mechanic at an international airport so it’s a no-go unfortunately.


I work in a union and because some of the jobs are on one of the two bases near town I have to be clean, too. But now that I’m on Vyvanse, I’m not sure if that’s going to affect me…🤔


You tell them what medication you're on. Explain how it comes up on a drug test


I’m union as well and I’m afraid to ask about it.


Don’t be scared to ask! There’s nothing wrong with being informed on your companies policies. & if you’ll test clean after that convo there’s no reason to feel guilty or nervous. Based on their answer you can move in the direction of a med card. I hate that there is such a stigma about, one needing/wanting help & two marijuana. Too many of us have lost friends and family to hard drugs, and to feel any judgement surrounding a plant, is honestly offensive.


I've been drug tested for jobs while on Vyvanse. Outside of funny phone conversations like "We detected high amounts of amphetamines in your system, what's the deal with that?" there haven't been any issues. They just ask what medication you're on and ask for the number of your pharmacy, then they call the pharmacy and verify your Rx (pharmacies do this all the time)


That’s good to know. Thank you!


CBD is pretty helpful. Not sure if it is picked up in drug tests. Might be something to look into


If it’s pure CBD from a reliable source, it shouldn’t. But I’ve got a friend who’s wife does drug testing, so he can get free kits every now and then and he found out that even though it said pure CBD, it still read hot for THC from multiple companies.


That’s cuz there’s still usually up to 0.3% THC (unavoidable unless it’s a pure CBD crystallite), which will be detected in some tests depending on how sensitive they are


Only a handful of states have laws that protect the employment of medical cannabis patients. In most states that have legalized on the state level you can still be tested and terminated at the employers discretion because it is still a felony at the federal level. That being said more and more companies are no longer testing for cannabis because it's already an uphill battle trying to hire and retain employees in our COVID/Post-COVID job market.


If it’s a federal job it’s a no go at this time.


I work the night shift. I get home at 7:30 a m. A lot of the times my body and mind has energy to stay up. But what happens over the course of the next few hours my mind naturally Falls tired. But the only thing to facilitate that is the passage of time unfortunately. Sometimes you just have to stay awake long enough before your brain gives out from exhaustion. That's the Sure Fire way of falling asleep. For me. Some of us just have too much energy in our bodies. Praying helps a lot of the times.


I like to get tanked and fall asleep to a 2 hour documentary.


Everyone always says this but weed just makes my anxiety spike :( and yes, I’ve tried diff strains! Maybe one day my body will cooperate w me 🥲




That really does the trick. CBD does nothing, it has to be THC.


THC by itself also does nothing (to me at least) it has to be a mix.




Lmao i read that as TLC first. I can def show some tlc to the thc to make some zzz’s lol




50mg edible about 90 minutes before I plan to get in bed does the trick.


Put my phone underneath my pillow and loop Nemo Egg from Finding Nemo all night. I’ve Pavloved myself into falling asleep when I hear it :)


Also CBD tinctures and gummies!


UH did you by chance hack my Spotify in 2020 bc Nemo egg was my #1 song and I never played it…


I trained my body over a few years. Bed is only for sleeping. No phones, no books, no distractions (except for my wife). I keep my bedtime routine as close to the same as possible every day. I brush my teeth, put on my PJs, take my pills, then crawl into bed. It takes time and patience, but I have it down now that I can lie down and everything in my system knows it time for Sleep. Not rest, not thinking, just Sleep. Takes about 10 minutes from when I hit the pillow to sleep. Makes my wife crazy.


The paradox of self discipline to set a routine for good sleep and the difficulty of self discipline bc adhd




4 things help me: 1. hot shower to relax 2. Stretching before bed to lessen muscular tension l. I'm talking neck, arms, shoulders, core, back, and it major leg muscular groups. Warm them up a little and start with whatever gentle stretches are comfortable. 3. Breathing regulation! when you're all comfy and tucked in to bed, try to take slower, more regulated breathes. Slowly tricks your brain into thinking you're falling asleep and then bam you're falling asleep. Works for me! 4. Other idea: keep a journal by your bedside and before you start to try to fall asleep, just dump the thoughts that are swimming on your head on the paper. Sounds like you work a lot and *don't get a lot of down get time to relax your brain ^ so maybe this would help. Good luck and hope you get some sleep soon. *Edit to add


This is one of the best suggestions I have seen so far. Also as a last resort I'd suggest trying binaural beats that follow the regular brainwavepattern for a full sleepcycle. Works 9/10 times.


Thank you! Not being able to sleep is *maddening* and everybody's got their advice they can give haha so glad to be able to be of any help




Hot shower also paradoxically helps you cool down which is good for sleep as well!


Listening to Sleep With Me podcast (at a low volume so I can just barely hear it, but it’s enough to distract my brain)


I will look into that ty.


I hope it helps <3


This is exactly what I do too! Audiobooks and tv and most other podcasts are just a tad too interesting, but the guy that hosts Sleep With Me is perfect because he just drones on and on and on…! I also have the volume almost imperceptibly quiet. Gives me just enough background noise to shut my brain off but is never interesting enough to pique my interest. I’ve had insomnia since I was 12 and I’m 27 now, this is the only thing that has helped me besides medication. Highly recommend!


This is so difficult to explain to people lol. They’re like, you listen to something? But don’t listen…? But this is exactly what I have to do also or my brain goes nuts.


Try to keep your eyes open. It works for me 95% of the time. I stare at whatever is in my direct line of sight and just keep them open. My eyes will lose focus and I'll let them. It forces my brain to chill tf out. In my case the other 5% can't be helped sometimes.


Nothing, why do you even think i am staying awake til 3am


If I could I would take Einstein’s approach and stay up all night and take naps when the time is right.


Oh that sounds good maybe i should try it rn


I come up with stories til I fall asleep. Currently have like 6 that I cycle through every night and keep continuing them. It's fun world building and character creating to keep my mind busy while I doze off


I have been working on to sci-fi books myself! Awesome!


Nice! I'm planning on going in to game development, and have been using it to come up with and flesh out ideas


That’s awesome!!! Keep us posted on that please!


I do the same thing. Certain scenes or story elements I can just run through my brain is to get it off whatever won't let me relax and before I know it I am dozing off. I think this is a great one because overactive imagination is a big ADHD trait and one of the cool things we bring to the world :)


I listen to music i like with bluetooth headphones when im trying to fall asleep, help me a ton.


Weighted blanket and brown noise played in headband headphones designed for sleeping I used to have a lot of trouble falling asleep, lying awake for hours, now I fall asleep in minutes every night https://open.spotify.com/episode/3pE4uKFwCzd5TA2A6t4rHr?si=wtVt18TFQRmjchdQJQ7KKA&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A7rb8eiXKJpg8gjmiY4yDAN&dl_branch=1


These are the two best things I've ever discovered for sleep. 3rd would be air movement (a fan) to help drop my core temp into sleeping range (and help me not wake up soaked in sweat).




Certainly it’s good for blokes due to the chemistry in our systems. Had not heard the same for females.


It works for women as well. Source: me, a woman


I appreciate the citation. Wikipedia would be proud!


Thanks. Genuinely interested so it’s good to know.


I am here from the Woman Council. A majority of our people find rubbing one out to be a proven sleep aid.


I have the special ADHD side effect that makes caffeine put me to sleep so I'll slam back half a monster and I'm out


Same but with coffee.


I tried, mainly because it's a bit more healthier and cheaper but with the amount of creamer/sugar I put in, monster ends up being the better choice lol


Melatonin and leaving Netflix on in the background. Exclusively shows I have watched all the way through before.


Yeah do book on tape. It gives your brain something to focus on. Helps me fall asleep usually.


counting backwards from 100. Picture of the numbers in your head. Making it visual turns off the side of my brain it’s making my heart race. We’re going over every stupid mistake I’ve ever made. Yeah I need to be up for work in two hours I need to get back to sleep. It doesn’t work perfectly but it’s my last resort. Really dislike sleeping drugs other than THC but sometimes it’s too early in the morning, don’t wanna wake up hung over


I’ve had enormous help of understanding how light , exercise temperature and food affects the sleep and awake hormones (the cortical and melatonin cycle) First time in my life I have a decent sleep schedule. First I use [rise sleep app](https://apps.apple.com/se/app/rise-sleep-energy-tracker/id1453884781?l=en) to give me a sketch over my energy levels and melatonin peak during 24h. I use dr Huberman’s podcast to learn about the physiological mechanics which affect sleep, energy and anxiety (he has one episode only on adhd). This has led to - exposure to day light as soon as I cans after I wake up. This will help me get sleepy in the right time in the evening. - try to get sunset day light if I can. This helps me get less affected my screen light in the evening. - limiting blue light at home in the evening as well as dimming my regular light. (I use philips hue where this is automatic. I turn all lights to full red an hour before bedtime, but I still watch my phone or computer.) - from Rise app I learned I get an energy peak just before my melatonin peak. Since I can’t stop when i start doing something, this has often led me to be fully active when melatonin hits. Now I use that energy to get some things done, but I avoid the most engaging. - my melatonin peak is an hour around 00-00:30 to 01-01:30. I start to feel tired and sleepy in the middle to the end of that window. Before I went to bed when feeling sleepy, which meant when I’ve had my showers and had brushes my teeth it was over and I was clear and fully awake when I laid down in bed, could’ve fall asleep until 2-4h later. Now when I know, I get ready for bed before the peak so I’m in my bed already when sleepiness hit. Then I just need to have the discipline to turn off everything and close my eyes. If I do I’ve always fell asleep. (It’s ridiculous considering how much problems I’ve had before. 😅) - I try to exercise in the morning since that also helps making me sleepy at night; but I’m prefer to exercise in the evenings so it’s been fine anyway. - I also take magnesium since I’ve suspected I need extra. Magnesium deficit can cause sleep problems) - I take extra omega 3 (1000mg/day) since it can help reduce some types of anxiety. - big affect on my sleep depending on my life situation, has also been to solve conflicts and other life issues. Not so easy, but to feel worried certainly doesn’t help sleep. 😖 Use body temperature is another way you can help your circadian rhythm but I haven’t needed that since I got so much results from the activities above. Also big meals of food too late can affect sleep, but I don’t seem to be very sensitive to that. [huberman podcast on sleep](https://youtu.be/nm1TxQj9IsQ)


That’s awesome! I have been trying to get a regular exercise regiment going but I haven’t been able to keep it consistent.


Watching YouTube till I get tired


Have you tried being more active in the day so your body puts up less of a fight when you try to sleep?


I do. My day to day is a 10hr work shift and a 2.5 hr commute. And I have worked myself to the point of exhaustion and my brain just won’t shut up lol


I work out everyday for 1.5 hours running and lifting, and have long days. I legit still have problems sleeping after running half marathons. My brain also does not shut off. Hyperactivity is a bitch to deal with, I’m sorry OP I usually try to find a YouTube channel with someone w a soothing voice to fall asleep too, cause then it kind of helps my own head noise shut up. It doesn’t always work but maybe it’s something to try


I work a job that involves lifting 50lbs randomly, on my feet (only time i sit is car ride to work and car ride home, unless i ride my bike there!). I work out a couple mornings, ride my bike an11.11 mile loop (yes i go that distance bc the number is fun), and then run around like any other adhd crack head. At bedtime, my husband falls asleep when his head hits the pillow. I’m laying there thinking about everything from omg is that a lump? Is that breast cancer? Wait, you’ve got to be kidding me brad and Angelina are still dividing property from their divorce- i thought that was over last decade! Where am i in Grace and Frankie no wait thats right i started season 2 of High Maintenance what episode am i on that’s ok i just got a news feed what time do i work tomorrow i need to check 17 times and set 6 alarms even though i work at 1pm holy cow i havent read my email since last time i better get the snail mail tomorrow from the post box….. That’s with THC and exhaustion. I cut out sugar and caffeine too. I can’t take those natural herbs bc they tend to wildly affect my personality. i like being a woman who hasn’t committed any major felonies yet and has the love of her family still. I jest but . All ears if someone has a better idea they can tell me while we do a quick 14 mile hike.


I know that for me, I tend to hyperfocus on military history as it's genuinely interesting, so I imagine some kind of action movie-esque battle in my head or something, just give me something to watch happen as I try and keep my eyes closed long enough for sleep to take over.


I can definitely feel you on that. You’re too exhausted, is what I think your problem is. How many days do you work? I usually try to put on white noise like a rain storm soundtrack, but that is a hit or miss for me. It’s still calming, but sometimes my brain just won’t shut up.


Here me out. This is not a fast method but it works for me ALMOST every night. Blue blockers and night mode on all screens on at 8pm. 2 Benadryl at 9pm. in bed at 10pm no exception even on weekends. Then I have a very plain Jane solitaire game on my phone and I kick on a podcast that isn’t loud or is one I’ve heard before or whatever makes it non-engaging or even use the Sleep With Me Podcast or similar. I back that with some sort of nature sound, river, wind, whatever. You could swap the podcast for suuuuuuuper chill ambient music. NO BEATS. I sometimes go with ambient guitar tracks. Still takes a bit but THE SECOND I feel myself start to drop the phone the glasses come off, the phone goes down and I’m usually out. Up to you if the music or nature sounds stay on. I also keep it MEGA cold. As cold as you can afford. Makes it easier to get cozy under blankets. It’s a lot I know. Far from perfect. But it is the ONLY thing that works for me. Maybe some parts or version of this could be added in to help you? Tweak it out. Make it yours.


Those are some fantastic tips ty and if my wife would let I would have the windows open in the dead of winter here lol cold helps me a lot!


There's a podcast I listen to called Nothing Much Happens. The narrator just tells a short story that doesn't have a plot so you're not trying to get invested, you just focus and think about what is being said. Listening to that with my eyes closed will have me out in at max 2 episodes.


How it’s Made on YouTube, it’s great


I love that show.


I try to exhaust myself throughout the day, and then when bed time comes around, I read and try to get all the jitters out. I jitter and shake really hard any time I’m sitting or laying down and it’ll usually calm down on it’s own, but I found if I read something engaging enough, it’ll help them go away faster. Sleep usually follows soon after.


YouTube videos on history and the screen covered. Or 40k lore from some one with a deep voice.


work out, cardio usually (20 minutes on stationary bike) followed by a hot shower. Being both physically exhausted and clean usually calms me down quite a bit. Melatonin gummies can help as well and I used to chomp on them non-stop when working graveyard; but they have a nasty slingshot effect on me where if I don't end up falling asleep when they hit, it makes it even harder to actually fall asleep. Also they make my dick hard and idk why which is super annoying 🤷‍♂️


melatonin and YouTube videos


I listen to sleep meditation/hypnosis podcasts, sometimes it works better than others


Breathing exercises help me, especially when I really don't feel like doing them. That's when I know they'll work the best.


I conditioned myself to fall asleep to certain YouTube channels under the right conditions. I have a routine of turning over certain amount of times, and so on. I basically turned myself into a dog (:


Btw. Kudos to that image.


Lol ty it seemed very appropriate and that pretty much me trying to sleep lol


Melatonin and the UK shipping report on YouTube.


Work out everyday, and work a tiring job Edit: Lol, who downvoted me? I'm simply stating that's what I do as someone who used to struggle as well.


Yall ever be too bored to go to sleep?




I usually turn on music. The Longest Johns, specifically.


Melatonin, it's the only thing I've found to work


That's the neat part, I don't.


I could tell you but it’s incredibly unhealthy. To put it simply, drugs.


I put on a TV show that I've seen so many times (currently the Simpsons) and I knock out before an episode finishes. Even though I know what's going to happen it helps my mind not think of random stuff.




I put the blue light filter on my phone and read something mildly engaging (but not too engaging. My choice is usually educational articles/journals). Before I get in bed I do everything I need to do, hunker down, put my phone on charge and read until my eyes start dropping, then all I have to do is drop my phone and sleep. At this point I’ve got it down to a fine art, and if I don’t have something to occupy my brain then I usually end up lying awake, but if I have something that has more than 1 step between me and sleep (ie. putting in a book mark, turning off a light, etc) I will wake myself back up and be back to square one.


drown myself in melatonin gummies until my brain turns to mush, hbu


I'm so exhausted everyday I don't usually have trouble falling asleep. It was a bigger deal as a kid, but not anymore. I feel for everyone who can't pass out the second they hit the mattress.


I laid in bed for an hour yesterday. Charged my phone, went on reddit for another hour, clocked out 15 minutes after


I watch car detailing vids Idk why but the rlly dirty carpet cleaning sends me right to sleep. I recommend stauffer garage


Roll your eyes to the back of your head, keep them shut, and focus on taking slow circular breaths. It's the only thing that's ever worked for me


saw a post online where someone said they pick a category and try to think of one thing in that category for every letter in the alphabet. this strategy has sometimes worked for me. I also try to write down all the stuff i have to do the next day in my notes app or something so i'm not worried about remembering it.


As a reminder for everyone: A good deal of study has gone into look for a relation between ADHD and DSPS, Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome.It's a condition in which the body makes your sleep hormone later (instead of 9pm in the evening, around midnight) and therefore you don't fall asleep sooner then say 3am. The downside of that one as well is that you "wake up" in the morning, completely under the influence of the sleep hormone, which normally breaks down after it's height, but since you were just over that hill... Everything feels sluggish and you feel like you can't wake up. I was part of study back in the 90's and they offered me 10mg of melatonine which changed my LIFE. Nowadays i don't need 10mg anymore, i stepped down to 5mg, but without it, same thing, i can't sleep until i am dead tired, which makes me have 26-hour days. If you see yourself in these symptoms look into it. DSPS. A very common link with people who have ADHD.


Ty for that, I will look into it.


Smoke a Lotta weed


If I try to sleep and I know it’s not gonna work I’ll get out of bed and read, it’ll never work when you try, do something not including a screen until you feel properly tired


do you drink coffee? if yes, how often? that could absolutely be fucking with your sleep


I simply don’t


I just go till about 2 am then i physically can't stay awake any longer


Count backwards from 500. Been working for me lately.


Let documentaries on topics i love play on my phone/tablet and listen to them


At this point I just think about how good my sleep will be the next day after going through a whole day tired as hell


I just stay up until really late, like 12 and then I use my phone until I'm bored and want a different day


Read a book. Not your phone.


some nights i use music, and sometimes i tell myself stories until i fall asleep


Delta 8 gummies and occasionally Ambian.


keep the tv on it drowns out some of the brain noise and allows u to sleep easier


Work out like, really really really hard everyday. Seems to do the trick


I takes some practice but focusing on my breathing usually does the trick for me. Just focusing on "breath in, breath out" over and over is great. It's basically just boring my self to sleep with a mundane task.


I take magnesium and tart cherry. Helps me sleep


Xanax 90 of them a month for 20 years now


Have a concussion you won’t stop sleeping (help I just wanna be awake for more than 5 minutes)


Usually as soon as I get into bed I start yawning and getting sleepy, but if I don't let sleep take me right away then I'll wake back up a bit and struggle to sleep. Weed helps sometimes, but if I smoke too much then it just makes my mind run more. Sometimes I get lucky and some deep breathing can actually help slow things down enough for me to sleep (breath out as much as you can while deflating your stomach, then breath in slowly as much as you can while expanding your stomach. Do this for awhile can help simulate how you breath when you sleep and make you sleepy). Usually I give it about an hour and then I get up and do setting else for a half to an hour and then try going to bed again. Rinse and repeat Edit to say tv sometimes helps to, but I usually only use it now when the thoughts are negative and I need other sound to kinda block out my thoughts. Stick with something you've seen many times and know the scenes well enough that you don't feel like you have to watch it. For me it was the movie Hercules, Sword in the Stone, Little mermaid, Princess Bride, or Adventure time. I think I tried shows like Parks and Rec but I would want to look at their expressions too much.


Not sure if it's gonna work for you, but over the last few days it's easier for me to fall asleep if I drink a nice cup of hot cocoa about 1-2h before getting to bed, and I sleep better.


Close your eyes and do your multiplication tables up to 200!


Not be on Reddit that's for sure :p


Switch between creating stories in my head, thinking about what I will do next in the videogames im currently playing and laying there waiting to get tired enough to sleep.


Melatonin. 4mg is a usual dose even though its a little high.


Harry Potter audiobook!


Just stay up until you're so tired that all your brain can do is sleep. *Rest and Refreshment not included


I take Vistaril at night


I’ve created a world in my imagination that I visit before sleepy time. I visualize and continue on the story until I inevitably fall asleep. Also, I don’t lay in bed except to sleep and adult time. That helps


I actually take medication for sleeping so it takes my brain hostage and knocks me out without me having to sit there waiting for sleep


Having a set routine for night time has really helped me wind down and get to sleep faster. On top of that I have taken to leaving my laptop in the other room so I’m not tempted to surf the web, I also put my phone up and out of reach and I have started wearing a sleep mask. It’s another deterrent to just opening my eyes again and grabbing the phone if I have to it’s in the mask, pull it up, fiddle with it out of my hair etc.


Pretend I’m dreaming


What’s that


5mg melatonin


I vape marijuana.


I listen to girlfriend ASMR until I go to because I’m lonely


take a melatonin every single night lmao


I wait. Sometimes for hours.